View Full Version : Xbox, PS3 or Wii

Bolton Midnight
19th November 2010, 17:46
All with the new fangled movement thingies

Mainly for a 7 year old boy but I'll also be using it

which would you go for and why

19th November 2010, 18:11

Why? I own an Xbox 360 and regret its purchase. One reason is the fact that Blu-Ray movies are not compatible with the Xbox 360 console, therefore, having a 1080p television makes my console obsolete. Another reason is that I never came to grips with the awkward controller of the Xbox. PSN is free as opposed to Xbox Live, which will start charging an arm and a leg next year to their already inflated yearly subscription. Lastly, the price for an Xbox 360 and PS3 are the same, but you get a lot more kit with the PS3.

Wii is pretty cool, but I still think it's overpriced. The Xbox 360 and the PS3 have come out with their own motion sensor technology, which I think is more sophisticated than the Wii's. It may cost more, but there are already amazing things software developers have been able to "crack" with the PS3 and Xbox 360 motion sensor technology.

Captain VXR
19th November 2010, 18:30
I love my PS3 <3

20th November 2010, 01:53
I'd say PS3 because of no online subscription charges (yet), the blu-ray capability (and now 3D blu-ray), and it's another few coins that don't go to Mr Gates pocket. There do seem to be more games for Xbox though.

20th November 2010, 06:13

Depends what you want from your console?. Visit both xbox and playstation. See what each have to offer and take it from there

Also check out the games for each...they do share the same games but also have their own titles.

Captain VXR
20th November 2010, 12:09
And a Playstation Eye gives you head tracking in GT5 while making more fun games for your 7 year old

Brown, Jon Brow
20th November 2010, 13:47
I love my Xbox. And the controller is better than the PS3 one. The analog sticks on the PS controllers are in a stupid place.

20th November 2010, 13:54
I've got a 360 and a Wii. Bluray isn't that important to a lot of people tbh. The media centre part of the 360 is very useful though

20th November 2010, 18:48
Bought the family a Wii two years back and it's great for that kind of pick up and play gaming. But I adore me PS3. brilliant games, online play, bluray, BBC iplayer etc etc etc.

Bolton Midnight
12th December 2010, 14:53
Gone for this baby in the end

Xbox 360 250GB Console, Kinect Sensor and Kinect Adventures

£300 eek obscene amount for a 7 year old imho

Must admit if I'd been getting it for myself I'd have gone PS3 but he didn't put that on his letter to Santa :-(

12th December 2010, 16:30
I have a PS2 and feel very obsolete, although it is a cool system. From the three mentioned I haved played only on X Box. It is very cool.

12th December 2010, 19:54
Gone for this baby in the end

Xbox 360 250GB Console, Kinect Sensor and Kinect Adventures

£300 eek obscene amount for a 7 year old imho

Must admit if I'd been getting it for myself I'd have gone PS3 but he didn't put that on his letter to Santa :-(

We were lucky in that respect. Our 11 year old wanted the PS3. :D

The Kinect does look cool, once they have more games.

Wii is cool for certain things, but not so great for others. We've enjoyed ours so far, but it has it's limits as well.

13th December 2010, 00:16
Gone for this baby in the end

Xbox 360 250GB Console, Kinect Sensor and Kinect Adventures

£300 eek obscene amount for a 7 year old imho

Must admit if I'd been getting it for myself I'd have gone PS3 but he didn't put that on his letter to Santa :-(

Make sure you keep all the information that comes in the box, you'll need it for the number to phone Microsoft when it goes wrong.

Personally, I prefer my PS3 to my 360. The Playstation has most of the same games but you don't have to pay £40 a year for the privilege of online play, you can watch Blu-Ray and the Xbox is tempremental.

donKey jote
13th December 2010, 00:22
I do enjoy playing with my wii now and again :dozey:

300quid on an xbox for a 7 year old... what will you get him next year? :laugh:

13th December 2010, 00:27
Next year you could buy him a Mountain Bike - he'll thank you when he's older and all the girls love his fearlessness downhill.

13th December 2010, 00:41
Make sure you keep all the information that comes in the box, you'll need it for the number to phone Microsoft when it goes wrong..

Thanks for the scaremongering :) Since Microsoft released Jasper earlier this year the RROD hasn't been a problem.

13th December 2010, 06:29
Go the PS3 route. The best console on the market by a country mile.

The Wii is fun, the Xbox is a complete waste of time.

13th December 2010, 08:38
I think the new XBox consoles are fine and hopefully free of the bugs of the first generation. A friend of mine is on his 6th XBox due to the red circle of death!! I personally would choose the PS3 everytime though.. The XBox kinect came out at a very disappointing high price though and shows no sign of dropping in time for christmas. Priced at around £127 compared with Playstations Move £42, I think microsoft have dropped a bollock with that one. 'The Gadget show' and BBC's 'Something for the Weekend' recently reviewed the Kinect and said it wasn't as good as the Move in terms of response, and I couldn't justify paying nearly 3 times as much for an inferior product. If you do get the Kinect make sure you have plenty of space (no coffee tables nearby), and the walls in your lounge don't have any crazy patterns and are fairly plain.. :p

Not quite sure who would review the Kinect and say that it's worse than Playstation Wii? Most if not all reviews online show the Kinect being ahead. After all Move is just a copy of the Wii controller system. Pretty innovative considering the time they had after the Wii debuted non?

13th December 2010, 09:27
I don't get why people have complained about Black Ops. To me it's standard COD.....and RC-XDs are cool :D

Daniel - :laugh: :laugh: Mr "Apple Are Terrible" complaining about someone scaremongering :laugh: That's more hilarious than anything that BM or Fousto have ever come out with.

I have 2 consoles, one has had to be returned to the manufacturer, often can't read discs (despite the discs being clean and going straight from box to tray and vice versa) and has twice scratched a disc to badly that it can't play. The other works fine and has not once had an issue with not being able to read discs.

13th December 2010, 10:54
Yes Jan, but if you knew anything about 360's you'd know that the zephyr consoles are absolutely fine.

13th December 2010, 10:54
So it's for your 7 year old,, we all believe you :D

13th December 2010, 10:59
Henners, you've not answered my question though? Why buy move when the Wii already does the same thing, is cheaper and has a lot more games?

13th December 2010, 11:30
Yes Jan, but if you knew anything about 360's you'd know that the zephyr consoles are absolutely fine.

I'm just conveying my own experiences...and that still doesn't change the fact that it's hilarious to see you banging on about scaremongering :laugh: :laugh:

Regarding Move, every review that I've seen has said "it's like the Wii but far more accurate and responsive". The general opinion seems to be that it's like Wii Mk2, and the PS3 has other selling points too, whereas the Wii kinda relies on a handful of exclusive games (Mario an' that) and has pretty much sold itself solely on the movement thing.

If you only want Move (or something of it's ilk) then the Wii would be the best choice. However if you want a console first but would like the feature then I think that the PS3 is a better package.

13th December 2010, 11:40
Henners, you've not answered my question though? Why buy move when the Wii already does the same thing, is cheaper and has a lot more games?

Because if you basically want a PS3 but also want some Wii style stuff too, as opposed to just Wii style stuff and nowt else.

IMO Wii is great for multi-player occasional use. It's not the type of console you'd sit down and do a 6 hour stretch of gaming on!

13th December 2010, 12:00
Jan, again. You're conveying personal experiences but without knowledge of other things such as 360 revisions so telling Bolton midnight to keep the receipt when for the last year the new 360's have been more reliable than their ps3 counterparts is scaremongering.

13th December 2010, 12:01
Jan, again. You're conveying personal experiences but without knowledge of other things such as 360 revisions so telling Bolton midnight to keep the receipt when for the last year the new 360's have been more reliable than their ps3 counterparts is scaremongering.

Keeping the receipt for any high cost electrical item is just sensible!

13th December 2010, 12:19
Jan, again. You're conveying personal experiences but without knowledge of other things such as 360 revisions so telling Bolton midnight to keep the receipt when for the last year the new 360's have been more reliable than their ps3 counterparts is scaremongering.

Yup, I'm being dramatic but are you saying that it's not sound advice? Fair enough it's on older models, but I don't know anyone with a 360 that hasn't had bad experiences (usually resulting in RROD). My mates with a PS3 on the other hand have been sound as a pound, apart from that one update cock up.

I almost feel privileged to be called a scaremonger by the King of Scaremongering though. Now if you'll excuse me I have to go and attend to an issue caused by my iPhone. It seems that it's got hold of an AK47 and has wondered through town, killing people. It's now holed up in a bank and has taken a few hostages, I don't blame the phone though, it's that Steve Jobs wot pushed it over the edge.

13th December 2010, 12:20
Of course. But the insinuation was that there is a high probability of failure as with the older 360's

13th December 2010, 12:29
Jan. Not to be rude but you've not taken the time to learn about the issues with the 360 and the revisions of the 360 such as zephyr (what I own) and therefore you're not really giving Bolton midnight helpful advice and you're needlessly attempting to scare him.

No one brought up the topic of the iPhone in this thread? Relevance?

13th December 2010, 12:57

Its irrelevant to conclude that a relevant point is needed to make an irrelevant point relevant to any relevant and/or irrelevant point required to be made relevant when it was originally seen as irrelevant.

Understand now :D

13th December 2010, 13:40
I almost feel privileged to be called a scaremonger by the King of Scaremongering though. Now if you'll excuse me I have to go and attend to an issue caused by my iPhone. It seems that it's got hold of an AK47 and has wondered through town, killing people. It's now holed up in a bank and has taken a few hostages, I don't blame the phone though, it's that Steve Jobs wot pushed it over the edge.

Ah, yours does that too eh!

13th December 2010, 13:53
No one brought up the topic of the iPhone in this thread? Relevance?

You said that I was scaremongering and I was just highlighting how hypocritical that was of you :D For the most part people are unable to mention any Apple product without you popping up and telling them how rubbish it is and how they should have got so and so instead.

Not to be rude but you've not taken the time to learn about the issues with the 360 and the revisions of the 360 such as zephyr (what I own) and therefore you're not really giving Bolton midnight helpful advice and you're needlessly attempting to scare him.

I didn't really see the need to learn about the issues, I'm not the one buying it. If it was me buying something and someone suggested possible problems with it then I would put the effort into reading up about those problems and find out whether they've been rectified. Besides which he's already bought it and he certainly wouldn't pay attention to me anyway :)

13th December 2010, 14:18
You said that I was scaremongering and I was just highlighting how hypocritical that was of you :D For the most part people are unable to mention any Apple product without you popping up and telling them how rubbish it is and how they should have got so and so instead.

I didn't really see the need to learn about the issues, I'm not the one buying it. If it was me buying something and someone suggested possible problems with it then I would put the effort into reading up about those problems and find out whether they've been rectified. Besides which he's already bought it and he certainly wouldn't pay attention to me anyway :)

So effectively you feel no need to learn about the subject that you're discussing? If that's not flawed logic then I don't know what it.

I point out the negatives of Apple products, that much is true! But I've also pointed out the positives like the fact that there's only a single hardware subset to support....... But then again you're only wanting to see what you want to see ;)

Anyway, you've admitted to not learning about the subject at hand so I think we can just safely dismiss your scaremongering as such.

Btw I'm off to the MR2 OC to slag Mr2's off even though I've never driven one and know very little about them :laugh:

13th December 2010, 14:36
Lighten up chap! One flippant remark really shouldn't have been turned into this. I didn't research it because I wasn't actually discussing it, I just made one little quip based on my experiences of the xBox 360.

You can slag off MR2s all you like, complain about snap oversteer, expensive running costs, lack of power, uncomfortable ride and the way that the paint on older models will bubble on the spoiler. Don't forget to also mention that the sills rust out, the droplinks regularly need changing, the brake calipers sticking and the awkward position of the oil filter.

If you feel like driving one then drop me a PM, mine'll probably be up for sale soon anyway ;)

13th December 2010, 18:27
Lighten up chap! One flippant remark really shouldn't have been turned into this. I didn't research it because I wasn't actually discussing it, I just made one little quip based on my experiences of the xBox 360.

You made your quip which was

Make sure you keep all the information that comes in the box, you'll need it for the number to phone Microsoft when it goes wrong.

So then I said that since Microsoft released the Jasper version (what I actually have, not zephyr. Got confused) of the 360 they haven't had any noticeable problems as with the first versions of the 360. Now Bolton Midnight has bought a 250gb console so it is either a Jasper or Valhalla console (Neither of which have any known issues) so that's the point at which most people would click and say "Ah! This person obviously knows what he's talking about and perhaps the issues which myself and my friends have had with our consoles aren't representative of what someone with a new console can expect and me going on about RROD's is just scaremongering"

Whilst I may have issues with Bolton Midnight with regards to his opinions on other threads I don't think it's particularly nice to lead him to believe that the console he's bought something for his 7 year old which is going to break and make the little one cry.

Anyhoo, lets use some facts here and whilst historically the 360 is less reliable the PS3 still has 4x more failures than the Wii.....


I think someone on here will be happy with his purchase based on those figures ;)

13th December 2010, 18:38
Daniel, doesn't matter what Jan said.

You still should NOT buy the Xbox 360.

13th December 2010, 18:44
Daniel, doesn't matter what Jan said.

You still should NOT buy the Xbox 360.

13th December 2010, 18:56
Now Bolton Midnight has bought a 250gb console so it is either a Jasper or Valhalla console (Neither of which have any known issues) so that's the point at which most people would click and say "Ah! This person obviously knows what he's talking about and perhaps the issues which myself and my friends have had with our consoles aren't representative of what someone with a new console can expect and me going on about RROD's is just scaremongering"

Yeah but I've seen enough of your posts to actually think "Ah! Here comes Daniel with his massively pro-Microsoft bias" ;) :p : Besides which I stick very much to a case of 'once bitten, twice shy', losing MW2 to scratches twice really f***ed me off quite a lot. RROD didn't actually bother me because MS customer service sorted it out quite nicely, losing £80 worth of games narked me though.

Looking at the graphs it all seems tickety boo, I still prefer the PS3 though as it has more of what I want in a console :)

13th December 2010, 18:58
cos teh wii iz teh rox0rz innit aye?

Bolton Midnight
13th December 2010, 19:05
I have a PS2 and feel very obsolete, although it is a cool system. From the three mentioned I haved played only on X Box. It is very cool.

Same here, was playing GTA San Andreas last night (as the real thing was happening to my neighbour - they broke into his house and nicked the keys to his 3 series - scum)

By the way how do you go with a hooker, toot horn they ask if you want a good time then what do you press? Keep on failing so get out of car and clobber them either with a shovel, double ended dildo or baseball bat/nightstick. Some of them carry guns / knives too. And are the ones with tartan mini skirts pros or not as they don't seem to be armed.

Bolton Midnight
13th December 2010, 19:07
300quid on an xbox for a 7 year old... what will you get him next year? :laugh:

Dread to think, iPhone no doubt or something else equally expensive

So it's for your 7 year old,, we all believe you :D

Little sod beat me at Fifa 2003 last night

13th December 2010, 21:02
Yeah but I've seen enough of your posts to actually think "Ah! Here comes Daniel with his massively pro-Microsoft bias" Besides which I stick very much to a case of 'once bitten, twice shy', losing MW2 to scratches twice really f***ed me off quite a lot. RROD didn't actually bother me because MS customer service sorted it out quite nicely, losing £80 worth of games narked me though.

Looking at the graphs it all seems tickety boo, I still prefer the PS3 though as it has more of what I want in a console :)

I can certainly understand why you got annoyed at Microsoft. A console which scratches games and gives the RROD is simply not acceptable and if Microsoft were still pumping out **** like that i'd have been right in line behind you telling Bolton Midnight that he'd made a mistake ;) But times have changed and the fact that the 360 outsold the Wii and PS3 in the last few months says that the 360 is a console worth buying.

I don't get where this whole Microsoft bias comes from though. In terms of consoles I was a Nintendo person in the age of the N64 (in fact I was given a free N64 just last week which I'm mega stoked about!) and nothing really caught my fancy up until the Wii and the 360. I really didn't like XP at all, I thought all Windows Mobile OS's up until Windows Phone 7 were rubbish and I stopped buying Microsoft mice and keyboards about 5 years ago and went Logitech :)

I think the PS3 is a decent enough console but IMHO it was too expensive at the start and the perceived advantages of the Cell processor (i remember someone on here saying the 360 was going to fail because Cell was better) and the fact that whilst Bluray means you can play Blurays, it doesn't really do anything for you in terms of game content that a DLC on the 360 can't :)

Am I really biased towards Microsoft? :confused:

13th December 2010, 21:06
Why?Because I've played all 3 of those consoles and I like PS3 the best. See my previous post on the first page.

13th December 2010, 21:18
Its already been answered but I thought I'd give my views. Why would I buy Playstation Move and not a Wii?
- I already own PS3

- Move is more responsive than the Wii remotes.

- Move is £42 as opposed to a Wii console or the £127 xBox equivilent.

-Playstation are planning to incorporate Move, into up and coming games like Call of Duty, SingStar, some of which they already have.. etc etc.

- The PS3 provides better graphics than the Wii console.

- I once owned a Wii and sold it just before last christmas as I just didn't feel compelled to play it. Soft Japanese, kiddy like graphics just don't float my boat I'm afraid. It was a fad for someone like me and was gathering dust next to my PS3.

Thats just my opinion, and none of us are wrong in our views.. :)

PS: I've owned my PS3 since November 2006 and touch wood, I've never experienced a problem with it. In that time my mates have gone through xBox's and the number of consoles is in double figures. These are obviously the older consoles and I've heard microsoft have ironed out the flaws. About time too.

Whilst for someone who already has a PS3 the best option is probably just to get Move, Bolton Midnight doesn't seem to have any of the current gen consoles so why not go for the Wii (probably the best option for a young child) or the 360 which has the more advanced motion sensing technology?

13th December 2010, 21:24
Did I say the fact that it was selling better is evidence that it's better? ;)

13th December 2010, 21:46
Whilst for someone who already has a PS3 the best option is probably just to get Move, Bolton Midnight doesn't seem to have any of the current gen consoles so why not go for the Wii (probably the best option for a young child) or the 360 which has the more advanced motion sensing technology?Bolton bought an Xbox. Wrong choice. :p

13th December 2010, 22:07
I own both a 360 and a Wii. As a parent of a six and a three year old, the Wii is definitely better for the kids. The 360 gets more use from, uh, others in the household :uhoh: .

13th December 2010, 22:38
No you didn't, you're the best... High five.

w00t :p

Bolton Midnight
14th December 2010, 02:02
Whilst for someone who already has a PS3 the best option is probably just to get Move, Bolton Midnight doesn't seem to have any of the current gen consoles so why not go for the Wii (probably the best option for a young child) or the 360 which has the more advanced motion sensing technology?

Correct I have a PS2 (have a 1 somewhere too)

If I could have played my old PS games on the latests PS3 then I'd have dug my heels in more but I can't so whichever game I got it would mean a new library.

Originally my son wanted a Wii but I didn't want that for the few times I have a play, so a compromise had to be made.

14th December 2010, 07:46
So it becomes clear who the Christmas present was really for! :laugh:

14th December 2010, 07:51
So it becomes clear who the Christmas present was really for! :laugh:

Aren't we all just big kids that use our children as an excuse for the things we buy :p :

14th December 2010, 08:28
We seem to have read and seen conflicting reviews, because the Gadget show on Channel 5, and most other reviews I read suggest the 'Move' has better motion sensing technology, than both the xBox and Wii. The BBC's 'Something for the weekend' with Tim Lovejoy tested it a few weeks back and their gadget specialist advised that you needed a large, uncluttered space in order for it to work properly, and suggested the room was full of natural light because the sensor was not picking up movement as clear as the Move and Wii. Then again I'm sure if you own an xBox you'll be happy with it whatever. :)

This is going to sound like a cop out but here goes :p

I don't really rate the British media when it comes to technology reviews. Whilst the gadget show is good for making people aware of stuff I find their reviews a bit tiresome and sometimes a touch flawed. The BBC are simply terrible when it comes to technology, Click is one of the most cringeworthy programs on TV today.

None of the reviews I've seen have given the Kinect 10/10 or anything (I'm sure that the 360 magazines gave it 9 or 10/10 just like the PS magazines have Move the same) but it does seem that it's the more inovative and potential filled technology.




14th December 2010, 09:29
Correct I have a PS2 (have a 1 somewhere too)

If I could have played my old PS games on the latests PS3 then I'd have dug my heels in more but I can't so whichever game I got it would mean a new library.

Originally my son wanted a Wii but I didn't want that for the few times I have a play, so a compromise had to be made.

Some games do work on the PS3 but it's very hit and miss. I haven't tried that many but I know that I can play TOCA2 (PS1 game) with no trouble.

Regarding Kinect, it's just EyeToy, innit ;)

14th December 2010, 09:30
Aren't we all just big kids that use our children as an excuse for the things we buy :p :

Certainly not! The wife is my excuse ;)

14th December 2010, 09:41
Eyetoy uses some similar ideas but the implementation and ultimately the specs are very different

14th December 2010, 10:37
Eyetoy uses some similar ideas but the implementation and ultimately the specs are very different

Too easy ;)

14th December 2010, 11:13
Your favourite console sucks.

Dave B
14th December 2010, 13:09
We seem to have read and seen conflicting reviews, because the Gadget show on Channel 5, and most other reviews I read suggest the 'Move' has better motion sensing technology, than both the xBox and Wii. The BBC's 'Something for the weekend' with Tim Lovejoy tested it a few weeks back and their gadget specialist advised that you needed a large, uncluttered space in order for it to work properly, and suggested the room was full of natural light because the sensor was not picking up movement as clear as the Move and Wii. Then again I'm sure if you own an xBox you'll be happy with it whatever. :)

The Gadget Show tend to favour whoever's bunging them the most freebies that week, and Tim Lovejoy is a cock who I wouldn't trust to review anything.

That said, I've used a Kinect and my first impression was terrible - that was with the bundle of games which come with it. However, with a different game (and I honestly forget what it was) the controller was so smooth and intuative.

You do need a large space, that's true, but that's equally true of the Wii. I had to change my light fittings when we moved the TV :eek:

14th December 2010, 15:24
I tried the Kinect at my buddy Jim's house the other day for a mere 5 minutes, so please take this post accordingly.
I was impressed by the motion sensor. It easily recognized and followed my movements separately from Jim’s as we played together. The graphics were decent, but not stellar, however, better than Wii.
The face recognition was impressive as it was able to distinguish Jim’s ugly mug and log on automatically to his account, separate from his 8 year old son’s (um, for whom he had purchased the console… :uhoh: ).
Based on my 5 minute trial, and my ownership of a Wii, I would definitely opt for the 360 Kinect.

Bolton Midnight
14th December 2010, 15:27
So say you were playing a boxing/fighting game or tennis, do you have to move about as much as you would if it was a real match/fight?

14th December 2010, 15:30
No, not at all. You can pretty much stand in one spot and flail around with your arms. You do, however, need enough room to distance yourself from the other players and not bump into furniture. Also, there may be jumping involved so a bit of headroom is necessary.

Bolton Midnight
14th December 2010, 15:34
Was going to say, SWMBO isn't going to like it when me and the lad trash her room ha ha

Still sounds like you'd get a bit of a work out.

14th December 2010, 21:30
The Gadget Show tend to favour whoever's bunging them the most freebies that week, and Tim Lovejoy is a cock who I wouldn't trust to review anything.

That's pretty much my impression of the British TV technology media. Pretty much as good as useless

16th December 2010, 17:23
PS3 for me

Excellent graphics
Superb games
Fantastic online service
Good connection
Free subscription
Blu-ray player inbuilt
BBC / C4 / ITV players
Easily rechargable gamepads

16th December 2010, 17:31
Did I say the fact that it was selling better is evidence that it's better? ;)

I work for an IT Reseller and we currently are selling twice as many PS3's as Xbox's, so not sure where your evidence is from?

As well as that PS3 and Wii games are outselling Xbox games by 3:1.

I myself have sold 50 or so consoles this month and they were all PS3's or Wii's.

That said, this is for business and public sector, not consumer.

Brown, Jon Brow
16th December 2010, 17:33
An afternoon on Xbox Live playing Big Team Slayer on Halo:Reach reminds me why I bought a 360. :cool:

16th December 2010, 18:18
I work for an IT Reseller and we currently are selling twice as many PS3's as Xbox's, so not sure where your evidence is from?

As well as that PS3 and Wii games are outselling Xbox games by 3:1.

I myself have sold 50 or so consoles this month and they were all PS3's or Wii's.

That said, this is for business and public sector, not consumer.


I would suggest that judging a market that is primarily consumer based upon sales in the business sector is probably not the best measure.

16th December 2010, 18:31
...I myself have sold 50 or so consoles this month and they were all PS3's or Wii's.

That said, this is for business and public sector, not consumer.

Heck, I'd like to work for a busniess that requires PS3 or Wii's! :D

16th December 2010, 18:49
The US market is a big market and it would be interesting to see how it compares with the rest of the world for the last 3 months. As of September 30th 2010 the worldwide sales figures were apparently:

Wii - 75.9m units
xBox - 44.6m units
PS3 - 41.6m units

The Wii is the youngest console with the xBox being the oldest so the figures seem about right.. :)

The 360 has had a substantial boost in the last month with the arrival of Kinect which has sold a lot of consoles.

I think all of the console makers are somewhat guilty of attempting to convince consumers that theirs is undoubtedly the bet :mark:

This made me laugh.

17th December 2010, 13:14
Just got my GT5 game :D

Late nights here we come...

17th December 2010, 13:59

I would suggest that judging a market that is primarily consumer based upon sales in the business sector is probably not the best measure.

That link describes US sales, we only sell to UK and Ireland and I am talking about UK sales.

I should imagine UK sales will be vastly different - the business and public sector is certainly more PS3 and Wii orientated from where I am sitting, and we know that Americans like to buy their own products - rather than Sony and Nintendo (Japanese).

17th December 2010, 15:00
But consoles are primarily bought by home users and not businesses

17th December 2010, 16:10
...we know that Americans like to buy their own products - rather than Sony and Nintendo (Japanese).

Have you checked the current trade imbalance figures between the U.S and asian nations lately? ;)

17th December 2010, 17:19
But consoles are primarily bought by home users and not businesses

Where is your proof for that exactly?

We sell thousands upon thousands every month into trade, business and public sector. It is a very big market. You would probably be surprised. If they end up with home users through trade then you could put them under both categories.

17th December 2010, 17:51
Where is your proof for that exactly?

We sell thousands upon thousands every month into trade, business and public sector. It is a very big market. You would probably be surprised. If they end up with home users through trade then you could put them under both categories.

I know that companies buy consoles. I've worked in places that have Wii's so they can do competitions between staff members, places that have had PS3's for playing Blurays and even one that had a 360 :p

My point is that whilst there is obviously a lucrative market for consoles for your company, home users are obviously the biggest market because there are more home users than businesses.......

Have you ever seen how many consoles walk out the door of a Game, Currys or Comet during christmas or when a decent game comes out?

17th December 2010, 18:08
Sorry, double post

17th December 2010, 18:08

Based on that link the numbers worldwide are as follows:

Worldwide sales figures
1.Wii – 75.90 million as of 30 September 2010 (2010 -09-30)
2.Xbox 360 – 44.6 million as of 28 October 2010 (2010 -10-28)
3.PlayStation 3 – 41.6 million as of 30 September 2010 (2010 -09-30)

Does that convince me that the Wii is a superior console to either the Xbox or PS3? Not at all. It convinces me only that the Wii has sold more consoles, and that the Xbox and PS3 are fairly close in overall sales.

I like the idea of the Kinect not using hand held sensors, and see very few downsides to it. I am interested in how it would remain "focused" on a certain user when others are in the vicinity though.

All of them have some great features and I think most people could really care less what sells the most.... I know we don't. Based on that one link Daniel posted the Nintendo DS consoles are outselling all of them in that area. Is this going to make anyone run out and get one?

17th December 2010, 18:38
SNAP lol :p

I agree, prices, release dates, available games, and Christmas launches all play their part in how sales are measured. The PS3 has been the most expensive console for most of its time so far and the Wii the cheapest. The xbox and PS3 tend to appeal to a more adult audience in comparison to the Wii. Now the technology is being incorporated into other consoles, we may sales figures start to even out IMO.. :)

Quit ripping off my links pages before I post them! :laugh:

No doubt sales strategies play a huge part in the overall sales. But other than hoping to catch a deal on something we are going to buy, the number of consoles sold really doesn't much matter to me unless it appears support in the form of games is on the way out for outdated products.

I do agree that the Xbox and PS3 sales will likely take a chunk out of the Wii sales not that they have both incorporated the movement sensors. Given the graphics disadvantage the Wii had, it's proof that the type of interaction was a big selling point.

17th December 2010, 18:48
SNAP lol :p

I agree, prices, release dates, available games, and Christmas launches all play their part in how sales are measured. The PS3 has been the most expensive console for most of its time so far and the Wii the cheapest. The xbox and PS3 tend to appeal to a more adult audience in comparison to the Wii. Now the technology is being incorporated into other consoles, we may sales figures start to even out IMO.. :)

What is probably an even better measure is how many games or indeed controllers are sold. It is certainly true that a lot of people have bought Wii's and they're gathering dust, 360's to replaced RROD'ed ones and PS3's purely as bluray players as they were cheap (as a bluray player) when they first came out.

IMHO the Wii did a good job by appealing to kids and therefore the kiddies parents and having great interactive play. The PS3 had the advantage of being a cheap bluray player (like the PS2 was a cheap DVD player) which was a huge thing when it first came out although this is not so much the case now. The 360 had the benefit of an established online gaming community and it was better priced than the PS3.

Completely agree with Airshifter re: graphics. Every ignorant tool was blabbering on about how great the graphics were going to be on the PS3 and 360 and forgot that games should be fun. A workmate gave me a Nintendo 64 and I was looking online at screencaptures of Goldeneye and saw just how primitive the graphics were and remembered how it didn't matter and me and 3 mates would regularly gather at someone's house and play for hour upon hour because it was FUN!

17th December 2010, 19:34
Have you ever seen how many consoles walk out the door of a Game, Currys or Comet during christmas or when a decent game comes out?

Who sells the consoles to Game?

17th December 2010, 19:38
Who sells the consoles to Game?
Not business resellers that's for sure. The likes of Game will buy direct from Microsoft, Sony and so on.

26th April 2011, 15:03
Nintendo have announced that the Wii 2 will be out next year

No details yet on what it will consist of. tbh I don't imagine we'll see a massive change apart from improved graphics and CPU etc. And perhaps a much more accurate controller.

26th April 2011, 15:49
Nintendo have announced that the Wii 2 will be out next year

No details yet on what it will consist of. tbh I don't imagine we'll see a massive change apart from improved graphics and CPU etc. And perhaps a much more accurate controller.

I would imagine there will be quite a difference tbh. It'll be a next gen console.

26th April 2011, 16:53
I would imagine there will be quite a difference tbh. It'll be a next gen console.

Makes sense, Nintendo recently have very much been about getting ahead of the game while Sony and Microsoft use extra time to bring a more rounded product. However I suspect that Mark is right on the controller issue, a move towards a bit more accuracy and realism (although realism has never really been the corner of the market that they're after).

26th April 2011, 21:44
If you buy a classic controller for the Wii its as accurate as any other controller out there, other than for racing games to be fair

26th April 2011, 22:15
Nintendo aren't going to try and compete in the HD arms race with Sony/Microsoft. I should imagine the Wii 2 will try and move the boundaries again in some manner; Perhaps 3D.

The Wii does what it does well (family games, kids titles and the like) but Wii2 would have to be a giant leap forward in every way for me to put down my dual shock.

26th April 2011, 22:22
PSN is still not working.

26th April 2011, 22:39
Yep. Haw haw.

Sonic, I see no reason why the Wii 2 wouldn't be doing its thing in hd.

26th April 2011, 22:40
^^^ yeah. Totally lame. I REALLY need some c o d.

26th April 2011, 22:44
Get a PC :)

27th April 2011, 00:16
Yeah PSN being down is a bit irritating, I'd be well annoyed if I was paying for it. I had a little crack at MW1 on the 360 the other day just to get me deathmatch fix but that game is so different to Black Ops that I sucked big time :(

27th April 2011, 09:07
Apparently it's down because they've been hacked and credit card and personal information has been taken, ouch!

27th April 2011, 09:18
Apparently it's down because they've been hacked and credit card and personal information has been taken, ouch!

I have to say that's a big cup of :rotflmao: Firstly for the PSN to get taken down completely

Seriously, I hope Sony do what they do best in the future and stick to making overpriced tv's, laptops and personal audio equipment and leave things like running complex online services to companies who are better qualified to run them.

I'll stick to my PC, 360 and Wii thanks :D

27th April 2011, 09:27
First of all its not at all funny, and secondly good for you. :)

Henners, your credit card will be protected from any fraudulent transactions by your CC company, if in doubt I'd call up now and say you've lost the card and they'll cancel it straight away.

I wouldn't laugh if people were genuinely going to get hurt :)

27th April 2011, 09:41
I know you wouldn't but the PS3 is a perfectly good games console and currently the best on the market in terms of hardware, games available, and use as an entertainment system IMO. The online part is not as good as the xBox, and hopefully this will help solve alot of the issues.

I think the hardware thing is a total joke with the PS3. They marketed the Cell processor as some sort of supercomputer which was going to place it head and shoulders above the competition but this simply wasn't the case, firstly the 360 does just fine in terms of graphics and more importantly, the Cell processor is very hard to code for. I remember one particular person who no longer posts on here who obviously had no idea about hardware saying that Cell was going to make the PS3 a much better console than everything else. What happened? The Wii wiped the floor with everything else for a couple of years with hardware which dated back to 2001 and when it did fall off in terms of sales the 360 was every bit its equal.

Bluray was one thing that they got right of course, but as a console it doesn't matter whether it has bluray or just DVD as the extra space doesn't mean there is more content. The weak link with the PS3 is online play and that's a big weak link. It's like saying that a car is a good car because it's got a great stereo, but the car has a crap engine and doesn't handle well.

27th April 2011, 09:49
I have to say that's a big cup of :rotflmao: Firstly for the PSN to get taken down completely

Seriously, I hope Sony do what they do best in the future and stick to making overpriced tv's, laptops and personal audio equipment and leave things like running complex online services to companies who are better qualified to run them.

I'll stick to my PC, 360 and Wii thanks :D

What is your problem with Sony? Why do you take such glee from problems for them. The PS3 is a great entertainment source that offers far more than just gaming as standard. The 360 is great, but for the casual gamer the versatility (for no extra cost) of the PlayStation is just a more alluring prospect.

And I disagree with the 'better qualified to run them' remark, because MS are thieving *******s. Have you ever tried knocking an automatically renewing Gold membership of Live back down to Silver? They make it easy to upgrade but when it comes to taking away your subscription they aren't so friendly any more.

27th April 2011, 09:51
Bluray was one thing that they got right of course, but as a console it doesn't matter whether it has bluray or just DVD as the extra space doesn't mean there is more content. The weak link with the PS3 is online play and that's a big weak link. It's like saying that a car is a good car because it's got a great stereo, but the car has a crap engine and doesn't handle well.

Firstly the PS3 is much more than a console, so the extra space and Bluray does matter to a lot of people. Secondly the online play isn't that big a weak link, I've certainly not noticed the difference between PSN and Live (until now)...apart from not having to pay £60 for a wireless adapter and £40 for a yearly subscription of course.

27th April 2011, 09:58
I had my Wii about 8 months and had a board and everything, but the novelty wore off with me and I sold it at a small loss. I think I turned it on once for every month I owned it. I don't claim to know in any depth the internals of any of these consoles and it doesn't interest me too much. I've used them all and I know which one stands out for me on a personal level, and I suppose thats all that matters, much like it is for anyone else. :)

Got a Wii at Christmas and we spent a lot of time playing Wii party and got the Wii bit board and everything, but it hasn't been turned on for a couple of months now. I do think the Wii lacks depth in the available titles, and I don't think that will change with the Wii 2. I'm not a particularly big gamer of course - I used to be! And Karen likes to play Civ on her laptop while watching TV.

27th April 2011, 10:05
Firstly the PS3 is much more than a console, so the extra space and Bluray does matter to a lot of people. Secondly the online play isn't that big a weak link, I've certainly not noticed the difference between PSN and Live (until now)...apart from not having to pay £60 for a wireless adapter and £40 for a yearly subscription of course.

I never paid £60 for a wireless adaptor, I just used a network cable.

Personally I only bought the 360 to play Forza 3 on and when I had my free month of gold membership my abiding membership of online play with getting a good start and getting shoved off the track nearly every time. Seemed pointless to pay for a gold membership and I wouldn't play online even if it were free :)

The thing about Bluray is that players are cheap these days now, we got one just yesterday in fact :)

27th April 2011, 10:10
Got a Wii at Christmas and we spent a lot of time playing Wii party and got the Wii bit board and everything, but it hasn't been turned on for a couple of months now. I do think the Wii lacks depth in the available titles, and I don't think that will change with the Wii 2. I'm not a particularly big gamer of course - I used to be! And Karen likes to play Civ on her laptop while watching TV.

I don't see why the Wii 2 wouldn't be able to compete in terms of the range of games. The thing holding the Wii back is the hardware in terms of processing power, graphics and storage space. No one wants to play black ops in 480p on a console that just can't handle it and not be able to download the aditional content you get on other consoles and PC. Once they sort that, and they will, then it'll be a 3 horse race.

The only thing holding the wii back at the moment is

27th April 2011, 10:11
There does seem to be a tendency to knock what you consider a 'rival' platform to the one you've invested your money in. Which is silly really as not having those devices you can't really comment on it.

e.g. I have an iPhone but I don't knock WM7 or Android. I do however knock Nokia cos they're crap, but that may well change soon.

(I don't want this to turn into a phone discussion I'm just making a point :p )

27th April 2011, 10:14
There does seem to be a tendency to knock what you consider a 'rival' platform to the one you've invested your money in. Which is silly really as not having those devices you can't really comment on it.

e.g. I have an iPhone but I don't knock WM7 or Android. I do however knock Nokia cos they're crap, but that may well change soon.

(I don't want this to turn into a phone discussion I'm just making a point :p )

I'm not knocking Sony because I don't own a Playstation, I'm knocking them for the reasons that I've outlined ;)

I don't have an Android phone but I don't knock them, it's just that they're not ridiculously expensive and locked down like iPhones so I've no real need to knock them.

BTW it's WP7, not WM7 ;)

27th April 2011, 10:27
Do you not play online with your xBox Daniel? Most games now are so short in terms of single player and designed specifically around the online play aren't they? Get you monies worth.. ;)

I bought it for Forza 3 and that's the only game I own for it :) I play online on my PC and lets just say I get more than my monies worth with the games I buy :D

27th April 2011, 10:30
I never paid £60 for a wireless adaptor, I just used a network cable.

Sadly not an option for me as the router is so far away from the console and mini-trunking just isn't an option. I tried setting up a link so that the 360 fed off the wireless of my PC, but at that point MS decide to go from treating you like you're using technology for the first time to assuming that you know everything about computers. The language gets ridiculously complex and it seems impossible to get a reasonable explanation of why it's not working.

I never play racing games online (apart from DiRT) for exactly the reasons you've outlined. Likewise I don't play FIFA online because if you play the Be-A-Pro type thing (where you control one player on the pitch) you usually end up having to listen to some ridiculously offensive racist, and if you play one on one you end up with someone leaving the game if you take a 2 goal lead. So it's pretty much only COD that I play online, which is handy because that's awesome (except for snipers, they're big jessies that need to man up and get involved in a proper gunfight).

Incidentally wireless hasn't really given me too many issues with online play for either console. You get the ocassional bit of slow down but I can cope with that.

As for the Wii, I've just never found it enjoyable, although TBF I've only messed around on basic games. For some reason virtual bowling doesn't really grab me, I guess it's because I can easily go and bowl for real.

27th April 2011, 10:33
(except for snipers, they're big jessies that need to man up and get involved in a proper gunfight).


I know what you mean. What gets me online is snipers who are chicken**** and never try to push towards the enemy and just wait for easy kills. if ever I do go sniper I will push up as far as I can go and clear the way for my team to move up and win the round rather than camping near my own spawn like a scared little tard.

Nothing better than knifing a sniper in the back and teabagging him though :D

27th April 2011, 10:38
I don't even bother with the rifle at all, I lack the patience and the cunning so always get found out and someone stabs me in the back (I hope they don't teabag me though :D ). Instead I go for the 'guns blazing approach', usually involving perks and attachments that increase rate of fire/hip accuracy or give more ammo. It's not pretty, it's not accurate and I die a lot, but it certainly makes for an action filled time :D

27th April 2011, 18:29
Playstation owners, you have been compromised.


28th April 2011, 01:09
I don't even bother with the rifle at all, I lack the patience and the cunning so always get found out and someone stabs me in the back (I hope they don't teabag me though :D ). Instead I go for the 'guns blazing approach', usually involving perks and attachments that increase rate of fire/hip accuracy or give more ammo. It's not pretty, it's not accurate and I die a lot, but it certainly makes for an action filled time :D

I don't play Black Ops much because I don't like the fact that you have to play for ages with crap weapons to get decent weapons. The game I play the most is Day of Defeat: Source which is a WW2 class based first person shooter and everyone has the opportunity to use the same weapons although classes like MG and sniper are usually limited on most servers.

I tend to be a run and gun type of person. Though depending on the situation I can sit in one point and just gun people down if it helps the team to win. The spawns in DoD: S don't move around so with a good team you can just push in one direction and crush the enemy and cap all the flags :)

This video shows one of the things that annoys me about Black Ops :)

28th April 2011, 11:42
I have to say that's a big cup of :rotflmao: Firstly for the PSN to get taken down completely

Seriously, I hope Sony do what they do best in the future and stick to making overpriced tv's, laptops and personal audio equipment and leave things like running complex online services to companies who are better qualified to run them.

I'll stick to my PC, 360 and Wii thanks :D

Alright, Microsoft lover it is a bad time for PS3 at the moment with the hacking, but I think the worry is a little over the top. Credit cards are good for this type of thing, if anything happens you can claim the money back. Other than that, once it is back online, I will continue as normal.

Just wonder which sad imbecile decided to hack PS3. They need to get out more! Unless of course, they work for Microsoft, in which case, they probably got a fat cheque.

PS3 even offline is still miles better than an Xbox anyway! NOTHING will make me ever buy an Xbox - a complete waste of money and time.

28th April 2011, 11:58
Medal of Honor is much the same as Black Op's in terms of starting with limited weapons but I find that part of the fun because it gives you an incentive to keep playing to unlock special forces weapons etc etc. For me anyway. Theres also less chance in the early stages of getting sniped from across the map if most people are running around with AK-47's with no scopes lol. :)

Sad thing about black ops for me is having worked my way through hours of gameplay to get the good weapons I'm still getting creamed! :(

28th April 2011, 12:18
Alright, Microsoft lover it is a bad time for PS3 at the moment with the hacking, but I think the worry is a little over the top. Credit cards are good for this type of thing, if anything happens you can claim the money back. Other than that, once it is back online, I will continue as normal.

Just wonder which sad imbecile decided to hack PS3. They need to get out more! Unless of course, they work for Microsoft, in which case, they probably got a fat cheque.

PS3 even offline is still miles better than an Xbox anyway! NOTHING will make me ever buy an Xbox - a complete waste of money and time.

Sorry, I didn't realise you and the Playstation 3 were an item.

28th April 2011, 14:38
Oh dear, the same old 'my console is better than your console' :p

3rd May 2011, 08:13
There does seem to be a tendency to knock what you consider a 'rival' platform to the one you've invested your money in. Which is silly really as not having those devices you can't really comment on it.

e.g. I have an iPhone but I don't knock WM7 or Android. I do however knock Nokia cos they're crap, but that may well change soon.

(I don't want this to turn into a phone discussion I'm just making a point :p )

I own all three of the current platforms. I play my PS3 90% of the time. I haven't played my Xbox 360 for about 3 months now and got bored of my Wii after the first few weeks. I don't care who makes what, as long as the hardware and games are good. Have to say that Sony does have the best console by quite some margin and their game selection is now on par with what Microsoft offer. Also never had any reliability problems with my PS2 which is about 7 years old now nor my PS3, can't say the same for my Xbox 360 which had to replaced twice :(

3rd May 2011, 09:32
Thanks, always good to hear from someone who has proper experience with all the platforms. Like most things such as cars, mobile phones etc you can only really asses a product once you've owned it, and as most people can't afford to buy every type of car, phone, camera, console etc etc such comparisons are going to be hard to make.

3rd May 2011, 09:47
Thanks, always good to hear from someone who has proper experience with all the platforms. Like most things such as cars, mobile phones etc you can only really asses a product once you've owned it, and as most people can't afford to buy every type of car, phone, camera, console etc etc such comparisons are going to be hard to make.

Yup. As a PS3 and xBox owner I'd take the Sony most of the time, in fact the only times I now play the 360 is when it's a game that I don't have for the PS3 (limited pretty much to GTA4, F1 2010, NHL and DiRT2). Even then it's rare that I play those games these days and I no longer buy games for the 360 (apart from F1 but that was because I have the steering wheel which makes things a bit more interesting).

The 360 isn't a bad console but I don't think that it's better than the playstation in any area, bar the fact that it's cheaper and marginally better online (but if you're paying £40 a year for online play you sort of expect that). If you bought an xBox you'd probably love it...unless you also got a PS3 ;)

3rd May 2011, 16:24
If you bought an xBox you'd probably love it...unless you also got a PS3 ;)

You are right. There is nothing wrong with the Xbox 360 or PS3. Both are good consoles. What draws me to my PS3 more often than the Xbox is I prefer the ergonomics of th PS controller to the Xbox controller and Sony has more games that I enjoy than Microsoft do. If Microsoft changed their controller to a similar configuration as Sony's, I would spend more time on it for sure. The Wii was just a total waste of money that could have been spent on beer :p : Maybe my kids will enjoy the Wii once they are old enough to use it.

3rd May 2011, 16:40
You are right. There is nothing wrong with the Xbox 360 or PS3. Both are good consoles. What draws me to my PS3 more often than the Xbox is I prefer the ergonomics of th PS controller to the Xbox controller and Sony has more games that I enjoy than Microsoft do. If Microsoft changed their controller to a similar configuration as Sony's, I would spend more time on it for sure. The Wii was just a total waste of money that could have been spent on beer :p : Maybe my kids will enjoy the Wii once they are old enough to use it.

Funny thing is that I absolutely hate the Playstation controllers. You seem to have to hold onto them rather than them just staying in your hands. That said I thought the N64 controller was the best controller ever so I guess I just prefer a bigger controller.

3rd May 2011, 16:43
Funny thing is that I absolutely hate the Playstation controllers. You seem to have to hold onto them rather than them just staying in your hands. That said I thought the N64 controller was the best controller ever so I guess I just prefer a bigger controller.

I suppose I'm just used to the PS controller as I have been using them for 10 years now since the PS2 came out. The Xbox controller just feels foreign to me :s hock:

3rd May 2011, 16:47
I suppose I'm just used to the PS controller as I have been using them for 10 years now since the PS2 came out. The Xbox controller just feels foreign to me :s hock:

Same with me really. Most of my mates had playstations and when my brother finally bought one he got one with the analog sticks, so with that introduction and then the PS2 I've pretty much dealt with that controller for getting on for 15 years. The 360 feels a bit fat to me, but I'm not an idiot (like lots of people seem to be) so I can cope with using either fairly well.

The N64 thing was hideous to me as a Sony boy, never got the hang of that.

3rd May 2011, 16:48
Incidentally does anyone know if PSN is back up/might be back up? I haven't paid much attention recently.

3rd May 2011, 17:28
Incidentally does anyone know if PSN is back up/might be back up? I haven't paid much attention recently.You're kidding, right?

PSN just got hacked again.


3rd May 2011, 19:10
You're kidding, right?

PSN just got hacked again.


BOOM! Headshot!

3rd May 2011, 19:34
Why would I be kidding? I spent the weekend watching football, binge drinking and watchign motorsport, strangely checking out the latest news in nerd land didn't really enter my mind.

Not really a huge problem for me, not sure I've bought anything on PSN and in any case I've had to change my debit card twice in the last 2 months anyway.

3rd May 2011, 19:35
Why would I be kidding? I spent the weekend watching football, binge drinking and watchign motorsport, strangely checking out the latest news in nerd land didn't really enter my mind.

Not really a huge problem for me, not sure I've bought anything on PSN and in any case I've had to change my debit card twice in the last 2 months anyway.

Are you like me and keep on misplacing cards? :D

3rd May 2011, 20:02
Are you like me and keep on misplacing cards? :D

Not quite :erm: One was stolen from my pocket (I did a typical 'Brits abroad' thing of drinking too much and falling asleep, at which point someone swiped my wallet and the cheapo phone I'd taken), then the replalcement decided that it no longer want to work (they reckon the chip was somehow damaged)

3rd May 2011, 20:37
I haven't really followed this story. But Bloomberg reported that something like 100 million card numbers were compromised... and Sony didn't notify its customers for over a week??? Not good.

3rd May 2011, 23:34
Why would I be kidding? I spent the weekend watching football, binge drinking and watchign motorsport, strangely checking out the latest news in nerd land didn't really enter my mind.

Not really a huge problem for me, not sure I've bought anything on PSN and in any case I've had to change my debit card twice in the last 2 months anyway.Trying to bring me down a peg? Yeah, nice try. Fact of the matter is that I only posted a link to answer your question and you went off on some needless rant. I bet all your binge drinking is pissing away those brain cells.

Oh, and it's not football, it's soccer.

3rd May 2011, 23:34
Not good form by Sony but at least they are safe in the knowledge they make a better console than Microsoft.. :p :D

That's like having a better car that you can't drive on the road :p

3rd May 2011, 23:59
Trying to bring me down a peg? Yeah, nice try. Fact of the matter is that I only posted a link to answer your question and you went off on some needless rant. I bet all your binge drinking is pissing away those brain cells.

Oh, and it's not football, it's soccer.

What the hell are you on about? :confused:

That's like having a better car that you can't drive on the road :p

Like a Ferrari FFX :D

4th May 2011, 05:27

Hey there, the Canadians are coming!

What the hell are you on about? :confused: My bad. I thought you were trying to be a jerk on a different post.

13th May 2011, 17:34
Saw this today which made me lol


13th May 2011, 20:37
PC's are for virgins.

Shut it peasant! :D

18th May 2011, 18:04


18th May 2011, 19:01
If true, that's a damn sight better customer service than Sony have offered for having all my personal details hacked. Still waiting for so much as apology.

19th May 2011, 09:27
Indeed, they spotted it and took action without having to have a massive campaign in the press and threats of legal action, well done MS.

19th May 2011, 10:31
Indeed, they spotted it and took action without having to have a massive campaign in the press and threats of legal action, well done MS.

Yup. I suspect the timing with relation to Sony's woes is not by accident ;)

Meant to post this yesterday. Sony are amateurish. PSN went back up, but all you needed to do to reset a password was give your email address and DoB, BOTH of which the hackers potentially know :rolleyes:


Sony should have hired a proper software company and got them to take care of the online part rather than making a mess out of it. Google would have happily done it for the chance to have all the user data :)

19th May 2011, 10:52
Meant to post this yesterday. Sony are amateurish. PSN went back up, but all you needed to do to reset a password was give your email address and DoB, BOTH of which the hackers potentially know :rolleyes:

What other security questions do you suggest then? Sony would have only had that info from me, likewise Microsoft haven't got much to go on. Asking for that information and then sending a confirmation e-mail is about the only option they had.

19th May 2011, 11:00
What other security questions do you suggest then? Sony would have only had that info from me, likewise Microsoft haven't got much to go on. Asking for that information and then sending a confirmation e-mail is about the only option they had.

Oooh I dunno? Send out a token/s to the PS3 and/or email address and have the user enter that in addition to their DoB and email address? It is unlikely that a hacker will have compromised PSN as well as having stolen your actual PS3 and compromised your email address.

That's just what I, a person who knows only a little bit about security, thought up in a minute or two.

19th May 2011, 11:08
Cue all those who've changed their email address since first registering not being able to get online. You have to also have a way around things if email isn't possible.

19th May 2011, 11:12
Cue all those who've changed their email address since first registering not being able to get online. You have to also have a way around things if email isn't possible.

Of course, hence a token sent out to the PS3 would probably be a good bet.

19th May 2011, 11:15
Oooh I dunno? Send out a token/s to the PS3 and/or email address and have the user enter that in addition to their DoB and email address? It is unlikely that a hacker will have compromised PSN as well as having stolen your actual PS3 and compromised your email address.

That's just what I, a person who knows only a little bit about security, thought up in a minute or two.

That's really not that different from having someone put in DoB and e-mail address and then sending an e-mail to say that it's been changed. I'd guess that we all also have to re-enter any payment details (I don't store my card info on there so haven't tried), so a hacker having any access to an account gives them no benefit at all.

Anyway my PSN is back up, belongs to me and working nicely. Just have to remember to cancel my Live Gold subscription later on today (due to automatically renew at the beginning of June and I never really use it so not worth the money). No doubt that'll be fun :rolleyes:

19th May 2011, 11:20
That's really not that different from having someone put in DoB and e-mail address and then sending an e-mail to say that it's been changed. I'd guess that we all also have to re-enter any payment details (I don't store my card info on there so haven't tried), so a hacker having any access to an account gives them no benefit at all.

Anyway my PSN is back up, belongs to me and working nicely. Just have to remember to cancel my Live Gold subscription later on today (due to automatically renew at the beginning of June and I never really use it so not worth the money). No doubt that'll be fun :rolleyes:

It's a lot different. PSN has been compromised so any details on there are potentially in the hands of someone else, so using that as a means of verifying your identity is more or less useless. Your email address however wasn't compromised and even if the password was the same you'd still more likely than not, have the power to change it. Conversely, if a unique token/code was sent out to your PS3 then someone would have to physically have your PS3 as well as your DoB and email to compromise your account. It's quite simple really.

19th May 2011, 11:30
But just changing the password and sending a confirmation is simpler and effective. As you say my e-mail wasn't compromised so I see a message saying

This email confirms that your PlayStation(R)Network password account has been changed successfully.

If you did not change your password...
This email has been sent to you because the password for the relevant PlayStation(R)Network account has been changed.
If you did not change your password, please contact Customer Support at the following address:

Does the same job with less hassle for the masses. And how do you determine what PS3 unit belongs to what username? I know of several people with second hand consoles that will have had multiple usernames on, as well as people that use their username on different consoles. Say I've just sold my PS3 to davebloggs23 (or whatever), the key sent to the PS3 would mean nothing to his username. Likewise if I was then to change my mind and buy a new PS3 then my username would have no relation to it.

19th May 2011, 11:40
But just changing the password and sending a confirmation is simpler and effective. As you say my e-mail wasn't compromised so I see a message saying

Does the same job with less hassle for the masses. And how do you determine what PS3 unit belongs to what username? I know of several people with second hand consoles that will have had multiple usernames on, as well as people that use their username on different consoles. Say I've just sold my PS3 to davebloggs23 (or whatever), the key sent to the PS3 would mean nothing to his username. Likewise if I was then to change my mind and buy a new PS3 then my username would have no relation to it.

That email confirms that your password has been CHANGED though. If that was someone nasty then they're already in your account. That's not how security should work.

19th May 2011, 11:50
That email confirms that your password has been CHANGED though. If that was someone nasty then they're already in your account. That's not how security should work.

1) Someone has basically already been in the account, they've certainly got all the information. 2) It at least notifies you and allows you to react. 3) You still haven't come up with a viable alternative :p :

19th May 2011, 11:55
1) Someone has basically already been in the account, they've certainly got all the information. 2) It at least notifies you and allows you to react. 3) You still haven't come up with a viable alternative :p :

Yes I have!!!!! A token which is sent to the PS3 which you then enter into the password reset form.

I've mentioned it THREE times in the last hour or so.

19th May 2011, 12:08
btw Daniel...when did you start working for Microsoft ? :eek: :p :

19th May 2011, 12:09
btw Daniel...when did you start working for Microsoft ? :eek: :p :

When I realised how good their offerings were compared to the crap that others try to hawk ;)

19th May 2011, 12:18
When I realised how good their offerings were compared to the crap that others try to hawk ;)

Well I've had my PS3 for years now without a single problem, while I know many who have had their Xbox broken severall times...how do you explain that ?

19th May 2011, 12:29
Yes I have!!!!! A token which is sent to the PS3 which you then enter into the password reset form.

I've mentioned it THREE times in the last hour or so.

And I mentioned why it wasn't viable. One PS3 and one username aren't mutually exclusive, it just wouldn't work in practice.

19th May 2011, 12:31
When I realised how good their offerings were compared to the crap that others try to hawk ;)

The online side and customer service are better (except when you want to cancel a subscription, at which point they try to make it impossible). The product itself, well that's up for debate.

19th May 2011, 12:39
And I mentioned why it wasn't viable. One PS3 and one username aren't mutually exclusive, it just wouldn't work in practice.

All they would need to do is give you the token when you log onto a PS3 that you've previously logged onto.

19th May 2011, 13:18
All they would need to do is give you the token when you log onto a PS3 that you've previously logged onto.

What if you sell/have stolen one PS3 and buy a new one?

20th May 2011, 16:14
Well I've had my PS3 for years now without a single problem, while I know many who have had their Xbox broken severall times...how do you explain that ?

That's very true of Sony. Their consoles are bulletproof. Had my PS2 for about 7 years I think it is now and it's still going strong. My PS3 is also going strong. On my third Xbox 360 after the first two failed and had to be replaced under warranty. My Wii is also going strong, though it has only seen about 50 hours of play so far :p :

20th May 2011, 23:04
Well I've had my PS3 for years now without a single problem, while I know many who have had their Xbox broken severall times...how do you explain that ?

All that will be fixed with Service Pack 2 update version If you have any questions refer to KB119848-2774017773930 for clarification. :)

9th June 2011, 11:14
BBC News - Nintendo unveils new Wii console (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-13689609)

Wii U announced. The controller will have a touch screen and a camera. Not sure quite what to make of that tbh :s

9th June 2011, 11:26
Another gimmick from Nintendo that will be bought by millions of idiots such as myself :p :

9th June 2011, 15:32
That's very true of Sony. Their consoles are bulletproof. Had my PS2 for about 7 years I think it is now and it's still going strong. My PS3 is also going strong. On my third Xbox 360 after the first two failed and had to be replaced under warranty. My Wii is also going strong, though it has only seen about 50 hours of play so far :p :

I had my Xbox for years until it failed with the infamous “red ring of death”. I packaged the console up and sent it to MS and within 3 weeks they sent me a replacement, even though the warranty had long expired.
Knock on wood, I haven’t had any problems since.

As for the Wii... ditto Daniel. Even my kids are bored with it now :s

9th June 2011, 16:24
I had my Xbox for years until it failed with the infamous “red ring of death”. I packaged the console up and sent it to MS and within 3 weeks they sent me a replacement, even though the warranty had long expired.
Knock on wood, I haven’t had any problems since.

As for the Wii... ditto Daniel. Even my kids are bored with it now :s

My first two 360's failed from the "red ring o death" within the warranty period and were replaced on the spot each time I returned them, no questions asked. Well done to Microsoft on that one :up: Third one is still going strong, but has not seen much action to be honest.

As for the Wii.....the less said about their console the better. Agree, boring.

10th June 2011, 05:32
I still like the Wii for certain things. We box and do Wii Fit stuff on it, bowl, and general screw around stuff. Granted it will never compete in graphics or for gaming action, but I think the general idea was to get people off their collective butts and try a new form of "playing" a game. Our daughter uses the PS3 a lot more, but she's just in it for the games mostly.

We had similar warranty luck with the Wii as some Xbox users are reporting. We took a direct lightning strike to our home, and it fried a TV, a computer and the Wii. I replaced the power supply as it had obvious scorching and damage on it but no luck. So we did the honest thing when we called and told them it was a lightning strike, but they sent back a repaired unit at no charge to us.

8th August 2011, 19:58
It depends for the 7 yr old a Wii will probably do. But if it's for yourself it has to be Xbox.

8th August 2011, 20:32
Don't go with with Xbox ever. I as a long time gamer prefer Nintendo, The games are fun and creative. The PS3 is also a great option, they have many great franchises like Nintendo.

If you can wait a year, the Wii U will have graphics better than PS3 or 360 and will have both Nintendo franchises and 3rd party games such as Metal Gear, Call of Duty, Battlefeild, etc.

10th August 2011, 15:17
Don't go with with Xbox ever. I as a long time gamer prefer Nintendo, The games are fun and creative. The PS3 is also a great option, they have many great franchises like Nintendo.

That's a matter of opinion.

I had recently borrowed a friend's PS3 to try out and was disappointed.
The controller is very ergonamically poor (my thumbs started to hurt after a while) and the graphics were noticably inferior to the XBox.

I did like the fact that it doubled as a blueray player though.

10th August 2011, 15:20
That's a matter of opinion.

I had recently borrowed a friend's PS3 to try out and was disappointed.
The controller is very ergonamically poor (my thumbs started to hurt after a while) and the graphics were noticably inferior to the XBox.

I did like the fact that it doubled as a blueray player though.
I've never liked PS controllers. You have to hold on to them whereas an XBox controller just sits in your hand.

10th August 2011, 16:45
Funny, cause I have the opposite problem to you guys Dan and schmenke :s hock:

Maybe you guys have weird hands, or lack opposable thumbs :?: :p :

17th August 2011, 21:02
I have never liked the feel of the Xbox controller either. But, I guess it just depends on preference.

donKey jote
3rd December 2011, 20:00
Santa just bought us a PS3 today... ich bin doch blöd :dozey:

3rd December 2011, 23:27
Game consoles do nothing for me and the control method sucks.. I'm an old skool PC man, Imo you just cant beat a keyboard and mouse for precision and control.

If I had to pick a games console it would probably be the PS3... but only because it has a Blueray player.

5th December 2011, 06:44
I was like that once upon a time Zico too, but I got fed up with buying games for my PC and paying out to keep the spec up to date to play games constantly. Games developers were pushing the limits with the graphics and started to get expensive for me. I had a PS1 briefly, then a PS2 and decided to keep a games console for games and my PC (now laptop) for everything else. I now own a PS3 and I enjoy the fact that when you buy a game you know it is designed for the spec of the console and will mostly be the same regardless of what machine it is used on. I do miss playing shoot 'em ups with a keyboard and mouse though as I was alot quicker than I am with a control pad.. :p

I'm exactly the same :up: Also got fed up being told by my own computer that something needed to be upgraded to play the game. Went out and bought a PS2 after that and have never looked back :)

5th December 2011, 15:43
PC vs. console...? No-brainer for me.

PC: sitting at a desk with a mouse/keyboard in front of a 20" screen.

Console: Sitting in a comfy recliner with my feet up blasting at the bad guys on a 50" hi-def plasma and digital 7-channel surround sound, with the 10" subwoofer shaking the house off its foundation.


donKey jote
5th December 2011, 21:25
can I come round and play? :bandit:

6th December 2011, 14:03
I was like that once upon a time Zico too, but I got fed up with buying games for my PC and paying out to keep the spec up to date to play games constantly. Games developers were pushing the limits with the graphics and started to get expensive for me. I had a PS1 briefly, then a PS2 and decided to keep a games console for games and my PC (now laptop) for everything else. I now own a PS3 and I enjoy the fact that when you buy a game you know it is designed for the spec of the console and will mostly be the same regardless of what machine it is used on. I do miss playing shoot 'em ups with a keyboard and mouse though as I was alot quicker than I am with a control pad.. :p

I know what you mean.. I actually did buy a PS2 when they first came out but it was left to gather dust as an occasionaly used DVD player after choosing to upgrade my PC instead.
I guess I'm lucky to to have a geeky mate who's work (PC wholesale refurbs) allows him to supply me with decent GFX cards, processors, etc for next to nothing.
I love the fact that there is a healthy Modding community in PC gaming, it allows me to tinker to my hearts content and gives most decent games a much longer lifespan, ie.. RBR --} RSRBR.

PC vs. console...? No-brainer for me.

PC: sitting at a desk with a mouse/keyboard in front of a 20" screen.

Console: Sitting in a comfy recliner with my feet up blasting at the bad guys on a 50" hi-def plasma and digital 7-channel surround sound, with the 10" subwoofer shaking the house off its foundation.


I totally get the ease of use/comfort aspect of console gaming... I just see it as a compromise. I can hook the PC up to my 42" 3D HD TV but it does involve moving furniture about.
I have an old CRT Sony FW900 24" widescreen monitor which is still regarded as a superb gaming monitor if you can live with it's bulkyness!.. and a 5.1 surround system with the side/rear speakers mounted on bendy positional goosenecks which is a pretty good set-up.

Unless they bring out a console that has the upgradability and software modability of a PC I just cant see me making that switch again any time soon.

7th December 2011, 09:24
I've never liked PS controllers. You have to hold on to them whereas an XBox controller just sits in your hand.

That makes life so hard I presume?

The XBox controller is a load of rubbish compared to the classic Playstation one. No RSI for me thank you very much.

7th December 2011, 09:28
That's a matter of opinion.

I had recently borrowed a friend's PS3 to try out and was disappointed.
The controller is very ergonamically poor (my thumbs started to hurt after a while) and the graphics were noticably inferior to the XBox.

I did like the fact that it doubled as a blueray player though.

The graphics are not inferior to the Xbox, that is quite simply a lie. It must be your TV or something. I have played the same game on both consoles on the same TV and the graphics are almost identical, if anything the PS3 was slightly clearer especially with movements. It seemed to process quicker.

7th December 2011, 10:13
Anyway I agree with you regarding the controllers. I must have small hands as I find the Xbox controller difficult and often uncomfortable to use. :)
Whereas I, on the other hand, find the Xbox controller ergonomically perfect :) All a matter of preference and what you're used to I suppose.

7th December 2011, 11:17
Whereas I, on the other hand, find the Xbox controller ergonomically perfect :) All a matter of preference and what you're used to I suppose.

You must have funny hands then mate :p :

7th December 2011, 13:32
You must have funny hands then mate :p :
They're Xbox controller shaped :p

7th December 2011, 14:05
They're Xbox controller shaped :p

Well no one's perfect ;)

7th December 2011, 15:32
The graphics are not inferior to the Xbox, that is quite simply a lie. It must be your TV or something. I have played the same game on both consoles on the same TV ...

As have I.
The PS3 quality was noticably inferior.

Dave B
7th December 2011, 15:37
PC vs. console...? No-brainer for me.

PC: sitting at a desk with a mouse/keyboard in front of a 20" screen.

Console: Sitting in a comfy recliner with my feet up blasting at the bad guys on a 50" hi-def plasma and digital 7-channel surround sound, with the 10" subwoofer shaking the house off its foundation.


You'll be hard pushed to find a newish gaming spec PC which hasn't got HDMI and optical surround outputs, and there are plenty of wireless controllers and keyboards to let you sit in your comfy chair. Factor in that the PC also gives you easy access to your media collection and the entire internet and suddenly it's no so clear-cut.

7th December 2011, 20:14
Yeah, I suppose so Dave.
My current desktop PC was purchased in 2003 so it doesn't have much of the more up-to-date media gizmos :uhoh:
Still, I wouldn't upgrade simply to improve the gaming experience when I already have the console :s

8th December 2011, 06:01
As have I.
The PS3 quality was noticably inferior.

I have run both my Xbox and my PS3 on my identical LG 42" gaming TV's and, unless you are using a magnifying glass, there is absolutely no difference between the two consoles!

8th December 2011, 06:02
Still, I wouldn't upgrade simply to improve the gaming experience when I already have the console :s

Amen brother :)

8th December 2011, 15:51
I have run both my Xbox and my PS3 on my identical LG 42" gaming TV's and, unless you are using a magnifying glass, there is absolutely no difference between the two consoles!

Odd. I wonder if my troubles had something to do with the video settings on the console?
I was running it on a 50" plasma, but routed through a 1080p upscaling audio/video receiver :mark: .

9th December 2011, 00:43
PC i play for the singleplayer games and the racing sims. Of course the graphics too.
Xbox i play for the multiplayer games as i find the community is far better because its Microsoft.
PS3 i use as a blu-ray player and to stream stuff which i find easier than Xbox.
Wii, i have never been tempted as its more of a family console and the games are more wacky.

Overall i would pick my pc but console wise it would have to be the Xbox as its just so much superior to the others for what i want out of a console. If Xbox was blu-ray i would sell my PS3 right away.

9th December 2011, 06:27
Odd. I wonder if my troubles had something to do with the video settings on the console?
I was running it on a 50" plasma, but routed through a 1080p upscaling audio/video receiver :mark: .

Maybe you were wearing your glasses while playing the Xbox and forgot to put them on while playing the PS3 ;)

BTW, which 50" are you running?

9th December 2011, 15:35
...BTW, which 50" are you running?

Panasonic viera. 600Hz, 1,000,000:1 contrast ratio. 24p resolution.
Quite pleased with it.

9th December 2011, 20:17
Odd. I wonder if my troubles had something to do with the video settings on the console?
I was running it on a 50" plasma, but routed through a 1080p upscaling audio/video receiver :mark: .

What did you use to link the PS3 and the receiver? The PS3 outputs in 1080p if you use HDMI so shouldn't need upscaling.

9th December 2011, 22:22
What did you use to link the PS3 and the receiver? The PS3 outputs in 1080p if you use HDMI so shouldn't need upscaling.

HDMI 1.4a.
The receiver upscales any video signal automatically. I'm begining to think that perhaps this was the problem. I never did try the "bypass" mode in the receiver, i.e. output the PS3 signal directly to the monitor.
Mind you, I've never had to previously do this. The Xbox is connected using the same configuration :mark: .

12th December 2011, 11:30
Panasonic viera. 600Hz, 1,000,000:1 contrast ratio. 24p resolution.
Quite pleased with it.

Sweet :up:

donKey jote
13th December 2011, 21:34
We repaired a colleagues Xbox at work today (during the lunch break of course) :erm: :andrea: :p
Red rings of death or summat... new heat sinks and all dandy. The hardest part was opening the bloody thing ! :laugh:

14th December 2011, 09:26
I play on an X Box right now and I am very pleased.

Bolton Midnight
17th December 2011, 15:51
Well a year on and touch wood no issues.

Apart from distinct lack of child friendly games. I don't want him shooting folk in the face (some nutcase said all these gaming deaths contravene Geneva Convention FFS stop the world I want to get off).

Proper Xbox controller feels nice and is wireless but el cheapo Argos one feels a bit odd.

DSi being upgraded to DSi XL for son, don't like the 3D version.

17th December 2011, 16:20
And with the Wii it's ALL kids games.

Bolton Midnight
17th December 2011, 16:39
Does seem the Wii is more child friendly, but most people I've spoken to have got bored with them, hopefully the Xbox will be more 'future proof'.

17th December 2011, 17:38
They are all long in the tooth in computing terms now.

Bolton Midnight
18th December 2011, 09:58
What have Sony & Microsoft bought out that is newer?

18th December 2011, 13:06
What have Sony & Microsoft bought out that is newer?

Erm they haven't. Which is my point all the main consoles are pretty old now.