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24th November 2010, 12:54
I know it's still a while until this rally (6-8may)
But is there already some news about this round?
I'm thinking about going there...

Are the stages the same like 2009 or will they be like in the IRC (2010)?

24th November 2010, 12:55
Don't know about the stages but if Mini's schedule is on time it would be good seeing the debut of the team.

24th November 2010, 16:12
I talked with a collaborator of Carlo Cassina (Valentino Rossi's co-driver and responsible for the route of Rally d'Italia Sardegna) and he told me they're working on a 4-days rally.

First day on tarmac, with 3-4 stages by night near Cagliari.
Day 2 near Monte Grighine (the stage broadcasted live on Eurosport) and Gonnosnò.
Day 3 and 4 in Gallura region, around Olbia like the past WRC events.

BTW, probably the Costa Smeralda Rally (Italian championship, with many "works" cars of importers) will be merged... but that's not clear yet!

I written an article on my magazine... if you want, please PM me!

15th December 2010, 13:29

Online the 2011 route... nice to see the first stage in Omodeo Lake, where a Rally Ronde is held every year ;)

15th December 2010, 18:31
Program http://planetemarcus.free.fr/italie11.htm

Power Stage is on !

15th December 2010, 21:06
For an idea with a difference. It will be possible to spend a day at the IRC Tour de Corse then catch the ferry to Sardinia for the WRC. Or vice versa.......

Two top class rallies on two neighbouring islands on the same weekend, could be interesting. A chance to see many top class drivers in various cars.

General Prim
16th December 2010, 14:56
For an idea with a difference. It will be possible to spend a day at the IRC Tour de Corse then catch the ferry to Sardinia for the WRC. Or vice versa.......

Two top class rallies on two neighbouring islands on the same weekend, could be interesting. A chance to see many top class drivers in various cars.

Why not to put ALL the cars together and not separate spectators? :-)

16th December 2010, 15:01
Why not to put ALL the cars together and not separate spectators? :-)

I think Tour De Corse will change date ;)

22nd December 2010, 12:03
I know some places in Mount Grighine (SS Grighine North) and Gonnosnò (Alta Marmilla stage). When I have some time will send u via MP.

Btw, we have to wait the RG2 maps, they'll be clear and detailed!

23rd December 2010, 11:37

Pascal 07
24th December 2010, 18:17
Magnifique rallye !





16th February 2011, 12:49
No Ken Block :-(
Kimi will be present

and maybe with PG?

16th February 2011, 12:59
Magnifique rallye !


28th February 2011, 20:40
PG Andersson has booked a Fiesta WRC for WRC Italy :-)

1st March 2011, 12:11
It's a great news! :)

PG Andersson has booked a Fiesta WRC for WRC Italy :-)

1st March 2011, 12:30
9 Fiesta WRC for Italy:

Mikko Hirvonen
Jari Matti Latvala
Henning Solberg
Mads Østberg

Federico Villagra

Dennis Kuipers

Matthew Wilson
P.G Andersson
Evgeny Novikov

1st March 2011, 14:57

You missed Al Qassimi, which will be in ;)

5th March 2011, 10:19
Updated itinerary: http://www.rallyitaliasardegna.com/2011/gb/itinerary.htm

13th March 2011, 10:34
Do you know where will be the shakedown this year ?

Atob WRC
13th March 2011, 15:14
Do you know where will be the shakedown this year ?

I think that in the same place than last years: Monte Pino.

14th March 2011, 10:50
Anybody got a spare place in car or accommodation as the return flight from london to Alghero is a ridiculous £27 return for the rally period but I hven't any rally fan friends. More than willing to pay my share. Alternatively if there are 2 other Brits interested pm quickly me as we could do wednesday 4/5 to Monday 9/5 (so we' d get shakedown as well) for about £120 each (flight, car and accom)
Monday 1000 GMT - Ryanair now at £35 return for 3 adults 4/5-9/5 But could do flight and accom cheaper by flyng in on Friday 6/5 (arrives early morning) intime to catch late morning /afternoon stages

14th March 2011, 12:36
quindi ricapitolando :

ds3 wrc :
leob - elena
ogier - ingrassia
p. solberg - patterson
raikkonen - lindström
van merksteijn - chevaillier

fiesta wrc :
hirvonen - lehtinen
latvala - anttila
ostberg - andersson
wilson - martin
h. solberg - minor
villagra - companc
kuipers - miclotte
novikov - prevot
andersson - axelsson (???)
al qassim - orr

mini wrc:
sordo - marti
meeke - nagle
araujo - ramalho
oliveira - magalhaes
longhi - baggio (???)
perego - pizzuti (???)

Fiesta S2000:

Skoda S2000:

Punto S2000:

rally accademy:
fiesta r2:
Matteo Brunello - Michele Ferrara
Andrea Crugnola - Roberto Mometti
+ tutti gli altri che non trovo la lista

Extra campionato:
Subaru STi:
Linari - ? (???)

Lancer evo9

Citreon C2 (a6):
donadio r. - baldacci s.

Punto S2000:
Rossetti - Chiarcossi

207 S2000:
Andreucci - Andreussi
cunico - ? (???)

207 S2000:
Aghini - ? (???)

ceccoli (???)
ricci (???)
arminen (???)
trentin (???)

Trofeo Ford Fiesta 2011
fiesta r2

trofeo 207 r3t terra
207 r3t

17th March 2011, 22:40
Anybody got a spare place in car or accommodation as the return flight from london to Alghero is a ridiculous £27 return for the rally period but I hven't any rally fan friends. More than willing to pay my share. Alternatively if there are 2 other Brits interested pm quickly me as we could do wednesday 4/5 to Monday 9/5 (so we' d get shakedown as well) for about £120 each (flight, car and accom)
Monday 1000 GMT - Ryanair now at £35 return for 3 adults 4/5-9/5 But could do flight and accom cheaper by flyng in on Friday 6/5 (arrives early morning) intime to catch late morning /afternoon stages
Bump, come on someone must be interested, doesnt have to be a Brit so long as you can arrive at Alghero on Wednesday / Friday morning and depart on Monday morning. Key camp de luxe mobile home and car hire would be about 106 euro per person (less for a Friday start) if 2 other people join me. Petrol wouldn't be expensive as the distances to drive aren't great.

19th March 2011, 04:19
How cheap are you ?

Me and the misses flew from Canada to attend this rally in 2008

You wouldn't want to know what our flight cost
If you only know how lucky you are to able to fly for so cheap.

My suggestion to you is buy a 35 euro tent, take the 3 adult 35 euro fare and camp out for the weekend and soak in the vibe.

Enjoy, wish we could....

Anybody got a spare place in car or accommodation as the return flight from london to Alghero is a ridiculous £27 return for the rally period but I hven't any rally fan friends. More than willing to pay my share. Alternatively if there are 2 other Brits interested pm quickly me as we could do wednesday 4/5 to Monday 9/5 (so we' d get shakedown as well) for about £120 each (flight, car and accom)
Monday 1000 GMT - Ryanair now at £35 return for 3 adults 4/5-9/5 But could do flight and accom cheaper by flyng in on Friday 6/5 (arrives early morning) intime to catch late morning /afternoon stages

Xsara Fan
20th March 2011, 19:28
Evgeny Novikov will start with Denis Giraudet.

20th March 2011, 20:00
why this change XsaraFan?

Xsara Fan
20th March 2011, 23:58
why this change XsaraFan?

Because Prevot has contract with Atkinson and during Sardinia Rally Stephane will be busy at APRC :) After that Novikov again will start with Prevot.

21st March 2011, 09:27
Because Prevot has contract with Atkinson and during Sardinia Rally Stephane will be busy at APRC :) After that Novikov again will start with Prevot.

Thanks for the updates about Novikov, keep them coming. :up:

Nice to have Denis Giraudet back in WRC action, great codriver and character.

21st March 2011, 12:23
Thanks Xsara Fan!

21st March 2011, 13:14
Can't wait to see mini in competative action..

21st March 2011, 15:14
Sorted now. Gang of four will see you there. Can't wait

21st March 2011, 15:25
How cheap are you ?

Me and the misses flew from Canada to attend this rally in 2008

You wouldn't want to know what our flight cost
If you only know how lucky you are to able to fly for so cheap.

My suggestion to you is buy a 35 euro tent, take the 3 adult 35 euro fare and camp out for the weekend and soak in the vibe.

Enjoy, wish we could....
God what an amazing disposable income you must have, well I suppose we don't all have ex-spouses to support, kids to put through university and an absence of expiring rich relatives. See it's easy to make assumptions about people if you try!
You don't know my circumstances I don't know yours but shooting off comments like the one you started with is not the way to win friends imo.
I have a finite leisure budget and would like to do a number of trips throughout 2011 which is only possible if I can justify the expense. For the record £ is not a euro sign and ther price turned out to be £50 return plus £15 for a half share of a 15kg checked bag. Interestingly, I've found 3 other guys similarly budget constrained with other committments for their gelt, does that make them 'cheap too?
I had thought Canucks were usually possessed of a certain mental capacity, seems to me you've been living too close to your neghbouring country for too long (that could be an unfair assumption though ;-)

21st March 2011, 16:39
God what an amazing disposable income you must have, well I suppose we don't all have ex-spouses to support, kids to put through university and an absence of expiring rich relatives. See it's easy to make assumptions about people if you try!
You don't know my circumstances I don't know yours but shooting off comments like the one you started with is not the way to win friends imo.
I have a finite leisure budget and would like to do a number of trips throughout 2011 which is only possible if I can justify the expense. For the record £ is not a euro sign and ther price turned out to be £50 return plus £15 for a half share of a 15kg checked bag. Interestingly, I've found 3 other guys similarly budget constrained with other committments for their gelt, does that make them 'cheap too?
I had thought Canucks were usually possessed of a certain mental capacity, seems to me you've been living too close to your neghbouring country for too long (that could be an unfair assumption though ;-)

Easy there captain. I think he is trying to show how jealous we are that comparatively, its pretty inexpensive for your flights. I am trying to come to Italy later this year for my honeymoon but flights are around/a little over $1000 per person. And I as well don't have any dying rich relatives, my lady is no sugar-mama, and that plane ticket would claim a decent chunk of my yearly income.

21st March 2011, 18:01
....seems to me you've been living too close to your neghbouring country for too long (that could be an unfair assumption though ;-)

That comment is way below the belt. :down:

21st March 2011, 20:46
my comment wasn't being judgmental in the slightest. it was indeed jealousy , attending a WRC event from North America to Europe is a major undertaking financially.
and, no sorry, I don't have an abundance of disposable income, and have more bills/debts just like most people.

your personal attack on me, and the United States has you sitting happily with your foot in your mouth really.
Also entertaining your remark on Canada, the country with the strongest economic backbone of any major nation (G8)
hmmm maybe I do have disposable income.

See you in Sardinia Mintexmemory!

24th March 2011, 01:07
Ok, in turn
@ TyPat107 - chill pill taken. However, I couldn't contemplate a transcontinental trip to watch a WRC event and I include the middle east (Asia) - ever. So maybe we are fortunate that we happen to live in the continent with the highest number of WRC events, but I figure we Europeans are due something pleasant - if only for the price we pay for petroleum based fuels.
@ MikeD - I did concede it might be an unfair assumption, I apologise to all those offended by my response to what I considered was unwarranted abuse.
@ userwave - 'How cheap are you?' as an opening gambit is abusive n'est ce pas. Whatever follows, expression of jealousy or not, is going to be seen in that context. I decided to let it out, as it's unhealthy to keep biting it back and my doc says I must keep my blood pressure down. Enjoy your wonderful economic performance and try not to look down on those less economically fortunate than yourself and if you do rock up in Sardina let's debate this further of a glass or two of Auchan's 3l boxed rosso.

28th March 2011, 10:33
Flights are booked (also ryanair Alghero 45 euro return incl) I will visit the rally Saturday and Sunday. Any tips for good places to watch the rally on those days?

31st March 2011, 12:50
New update on website (Spectators guide is online)
Rally Guide 2 will be released on 5/04

31st March 2011, 15:53
The Guide To Rally Italia Sardegna 2011

7th April 2011, 19:51

Manufacturer entries for Sardinia

14/16 are in (Ice1/Kimi and Monster/Block are missing)

First time this year

5 M-Sport Matthew Wilson

37 Mini WRC Team Dani Sordo

52 Mini WRC Team Kris Meeke

7th April 2011, 20:58
This year's Rally d'Italia Sardegna will be the last in the WRC. Probably a new event will be arranged for 2013...

All the details here.


7th April 2011, 21:06
Would be great to see San Remo back in WRC - great event.

7th April 2011, 21:10
Would be great to see San Remo back in WRC - great event.

I think they'll go to the Adriatic Sea, near Rimini (Misano Adriatico, etc.), that region wants to host such big events like these.

7th April 2011, 21:13
I think they'll go to the Adriatic Sea, near Rimini (Misano Adriatico, etc.), that region wants to host such big events like these.

7th April 2011, 21:36

Yes, not far away from Misano Circuit, ecc... maybe they'll use the MotoGP venue as the Rally HQ. Who knows...

7th April 2011, 23:16
I think they'll go to the Adriatic Sea, near Rimini (Misano Adriatico, etc.), that region wants to host such big events like these.

Never read something like this in Italy but... I really hope so!
Here we have beautiful gravel roads used in rally Adriatico, rally San Marino and rally San Crispino (you can watch my video of these rally here: http://www.youtube.com/user/stepunk77?feature=mhum) and lots of hotel accomodations... we'll see!

7th April 2011, 23:41
21 WRC cars entered...?

7th April 2011, 23:47
Mini's WRC..

8th April 2011, 13:09
Is Henning ran out of money OR a reward from daddy to his son? Wilson is reliable so far.

8th April 2011, 20:10
21 WRC cars entered...?

Link has changed...

8th April 2011, 20:56
Rally Guide 2 published...

10th April 2011, 22:43
#WRC Google Earth Map Rally Sardegna is out http://bit.ly/h5wV6M

10th April 2011, 23:13
wish i could be at this years rally sardinia, especially reading on here it may be the last :(

traveled to wrc sardinia in 2008 and it was amazing!

11th April 2011, 10:57
#WRC Google Earth Map Rally Sardegna is out http://bit.ly/h5wV6M

Here's the official guides for Google Maps and Google Earth, with access, videos, spectacular points, etc.


11th April 2011, 13:44
Is Henning ran out of money OR a reward from daddy to his son? Wilson is reliable so far.

Maybe he needs a wakeup call !!

13th April 2011, 19:56
Rally Guide 2 published...

I think this is the best spectator guide I’ve ever seen.

13th April 2011, 20:07
I think this is the best spectator guide I’ve ever seen.

Yes I agree.

14th April 2011, 01:59
Is Sardinia a dusty rally like Portugal - do spectators need dust masks?

14th April 2011, 12:43
A part of the entry list is online !

Patrick Flodin isn't on the list yet...

Sardinia is a dusty rally - you will need a dust mask

14th April 2011, 13:40
And only 20 WRC cars, what's wrong?

14th April 2011, 14:13
Again PG Andersson?! What for?

14th April 2011, 14:35
I think 20 WRC-sis new record for this season.. the only reason is that there are no more cars ready to race or to be serviced.
Ford promised that they are able to service up to 10 cars. They have 10
Citron maximum capacity is 5 cars, so all their 5 cars are on the list.
And in addition, we have 3 Mini WRC-s + maybe Flodin.. so, the maximum capacity of WRC-s in one round is currently 18-20. And now we have 18 and maybe 19 (when Flodin joins) and almost WRCar Oliveira. So, it is the best possible entry list in current circumstances.

14th April 2011, 15:07
Possible WRC additions: Andrea Navarra and Piero Longhi (Mini).
And I don't think there's something wrong in having "only" 20 WRC in the entry list! ;)

14th April 2011, 15:20
Possible WRC additions: Andrea Navarra and Piero Longhi (Mini).
And I don't think there's something wrong in having "only" 20 WRC in the entry list! ;)

So no Flodin? Can't wait to be there.

14th April 2011, 15:49
So no Flodin? Can't wait to be there.

What I know is that Longhi is waiting for his own Mini to be ready in time for Sardinia.
Navarra was in talk with Grifone (after his win in Rally Adriatico with the Mini) but at the moment I don't know if we will see only one between Flodin and Navarra, both of them (I hope!) or no one.

14th April 2011, 16:04
Only 48 cars... :(

14th April 2011, 17:24
Only 48 cars... :(
For sure, there will be more in the final entry list. This is not final. Final date for privateers is 19 April, if I remember right.

14th April 2011, 17:27
For sure, there will be more in the final entry list. This is not final. Final date for privateers is 19 April, if I remember right.

Right! ;)
This list contains only priority drivers and WRC Academy!
And don't forget that friday and saturday there will be also CIR (italian championship) and TRT (gravel trophy) with (among others) Andreucci, Rossetti, Scandola, Aghini and Mikkelsen (all on S2000 cars)!

Edit: itinerary for CIR http://www.rallycostasmeralda.com/percorso/tabella%20tdistanze%2006A-04.04.2011%20ok.pdf

14th April 2011, 23:10
Sardinia is a dusty rally - you will need a dust mask
Thanks - I'll go and buy some.

15th April 2011, 00:15
Hi there,

A couple of us are coming over for Rally d'Italia this year and very much looking forward to it. As we're photographers we're doing as much research as we can for the best locations for photographs. The locations on Day 2 are sorted; however if any of the Italian members could give us some advice for the Day 1 & Day 3 stages that would be fantastic! Any jumps, watersplashes, spectacular scenery in particular.



15th April 2011, 00:16
Hi there,

A couple of us are coming over for Rally d'Italia this year and very much looking forward to it. As we're photographers we're doing as much research as we can for the best locations for photographs. The locations on Day 2 are sorted; however if any of the Italian members could give us some advice for the Day 1 & Day 3 stages that would be fantastic! Any jumps, watersplashes, spectacular scenery in particular.



Day 1, for sure Monte Grighine... wherever you want! Wind farms, great scenery, stages extremely fast, great for every kind of pic you want :D

15th April 2011, 00:45
Day 1, for sure Monte Grighine... wherever you want! Wind farms, great scenery, stages extremely fast, great for every kind of pic you want :D

Excellent, that sounds very promising. Will there be an opportunity for us to drive through the stages the day before the rally starts?

If you can think of any other good locations, could you PM me?


17th April 2011, 11:33
Any recomended mobile broadband on Sardinia? Where in Monte Lerno is the big jump?

17th April 2011, 13:47
Anybody know when the final entry list will be published? (for the WRC & SWRC cars)

17th April 2011, 16:14
Any recomended mobile broadband on Sardinia? Where in Monte Lerno is the big jump?

Tha name of big jump on Monte Lerno stage is "Mickey's Jump".
N 40° 36' 14.52"
E 9° 10' 44.52"

18th April 2011, 16:38
1) Fri 6| 9:33 - Lago Omodeo [10,21km]
2) Fri 6| 10:25 - Monte Grighini Nord [21,32km]
3) Fri 6| 11:26 - Alta Marmilla [14,34km]
4) Fri 6| 12:09 - Monte Grighini Sud [19,66km]
5) Fri 6| 13:46 - Monte Grighini Nord [21,32km]
6) Fri 6| 14:47 - Alta Marmilla [14,34km]
7) Fri 6| 15:30 - Monte Grighini Sud [19,66km]
8) Fri 6| 17:04 - Lago Omodeo [10,21km]
9) Sat 7| 9:29 - Coiluna [29,35km]
10) Sat 7| 10:36 - Monte Lerno [27,97km]
11) Sat 7| 11:15 - Su Filigosu [14,21km]
12) Sat 7| 14:39 - Coiluna [29,35km]
13) Sat 7| 15:46 - Monte Lerno [27,97km]
14) Sat 7| 16:25 - Su Filigosu [14,21km]
15) Sun 8| 6:50 - Gallura [8,24km]
16) Sun 8| 8:03 - Monet Olia [8,03km]
17) Sun 8| 8:41 - Terranova [8,41km]
18) Sun 8| 12:00 - Gallura [8,24km]

Entry List
1) Loeb [Citroen]
2) Ogier [Citroen]
3) Hirvonen [Ford]
4) Latvala [Ford]
5) Wilson [Ford]
6) Ostberg [Ford]
7) Villagra [Ford]
8) Kuipers [Ford]
9) Al-Qassimi [Ford]
10) Solberg, P. [Citroen]
11) Oliveira [Mini]
12) Van Merksteijn [Citroen]
13) Solberg, H. [Ford]
14) Andersson [Ford]
15) Araujo [Mini]
16) Novikov [Ford]
17) Sordo [Mini]
18) Meeke [Mini]

18th April 2011, 18:01
1) Fri 6| 9:33 - Lago Omodeo [10,21km]
2) Fri 6| 10:25 - Monte Grighini Nord [21,32km]
3) Fri 6| 11:26 - Alta Marmilla [14,34km]
4) Fri 6| 12:09 - Monte Grighini Sud [19,66km]
5) Fri 6| 13:46 - Monte Grighini Nord [21,32km]
6) Fri 6| 14:47 - Alta Marmilla [14,34km]
7) Fri 6| 15:30 - Monte Grighini Sud [19,66km]
8) Fri 6| 17:04 - Lago Omodeo [10,21km]
9) Sat 7| 9:29 - Coiluna [29,35km]
10) Sat 7| 10:36 - Monte Lerno [27,97km]
11) Sat 7| 11:15 - Su Filigosu [14,21km]
12) Sat 7| 14:39 - Coiluna [29,35km]
13) Sat 7| 15:46 - Monte Lerno [27,97km]
14) Sat 7| 16:25 - Su Filigosu [14,21km]
15) Sun 8| 6:50 - Gallura [8,24km]
16) Sun 8| 8:03 - Monet Olia [8,03km]
17) Sun 8| 8:41 - Terranova [8,41km]
18) Sun 8| 12:00 - Gallura [8,24km]

So, stay close behind the leader after Friday, maximum attack on Saturday to gain as much lead as possible and then try to hold the lead over short stages of Sunday. Sounds like game on for JML and Ogier.

18th April 2011, 18:26
Strange how Sordo and Meeke are seeded behind Araujo and Oliveira. What's the reason behind that?

18th April 2011, 18:30
#WRC Rally Italia-Sardegna 2011 full program with timetable, entrylist, Google Earth Map, Mobile Live Results http://bit.ly/hy4Gf0

18th April 2011, 18:38
Strange how Sordo and Meeke are seeded behind Araujo and Oliveira. What's the reason behind that?

That list above isn't seeded as far as I understand.

18th April 2011, 19:57
So, stay close behind the leader after Friday, maximum attack on Saturday to gain as much lead as possible and then try to hold the lead over short stages of Sunday. Sounds like game on for JML and Ogier.

Kobefly posted wrong length for s.s. Monte Olia and Terranova: they are 24.5 and 24.6 km!
Anyway, Sunday will be a short day indeed!

19th April 2011, 00:37
The champion of tactics (Loeb) is first on the road on friday so it's difficult for him to slow down. And for sunday, 2 stages are almost the same like in 2009, and a new one is added... Watch what happened in 2009. Dusty stages :-) I think that it's much harder to use tactics in Sardinia than in, for example, Jordan Rally...

Thats good, its annoying when they use team tactics.
This should be a good rally, with Mini and all. Although I dont think it will be as close paced as the jordan rally:-)

19th April 2011, 15:08
Kobefly posted wrong length for s.s. Monte Olia and Terranova: they are 24.5 and 24.6 km!
Anyway, Sunday will be a short day indeed!
You are right, I cannot edit post now, sorry.

19th April 2011, 23:35
You are right, I cannot edit post now, sorry.

No problem, mate! ;)

20th April 2011, 11:43
Has anyone good spectator tips for the Saturday, I have a (rental) car and don't mind an hour walk. The spectator guide is very good but there might be better places. Thanks!

20th April 2011, 14:09
Multiple Finnish championship Juha Salo will do Sardegna.

http://translate.google.com/translate?js=n&prev=_t&hl=fi&ie=UTF-8&layout=2&eotf=1&sl=fi&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.mtv3.fi%2Furheilu%2Fralli%2Fuut iset.shtml%2F2011%2F04%2F1316287%2Fsuomen-mestari-mukaan-sardinian-mm-ralliin

20th April 2011, 15:22
Multiple Finnish championship Juha Salo will do Sardegna.

very curious about his speed outside Finland!!

20th April 2011, 16:34
Multiple Finnish championship Juha Salo will do Sardegna.

very curious about his speed outside Finland!!

Great news! Jari Ketomaa should drive JRM´s Mitsubishi in Italy, so former Finnish Rally Championship´s pacesetters behind the wheel of the same kind of car...

20th April 2011, 16:41
i had forget about Ketomaa! Now its even better!

20th April 2011, 17:28
Why all the Scandinavians prefer Sardegna (Flodin, Ketomaa, Salo) ? I hope some of them come to Greece... :D

Ondra WRC
20th April 2011, 18:05
Photos from test Mini:

20th April 2011, 19:40
Test of Prokop video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=akMvN1tyOJo&feature=player_embedded

20th April 2011, 20:22
Salo's entry is his prize from Pirelli (official tyre supplier for FRC) and AKK (Finnish autosport federation) for winning last year's title. Pirelli's involvement might explain a bit about an entry in Italy.

21st April 2011, 22:53
FIA is considering reverse order for day 2 and 3

Ondra WRC
22nd April 2011, 17:41
Video from test Dani Sordo and Kris Meeke:

23rd April 2011, 20:46
Entry list in seeded order: http://www.rallyitaliasardegna.com/2011/pdf/ris2011_entry_list.pdf

24th April 2011, 10:02
So is all Minis now in Wrc spec or are some in Super Production spec?

24th April 2011, 12:02
So is all Minis now in Wrc spec or are some in Super Production spec?

All World Rally Cars.

25th April 2011, 00:31
Multiple Finnish championship Juha Salo will do Sardegna.

http://translate.google.com/translate?js=n&prev=_t&hl=fi&ie=UTF-8&layout=2&eotf=1&sl=fi&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.mtv3.fi%2Furheilu%2Fralli%2Fuut iset.shtml%2F2011%2F04%2F1316287%2Fsuomen-mestari-mukaan-sardinian-mm-ralliin

Really good, my guess is that he will be competitive right from start.

25th April 2011, 04:38
Impressive start order, be good to see Ott and Juho speed comparison, hoepfully no problems for them. Would love to spectate, first 30 cars are WRC and S2000 :)

25th April 2011, 11:39
All World Rally Cars.

No, Olivera will stay in S2000 1.6T spec for Sardegna (At least that was what the entrylist said last time I checked)

25th April 2011, 12:16
and the World Debut of the Ralliart Italia Lancer Evo X R4 driven by Matti Rantanen..!!

25th April 2011, 12:27
No, Olivera will stay in S2000 1.6T spec for Sardegna (At least that was what the entrylist said last time I checked)

The seeded entry list has Oliveira competing in Class "WRC"; whereas in Portugal he was in Class 1. So from that I'd say he's in a full WRC Mini for Sardinia.

25th April 2011, 17:44
and the World Debut of the Ralliart Italia Lancer Evo X R4 driven by Matti Rantanen..!!
Any news from testing r4 kits?

25th April 2011, 18:26
and the World Debut of the Ralliart Italia Lancer Evo X R4 driven by Matti Rantanen..!!

With Rantanen, Salo and Ketomaa, this looks like an extra round of FRC ;-)

26th April 2011, 10:35
Does anybody have a link to details of the Italian National event that is running in conjunction with the WRC event? (or am I mistaken?)

26th April 2011, 13:31
Does anybody have a link to details of the Italian National event that is running in conjunction with the WRC event? (or am I mistaken?)


26th April 2011, 22:45
Do u know if there are any testing the monday before recce ?

27th April 2011, 03:17
Anyone want to make any predictions about Mini's results?

27th April 2011, 11:27
ahead of icecube and wilson......nothing more.

27th April 2011, 13:07
ahead of icecube and wilson......nothing more.

Certainly ahead of F1 Finn, he's not starting :rolleyes:
Interesting to see the pickems but I see top 8 for Meeke

Got the itinerary for the Rally Costa Smeralda from the web, thanks NiekJ, but no list of entries on that site as far as I can see.

27th April 2011, 14:06
ah yes indeed... too many good entries and the icecube would be humiliated....he should ask for help from wilson he is used in being ridiculed by the local supermans on every event.

27th April 2011, 17:59
What gas stations have the official program? Anybody know if you can get those USB mobile broadbands there?

27th April 2011, 18:38
By wrc.com (http://www.wrc.com/pwrc/news/kosciuszko-impressed-by-new-r4-rules/?fid=14590) also Jari Ketomaa will do Sardegna with the R4 Mitsubishi. Couldn’t find any confirmation for this neither from Jari’s homepage or jrm-group's (http://www.jrm-group.com/view_news.php?news_id=4) web page.

29th April 2011, 13:15
On entry list is Ketomaa in class 3, so without R4.

29th April 2011, 13:47

Italian champion Paolo Andreucci yesterday was testing near my town the works Peugeot for next week's Rally Costa Smeralda, national event run alongside Rally Sardinia.

29th April 2011, 22:39
are the results of costa smeralda goning to be intergrated in the WRC ones? or they are using different timing ?

29th April 2011, 22:56
are the results of costa smeralda goning to be intergrated in the WRC ones? or they are using different timing ?

unfortunately, same stages, but different standings... btw, will be interesting to compare them on day 1, as Costa Smeralda will run after the first pass...

1st May 2011, 14:07
Is there any local radio stations that cover the rally,with stage end reports e.t.c . If there is what are the frequencies. Cheers

1st May 2011, 14:32
this is the first rally with a worthy entry list and worth following after the first 5-6 wrc cars.....

1st May 2011, 17:01
this is the first rally with a worthy entry list and worth following after the first 5-6 wrc cars.....

lol, what about meeke, sordo, flodin, araujo? lol

1st May 2011, 17:58
araujo/flodin promotional drivers for the mini nothing to expect...meeke/sordo are in the 6 drivers i mention....the 4 are going to fight for the win and the minis are a little questionmark since more or less we know how they will perform.

1st May 2011, 18:29
Must be 7, P.Solberg is missing. The rest are here to try.

1st May 2011, 23:29
Patrik Flodin will not compete with a WRC-car. He will drive a class 1 Mini and compete in the S2000-class.
The reason is that Prodrive want to test different parts

He will start with a WRC-Mini later in the season.

2nd May 2011, 01:38
the mini class 1 is a WRC car without the aero package and the flywheel...all other parts are WRC

2nd May 2011, 14:04
CIR rally costa smeralda entry list published

nice addition for those watching the rally live in the stages

2nd May 2011, 14:08
its going to be a nice comparison with the PWRC entry.....on the second pass through i think the roads are going to be completely destroyed though....too many powerfull cars.

Viridian Black
2nd May 2011, 14:11
This may have been discussed before but in the 'Rally World' prog on ESPN they mentioned VW have invited some media to a special press conference during Rally Sardinia.
On a side note i will be attending Sardinia, and doing to a meet and greet with Petter on the Thursday :)

2nd May 2011, 14:48
CIR rally costa smeralda entry list published

nice addition for those watching the rally live in the stages

Very nice addition indeed! Too bad I will not see the rally on Friday (the stages are too far away). Will they run one or two loops on Saturday?

2nd May 2011, 15:11
its going to be a nice comparison with the PWRC entry.....on the second pass through i think the roads are going to be completely destroyed though....too many powerfull cars.

There will be nothing to compare ;)

2nd May 2011, 16:59
There will be nothing to compare ;)

Well... it will be interesting to see how the SWRC drivers will go compared to Costa Smeralda S2000 drivers (Andreucci, Rossetti, Mikkelsen, etc.)

2nd May 2011, 19:44
Very good. :)

2nd May 2011, 20:59
Official site down at the moment? http://www.rallyitaliasardegna.com/

2nd May 2011, 21:38
Official site down at the moment? http://www.rallyitaliasardegna.com/

Yes, the official site doesn't work at this moment. :(
Try again later.

2nd May 2011, 22:38
Is this a special invitation or do WRC accredited media get in? If the latter could you pm the details, ta.

2nd May 2011, 22:41
This may have been discussed before but in the 'Rally World' prog on ESPN they mentioned VW have invited some media to a special press conference during Rally Sardinia.
On a side note i will be attending Sardinia, and doing to a meet and greet with Petter on the Thursday :)
Is this a special invite or is it open to WRC accredited media (please pm me if the latter)

2nd May 2011, 23:56
Photos from SP and SWRC tests: http://www.duen.hu/fotoalbum/rally_sardegna_2011

3rd May 2011, 00:06
Nice photos.

3rd May 2011, 18:36
We're setting off from the UK at midnight tonight, really looking forward to it!

Photos from SP and SWRC tests: http://www.duen.hu/fotoalbum/rally_sardegna_2011

Surprised at how damp it looks in those pictures, has it been raining over there?

3rd May 2011, 19:33
We're setting off from the UK at midnight tonight, really looking forward to it!

Surprised at how damp it looks in those pictures, has it been raining over there?
Yep, it rained the last days.

3rd May 2011, 20:12
I just came from Italy and I spent approximately one week in Naples and it rained almost every day. Some days it was continuous rain and in some days very heavy rainshowers. However, It looks to become almost try weather starting from Wednesday. I try to make more detailed forecast in next few days. Currently bit too busy.

3rd May 2011, 20:49




More photos from Tuesdays preparations in Sardinia HERE (http://www.rally-mania.cz/photogallery.php?id=867&fseason=2011) ;)

3rd May 2011, 21:18
Atmospehere from Sardegna...


More photos HERE (http://www.rally-mania.cz/photogallery.php?id=868&startpos=0&fseason=&fcat=&fauthor=&ftxt=)

3rd May 2011, 21:28
Nice photos.

3rd May 2011, 22:34
With Mini joining, I dont think ive looked forward to a WRC round as much for a long time! Hopefully they can just get a solid finish and learn alot about the new car as competing is so different to testing!

4th May 2011, 00:23
New livery for Eyvind's Fabia S2000: http://eyvindbrynildsen.vgb.no/files/2011/05/29430_cidImage.jpg

4th May 2011, 00:33
Anybody know what the two rods are for each side of the rads in this picture? Bumper guides or a lever for cooling flap?


4th May 2011, 18:16

4th May 2011, 18:41
my pics from today:

4th May 2011, 19:38
my pics from today:

thanks so much for posting, i wish i was at this years event :(

4th May 2011, 20:22

Is this the end of the Su Filigosu stage?

4th May 2011, 20:34

Here's our photographers' behind-the-scenes trip on the stages ;)

Xsara Fan
4th May 2011, 20:59
News and photos from ALM Russia Team:

News: http://www.almrally.ru/english/

Photos: http://www.almrally.ru/novikov-photo/?idgroup=16166

4th May 2011, 21:02
New livery for Eyvind's Fabia S2000: http://eyvindbrynildsen.vgb.no/files/2011/05/29430_cidImage.jpg

That looked really good :)

4th May 2011, 21:59
Is this the end of the Su Filigosu stage?

Don't know.

4th May 2011, 22:38
muddy rally ???

4th May 2011, 22:56
I see photo's of Sandell's and Mikkelsen's cars, i guess they are passing trough Sardinia on their way to Corsika? They are not doing Sardinia, are they?

4th May 2011, 23:00
I see photo's of Sandell's and Mikkelsen's cars, i guess they are passing trough Sardinia on their way to Corsika? They are not doing Sardinia, are they?

Mikkelsen is doing Rally Costa Smeralda.

4th May 2011, 23:48
muddy rally ???

So, finally my weather forecast:

According to available weather data, it should be mostly dry from now on (possibility of some showers is still in the air).

Tonight the temperature drops to something like +13...+15 degrees. wind will be 3-4 m/s.So it is getting more dry.
Tomorrow morning during the shakedown the temperature should climb up to +19 degrees, the chance of rain decreases as the day progresses. There will be light wind all day long.

Night will be dry again, temperature +13..+15.During the day +18..+20 degrees.Day will be dry and more windy. Wind speed will be between 6-8 m/s. Roads dry up very quickly on such conditions. There might be some very light early morning rain near to Leg 2 and 3 location, but first day will be held more SW and it will be dry there.

Night will be colder. +10..+14.Dry. And windy again (4-5 m/s). During the day wind pics up again (up to 10 m/s). Temperature between +18..+20 degrees. Dry.

Night will be cold (+13..+15) windy (6-7 m/s) and cloudy, but it should stay mostly dry.
Day will be the warmest +19..+21 degrees. It will be very windy again (8-9 m/s)

So, in overall we can say that before the rally there were some rainy days and some very heavy showers. So, that might have caused bit rougher roads than usual and those who are not careful might end their rally very quickly. But the rally itself should be dry and sweeping effect should increase stage by stage, day by day.

5th May 2011, 00:30
a few more photos:
http://rallyphotos.net.ee/index.php?page=1&gallery=2&sfpg=VGVzdCBwcmUtU2FyZGVnbmEgcmFsbHk7IDAyLjA1LjIwM TE7IFNhcmRlZ25hLyoqMSoqKjIxZDY3YzZlMmE3Zjc4MDE4MTJ lNTM1NzcyMjc5ZjYw

5th May 2011, 01:10
gotta say, i'm quite curious to see how the new R4 reg car performs !

5th May 2011, 08:50
Oliveira crashed with his Mini. Shakedown stopped.

5th May 2011, 08:51
Mikkelsen is doing Rally Costa Smeralda.

I forgot that, so thanks for the info, what about Sandell?

5th May 2011, 08:54
Oliveira crashed with his Mini. Shakedown stopped.

Where did you get this info from, are there allready some shakedowntimes available?

Voice of Rally
5th May 2011, 08:54
Guys, here's my preview of the Power Stage this weekend


Voice of Rally
5th May 2011, 08:55
And if you're interested, my rally preview!


5th May 2011, 08:57
Where did you get this info from, are there allready some shakedowntimes available?


5th May 2011, 09:00

Ok, i see, thanks for that.

5th May 2011, 09:08
Or van Merksteijn had a fire: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=720282531&sk=wall

5th May 2011, 09:20
Shakedown times:

Good speed by Meeke and Sordo! Go MINI..!

5th May 2011, 09:24
Looks good. But "This is only shakedown", as they say!

5th May 2011, 09:26
1s/km and 2s/km slower at first run. Shakedown is nothing really to compare to, but if they can make a run with less than 0.5s/km slower, it'd prove far more positive than just this first run. Tomorrow we'll see for a fact.

5th May 2011, 09:54
Petter is fastest man now: http://www.rallyitaliasardegna.com/2011/pdf/shakedown.pdf

And his brother very fast trough also. :)

Brother John
5th May 2011, 09:55
Yes Colin, the conditions for Rally d'Italia Sardegna looks exciting, I wonder who will crash out on this stages you showed us.
I also think this is a rally for Latvala, my top 3 this time is;
1) JM. Latvalahttp://www.motorsportforums.com/forums/images/icons/icon14.png
2) S. Ogier :dozey:
3) K. Meeke :p
Thanks for the video´s. ;)

5th May 2011, 11:05
Petter is flying on shakedown: http://www.rallyitaliasardegna.com/2011/pdf/shakedown.pdf

5th May 2011, 11:05
Sordo interview- http://www.autosport.com/news/report.php/id/91109

Meeke Q & A - http://www.autosport.com/news/report.php/id/91110

5th May 2011, 12:23
Oddly enough Meeke's and Sordo's times have been removed from the shakedown times pdf file. Could that be because they're not part of any championship? Beauracratic bull...

EDIT: Aah, they're there - after a blank page at the bottom.

5th May 2011, 13:00
New livery for Eyvind's Fabia S2000: http://eyvindbrynildsen.vgb.no/files/2011/05/29430_cidImage.jpg

That's nice. Looks like it's made of cake though?!

5th May 2011, 13:04
I forgot that, so thanks for the info, what about Sandell?

Sandell is in IRC this year, starting with Corsica next week.

5th May 2011, 14:39
The MINI is my favourite WRCar right now! I've seen some pics and now waiting for it to be on TV! :D ! I'm in Love

5th May 2011, 14:44
My pics from the shakedown:

5th May 2011, 14:48
ohhhh..... MINI :D

5th May 2011, 14:48
Cool photos! It is great to see the Mini 'in action' for the first time.
Finally another manufacturer in the WRC!

5th May 2011, 14:49
ohhhh..... MINI :D

Is it just me or are we always on the forums at identical times? haha

Brother John
5th May 2011, 14:51
My pics from the shakedown:

Nice pics and here the Shakedown times Rallye Sardinien
Maybe we become again an exciting rally.
01. P. Solberg, Citroën 1.45,4
02. Latvala, Ford 1.46,1
03. Östberg, Ford 1.46,2
04. Ogier, Citroën 1.48,0
05. H. Solberg, Ford 1.48,1
06. Sordo, Mini 1.48,7
07. Hirvonen, Ford 1.48,9
08. Loeb, Citroën 1.49,0
09. Villagra, Ford 1.49,0
10. Andersson, Ford 1.49,6
11. Meeke, Mini 1:50.2

5th May 2011, 14:53
Is it just me or are we always on the forums at identical times? haha

Oh baby!!!

5th May 2011, 14:56
Nice pics and here the Shakedown times Rallye Sardinien
Maybe we become again an exciting rally.
01. P. Solberg, Citroën 1.45,4
02. Latvala, Ford 1.46,1
03. Östberg, Ford 1.46,2
04. Ogier, Citroën 1.48,0
05. H. Solberg, Ford 1.48,1
06. Sordo, Mini 1.48,7
07. Hirvonen, Ford 1.48,9
08. Loeb, Citroën 1.49,0
09. Villagra, Ford 1.49,0
10. Andersson, Ford 1.49,6
11. Meeke, Mini 1:50.2

Amazing how Petter is right out of the box fastest again. I really really do hope that he will score a win on this event as he deserves it more than anyone out there in my opinion. Also despite it only being shakedown Sordo's time is good too, looking forward to watching the highlights.

I read on the WRC Facebook update feed that Julian mentioned the Mini's were incredibly high revving and this could possibly be a bit of struggle to get grip?

5th May 2011, 15:05
I agree , Petter For The Win !

Amazing how Petter is right out of the box fastest again. I really really do hope that he will score a win on this event as he deserves it more than anyone out there in my opinion. Also despite it only being shakedown Sordo's time is good too, looking forward to watching the highlights.

I read on the WRC Facebook update feed that Julian mentioned the Mini's were incredibly high revving and this could possibly be a bit of struggle to get grip?

5th May 2011, 15:13
Does the four minimun runs through shakedown for priority drivers apply for this season as well? I see Loeb results for only two runs and also several drivers with only 3 runs.

5th May 2011, 15:24




More photos from shakedown HERE (http://www.rally-mania.cz/photogallery.php?id=867&fseason=2011) ;)

Brother John
5th May 2011, 15:32
Nice photos Jafry.

More photos from shakedown HERE (http://www.rally-mania.cz/photogallery.php?id=867&fseason=2011) ;)

5th May 2011, 15:32
After some passages roads are like been digged....I think that the crews with big numbers will face huge problems
including also the crews for the CIR so also unfair to compare times between swrc guys and andreucci,rosseti,mikkelsen etc

5th May 2011, 15:52


More shakedown photos HERE (http://www.rally-mania.cz/photogallery.php?id=868&startpos=0&fseason=&fcat=&fauthor=&ftxt=)

5th May 2011, 16:08
And where are th sponsor D. Richards said that were to be present at Sardegna?

5th May 2011, 16:17
Nice pics and here the Shakedown times Rallye Sardinien
Maybe we become again an exciting rally.
01. P. Solberg, Citroën 1.45,4
02. Latvala, Ford 1.46,1
03. Östberg, Ford 1.46,2
04. Ogier, Citroën 1.48,0
05. H. Solberg, Ford 1.48,1
06. Sordo, Mini 1.48,7
07. Hirvonen, Ford 1.48,9
08. Loeb, Citroën 1.49,0
09. Villagra, Ford 1.49,0
10. Andersson, Ford 1.49,6
11. Meeke, Mini 1:50.2

Meeke did 4 runs with a best of 1.47.7. Don't know why it wasn't recorded on the results.

5th May 2011, 17:05
video from the sd:

5th May 2011, 18:14
video from the sd:

The DS3 sounds like a wine-ing old lady haha

The MINI sounds like a BEAST!!!

Fabia..... mmmMMmmmmm.....

Can't wait for Rally Australia!

5th May 2011, 18:33
hmmm i think the cars got upgraded...they look faster than in previous rallies...

5th May 2011, 19:50
Both Van Merksteijns seems to have a bad SD, Peter sr had fire? Does Peter sr have a completly new DS3 WRC, or does he use Kimi's car?

Fast Eddie WRC
5th May 2011, 22:45
video from the sd:

Great video and excellent sound with no commentators ! I wish you did the WRC TV coverage :D

The Mini sounds brilliant but they look awful except in Sordo's all-red livery ... :cool:

5th May 2011, 23:07
video from the sd:

Excellent video, thanks !

5th May 2011, 23:08
i think the mini looks good except Sordos all-red livery.
I like the Arujos car most.

Xsara Fan
5th May 2011, 23:52
Some photos:

Shakedown http://www.almrally.ru/novikov-photo/fotolist/?idgroup=16267

Official start http://www.almrally.ru/novikov-photo/fotolist/?idgroup=16331

6th May 2011, 07:37
Good Morning!
Soon it begins, lets be ready!
Looking forward Rantanen,Salo and Ketomaa fight :)

Brother John
6th May 2011, 07:52
Good morning, www.wrc.com (http://www.wrc.com) not currently work here is that everywhere or just on my PC?

6th May 2011, 08:10
It's your PC :p :

Brother John
6th May 2011, 08:29
It's your PC :p :

All website work, only http://www.wrc.com/index.jsp i see this Webbsidan kan inte visas

6th May 2011, 08:54
It works fine for me Brother...try to restart your PC or just go to http://www.wrc.com ;)

Brother John
6th May 2011, 09:07
It works fine for me Brother...try to restart your PC or just go to http://www.wrc.com ;)

Thanks Pino, the problem is with the new Windows 9.

6th May 2011, 09:08
Try Google Chrome , will open anything!!

Brother John
6th May 2011, 09:11
Try Google Chrome , will open anything!!

I need to change many settings, Windows 9 will even not open Google Crome. :confused:

6th May 2011, 09:12
See ,l well you need to download google chrome

Brother John
6th May 2011, 09:20
See ,l well you need to download google chrome

Thanks for the tip, currently working with institutions and slowly everything starts to work. Google Crome was already on my PC but I need to update all the programs, even my printer! **** windows 9.

6th May 2011, 09:33
We are soon live! Hopefully it'll be flat out through out the days and tight competition until the end. Hopefully...

6th May 2011, 09:34
Thanks for the tip, currently working with institutions and slowly everything starts to work. Google Crome was already on my PC but I need to update all the programs, even my printer! **** windows 9.

OT: what is windows 9? The latest OS is Windows 7. Latest Microsoft web browser is Internet Explorer 9, which does not require to update Google Chrome.

6th May 2011, 09:35
I also can´t open www.wrc.com (http://www.wrc.com)

6th May 2011, 09:40
No splits. Loeb already finished SS1. 6.07,1.

- Very bad 1st on the road. No grip on the brakes.

Brother John
6th May 2011, 09:41
OT: what is windows 9? The latest OS is Windows 7. Latest Microsoft web browser is Internet Explorer 9, which does not require to update Google Chrome.

Yes you're right it is Internet Explorer 9. My foult, I'm not a PC specialist. ;)

6th May 2011, 09:42
Hirvonen's time for SS1: 6.02.2

- Much quicker than Seb. It's still very slippy. I'm afraid the boys behind is gonna be very fast.

Latvala briefly stopped.

6th May 2011, 09:43
6.06,8 for Ogier.

6th May 2011, 09:44

6th May 2011, 09:46
Latvala rolled it. Front left badly damaged. And there's only remote service? Baaad...

- Miikka called me a wrong note. Luckily we managed to continue.

6th May 2011, 09:48
Solberg faster so far 3 sec. ahead Miko

6th May 2011, 09:51
Yes you're right it is Internet Explorer 9. My foult, I'm not a PC specialist. ;)

No problems, I just got confused myself :D
Hopefully you can now flollow rally without problems :)

6th May 2011, 09:53
Østberg 3rd.

6th May 2011, 09:56
Has Ostberg's car had the wrong engine map loaded into the emcu or is it road surface cleaning effect ?

6th May 2011, 10:00
6.10,1 for Dani Sordo.

Brother John
6th May 2011, 10:01
No problems, I just got confused myself :D
Hopefully you can now flollow rally without problems :)

Yes i follow the rally and te stage times on http://www.vysledky-rally.cz/vysledky/?id=5 , Rally radio works but no split times on wrc.com.
Good to be here for lots of information from you and all the other forum members. :s mokin:

6th May 2011, 10:04
Not so good time frm Sordo, but he says tha he is not pushing. Let's wait Meeke now.

6th May 2011, 10:05
1 sec/km

6th May 2011, 10:07
PG on third place and Östberg fourth... thats nice, but they have a big advance with the road cleaning up...
Great time from Meeke to.

6th May 2011, 10:07
6.07 for Meeke not bad guys

6th May 2011, 10:08
6th fastest for Meeke!!!

Brother John
6th May 2011, 10:10
Great start from Meeke, I have him on the podium for my pickem...... :p :

6th May 2011, 10:11
Rally started?!? I was waiting another hour, lucky i checked here, feel bad for Latavala, hope he continues

6th May 2011, 10:14
Latavala didnt drop to much time, lets hope not much more lost before service.

6th May 2011, 10:15
Novikov 5th

Rally Hokkaido
6th May 2011, 10:16
A works Mini sets a faster time than the current World Champion on its debut stage. OK, we know why, but that won't stop DR from extracting maximum PR value from it.

6th May 2011, 10:22
Juho 6:10.4!!

6th May 2011, 10:27
Bad for Matthew Wilson! He is not anymore (finally) Britain´s leading World Rally Championship driver (always mentioned in the press releases :-)

6th May 2011, 10:27
Juho 6:10.4!!

Tänak 6:08.4 +9.0 to leaders and 10th fastest ... wowwww!

6th May 2011, 10:27
Quick question. Is Flodin's MINI a pure S2000 or a SP2000 1.6T ?

6th May 2011, 10:30
Tänak 6:08.4 +9.0 to leaders and 10th fastest ... wowwww!
Fast stage they said on WRR, but still thats some pace right there!

6th May 2011, 10:30
Quick question. Is Flodin's MINI a pure S2000 or a SP2000 1.6T ?

S2000 1.6T. No Mini 2.0 NA exists.

6th May 2011, 10:37
Latvala still loosing time, 12 secs at 2nd split on stage two. Ogier slower than Mikko, playing game already?

6th May 2011, 10:37
JML stopped on SS2 now

6th May 2011, 10:37
JML stopped.

6th May 2011, 10:38
Not a big surprise, but Tänak, Al-Attiyah and Hänninen are really fast! With this kind of driving they will deserve the works drive in the future...

6th May 2011, 10:38
Latvala has stopped...

6th May 2011, 10:39
What has happened to Ketomaa?