View Full Version : Christmas Shopping

1st December 2010, 16:09
Only three Saturdays left until Christmas! :eek:

Have you all finished your Christmas shopping? Have you started?!
I haven't :erm: .

I have no idea what to get the missus this year :s . Suggestions please! :D
My 6-year old wants an iPod :dozey: .

1st December 2010, 17:20

My 6-year old wants an iPod :dozey: .

Hey! Mine too !!! :D :s :)

donKey jote
1st December 2010, 17:35
Get yer missus an ipod and that's your shopping done :p

2nd December 2010, 00:40
I am pretty much 100% skint this year so will be going for cheapie presents after pay day.... but hey, they still love my TV I got so they shouldn't expect too much else :D

2nd December 2010, 07:30
I have no idea what to get the missus this year :s . .

Jewels, furs and good perfumes are always welcome.

2nd December 2010, 12:55
I have no idea what to get the missus this year :s . Suggestions please! :D

Try this:

a nice bouquet of flowers different from what you typically get her, and open a bottle of something she enjoys when the kids are in bed on Christmas eve... :D

2nd December 2010, 15:51
I have no idea what to get the missus this year :s . Suggestions please! :D

Get her a vacuum cleaner, iron, floor mop etc. That should give her a hint and you an eye that matches old Bernie :D

Seriuosly, you can't go wrong with jewelery my man. When I don't know what to get, I get the missus a nice pair of earings or a necklace and I am always safe!

2nd December 2010, 16:10
Only three Saturdays left until Christmas! :eek:

Have you all finished your Christmas shopping? Have you started?!
I haven't :erm: .

I have no idea what to get the missus this year :s . Suggestions please! :D
My 6-year old wants an iPod :dozey: .

a trip to somewhere warm and sunny?

2nd December 2010, 19:04
I have no idea what to get the missus this year

I've learned that you can never go wrong with a gift of spa (not the racing circuit).
There's a place down at Mount Royal Village on 17th Ave SW - can't recall the name - you can get a half day gift of massage, mud, rub down, steaming, and whatever else they do.
A very good 'brownie-point' investment, sure to pay dividends when the playoffs roll around, or when you need to upgrade your BBQ infrastructure!

Hazell B
3rd December 2010, 11:04
I have no idea what to get the missus this year .....

I bet she's told you several times but you just haven't noticed. Men hear "blah, blah, like that, blah" and don't realise they're being shown prospective presents for months before the big day :mark:

Perfume, jewellery or flowers :up:

I've done all mine already except for my partner. He's getting nothing since he got me just socks last year :(

3rd December 2010, 11:30
What about St. Nikolaus? Isn't he coming to you with gifts on the 5/6 December night? It's a german tradition ( I think ) but we celebrate it here. Tradition says that those who were cheeky will get a stick... :laugh:

Mark in Oshawa
5th December 2010, 02:39
Gadjo, I get the stick I suspect!

Schmenke, Hazell is right..she likely was giving you hints and you like most married guys are slow on the pickup. I know..been there..done that...bought the t shirt...

However, jewellery, clothes (easier to pick out than you think if you have a grasp of what stuff your wife likes to wear) and maybe the spa always work. That, and my wife always appreciates stuff that she wants for her latest hobby. In this case, my wife is into making costume jewellery so I will likely get some more storage boxes and the like for it.

5th December 2010, 15:15
Over it! I'm sick of being bombarded to buy a bunch of useless crap.

The only thing I'm picking up is a fresh set of underwear that will last me until next year.

N. Jones
5th December 2010, 15:28
We (meaning my wife and I) are done. :)