View Full Version : Current World Problems

21st November 2010, 04:23
Now please see the title of this thread and leave the Nazi's - WW2 and all the other crap you guys drag into every thread.

So Obama printed 600 Billion dollars and poured it into the economy. So all you economists get in here and tell me what the problem is. Now I think a couple of things:
1. Massive inflation will allow us to pay off the Chinese
2. Massive inflation will return the real estate market to the inflated values it produced.
3. fixed income people will revolt. Especially retirees.
4. So I say total massive inflation immediately - pay off all the crap - then reduce the dollars in circulation and let the chips fall.

Ok TIREs ring in!!

21st November 2010, 10:41
Well, I have seen the title of the thread.

Population explosion.
Clean water.
Social justice.
Education of women.

These are what I would say are world problems, not necessarily in order of importance. There's a bit of "World Series" syndrome here. The USA is not The World. You seem to have a problem with Obama which borders on the obsessive, something I was thinking moments ago when I read your post about him in the Idiots thread, which was about Indonesia.

21st November 2010, 11:20
Population explosion>> food shortages + space shortages + resource shortages.

That's going to be a big problem.

21st November 2010, 16:22
Problems? What problems?

21st November 2010, 17:46
now that you are identifying some of the problems - how about some solutions.
In my case I would use tariffs and create manufacturing opportunities.

In the case of the world

Population explosion. mandatory birth control
Clean water. desal
Energy. nuclear - solar - wind - biofuels
Pollution. just start cleaning it up - all countries need to agree
Social justice. winchester (just kidding)
Education of women. I think we are pretty good in this area as far as the US goes. But education should be equally avail to all. You probably will need to be country specific to get a specific reply

21st November 2010, 19:48
Now please see the title of this thread and leave the Nazi's - WW2 and all the other crap you guys drag into every thread.

So Obama printed 600 Billion dollars and poured it into the economy. So all you economists get in here and tell me what the problem is. Now I think a couple of things:
1. Massive inflation will allow us to pay off the Chinese
2. Massive inflation will return the real estate market to the inflated values it produced.
3. fixed income people will revolt. Especially retirees.
4. So I say total massive inflation immediately - pay off all the crap - then reduce the dollars in circulation and let the chips fall.

Ok TIREs ring in!!

In the 1920s, the Germans printed more money, and you know what became after that. The WW2 and the Nazis!


By late 1923, the Weimar Republic of Germany was issuing two-trillion Mark banknotes and postage stamps with a face value of fifty billion Mark. The highest value banknote issued by the Weimar government's Reichsbank had a face value of 100 trillion Mark (100,000,000,000,000; 100 million million).[14][15]. At the height of the inflation one U.S. dollar was worth 4 trillion German marks. One of the firms printing these notes submitted an invoice for the work to the Reichsbank for 32,776,899,763,734,490,417.05 (3.28×1019, or 33 quintillion) Marks.[16]

race aficionado
21st November 2010, 21:56
now that you are identifying some of the problems - how about some solutions.
In my case I would use tariffs and create manufacturing opportunities.

In the case of the world

Population explosion. mandatory birth control
Clean water. desal
Energy. nuclear - solar - wind - biofuels
Pollution. just start cleaning it up - all countries need to agree
Social justice. winchester (just kidding)
Education of women. I think we are pretty good in this area as far as the US goes. But education should be equally avail to all. You probably will need to be country specific to get a specific reply

Well fousto is serious about this topic and is being pro active with his proposed solutions.
Let's make this a useful thread.
:s mokin:

21st November 2010, 22:47
now that you are identifying some of the problems - how about some solutions.
In my case I would use tariffs and create manufacturing opportunities.

In the case of the world

Population explosion. mandatory birth control
Clean water. desal
Energy. nuclear - solar - wind - biofuels
Pollution. just start cleaning it up - all countries need to agree
Social justice. winchester (just kidding)
Education of women. I think we are pretty good in this area as far as the US goes. But education should be equally avail to all. You probably will need to be country specific to get a specific reply

Your probably better investing in innovation to kick start the economy, it will work much better than tarrifs.

As for the others:
Population explosion. - education of women
Clean water - education & cleaning of pollution
Energy - renewables, less protection of fossil fuel industry
Pollution - renewable energies, education
Social justice - education
Education of women - education of women.

Garry Walker
24th November 2010, 12:26
Education of women.

It should be education of men. These days so many more women are graduating from unis than men, it is a scary prospect.

race aficionado
24th November 2010, 15:53
It should be education of men. These days so many more women are graduating from unis than men, it is a scary prospect.

Very good point Garry.
Education for ALL.

:s mokin: