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29th November 2010, 14:32
RIP Leslie Nielson.

29th November 2010, 15:24
Leg end! Nuff said.

29th November 2010, 17:21
But do call him Nielsen. RIP.

29th November 2010, 20:03
RIP Leslie. We've lost a comic genius.

29th November 2010, 20:27
I remember when he was a serious actor, although generally a little offbeat!


Rest in peace my man! :(

29th November 2010, 21:13
I remember when he was a serious actor, although generally a little offbeat!


Rest in peace my man! :(

He will always be Commander J. J. Adams in my memories.

Forbidden Planet is one of the greatest Sci-Fi movies of all time. When other movies of that Genre during that time were cheesy, low budget affairs Forbidden Planet raised the bar that wasn't even approached until 2001 A Space Odessy 15 years later.
If you get a chance to see it remember 2 things. First it was released in 1956 and 2nd, it is basically a SciFi version of Shakespeare's "The Tempest"

2 more things. I was nominated an Oscar for Special effects and it was the 1st movie with an all Electronic Musical Score.......

Mark in Oshawa
30th November 2010, 06:34
My favourite line? "Nice Beaver"...as Priscilla Presley was going up the ladder in a skirt..and then she hands down the stuffed beaver and says "Thanks, I just had it stuffed". First time I saw that, I damn near died laughing....THAT was as definitive of what this guy was about as anything.....double entendre's, straight faces in the chaos...oh yes....

RIP Leslie..a nation mourns and a lot of other people too!

30th November 2010, 06:44
Dr.Rumack in Airplane! and Lt. Frank Drebin... both great characters :)

RIP Mr. Nielsen.

30th November 2010, 07:26
It's not often that a comic actor can reach the status where just thinking about scenes from his movies brings a smile to your face. RIP

30th November 2010, 10:06
RIP Leslie. Thank you for all the great laughs :up:

30th November 2010, 10:14
RIP Leslie, u will be missed.....

Surely you jest....

Please don't call me Shirley.....

That has been part of my repertoire for years, thanks to you.

Thanks for all the great laughs :up: