View Full Version : I realise this is in bad taste........

13th March 2007, 09:32
..... but a website is taking bets as to whether Heather Mills' prosthetic leg will fall of during a dance routing for Dancing with the stars.


Dave B
13th March 2007, 10:10
So many possible jokes, but like you say: all in bad taste.

I guess a lot of people formed an opinion of Mills based on reports in the tabloids - money-grabbing, manipulative, calculating - but there's also the huge amount of work she's done for landmine charities. I guess only a few people really know what she's like.

13th March 2007, 10:13
I'd say she deserves what se get's for joining such a horrid tv-show.
Eating with monkeys, that'll be the next big hit in reality c-class celeb shows.

13th March 2007, 10:22
I'd say she deserves what se get's for joining such a horrid tv-show.
Eating with monkeys, that'll be the next big hit in reality c-class celeb shows.

Good point. :devil:

13th March 2007, 11:51
harsh but funny

13th March 2007, 12:04
..... but a website is taking bets as to whether Heather Mills' prosthetic leg will fall of during a dance routing for Dancing with the stars.


I am hoping it does as that would be well funny! :D :D :D

13th March 2007, 14:48
Erm ..... that's not very funny at all......

13th March 2007, 15:09
Well, reading the article, it seems that she thinks of her handicap in a light-hearted way. I guess it would be funny if it was also funny to her.

I hope, though, that noone here wishes to see a handicapped person humiliated..

13th March 2007, 16:09
Erm ..... that's not very funny at all......

Yes it was Daniel the woman is a Muppet!!! :D
I think she would find it funny if it didnt happen!!! ;) :)

oily oaf
13th March 2007, 17:02
Erm ..... that's not very funny at all......

Come on Dan. Have a heart mate. Poor old Hotbi...etc is at a bit of an all time low today.
She was turned down for an appearance on The Jerry Springer Show yesterday :(

Apparently the programme executives were worried that her trailer would bring down the tone of the carpark.

As you were.

Hazell B
13th March 2007, 21:28
Yes it was Daniel the woman is a Muppet!!! :D
I think she would find it funny if it didnt happen!!! ;) :)

Know her well, do you? :rolleyes:

She's managed to make landmines and certain areas of animal rights issues hit the headlines in a very good way, so I can't knock her for that. In fact, much as I've read some pretty nasty stuff about her, I wouldn't mind if she were to move in next door (not that she'd sink that low!)

Her leg did once fall off in really funny circumstances. She'd grabbed some fur-wearing character (Beyonce Whatsit I think it was) then when the bodyguards tried to drag her off, the leg came away leaving Ms Mills still clutching the fur coat fan like a limpet :p :
PETA use the film footage of it and it's utterly hillarious.

I'm pretty sure she'd laugh if the leg came off, but other people laughing at rather than with her are just sad individuals.

13th March 2007, 23:34
I guess the lady doesn't want anyone to tell her she can't do something ..... :s
I wonder how many people will laugh if her leg falls off ..... I know I won't laugh.

13th March 2007, 23:43
She's managed to make landmines


Ian McC
14th March 2007, 00:49
Hmm, whatever she has done before, it is difficult not to think that there is a lot of point scoring going on between her and her ex.

14th March 2007, 02:03
Know her well, do you?

No I don't, Hazell, and normally I'm with you on celebrities, that we shouldn't judge them based on what the papers say, but in Heather McCartney's case I feel a bit different. I read what her ex-fiance had to say, detailing how she dumped him for no apparent reason except that she seemed to have met, on the eve of their wedding, somebody more famous and rich than him. The interview said more than that, but it was enough to convince me that probably this is a woman I would not like to have as a friend or neighbour. I strongly suspect that, landmines or no landmines, she deserves all the bad press she gets.

14th March 2007, 06:17
well I would imagine if they shape the leg correctly it would probably look like nothing more that wearing a nylon stocking when undressed. I once danced with a very attractive woman with a wooden leg and quite frankly I could not visually tell much difference except when we danced she kept going around in circles.

oily oaf
14th March 2007, 07:21
REPORTER: Do you think you'll ever go down on one knee again Mr McCartney?

PM: What! After she's tried to stitch me up for every penny I've got? No chance squire!

All joking aside I've heard that one of the reasons for their acrimonious split was Ms Mills' heavy drinking.
Apparently she used to neck 14 cans of Special Brew a night :eek:
She must have hollow legs is all I can say.

I'm here all week :(

oily oaf
14th March 2007, 07:33
Can I just say that I'm completely stumped as to how lowlife scum like Fousto and Oaf can make crude and hurtful jokes about 2 people going through a painful and extremely public divorce.
Personally I think it's absolutely prosthetic!

Yours faithfully
Long John Silver
69 Aaaaaaaaaaargh Drive
Jim Lad Towers
Treasure Island
The Caribbean (near that Michael Winner's gaff)

oily oaf
14th March 2007, 08:15
I should like to make a full, unreserved and public apology for the appalling nature of the above jokes :(

This comes in the light of some rather distressing news from America where Ms Mills has been rehearsing her ice dancing routines for the forthcoming Dancing With The Stars TV extravaganza.

Apparently the poor woman fell rather heavily on the ice and was then run over by her skating partner which resulted in the severing of both her arms.
This tragedy was further compounded by a livid bruise which appeared on her forehead giving her the rather disconcerting appearance of having a third eye.

Fortunately it wasn't all bad and her luck took a pronounced turn for the better when she left the venue later that evening and found that the bus to her home was already waiting outside :)

Her joy was short lived however when the bus conductor looked her up and down and pronounced
Eye eye eye! You look 'armless. Hop on!

(picks up long wooden spoon and continues to scrape lustily at bottom of barrel)

14th March 2007, 15:02
I should like to make a full, unreserved and public apology for the appalling nature of the above jokes :(

This comes in the light of some rather distressing news from America where Ms Mills has been rehearsing her ice dancing routines for the forthcoming Dancing With The Stars TV extravaganza.

Apparently the poor woman fell rather heavily on the ice and was then run over by her skating partner which resulted in the severing of both her arms.
This tragedy was further compounded by a livid bruise which appeared on her forehead giving her the rather disconcerting appearance of having a third eye.

Fortunately it wasn't all bad and her luck took a pronounced turn for the better when she left the venue later that evening and found that the bus to her home was already waiting outside :)

Her joy was short lived however when the bus conductor looked her up and down and pronounced
Eye eye eye! You look 'armless. Hop on!

(picks up long wooden spoon and continues to scrape lustily at bottom of barrel)

Well, at least she managed to get out of 'arms way...

(pass the spoon Oily... :mark: )

Azumanga Davo
14th March 2007, 15:18
Oh, give it a wrist, you silly joker. :D

14th March 2007, 15:28
Following the severance of her upper limbs, Ms. Mills was seen shopping for prosthetic arms in the bargain-bin of the top floor of a discount arms dealer. She became quite agitated when she couldn't find exactly what she was searching for.
She was last seen up in arms.

(Oily, help! I can't stop...)

Hazell B
14th March 2007, 19:59
To borrow frojm Paul Merton here, I'm shaking more than Heather Mills on a tighrope .... with laughter :laugh:

donKey jote
14th March 2007, 22:17
This thread reminds me of my friend Bob :dozey: