View Full Version : Walking Dead

24th November 2010, 22:01
I love a good zombie movies like Dawn of the Dead, 28 Days Later, Shawn of the Dead :D etc... I don't why this genre appeals me but I like them movies :up:

I watched two episodes of Walking Dead and it was brilliant. How many episodes are out in US already?

24th November 2010, 22:53
I love a good zombie movies like Dawn of the Dead, 28 Days Later, Shawn of the Dead :D etc... I don't why this genre appeals me but I like them movies :up:

I watched two episodes of Walking Dead and it was brilliant. How many episodes are out in US already?
Have you played Left 4 Dead Jani? If you like zombie movies you'll love it.


Any zombie movie lover will love the game :)

24th November 2010, 23:07
I haven't played it but I noticed you said great things about it way earlier so i checked it.

If only I had more time.... (and a decent pc) :)

24th November 2010, 23:08
I haven't played it but I noticed you said great things about it way earlier so i checked it.

If only I had more time.... (and a decent pc) :)
You shouldn't need an amazingly good PC. I reckon your PC will be just fine :)

24th November 2010, 23:09
Not at this moment. I burnt my graphic card... again. So I'm about to buy a whole new PC. And when I do, I'll be heading to New Vegas ;)

24th November 2010, 23:10
Not at this moment. I burnt my graphic card... again. So I'm about to buy a whole new PC. And when I do, I'll be heading to New Vegas ;)
If you want any advice on the pc you know where to ask ;) There's some good stuff coming out early next year too :)

Anyway back to zombies ;D

25th November 2010, 18:03
Mindless thread.

26th November 2010, 19:45
I watched two episodes of Walking Dead and it was brilliant. How many episodes are out in US already?

We're up to Ep.4 now, with #5 coming on this Sunday. After watching Breaking Bad, Mad Men, Rubicon and the mini-series The Prisoner, I decided that I owed it to myself to watch anything on AMC. That network has the absolute best original dramas of any network I've ever seen. I liked Breaking Bad and Mad Men right off the bat (although Mad Men is slipping quite a bit, IMO). It took me awhile to warm up to Rubicon, but as it's moved through its paces and the stories and characters have developed, I now see it as fairly brilliant, as was The Prisoner.

I missed part of the first episode of The Walking Dead, but I've seen all the other episodes. I'm still warming up to it. I thought it might be kind of silly, but as with some other AMC dramas, it takes a genre that I'm not crazy about and weaves very good stories around it.

My personal rule with AMC: I'd watch an AMC mini-series based on Sarah Palin reading a comic book. Why? Because I figure they could take something that is based on the borderline retarded... and still turn it into something that doesn't just appeal to the least common denominators among us.

My only real criticism so far is that the show has this tendency to use certain stereotypical Hollywood social formulas (revolving around racism and domestic violence) to extract emotions from viewers. That Pavlov's dog thing really annoys me. It's taking the easy way out. A minor criticism is the use and handling of firearms in the show. What (real) cop would have a a giant Colt Python as a primary sidearm?! And guys, NO cop would have a Glock without a round in the chamber... and it doesn't have a safety!!! I watched the actors hand go to the nonexistent safety during the roadblock scene, and then I heard the "click" of the safety being disengaged. I have several Glocks and I stared at all of them for several minutes (not really), and yet I never found a safety on any of them! Also, the casting of Jon Bernthal as a southern sheriff's deputy was a really bad decision. I always find it annoying when I can tell that someone is basically doing a stereotypical imitation of how they think a southerner sounds. It's not easy to pass off a nice Jewish boy from D.C., who attended Sidwell Friends School, as an "aw shucks!", good ol' boy... and this guy is NOT up to that task! Mick Jagger did a better southern accent in various Beggar's Banquet songs than this guy does.

But even with those relatively minor criticisms, I'm still going to give this show a chance and continue watching it. It's pretty good. It's not Breaking Bad or Rubicon, but it's pretty good, IMO.

27th November 2010, 10:11
We're up to Ep.4 now, with #5 coming on this Sunday. After watching Breaking Bad, Mad Men, Rubicon and the mini-series The Prisoner, I decided that I owed it to myself to watch anything on AMC. That network has the absolute best original dramas of any network I've ever seen. I liked Breaking Bad and Mad Men right off the bat (although Mad Men is slipping quite a bit, IMO). It took me awhile to warm up to Rubicon, but as it's moved through its paces and the stories and characters have developed, I now see it as fairly brilliant, as was The Prisoner.

I missed part of the first episode of The Walking Dead, but I've seen all the other episodes. I'm still warming up to it. I thought it might be kind of silly, but as with some other AMC dramas, it takes a genre that I'm not crazy about and weaves very good stories around it.

My personal rule with AMC: I'd watch an AMC mini-series based on Sarah Palin reading a comic book. Why? Because I figure they could take something that is based on the borderline retarded... and still turn it into something that doesn't just appeal to the least common denominators among us.

My only real criticism so far is that the show has this tendency to use certain stereotypical Hollywood social formulas (revolving around racism and domestic violence) to extract emotions from viewers. That Pavlov's dog thing really annoys me. It's taking the easy way out. A minor criticism is the use and handling of firearms in the show. What (real) cop would have a a giant Colt Python as a primary sidearm?! And guys, NO cop would have a Glock without a round in the chamber... and it doesn't have a safety!!! I watched the actors hand go to the nonexistent safety during the roadblock scene, and then I heard the "click" of the safety being disengaged. I have several Glocks and I stared at all of them for several minutes (not really), and yet I never found a safety on any of them! Also, the casting of Jon Bernthal as a southern sheriff's deputy was a really bad decision. I always find it annoying when I can tell that someone is basically doing a stereotypical imitation of how they think a southerner sounds. It's not easy to pass off a nice Jewish boy from D.C., who attended Sidwell Friends School, as an "aw shucks!", good ol' boy... and this guy is NOT up to that task! Mick Jagger did a better southern accent in various Beggar's Banquet songs than this guy does.

But even with those relatively minor criticisms, I'm still going to give this show a chance and continue watching it. It's pretty good. It's not Breaking Bad or Rubicon, but it's pretty good, IMO.

Love your post :up:

Breaking Bad, eh? I have to check that one out.

29th November 2010, 08:52
Have watched 4th Ep so far and look forward for Ep. 5 :D

29th November 2010, 15:28
I thought last night's episode was the best I've seen so far. I think part of it was that the actors seem to be settling into their parts better. I guess it's hard for an actor to pretend to be someone until they really figure out exactly who they're supposed to be. I thought that most every scene last night was well played.

And how about the "Lost" moment when that certain something happened near the end. Memories of John Locke and the hatch door, anyone? :D

30th November 2010, 06:47
No spoilers please ;)

30th November 2010, 07:07
No spoilers please ;)

Exactly, or this thread will be closed :p :

1st December 2010, 01:55
No spoilers please ;)

OK, so here is what happens..... ;)

Good series so far, hopefully it won't fade away. In some sense the entire "walking dead" thing can only be taken so far on it's own, and the plots other than the obvious kill the geeks and survive will have to dominate.

1st December 2010, 20:30
Don't worry. You can let your mind run wild, and you still won't know what I'm talking about until you see the scene. :)

18th December 2010, 01:24
The episode that I mentioned above... well, I thought that was the season finale! Luckily I set my DVR to record the actual season finale repeat later the next week.

The finale was pretty good. Several sites have listed The Walking Dead as yet another intelligent hit for AMC.

Also, I've heard that there's been a MAJOR shakeup in the writing staff already. So it'll be interesting to see what's in store for the next season of The Walking Dead.