View Full Version : things that are never ever cool

20th November 2010, 15:36
Replicas of competition cars that weren't even successful.....

Any others?

20th November 2010, 15:46
Old white politicians trying to rap to gain votes. Or does it have to be car related?

Brown, Jon Brow
20th November 2010, 16:06

20th November 2010, 16:21

Harsh but maybe fair, however...


Bolton Midnight
20th November 2010, 16:54
Replicas of competition cars


20th November 2010, 17:12
DJs who talk over music, bringing the volume down and then back up again, and doing it again two seconds later.

20th November 2010, 18:44

Brown, Jon Brow
20th November 2010, 20:24

Mark in Oshawa
20th November 2010, 20:59
I stand with you there brother....

Moby I add to the list....only ****ers find his stuff cool

Captain VXR
20th November 2010, 21:27

I disagree...
Justin Bieber however........................................... ......

21st November 2010, 00:09
Boasting about your Apple products.
And Coldplay.

21st November 2010, 01:02
Used condoms. I would have said "leaky condoms" but without defective birth control, there would be nobody to participate in forums.

21st November 2010, 05:25
A fag at a dinner party for the chippendale calender

21st November 2010, 07:19
Socks + sandals

21st November 2010, 11:09
A moustache.

Now don't get me wrong, I have no problem with someone having one. It's just that they're not cool.

Dave B
21st November 2010, 15:16
Religion (any).

21st November 2010, 15:26
the schumacher brothers.

21st November 2010, 17:34
Socks + sandals

Was just about to post that.

21st November 2010, 18:52
body piercing except women's navels and ears

21st November 2010, 19:52
Hot Water :D

21st November 2010, 20:38
Things that immediately spring to mind..

People who drive Fiat 500's :p


I was considering having my hair cut into a mullet for children in need last friday :p

P.S The 500 is cool ;)

21st November 2010, 21:16
X Factor, or anything to do with "talant" shows.

22nd November 2010, 03:42
The following comedians/comedy people, no particular order:

1. George Lopez
2. Dane Cook
3. Lewis Black (although I'll admit that I used to like him)
4. Adam Sandler
5. Jon Stewart
6. Stephen Colbert
7. Wanda Sykes
8. Owen Wilson
9. Dennis Miller
10. Tina Fey
11. Steve Carell
12. Tracy Morgan
13. Demetri Martin
14. Andy Dick
15. Russell Brand (I just don't get him or why people like him)
16. Jamie Kennedy
17. Chelsea Handler
18. Kathy Griffin
19. Seth MacFarlane
20. Larry the Cable Guy

Feel free to disagree or add to my list.

22nd November 2010, 09:11
Hot Water :D

Rollo's jokes :p :

22nd November 2010, 09:58
Anyone who has made millions of dollars being funny and writing comedy that makes people laugh has got to be a douchebag. :p

First of all, just because a lot of people watch his show doesn't mean it's good. Just because he makes millions of dollars doesn't mean he's a genius. In my opinion, and I'm sure that I can't be the only one who thinks this, he is to comedy and cartoons what Britney Spears is to music.

I will admit this to you, I liked Family Guy's first three seasons (1999-2002). And at first, I was estatic to hear that they were making new episodes starting in 2005. But ever since that revival, the show has severely declined in the quality of its humor. The thing about the show that I hate most now is that it tries to be preachy and attempts to make a point on some American political/cultural issues; but it turns out those issues they bring up are way in the past and Family Guy simply repeats what everyone already knew months, even years, ago. Also, the show just completely overkills the flashbacks and cutaway pop-culture references now, most of which are non-sensical anyway. The show seems to be content with forcing these jokes into the plot, which just feels awkward to me. The reason the show has such a large audience is that the jokes they make are shallow and simple; it doesn't require that much thinking to understand the jokes and plot of the show... And now he has two other shows on the same network (American Dad, The Cleveland Show), and both are just as bad, even worse, as Family Guy is. As if this guy doesn't make enough money already. I may be coming off as an elitist to you when I say all of this, but this is how I, and others like me, feel. I get disappointed when a good cartoon like King of the Hill, Boondocks, etc., that has more thoughtful/creative humor, faces the prospect of cancellation or already has been canceled because their ratings weren't high enough: that's the cruel side of supply and demand at work in that regard.

Also, it seems to me that most, if not all, of those comedians/comedy people I listed have been shoved down the throat of the American T.V. viewer, and the masses of these viewers are too apathetic and/or not intelligent enough to realize this and since they are told by the advertising people how to think and feel, they will obey the orders of these advertisers and think that these comedians are funny, thus, they simply accept them as being "funny" and not challenge that way of thinking out of fear of upsetting the herd and/or being called out for being "blasphemous" by the hardcore viewers.

Fortunately, there are other cartoons and comedians available for me to watch instead. For example, I've been trying to pimp the comedy of Bill Hicks to my friends for the past several years (I'm only 23 years old, btw, so I'm about 10 years late to this party). While he had a short career and most of his standups had the same jokes, he was nevertheless thoughtful and constructive with his sense of humor. And i'm happy that my friends, who are a bit younger/older than I am, dig his jokes and have been/are looking into other comedians/comedy people similar to him: Bill Maher, George Carlin, Richard Pryor, Mitch Hedberg, Louis C.K., etc. My guilty pleasure as far as comedians go is some of the standups of Dave Chappelle and Chris Rock. To me, both of these guys' standups compensate for any bad movie, T.V. show, etc. they've done in their careers.

22nd November 2010, 10:22
I get disappointed when a good cartoon like King of the Hill, Boondocks, etc., that has more thoughtful/creative humor, faces the prospect of cancellation or already has been canceled because their ratings weren't high enough: that's the cruel side of supply and demand at work in that regard.

Holy ****!!!!! King of the Hill is supposed to be funny? :eek:

Mark in Oshawa
22nd November 2010, 17:42
Holy ****!!!!! King of the Hill is supposed to be funny? :eek:
Hank Hill and his family don't really exist. I know...stupid talk right?? lmao...

I love ole Hank Hill though...met a few guys like him in my day..and not in Texas either...

22nd November 2010, 19:10
Holy ****!!!!! King of the Hill is supposed to be funny? :eek:

Each to his/her own...

This show is funny to me and my family because we can relate to some of the things they talk about on the show. King of the Hill disses California a lot (particulary, Southern California, where I live), so I know what the meaning behind some of their jokes are and what they're talking about in this regard. Mike Judge (the creator of the show) grew up in New Mexico and Texas and went to college at UC San Diego, so he has come valid insight on how people from these areas behave. In fact, Judge claims many of the characters on King of the Hill were parodies of people he personally knew. The show was also one of the few shows today that defends conservatives in this country, at the same time making fun of them. Their parodies of leftist people is great as well, as the show points out the hypocrisy the many mainstream leftists have: they claim to be tolerant/open-minded towards other people, yet they oftentimes demand others (in this case, conservative southerners) to behave in a way they want them to, and they make an effort to impose their liberal ideals on these other people rather than letting them be.

Now, the show is hard for some to watch in comparison to shows like The Simpsons, Futurama, South Park, etc. because the dialogue between characters don't involve joke-after-joke, so in some ways it doesn't always to appear to be a comedy.

Mark in Oshawa
22nd November 2010, 20:09
Each to his/her own...

This show is funny to me and my family because we can relate to some of the things they talk about on the show. King of the Hill disses California a lot (particulary, Southern California, where I live), so I know what the meaning behind some of their jokes are and what they're talking about in this regard. Mike Judge (the creator of the show) grew up in New Mexico and Texas and went to college at UC San Diego, so he has come valid insight on how people from these areas behave. In fact, Judge claims many of the characters on King of the Hill were parodies of people he personally knew. The show was also one of the few shows today that defends conservatives in this country, at the same time making fun of them. Their parodies of leftist people is great as well, as the show points out the hypocrisy the many mainstream leftists have: they claim to be tolerant/open-minded towards other people, yet they oftentimes demand others (in this case, conservative southerners) to behave in a way they want them to, and they make an effort to impose their liberal ideals on these other people rather than letting them be.

Now, the show is hard for some to watch in comparison to shows like The Simpsons, Futurama, South Park, etc. because the dialogue between characters don't involve joke-after-joke, so in some ways it doesn't always to appear to be a comedy.

All I know is Boomhauer is the perfect parody of many of the trucker's I used to run into in the US. He pokes fun at everyone on that show, which is why it is quite clever...

22nd November 2010, 20:25
DJs who talk over music, bringing the volume down and then back up again, and doing it again two seconds later.

So true!

22nd November 2010, 21:05
Now, the show is hard for some to watch in comparison to shows like The Simpsons, Futurama, South Park, etc. because the dialogue between characters don't involve joke-after-joke, so in some ways it doesn't always to appear to be a comedy.

I guess that I just find it a bit boring, I prefer comedies to grab you. I don't need to see joke, after joke, after joke, but I like seeing something that has jokes rather than largely relying on the strength of the characters (which is essentially what King of the Hill does).

22nd November 2010, 23:33
Fiat 500

22nd November 2010, 23:50
I guess that I just find it a bit boring, I prefer comedies to grab you. I don't need to see joke, after joke, after joke, but I like seeing something that has jokes rather than largely relying on the strength of the characters (which is essentially what King of the Hill does).

Once again, each to his/her own.

With the show focusing on the strength of the characters, as you describe it, I appreciate it because of this. This gives it a sense of uniqueness to the show. Sure, the show doesn't have as many clear jokes as those other cartoons I listed, but the satire is still there. As I said in my post, I like the alternate perspective it has about life as an American: which is the one that southern conservatives have and are blasted for on a daily basis by the mainstream press. I'm a politcal leftist myself, but the show reminded me that I can/should laugh at myself from time to time and realize that southern conservatives have the right to live the way they want to as long as that lifestyle doesn't infringe upon me or other people. Conservatives take more criticism in this country by the press than they should receive: most of these conservative people I've met in my life are a lot like Hank Hill, in that they're hard working, wise, honest, stress good values, act as voices of reason, and do their best to be dependent on themselves rather than other people.

23rd November 2010, 00:27
It might sound abit shallow of me but the American political issues in the show don't really interest me and I probably tend to laugh at the randomness rather than badly portrayed issues relating to a country I don't live in. I can't really comment on those aspects. I enjoy the show and it makes me laugh. Its one of my favourites but I can accept its not to everyones tastes. :)

I'm old enough to remember Bill Hicks whilst he was still around and I'll agree with you on this point. He was a very funny comedian who was taken from us far too young IMO. I occassionally think when I dig out some of his stuff on VHS what he would be like now and how funny his material would be relating to the wars, the Bush administration etc etc.

"Its not that I disagree with George Bush's economic or foreign policy, its that I believe he's was a child of Satan here to destroy the planet earth..." :p

Well, I can't criticize you for not being interested in the political/cultural issues brought up in the show, afterall they are mostly issues that only Americans would know or care about. As an American myself, it's just annoying to me that they depict the issues they choose to talk about many months/years after they were actually relevant, and they seem to act like their opinion about those issues are original/independent when in actuality it is an opinion that most people had when these issues were still relevant, so the show end ups looking like it's real late to the party in that regard. This is what makes South Park great. The creators of that show don't write scripts to prelude upcoming seasons, and instead come up with an entire new episode in the matter of one week, meaning that episode will be influenced by something that had occured or is still occuring by the time that episode airs. Then, they repeat that process for 13 more weeks, for a total of 14 episodes a season. Thus, South Park is more quick than other shows to respond to a current event and remain topical. Also, South Park serves as a better voice of reason than Family Guy in my opinion, and, like King of the Hill it, defends conservatives/libertarians, which are a people that receives excessive criticism in this country today by the mainstream white-liberal press.

In regards to Bill Hicks, your point about how you can still watch his standups and find it relevant to things like George W. Bush's administration and the wars in the Middle East is spot on. This may be, subconciously, why I like his jokes and why I like to watch standups he did 15-20 years ago to see how well it matches up with today. It's as if he was an oracle speaking of his prediction of what America would be like in the years after he passed away.

I'm Bill Hicks and I'm dead now, because I smoked cigarettes. Cigarettes didn't kill me, a bunch of non-smokers kicked the sh*t of of me one night. I tried to run, but they had more energy than I did. I tried to hide, but they heard me wheezing. But now I'm in heaven...

23rd November 2010, 01:42
Fiat 500

I see

23rd November 2010, 01:48
Rollo's jokes :p :

It's true. Hot Water is the one liquid that's impossible to freeze.

Rudy Tamasz
24th November 2010, 08:05
Idiots in BMWs.

24th November 2010, 18:50
DJs who talk over music, bringing the volume down and then back up again, and doing it again two seconds later.

How about just D.J.s? Wow. You can start an iPod!!!!

24th November 2010, 18:53
The following comedians/comedy people, no particular order:

1. George Lopez
2. Dane Cook
3. Lewis Black (although I'll admit that I used to like him)
4. Adam Sandler
5. Jon Stewart
6. Stephen Colbert
7. Wanda Sykes
8. Owen Wilson
9. Dennis Miller
10. Tina Fey
11. Steve Carell
12. Tracy Morgan
13. Demetri Martin
14. Andy Dick
15. Russell Brand (I just don't get him or why people like him)
16. Jamie Kennedy
17. Chelsea Handler
18. Kathy Griffin
19. Seth MacFarlane
20. Larry the Cable Guy

Feel free to disagree or add to my list.

I agree with all except Dennis Miller. The man is a genius.

Add Whoopie Goldberg and David Letterman.

24th November 2010, 18:54
All I know is Boomhauer is the perfect parody of many of the trucker's I used to run into in the US. He pokes fun at everyone on that show, which is why it is quite clever...

You realize that Boomhauer is Dale Earnhardt Jr. don't ya?

25th November 2010, 00:09
Orange people. There is a point where you can take tanning whether it be real or fake too far. When you reach any shade of orange it is seriously not cool!!

25th November 2010, 00:19
The following comedians/comedy people, no particular order:

1. George Lopez
2. Dane Cook
3. Lewis Black (although I'll admit that I used to like him)
4. Adam Sandler
5. Jon Stewart
6. Stephen Colbert
7. Wanda Sykes
8. Owen Wilson
9. Dennis Miller
10. Tina Fey
11. Steve Carell
12. Tracy Morgan
13. Demetri Martin
14. Andy Dick
15. Russell Brand (I just don't get him or why people like him)
16. Jamie Kennedy
17. Chelsea Handler
18. Kathy Griffin
19. Seth MacFarlane
20. Larry the Cable Guy

Feel free to disagree or add to my list.

I disagree with Dane Cook doing stand up. When he is acting, back in your list :mark:

25th November 2010, 01:09
The following comedians/comedy people, no particular order:

1. George Lopez
2. Dane Cook
3. Lewis Black (although I'll admit that I used to like him)
4. Adam Sandler
5. Jon Stewart
6. Stephen Colbert
7. Wanda Sykes
8. Owen Wilson
9. Dennis Miller
10. Tina Fey
11. Steve Carell
12. Tracy Morgan
13. Demetri Martin
14. Andy Dick
15. Russell Brand (I just don't get him or why people like him)
16. Jamie Kennedy
17. Chelsea Handler
18. Kathy Griffin
19. Seth MacFarlane
20. Larry the Cable Guy

Feel free to disagree or add to my list.

I'm with you on most of those. But please tell me that not including David Spade was just an oversight. If you gave me one bullet and told me I could take out either Andy Dick, Adam Sandler or David Spade... I'd sit and wait for as long as it took for them to walk in front of each other - and THEN... :eek:

Other things that are not cool:
- any of those Real Housewives shows
- Jersey Shore or the various guido shows that have sprung from it
- Sarah Palin or any member of her family
- the Hummer H3 or H3-T
- girls who carry those little barking rat dogs in their purses
- kids in lowered Honda Civics with giant fart-can mufflers
- White kids who try to sound like they're from Compton
- women who wear revealing clothing in office settings and get upset when someone comments or notices
- people who complain of other people's intolerance, yet they themselves tend to be intolerant.

25th November 2010, 01:23
I agree with all except Dennis Miller. The man is a genius.

Add Whoopie Goldberg and David Letterman.

Good point about Goldberg. I guess the football fan in me causes me to dislike Dennis Miller and how he performed as a color commentator on Monday Night Football about 10 years ago. I'll replace Miller with Goldberg on my list.

To be honest, I kind of like Letterman, in respect to some of his competitors (Leno, Kimmel, etc.). But his show has taken a considerable dip in quality the past several years.

25th November 2010, 01:29
I disagree with Dane Cook doing stand up. When he is acting, back in your list :mark:

In comparison to other standup comedians I've seen, Mr. Cook is way on the bottom of the list of contemporary comedians. I'm just not a big fan of comedy that doesn't have a point to it or lacks direction. And, if you ask me, it is no coincidence that he is hated by the majority of other comedians within the industry. At least you agree with me that his movies are poor.

25th November 2010, 01:41
I'm with you on most of those. But please tell me that not including David Spade was just an oversight. If you gave me one bullet and told me I could take out either Andy Dick, Adam Sandler or David Spade... I'd sit and wait for as long as it took for them to walk in front of each other - and THEN... :eek:

Other things that are not cool:
- any of those Real Housewives shows
- Jersey Shore or the various guido shows that have sprung from it
- Sarah Palin or any member of her family
- the Hummer H3 or H3-T
- girls who carry those little barking rat dogs in their purses
- kids in lowered Honda Civics with giant fart-can mufflers
- White kids who try to sound like they're from Compton
- women who wear revealing clothing in office settings and get upset when someone comments or notices
- people who complain of other people's intolerance, yet they themselves tend to be intolerant.

Yes, not putting David Spade in was an oversight and I apologize for that.

I agree with your entire list as well, especially white kids acting as wiggers and women who wear revealing clothing in the office and get upset when a guy comments on them. First of all, I sympathize with my intelligent black friends when they talk about how they hate when white people want to act like the lowest forms of people who are the same race as them and how white kids think it's cool to be like that. My black friends take this as an insult as it demeans their race of people even more. They wish that if white kids want to act black, they should try to imitate black civil rights movement people like Malcolm X, Thurgood Marshall, Martin Luther King, Jr., W.E.B. Dubois, James Baldwin, etc. instead of the current crop of black "heroes".

You don't want to be a wigger, because wiggers are living contradictions. Wiggers are full of unfulfilled ambitions. Wiggers wax and wane. Wiggers love to complain. Wiggers love to hear themselves talk but hate to explain. Wiggers love being another man's judge and jury. Wiggers procrastinate until it's time to worry. Wiggers love to be late. Wiggers hate to hurry...

25th November 2010, 01:56
In comparison to other standup comedians I've seen, Mr. Cook is way on the bottom of the list of contemporary comedians. I'm just not a big fan of comedy that doesn't have a point to it or lacks direction. And, if you ask me, it is no coincidence that he is hated by the majority of other comedians within the industry. At least you agree with me that his movies are poor.

I hear you. I also prefer a theme in the act. All from Bill Hicks are good. Denys Leary's No cure for cancer was brilliant. Diceman Cometh was funny. Shoot me if you like but I really liked Eddie Murphy's both acts. Also George Carlin never failed on stage. Heck, I love Lisa Lampanelli :)

What comes to Dane Cook, I like his style. I cannot say he is very consistent but I do think he has more funny material than many others in business novadays. And I love to an act once in a while which isn't static.

However, I didn't know he is hated in the industry :eek: Why exactly ?

25th November 2010, 02:19
I hear you. I also prefer a theme in the act. All from Bill Hicks are good. Denys Leary's No cure for cancer was brilliant. Diceman Cometh was funny. Shoot me if you like but I really liked Eddie Murphy's both acts. Also George Carlin never failed on stage. Heck, I love Lisa Lampanelli :)

What comes to Dane Cook, I like his style. I cannot say he is very consistent but I do think he has more funny material than many others in business novadays. And I love to an act once in a while which isn't static.

However, I didn't know he is hated in the industry :eek: Why exactly ?

Well, Ron White, for example, criticized Mr. Cook for not having "real" material to work with in his standups and for having a giant ego. White also simply doesn't find Cook to be funny at all. Also, Jim Breuer, commenting on what the comedy industry thinks of Dane, said that "Everyone kills this guy, not one comedian comes to me and says that they're happy for Dane; they just can't stand the guy". Joe Rogan has frequently accused Dane of plagiarism, and Louis C.K. has made similar accusations as well. These are a few comedians who've spoken about him but I know there's probably even more haters of Dane Cook amongst the comedy industry.

Btw, that's interesting to me that you like both Bill Hicks and Dennis Leary, because most people take one side or the other (with the majority taking Bill's side). Also, don't worry about liking Eddie Murphy's standups; I like them too.

25th November 2010, 04:01
I was a big Bill Hicks fan. Leary was funny at the very begining

Would Sam Kinison Have Survived In Today’s Brave New PC World?
by John Nolte

HBO has just announced they’re producing a big screen biopic of the The Mighty Sam Kinison, which is interesting when you consider the state of things today. Below are five of my favorite Kinison routines, let’s see if you can guess which is the only one the great man would not have been roundly condemned as a hater for in this the year 2010.

It was actually shocking to go back and listen to these bits after so many years, shocking to hear left-wing sacred cows take a scathing beating at the hands of a comedic genius who, among other things, wielded personal responsibility like a weapon. Today, of course, we know personal responsibility by its Orwellian term: blaming the victim. Can you imagine today’s so called “edgy” comedians going after starving Africans? Unless those starving Africans love NASCAR or are named Sarah Palin, no. Would Will Ferrell, Tina Fey, David Letterman, or Jim Carrey even agree to share the same stage with a 2010 Sam Kinison? Would he be allowed on “The View?”

And what if God’s timing were different? What if instead of being a young comic on the rise in the early 1980s, Kinison was a young comic on the rise in 2010? Same man. Same genius. Same sensibility. Same drive. Would he have a chance? Could he do the Rock Hudson or the homeless bit (below) and survive today’s Brave New World where the left calls for the head of Juan Williams over expressing a fear of seeing Muslims on the same airplane, Comedy Central censors “South Park,” and we’re being told if a joke about electric cars being gay isn’t deep-sixed children will die.

That’s a rhetorical question best answered by recalling how the world awkwardly came to a halt when Bill Maher stuck up for Western civilization, watching “comedians” Joy Behar and Whoopi Goldberg storm off “The View” because Bill O’Reilly said something provocative, or the near annihilation of Don Imus’ career.

Consider today’s so-called King of Satire. This skit personifies what Jon Stewart is about, nothing more than a PC-enforcing prig attempting to shame people like Juan Williams and Bill O’Reilly for daring to speak their minds. There was a time when the job of a satirist was to provoke thought. Consider Stewart’s “Restore Sanity” rally — a national event entirely devoted to scolding two television networks for not telling what Stewart believes to be the truth and in the method, manner and tone in which he approves.

Things sure have changed around here.

For those of you unfamiliar with Kinison, don’t mistake my choices as defining. As you’ll see in the last video, nothing was sacred to the man, including the sacred. Which is as it should be. But that’s what made Kinison a legend. He could not stop telling the truth as he saw it. Just the thought of what he would have to say about TSA screeners groping children and terrorists being acquitted in civilian courts makes me chuckle. Of course, he’d also devastate more than a few of my own personal sacred cows. But at the hands of a genuine comedian it’s easy to laugh at yourself. At the hands of a PC-enforcing partisan disguised as one, not so much.

Need I say NSFW?






25th November 2010, 13:14
Well, Ron White, for example, criticized Mr. Cook for not having "real" material to work with in his standups and for having a giant ego. White also simply doesn't find Cook to be funny at all. Also, Jim Breuer, commenting on what the comedy industry thinks of Dane, said that "Everyone kills this guy, not one comedian comes to me and says that they're happy for Dane; they just can't stand the guy". Joe Rogan has frequently accused Dane of plagiarism, and Louis C.K. has made similar accusations as well. These are a few comedians who've spoken about him but I know there's probably even more haters of Dane Cook amongst the comedy industry.

Btw, that's interesting to me that you like both Bill Hicks and Dennis Leary, because most people take one side or the other (with the majority taking Bill's side). Also, don't worry about liking Eddie Murphy's standups; I like them too.

I didn't know those examples by name until I looked them up. I knew them all by face and I've seen their acts, expect for Joe Rogan who I didn't know has a comedy history ??

This is exactly what I mean. A sense of humour is such a subjective matter. Other folks find other things funny. I for one hated Blue Collar Comedy Act, others might find it the best there is.

I like Dane Cook's way of doing stand up. There's a splash of Robin Williams in his act, he moves on stage, he has modern issues there. Might be he has stolen bits but at least he is entertaining.

Why people choose one side or the other from Hicks and Leary? I find them both very "angry", very similar by theme. Bill was much more considering, more critic than Leary but I thought quite opposite, folks who recommend Hicks could easily recommend Leary too!??

25th November 2010, 13:37
I like Dane Cook, but only for about 1 show. So much of his material is recycled, I haven't seen anything he does where he doesn't do the "Who's in my mouth" gag. The more you hear from him, the more you realise that he's done it all before.

25th November 2010, 15:30
- any of those Real Housewives shows
- Sarah Palin or any member of her family
- kids in lowered Honda Civics with giant fart-can mufflers

^ +1

25th November 2010, 15:35
Men wearing Speedo's on the beach :eek:

25th November 2010, 19:00
Men wearing Speedo's on the beach :eek:


26th November 2010, 03:18
I didn't know those examples by name until I looked them up. I knew them all by face and I've seen their acts, expect for Joe Rogan who I didn't know has a comedy history ??

This is exactly what I mean. A sense of humour is such a subjective matter. Other folks find other things funny. I for one hated Blue Collar Comedy Act, others might find it the best there is.

I like Dane Cook's way of doing stand up. There's a splash of Robin Williams in his act, he moves on stage, he has modern issues there. Might be he has stolen bits but at least he is entertaining.

Why people choose one side or the other from Hicks and Leary? I find them both very "angry", very similar by theme. Bill was much more considering, more critic than Leary but I thought quite opposite, folks who recommend Hicks could easily recommend Leary too!??

People choose one side or the other because Leary has been accused of plagiarizing Hicks with that No Cure for Cancer standup Leary did back in 1993. In that album, Leary included jokes about Keith Richards, Judas Priest, smoking, good men dying young, etc., which were essentially done in the same vein that Bill had done himself years before in the underground scene. Bill Hicks himself was angry with Leary about that, and because of this their friendship ended. Fans of Hicks think that the whole reason Leary is successful and famous today is because he stole the jokes, persona, and attitude of another comedian who wasn't as well known. Thus, fans of Bill Hicks generally despise anything Denis Leary does today to spite him for his alleged plagiarism. There's a joke within the comedy industry about this accusation of plagiarism: Why is Denis Leary a star while Bill Hicks is unknown? Because there's no cure for cancer.

26th November 2010, 10:57

:laugh: What colour are yours schmenke :laugh:

26th November 2010, 14:56
Tanktops on large women.
VW New Beetle
Dancing with the Stars
David Hasselhoff
Wife beaters
Chris Columbus' movies
Energy drinks
People who drink energy drinks
Golf !!!

26th November 2010, 15:15
Only 2 cars per team allowed :(
People who see others heading for danger, but dont warn them!
Quitting the race when things get hard.
Phoney falseness.

26th November 2010, 15:50
David Hasselhoff

You take that back!!!!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad:

26th November 2010, 16:35
Vredestein's winter tyres :D

26th November 2010, 16:40
Pino :p

Bob Riebe
26th November 2010, 16:52
Phoney falseness.
OK, I'll bite, please explain.

26th November 2010, 17:02
:laugh: What colour are yours schmenke :laugh:


Captain VXR
26th November 2010, 17:49
Ewwwwwwwwwwwwww kill it with fire

28th November 2010, 16:17
Ed Hardy shirts and the people who wear them.


Captain VXR
28th November 2010, 17:14
Daniel's GT5 related jealousy

28th November 2010, 20:41
Ed Hardy shirts and the people who wear them.


Haha, I declare Anthonyvop the winner... I can't think of anything else to top that.

28th November 2010, 22:50
Ed Hardy shirts and the people who wear them.


I thought it was against the forum rules to post photos of genitalia? If so then why is Tony allow to post a picture with 4 dicks in it?

29th November 2010, 02:23
Pretty girls who know just how pretty they are to point where they become unattractive. :)

:up: Yeah, I'll sign onto that one too. Especially when they might be kinda pretty, but not gorgeous by a long shot, yet they act like they're super models. But I blame the guys who drop their tongues out if a broomstick with a blonde wig on it passes by, for making them that way.

Monsters usually aren't born... they're created.

29th November 2010, 03:20
Songs that have California in the title and/or claim to be about California, but really are just talking about the Los Angeles area.

It's not that they're bad compositions, I just think its stupid to claim that the entire state of California is like Los Angeles...

Californication (RHCP), Hotel California (Eagles), Check My Brain (Alice in Chains), California (Phantom Planet), California Love (Tupac Shakur), Ænema (Tool), California Gurls (Katy Perry), etc...

You Get the Picture.

29th November 2010, 11:34

:eek: You got a licence for that? :p :

Captain VXR
29th November 2010, 21:46
Hipsters/geek chic:
Even more toolish than Ed Hardy shirts

29th November 2010, 22:04
Hipsters/geek chic:

Even more toolish than Ed Hardy shirts

Only thing worse than a Hipster....an Aging Hipster


Captain VXR
30th November 2010, 20:08
Only thing worse than a Hipster....an Aging Hipster


What a priiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiick

Dave B
2nd December 2010, 14:15
Threads that are started because they sound like another.
And there was me about to start one on carbon-based rocks and call it "things that are never ever coal". Oh well.


Brown, Jon Brow
4th December 2010, 14:58
Having your facebook profile picture set as a car that you don't even own :p

donKey jote
4th December 2010, 15:02
Spanish air-traffic controllers :down:

4th December 2010, 17:45
Snoods. You get paid more in a week than I do in a few years, man up!!


4th December 2010, 18:21
Having your facebook profile picture set as a car that you don't even own :p

Stratos or Grande Punto? I know which one I'll keep as my facebook profile picture ;)

Captain VXR
5th December 2010, 11:40
Clegg Miliband Cameron
All utter tw*ts
Anyone else noticed that Miliband sounds exactly like Clegg before the election?