View Full Version : Elizabeth Edwards

7th December 2010, 19:46
I just found out that Elizabeth Edwards has been taken off medical treatment

in terms of Chemotherapy and Radiation.

Thankfully she is not in pain as suggested by some news outlets.

Whatever one's politics and or religion she is a person that exudes kindness

and strength.

I hope that when her time comes the likes of Ann Coulter will sit back and

take a good look at themselves and review what they have said about this

lovely,classy lady.

I doubt Coulter will do anything as she has shown her true vindictive,

sociopathic behavior too often.

Mark in Oshawa
7th December 2010, 22:52
ok....you need to get off the Ann Coulter bandwagon. First off, Elizabeth Edwards on the surface is the nice and gentle soul you claim, and yet she is a woman who basically knew all about Maelle Ricker but was very willing to lie and look the other way so her hubby could be President. Gee, come to think of it, the media knew too and looked the other way for quite some time.

The reality is, Elizabeth isn't a saint, and she aint quite the sinner some are either. She is unfortunately going to pass from Cancer, but the reality is she was quite willing to live a lie to put a pretty crooked guy in the White House who by the way was very willing to toss his Cancer stricken wife under the bus and leave her once the crap it the fan.

I believe Ann if I am not mistaken was chastising Edwards for her guillability and likely was over the top, but alas, how many left wing pundits and talking heads wished Cheney's heart would stop, Limbaugh had cancer and Bush got shot. Wasn't there a movie made called "The Assassination of George W. Bush"?

People are over the top on both sides.

8th December 2010, 05:11
ok....you need to get off the Ann Coulter bandwagon. First off, Elizabeth Edwards on the surface is the nice and gentle soul you claim, and yet she is a woman who basically knew all about Maelle Ricker but was very willing to lie and look the other way so her hubby could be President. Gee, come to think of it, the media knew too and looked the other way for quite some time.

The reality is, Elizabeth isn't a saint, and she aint quite the sinner some are either. She is unfortunately going to pass from Cancer, but the reality is she was quite willing to live a lie to put a pretty crooked guy in the White House who by the way was very willing to toss his Cancer stricken wife under the bus and leave her once the crap it the fan.

I believe Ann if I am not mistaken was chastising Edwards for her guillability and likely was over the top, but alas, how many left wing pundits and talking heads wished Cheney's heart would stop, Limbaugh had cancer and Bush got shot. Wasn't there a movie made called "The Assassination of George W. Bush"?

People are over the top on both sides.


your true colors are out for all to see. Your lack of compassion for a woman

that has passed, since I wrote the post, is sadly something I would not wish for anyone with a heart, to see.

The vindictiveness of your rant is appalling.

You speak of Coulter using her first name as though she were your buddy

and turn the thread into a political diatribe to express your disdain for the


Coulter is a vindictive hate filled crone that could not even attempt to

express sympathy to the wives of the lawmen and firefighters that lost their

lives on 9/11. I suspect that you have the same feelings.

By the way,let me and anyone ele know of whom you speak that wished

illness and death on the people you speak of. Something akin to "I hope you

get AIDS and die" by one of your brethern, Michael Savage. I'll wait patiently

look forward to the sources and of course a link.

If you want one for the Savage quote (got him fired by MSNBC). By the way,

his real name is Weiner. How apt.

Hopefully you or any of your loved ones ever falls victim to this disease. As

one who has intimate knowlege of this insidious disease it has never come to

my attention that a persons life is used as parameter to gauge the extent of

grief that should be expressed.

8th December 2010, 13:32
A true tragedy for the Edwards family. I'm sorry to hear of her passing. I wish all the best to her family and friends.

To bring politics into this, ON EITHER SIDE, is disgusting and not the right time for any of that.

8th December 2010, 21:52
A true tragedy for the Edwards family. I'm sorry to hear of her passing. I wish all the best to her family and friends.

To bring politics into this, ON EITHER SIDE, is disgusting and not the right time for any of that.

You have the audacity to address me privately which I will not discuss openly.

To the extent you did I hope that you have done so for the other participant

with a like minded chastisement.

To address Coulter was to address a spiteful individual with no decency. She

is not a politician nor will ever be. She is a pitiful person. That was my reason for her inclusion.

So, don't get on your high and mighty dais to try to condemn me for my post

and then speaking of Coulter who addressed Mrs Edwards on live TV laughing

when she knew what the struggle was she was going through.

There is no political ideal that I favor that would condone such horrendous behavior.

8th December 2010, 23:04
You have the audacity to address me privately which I will not discuss openly.

To the extent you did I hope that you have done so for the other participant

with a like minded chastisement.

To address Coulter was to address a spiteful individual with no decency. She

is not a politician nor will ever be. She is a pitiful person. That was my reason for her inclusion.

So, don't get on your high and mighty dais to try to condemn me for my post

and then speaking of Coulter who addressed Mrs Edwards on live TV laughing

when she knew what the struggle was she was going through.

There is no political ideal that I favor that would condone such horrendous behavior.

Seriously dude. Of all the people on this thread Chuck is the only one who has showed 100% class. Don't dare criticise him and pretend to be acting in the best interests of this woman's memory. Mark probably made an honest mistake and said things that you probably wouldn't usually say about someone whose body isn't yet cold but it would appear an honest mistake. You however pretend to care about this woman yet use her death as ammunition in some petty fight........

Mark in Oshawa
8th December 2010, 23:32
ok..I wont even READ what I wrote or whatever else has been said at this point....I will retract what I said. I was wrong, but alas, I didn't know she had passed when I wrote it.

Chuck informed me of my bad taste, and he was right to do so. Part of the thing I have always tried to do (not always successfully) was have a sense of decency and occasion. My views of her politics are immaterial. A family lost a mother, and from all accounts, she was a good one.

RIP Elizabeth Edwards.

Mark in Oshawa
8th December 2010, 23:33
I think it was the Coulter thing that boiled my blood.....people on the political left have gone after every right wing pol and said a lot of heinous stuff...so attacking Coulter is a tad hypocritical....but again, I will keep Elizabeth out of it.

9th December 2010, 01:26
Seriously dude. Of all the people on this thread Chuck is the only one who has showed 100% class. Don't dare criticise him and pretend to be acting in the best interests of this woman's memory. Mark probably made an honest mistake and said things that you probably wouldn't usually say about someone whose body isn't yet cold but it would appear an honest mistake. You however pretend to care about this woman yet use her death as ammunition in some petty fight........

Who on earth are you to lecture me on what you "presume" or "assume" was my intent.

If you are in the same medical field then I will gladly discuss this with you privately.

You are completely and totally diverting attention to where you want it to go and it is you, Mark andf this other person that have drawn this thread into where it is going.

I expressed my sympathy for Elizabeth Edwards and included the Ann Coulter for her venomous comments while this woman fought a double or should I say triple tragedy.

You have taken a side and it is apparent why.

So in your world you demand, you chastise and you forgive on the basis of one thing. Politics and your buddies.

As I stated. Join me in a private chat and I'll relay to you exactly the glaring faults and hypocrisy of what you have stated.

9th December 2010, 01:56
I think it was the Coulter thing that boiled my blood.....people on the political left have gone after every right wing pol and said a lot of heinous stuff...so attacking Coulter is a tad hypocritical....but again, I will keep Elizabeth out of it.

Why would attacking Coulter be hypocritical? She is neither dead nor is she ill to the best of my knowledge.

If the fact that the death of Mrs Edwards was not sufficient to at least cause you to think rationally (or the fact that she stopped taking meds), then it is a sad psychological place you are in.

The mention of a woman dying did not cause you concern. The fact that Ann

Coulter was mentioned was.

Now your cronies are coming out of the woodwork.

Mark in Oshawa
9th December 2010, 01:56
Well Daniel caught what I did accurately. As I said, didn't know....

As for you my Irish fan, going after Daniel is a bit silly...Daniel is putting it all in context.

You in a post talking about Mrs. Edwards dragged Coulter into this without actually saying Edwards had passed.

If someone passes, state your condolences, look at the good they did if overall they were a good person (and I think Elizabeth was despite my political views of her) and just leave it be....

As I said, that family lost a mother. If Ann Coulter is using her pulpit to beat to beat on Edwards, go write her a nasty letter or something. I wont mind..honest...

9th December 2010, 01:59
I think it was the Coulter thing that boiled my blood.....people on the political left have gone after every right wing pol and said a lot of heinous stuff...so attacking Coulter is a tad hypocritical....but again, I will keep Elizabeth out of it.

Supply the quotes by whom and where. I will guarantee I will be able to come

back with 10 times more.

Whatever liberals or democrats say is not getting people killed for listening

to Beck or O'Reilly and Hannity.

"Tiller the baby killer" ring any bells?

Mark in Oshawa
9th December 2010, 02:05
Supply the quotes by whom and where. I will guarantee I will be able to come

back with 10 times more.

Whatever liberals or democrats say is not getting people killed for listening

to Beck or O'Reilly and Hannity.

"Tiller the baby killer" ring any bells?

They called him that before he died and he was killed because there was a loon who took the law into his own hands. No one on the right with any sense condoned that. I guess you missed that part of O'Relly and Hannity. I guess killing all those fetuses of course has no ethical issue for you?

Trust me, there is enough bad manners going around to populate both sides....

drop all your outrage on this one...no one is beating the woman's memory to death tonight...

9th December 2010, 03:51
They called him that before he died and he was killed because there was a loon who took the law into his own hands. No one on the right with any sense condoned that. I guess you missed that part of O'Relly and Hannity. I guess killing all those fetuses of course has no ethical issue for you?

Trust me, there is enough bad manners going around to populate both sides....

drop all your outrage on this one...no one is beating the woman's memory to death tonight...

You are. You started it. You now say that they "called him that before he was murdered" That is the damn point. The constant chanting of hysterical propaganda is what caused his death. There were four cops killed in PA because a nut listened to Beck stating that President Obama was going to take his guns. He never mentioned guns once in his presidency and only an ill advised comment at another event.

As for abortion. "I guess killing all those fetuses of course has no ethical issue for you?"

How dare you make such a scornfully abusive remark. You have fallen to the

dregs of conversation with yet another of your shameful comments. Tell me if you know what a Umbelliferae is, a Oxalidaceae, a Vitaceae.

Have you ever heard of Anencephaly? It is when a fetus does not develop a brain or in some cases a spine. They are unable to breath. It can be determined in the period between embryonic or fetal. I'm sure you knew that and would be prepared to have a woman forced to carry a child that would be still born or dead within hours of birth. That is if there is birth.Would you want that of one of yours. Do you know why they dies so fast? how about Cytomegalovirus? Hydrocephalus? Phenylketonuria?

When one has to converse with a mother carrying a child with any of these disorders, that I highly doubt you know anything about and have to see both parents, only learning of the horrendous consequences awaiting them, you tell me, Mark from Oshawa with your accusatory, uneducated and dare I say juvenile comment on what you want me to be because that is what you want to fight. The me you think I am.

What I deal with most days ,as I am close to retiring, but , I have many

years dealing with the likes of the haters at the clinics where a fetus must be

aborted for many reasons, medically. But outside you have your medically

challenged groups espousing their beliefs through violence when the people

seeking help are in dire shape themselves.

God forbid Mark in Oshawa that this may come to haunt you one day.

I have been fortunate that only medical advise was sought. I would not wish the procedure on anyone and those that have to are braver men and women than me.

9th December 2010, 04:11
a long thread started by a troll who uses her death to go trolling.....and bashes others who fall victim to his trolling or calls him for what he is

9th December 2010, 04:13
I hope that when her time comes the likes of Ann Coulter will sit back and

take a good look at themselves and review what they have said about this

lovely,classy lady.

I doubt Coulter will do anything as she has shown her true vindictive,

sociopathic behavior too often.
way to hook them :down:

9th December 2010, 04:45
Well Daniel caught what I did accurately. As I said, didn't know....

As for you my Irish fan, going after Daniel is a bit silly...Daniel is putting it all in context.

You in a post talking about Mrs. Edwards dragged Coulter into this without actually saying Edwards had passed.

If someone passes, state your condolences, look at the good they did if overall they were a good person (and I think Elizabeth was despite my political views of her) and just leave it be....

As I said, that family lost a mother. If Ann Coulter is using her pulpit to beat to beat on Edwards, go write her a nasty letter or something. I wont mind..honest...

Well how eloquent of you to allow me the opportunity to take back my thread regarding a woman that was dying. Please forgive me for bringing that wondrous elegant and absolutely hysterically funny Ann Coulter.

So let me get this straight Mark in Oshawa. What is it that one must accomplish or feel in order to express sympathy. You imply that only in death is it allowed to mention Coulter in conjunction with Mrs Edwards illness.

By the way, I'm not Irish. Incorrect on another issue.

9th December 2010, 04:47
a long thread started by a troll who uses her death to go trolling.....and bashes others who fall victim to his trolling or calls him for what he is

How old are you?

9th December 2010, 05:20
How old are you?
old enough to know you got the "no class of a low life" to carry on like this in a thread about Ms Edwards.......credit to Don Meredith for that quote, he must have met you at some point

9th December 2010, 06:37
ok....you need to get off the Ann Coulter bandwagon. First off, Elizabeth Edwards on the surface is the nice and gentle soul you claim, and yet she is a woman who basically knew all about Maelle Ricker but was very willing to lie and look the other way so her hubby could be President. Gee, come to think of it, the media knew too and looked the other way for quite some time.

The reality is, Elizabeth isn't a saint, and she aint quite the sinner some are either. She is unfortunately going to pass from Cancer, but the reality is she was quite willing to live a lie to put a pretty crooked guy in the White House who by the way was very willing to toss his Cancer stricken wife under the bus and leave her once the crap it the fan.

I believe Ann if I am not mistaken was chastising Edwards for her guillability and likely was over the top, but alas, how many left wing pundits and talking heads wished Cheney's heart would stop, Limbaugh had cancer and Bush got shot. Wasn't there a movie made called "The Assassination of George W. Bush"?

People are over the top on both sides.

Excellent Post

9th December 2010, 08:05
Who on earth are you to lecture me on what you "presume" or "assume" was my intent.

If you are in the same medical field then I will gladly discuss this with you privately.

You are completely and totally diverting attention to where you want it to go and it is you, Mark andf this other person that have drawn this thread into where it is going.

I expressed my sympathy for Elizabeth Edwards and included the Ann Coulter for her venomous comments while this woman fought a double or should I say triple tragedy.

You have taken a side and it is apparent why.

So in your world you demand, you chastise and you forgive on the basis of one thing. Politics and your buddies.

As I stated. Join me in a private chat and I'll relay to you exactly the glaring faults and hypocrisy of what you have stated.

*shakes head*

I've not taken a side. Politically I'm on the other side compared to Mark or Chuck but in this case they're the ones who've acted in the right way. You're trying to use her death to score points on a forum. Shame on you.

9th December 2010, 13:36
I think it's pretty clear for all to see what the true intentions of "glauistean" are. The only one that doesn't seem to get it is him.

Way to completly tarnish the memory of someone, who by all accounts, was someone who tried to do the best she could for the most people she could, was honest, kind, loving, and a good mother. And you "glauistean" have done nothing but drag her name and memory through the mud to score some political points. When Mark, Daniel, and I all agree on something, perhaps you should listen.

9th December 2010, 17:20
I think it's pretty clear for all to see what the true intentions of "glauistean" are. The only one that doesn't seem to get it is him.

Way to completly tarnish the memory of someone, who by all accounts, was someone who tried to do the best she could for the most people she could, was honest, kind, loving, and a good mother. And you "glauistean" have done nothing but drag her name and memory through the mud to score some political points. When Mark, Daniel, and I all agree on something, perhaps you should listen.

Direct me to where I have disparaged the memory of Elizabeth Edwards! Then direct me as to where my intention are "clear".
Because you have one or two people agreeing with you does not make your case stronger. There are many variables to consider and I suggest the second post on this thread initiated the political tone and away from the clear intent of my post which to no surprise evades you.

Loius Pasteur had issues convincing people that he had developed a vaccine and identified different types of viruses such as, silkworm disease, anthrax, rabies. Albert Einstein took years to have his work taken seriously as his logic was misinterpreted by many.

Dr Christiaan Bernard was viewed as a charlatan by right wing

fundamentalists because he pioneered heart transplants. According to these

people he was interfering with nature.

Now, I would be remiss to state that most of these people would have

interfered with nature many times themselves. A dentist pulling a tooth, a

wound sutured, a polio shot or an aspirin for a headache.

So that I do not receive a post declaring that I am comparing myself to any

of these individuals, the intelligent amongst you will get my point.

As to Mark in Oshawa (sic) I'm still waiting for that list. Four days have passed.

race aficionado
9th December 2010, 17:41
Sadly, this is a thread that has veered astray from the very beginning.

It should be shot out of it's misery and allow the original intent of wishing that a deceased person finally rest in peace.

Elizabeth Edwards, Rest in Peace.


9th December 2010, 20:02
There are many variables to consider and I suggest the second post on this thread initiated the political tone and away from the clear intent of my post which to no surprise evades you.

SECOND POST!??? You've got to be kidding me.

I hope that when her time comes the likes of Ann Coulter will sit back and

take a good look at themselves and review what they have said about this

lovely,classy lady.

I doubt Coulter will do anything as she has shown her true vindictive,

sociopathic behavior too often.

Post #1 by the one and only "glauistean". YOU ARE THE ONE THAT BROUGHT UP ANN COULTER.

I am done with this topic, it is asinine and I won't be brought down to your level.

9th December 2010, 22:24
SECOND POST!??? You've got to be kidding me.

Post #1 by the one and only "glauistean". YOU ARE THE ONE THAT BROUGHT UP ANN COULTER.

I am done with this topic, it is asinine and I won't be brought down to your level.

Where your level is concerned it would be up.

Since when and how is bringing Ann Coulters ugly comments creating a political discourse unless it is stated as such?

10th December 2010, 13:20
What a troll.

10th December 2010, 13:23
Where your level is concerned it would be up.

Since when and how is bringing Ann Coulters ugly comments creating a political discourse unless it is stated as such?

That makes no sense at all.

That's like saying "Since when and how is hitting people over the head with a baseball bat considered violence unless stated as such"

Stop digging a hole for yourself and quit befouling this woman's memory with your ill thought out digs at others.

10th December 2010, 16:19
That makes no sense at all.

That's like saying "Since when and how is hitting people over the head with a baseball bat considered violence unless stated as such"

Stop digging a hole for yourself and quit befouling this woman's memory with your ill thought out digs at others.

There are times that when reading some posts I am left so perplexed at the

inability of those posting to understand what is being said. They jump from

post to post and agree with whomever they have to because it suits their

line of thinking or more aptly put, their lack of.

I have stated my profession many times on this forum but this single thread

and the responses are such that it is sad that people like you are trying to

twist a positive into a negative because YOU and others are the ones that

have politicized the death of Mrs Edwards.

Perhaps you could enlighten me where I have "befouled" her memory and also

tell me when I have spoken without thinking.

I would suggest to you Mr Daniel that you read what I stated and from there

do as no other person is capable of doing, namely Mark from Oshawa or

whatever his name is and this Chuck person with his indignation have failed

to do.

Explain to me how it is that I have disparaged the memory of Mrs Edwards in anyway.

Tell me how bringing Coulter's name (a supposed analyst) was making it a


I'll await your response.