View Full Version : New Honda Part

6th December 2010, 03:29
http://www.mcnews.com.au/forum/images/icons/icon1.gif Honda part just out for 2011

shamelessy stolem from elsewere

6th December 2010, 17:22
Several years ago I saw something similar to that on a WRX forum. Only on the upper end of the speedo dial, there was a jail cell! :D

Easy Drifter
6th December 2010, 18:47
That would fit in the Nanny Province of Ontario with Premier dad Mcliar (McGuinty). 50 k over the limit and you lose your car and licence on the spot for 7 days. Enjoy your walk home at 40 below. Or hope the tow truck driver at least gives you a lift to the impound yard.
Spin your wheels and it is called stunt driving and the same result.

6th December 2010, 20:36
Spin your wheels and it is called stunt driving and the same result.

I will have to remember that if I ever visit Canada. As it happens to me at every 2nd green light.

Easy Drifter
7th December 2010, 04:45
Just Ont. not the rest of Canada.
As of today in Ont. if you refuse to take a breathalizer test, even if you have had nothing to drink, your car will be seized and your licence lifted for 7 days.
You owe support payments same thing.