View Full Version : Please criticise this "Cry Baby" too...

pallone col bracciale
18th November 2010, 14:42

To quote...

And Hamilton ensured Vettel's reign was born in controversy by claiming that Renault helped him to victory.
He accused Robert Kubica, who drives for Renault who supply Red Bull's engines, of deliberately preventing him from winning the Abu Dhabi Grand Prix on Sunday.
"It was impossible to get past Kubica, he made it as difficult as it could be," said Hamilton.
"I guess that's what happens when you have a couple of other 'step-teams' in the field."

18th November 2010, 14:47
It makes no difference if he's Renault or not.

I am evil Homer
18th November 2010, 14:51
Was Hamilton throwing his hands in the air at Kubica? No.

18th November 2010, 14:58
It's the Mirror, so wouldn't take the quotes at face value. Even if they are direct quotes, if Kubica is in front of Hamilton, it's kind of his job to (legally) "deliberately prevent" him getting past, being a racing driver and all. The engine behind him is of no consequence.

18th November 2010, 15:16
It is more or less a direct quote (I've seen the interview), and I personally don't like the way he said it nor the fact that he said it at all. But it's Hamilton, so of course it's completely different from everything less-than-respectable Alonso has ever done, right?

I like the guy alot but that statement was just not cool.

Big Ben
18th November 2010, 15:19
Was Hamilton throwing his hands in the air at Kubica? No.

Hear hear. I would go even further. He could say whatever he wants if he had his hands in his pockets. :laugh:

Dave B
18th November 2010, 15:26
I've not seen these quotes in any other credible news source [edit, maybe Maxter could provide a link if he's seen an interview], and they directly contradict what he told Autosport (http://www.autosport.com/news/report.php/id/88353)...

Unfortunately, I came out just behind Robert Kubica after my tyre stop, and it was just too difficult to make a pass stick around this place, even though I gave it my absolute best effort. That's not to say we got the strategy wrong, because I don't think we did, just that the Renault had incredible top-speed, Robert drove a rock-solid race, and the circuit layout made it really, really tricky to try and get up the inside anywhere and put my car in a place where Robert couldn't defend.

Doesn't sound like he's criticising either Renault or Kubica there, does it?

I notice that as he got out of the car, Hamilton went straight over to Vettel and warmly congratulated him with a handshake and an embrace (as did Button, moments later). Compare and contrast to a certain other driver who went straight from the weigh-in to his garage where he sat being consoled by his team.

pallone col bracciale
18th November 2010, 15:35
I've not seen these quotes in any other credible news source

BBC iplayer

http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b00wc...and_Prix_Forum/ (http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b00wcv8f/Formula_1_2010_The_Abu_Dhabi_Grand_Prix_Forum/)

40 minutes in.

You can see him speak the exact words.

Dave B
18th November 2010, 15:36
Never mind, I've found the interview:

Sorry it's probably geo-locked to UK only, but look at the huge grin that appears on his face when he says the words - he's clearly being tongue in cheek.

He's then asked "Do you really feel that Robert played a part in the championship?". His straight answer: "No."

There you go. Tabloid rag taking a quote out of context shocker.

Edit: I see we all found it at the same time :p

pallone col bracciale
18th November 2010, 15:43
Ah, so as long as we smile, unsportsmanlike accusations of colloboration are perfectly fine!

How fortunate for this code of conduct.

Dave B
18th November 2010, 15:46
Ah, so as long as we smile, unsportsmanlike accusations of colloboration are perfectly fine!

How fortunate for this code of conduct.
Maybe being tongue-in-cheek is a particularly British thing, but I think Hamilton was trying it with his comments. You know, like those who suggested that Toyota and Glock - nudge nudge wink wink - helped the very same driver to his championship.

Nothing to see here apart from some weak journalism.

18th November 2010, 16:14
Tabloid newspaper creating storm in a teacup shocker :p :

pallone col bracciale
18th November 2010, 16:15
Maybe being tongue-in-cheek is a particularly British thing, but I think Hamilton was trying it with his comments. You know, like those who suggested that Toyota and Glock - nudge nudge wink wink - helped the very same driver to his championship.

Nothing to see here apart from some weak journalism.

Weak journalism is not a good enough excuse when you can see the man say it himself.

But, supposing that your interpretation is correct, then how do we know that Alonso was not also "tongue-in-cheek" with his fist-waving?

Since we cannot see his facial expression, it would be unjust to criticise without being able to fully judge all context, no?

Of course, you may have decided already to "Hang 'Em High", but without full facts this is a very unsporting thing to do.

And, as your friend Mr Henners has pointed out before now, not being able to prove something is apparently as justifiable to a position of debate and as good as being able to prove it.

I fear, though, that he has just shot his own argument in the foot now.

pallone col bracciale
18th November 2010, 16:17
Tabloid newspaper creating storm in a teacup shocker :p :

At least this journalist has a proven quote to use, unlike others you have defended recently.

How come you don't have a problem with weak journalism when it is really weak but suits your point of view?

Dr. Krogshöj
18th November 2010, 16:19

To quote...

And Hamilton ensured Vettel's reign was born in controversy by claiming that Renault helped him to victory.
He accused Robert Kubica, who drives for Renault who supply Red Bull's engines, of deliberately preventing him from winning the Abu Dhabi Grand Prix on Sunday.
"It was impossible to get past Kubica, he made it as difficult as it could be," said Hamilton.
"I guess that's what happens when you have a couple of other 'step-teams' in the field."

He didn't say it was wrong. It's just a statement of facts. Presumably Mercedes GP or Force India would have done the same for him and he knows that..

Dave B
18th November 2010, 16:22
Weak journalism is not a good enough excuse when you can see the man say it himself.

Except that any reasonable person, seeing the video, would come to the conclusion that Hamilton was being tongue-in-cheek.

As I posted on the thread in chit-chat about the Twitter joke trial, it's difficult in print to relay the context.

there's a world of difference between:

I'm going to blow up this airport :bomb:
I'm going to blow up this airport :p

But, supposing that your interpretation is correct, then how do we know that Alonso was not also "tongue-in-cheek" with his fist-waving?

Since we cannot see his facial expression, it would be unjust to criticise without being able to fully judge all context, no?

Fair point, although we did see his facial expression a couple of minutes later when he was in the garage (and for completeness sake, here's the link (http://www.bbc.co.uk/i/vz4w7/?t=2h36m37s)) - he certainly wasn't in a jocular mood at that point.

Dave B
18th November 2010, 16:27
At least this journalist has a proven quote to use, unlike others you have defended recently.

How come you don't have a problem with weak journalism when it is really weak but suits your point of view?
A quote taken completely out of context, though. Sometimes I say "I could murder <someone>", with a big grin on my face, when they've just done something foolish. Take my words literally and I should probably be arrested.

You really need to try to understand the distinction. Printed media, tabloid rags especially, can distort the truth. Watch the video of Hamilton's interview again, then tell me he's being serious.

Also take into account the follow-up question, notable by its absence from the Mirror article:

Q) Do you really feel that Robert played a part in the championship?
A) No.

18th November 2010, 16:30
At least this journalist has a proven quote to use...
That's the most he has, but "Hamilton accuses Kubica of racing" wouldn't really have the same impact would it.

18th November 2010, 16:33
Well when he was not "tongue in cheek", he said straightaway that kubica drove nicely, and when a light moment came he said what tabloid mis-interpreted, And alonso has a habbit of doing such gestures..not his first time.

pallone col bracciale
18th November 2010, 16:39
You really need to try to understand the distinction. Printed media, tabloid rags especially, can distort the truth. Watch the video of Hamilton's interview again, then tell me he's being serious.

And you need to understand there is no distinction between what you accuse Fernando of and what the television proves Hamilton said.

None at all.

Only an unreasonable person would claim otherwise.

Dave B
18th November 2010, 16:45
And you need to understand there is no distinction between what you accuse Fernando of and what the television proves Hamilton said.

None at all.

Only an unreasonable person would claim otherwise.
You really can't (or won't) understand the distinction between literal quotes and their meanings, can you?

My friend drops a tray on my foot, and I say "I could bloody murder you sometimes", while laughing. Perfectly reasonable.

Would it be reasonable to report this, as the Mirror did, with a headline describing "Dave's fury"; and a story about how I planned to commit a violent crime? They could even quote me saying "I could bloody murder" my friend - after all, I did say those exact words.

It that still reasonable?

Or is context crucial?

18th November 2010, 17:15
Personally , had I been in Petrov's place , I would have expected the guy behind me , knowing he was fighting for the championship , and knowing I had just kept him from this goal , the ultimate in the sport , to be just a little ticked at not being able to get by me .
Remember , this guy is a rookie , and he's holding a guy with two WDCs at bay for half of the race .

He's , at the same time , thinking about how it's pushing his career forward to do so .

I would like to bring some disdain for the seemingly clueless reaction from Vitaly , lifting his hands as if to say "What ?" , when it was tragically obvious what the issue at hand was , in the moment .

I would have expected some sort of reaction from Fernando , and would have thrown an "I'm sorry , but I had to race ." , rather than a "Duh what did i do ?" his way .

He was a spoiler , just like Bernouldi in that Monaco race way back .
That shouldn't be the way Vitaly wants to be remembered ; too slow and in the way .

Fernando was mad , and has a latin temperament . I expected something , and also expected the respect he showed in the interview only a few minutes later .

18th November 2010, 17:15
Use Google to look-up the following: tongue-in-cheek.

Carry on.

Personally , had I been in Petrov's place , I would have expected the guy behind me , knowing he was fighting for the championship , and knowing I had just kept him from this goal , the ultimate in the sport , to be just a little ticked at not being able to get by me .
Remember , this guy is a rookie , and he's holding a guy with two WDCs at bay for half of the race .

He's , at the same time , thinking about how it's pushing his career forward to do so .

I would like to bring some disdain for the seemingly clueless reaction from Vitaly , lifting his hands as if to say "What ?" , when it was tragically obvious what the issue at hand was , in the moment .

I would have expected some sort of reaction from Fernando , and would have thrown an "I'm sorry , but I had to race ." , rather than a "Duh what did i do ?" his way .

He was a spoiler , just like Bernouldi in that Monaco race way back .
That shouldn't be the way Vitaly wants to be remembered ; too slow and in the way .

Fernando was mad , and has a latin temperament . I expected something , and also expected the respect he showed in the interview only a few minutes later .Get out of town! Even if he passed Petrov, Alonso would have still lost the title.

I guess Rosberg should have bent over and taken it like a champ too, huh?
Not as if Rosberg wasn't fighting to maintain his seat at Mercedes where he's competing against another WDC, Mike.

Fact of the matter is that Ferrari's management lost the WDC for Alonso, not anyone else. Period!

Dave B
18th November 2010, 17:26
Fact of the matter is that Ferrari's management lost the WDC for Alonso, not anyone else. Period!
No no no. Not "fact", and not "period".

I'll say this until I'm blue in the face: the championship is the sum of all that year's races. There were a hundred reasons why it ended up as it did: you could just as easily blame Alonso himself for a jump-start in China, or say that McLaren blew it for Button by leaving a bung in place at Monaco. Ask yourself what the result would be if you shuffle the order of the races: the same.

18th November 2010, 17:50
am I the only one that thinks that whilst what Lewis said was a bit tongue in cheek, he wasn't actually complaining?

from my perspective, he said it like it is. Such is a trait in many british people. At no point did he say Kubica holding him up was a bad thing, and as he said 'that's the way motor racing goes'

fact is there is nothing to see here apart from a load of silly squabbling above.

18th November 2010, 17:51
Use Google to look-up the following: tongue-in-cheek.

Carry on.

Get out of town! Even if he passed Petrov, Alonso would have still lost the title.

I guess Rosberg should have bent over and taken it like a champ too, huh?
Not as if Rosberg wasn't fighting to maintain his seat at Mercedes where he's competing against another WDC, Mike.

Fact of the matter is that Ferrari's management lost the WDC for Alonso, not anyone else. Period!

So , obviously , you're thinking that I think he should have gotten out of the way ?
Read my post again .

I believe he should have understood the reaction from Alonso .

Red Bull got lucky with a Webber mistake . The pit call was due to a wall brush , not strategy , and Ferrari were drawn into making a snap decision , which , in retrospect was foolish , which they admit fully .

Although true , that it's the "sum of all that year's races " , it was down to this one where Fernando needed third to win .

18th November 2010, 19:24
And you need to understand there is no distinction between what you accuse Fernando of and what the television proves Hamilton said.

None at all.

Only an unreasonable person would claim otherwise.

I think you're trolling here, but just in case you're not you should know that your statement above is wrong.

Normal conversation is made up of three parts: the words spoken, the tone used, and gestures. (in this forum I suppose we have the first, with smilies substituting for the other two)

What you're trying to do, pallone, is taking the words as 100% of what Himilton tried to convey. You're only paying attention to one third of his message (ignoring tone & gestures). No wonder you're (I believe intentionally) misunderstanding him.

With regard to Alonso's gesture, all we have is the gesture. Here, we're missing the words & tone (if any were actually used) so people are using the info provided and drawing their own conclusions. My conclusion is that Alonso was frustrated. I interpret it not as "Why the ___ didn't you move over!", but as "Why the ___ couldn't you have made a mistake!" So I have no problem with the gesture.

18th November 2010, 19:56
And you need to understand there is no distinction between what you accuse Fernando of and what the television proves Hamilton said.

None at all.

Only an unreasonable person would claim otherwise.

Fernando is a cock, he acted like a cock and after fist shaking and a few minutes looking pi$$ed off in the garage he came out and delivered a PR friendly interview saying the Petrov drove well with no mistakes.

Lewis is a bit of a tool at times and in his interview clearly was taking the pi$$ out of his rival Alonso and took the opportunity to stick the boot in, admittedly not very sporting, but i think quite funny

clutch at straws all you like, but even the most even handed, non-lewis fan would struggle to find anything to see in your weak petty small minded point you are labouring at.

PS nice work on getting the BBC from Italy

18th November 2010, 20:10
Interesting isn't it? Maybe one of the scenario's I mentioned earlier will provide the answer to this question. I have relatives abroad that have tried unsuccessfully to get iplayer, and the BBC keep coming up with ways to block it for foreign viewers. There's obviously a way as we can see here.

don't tell anyone, but i've been watching it from Sweden for the last few months (all british telly actually). I was on satellite which worked nicely but i've moved flat now so i have to go through t'internet. i do have a TV licence at home in the UK so i feel ok about it though!

18th November 2010, 20:22
And you need to understand there is no distinction between what you accuse Fernando of and what the television proves Hamilton said.

None at all.

Only an unreasonable person would claim otherwise.

Whereas, of course, someone who has been banned from the forum and has to resort to rejoining under another name is an entirely reasonable person at all times, are they?

Retro Formula 1
18th November 2010, 22:20
Must admit, when I read the title of the thread, I assumed the poster was being self deprecating. As his English has come on so well, perhaps he has picked up a few of our habits living over here?

18th November 2010, 22:33
the thing that you should remember that Renault had fresh engines
there 8th engine

Red Bull extends Renault engine deal

Red Bull said the new partnership also means the team will feature greater Renault visibility starting from the Brazilian Grand Prix this weekend.
The Renault logo will appear on the noses of both cars and its name will be on the visors of both Sebastian Vettel and Mark Webber's helmets.

the bulls are in the Renault stable

Retro Formula 1
18th November 2010, 23:07
Hang on, why was my post removed. I didn't insult anyone and we all know Tamburello and Pallone are the same person. It's not as if it's a secret is it? Anyone with a basic grasp of Itallian and it's culture knows they are the same?

People sure are touchy round here???

Big Ben
18th November 2010, 23:11
I thought the same the minute I've read his first posts but Pallone seem to be much more civilized than tamb so what happened? did he change? anger management?

Mia 01
18th November 2010, 23:16
Anyway, with these words I don´t think that Lewis will find it easier to pass a Renualt powered F1 car next year, it will come back and bite him, they are not monkeys at the back.

18th November 2010, 23:27
No no no. Not "fact", and not "period".

I'll say this until I'm blue in the face: the championship is the sum of all that year's races. There were a hundred reasons why it ended up as it did: you could just as easily blame Alonso himself for a jump-start in China, or say that McLaren blew it for Button by leaving a bung in place at Monaco. Ask yourself what the result would be if you shuffle the order of the races: the same.So it isn't fact that Alonso lost the title?

You and I must have been watching a different F1 race.
Ferrari blew their load too soon and ended up with nothing. Good!

So , obviously , you're thinking that I think he should have gotten out of the way ?
Read my post again .

I believe he should have understood the reaction from Alonso .

Red Bull got lucky with a Webber mistake . The pit call was due to a wall brush , not strategy , and Ferrari were drawn into making a snap decision , which , in retrospect was foolish , which they admit fully .

Although true , that it's the "sum of all that year's races " , it was down to this one where Fernando needed third to win .This is comical.

I'm sure Petrov understood exactly what he was doing on the track. Alonso throwing a bitch fit is a different matter. How is one supposed to understand that type of behavior? I even liked how Vitaly veered his car to the left and almost touched Alonso. No one is intimidated by antics.

Valve Bounce
19th November 2010, 00:04

To quote...

And Hamilton ensured Vettel's reign was born in controversy by claiming that Renault helped him to victory.
He accused Robert Kubica, who drives for Renault who supply Red Bull's engines, of deliberately preventing him from winning the Abu Dhabi Grand Prix on Sunday.
"It was impossible to get past Kubica, he made it as difficult as it could be," said Hamilton.
"I guess that's what happens when you have a couple of other 'step-teams' in the field."

As the Russians say:"Toughski Shyteski"

19th November 2010, 01:13
Personally , had I been in Petrov's place , I would have expected the guy behind me , knowing he was fighting for the championship , and knowing I had just kept him from this goal , the ultimate in the sport , to be just a little ticked at not being able to get by me [...]
I would like to bring some disdain for the seemingly clueless reaction from Vitaly , lifting his hands as if to say "What ?" , when it was tragically obvious what the issue at hand was , in the moment.

Despite Alonso's gesture which Petrov witnessed, he opted not to confront the double World Champion after the race.
"He was angry so there was no reason to talk to him," added Petrov.
"I would be angry if I was in his situation, but he should be angry with himself or his team because they maybe did the wrong strategy or something.
"If he had got close enough to attack then maybe I wouldn't have fought with him too much because I wouldn't have wanted to have touched him as he was fighting for the Championship.

Yeah, pretty sure Petrov knew exactly what was going down. :P

19th November 2010, 03:50
Driver makes tongue in cheek comment! Shock horror!

19th November 2010, 07:33
Your secret is safe with me haha. ;)

I tried to get it (BBC iplayer) when I was on holiday in Sicily back in August and tried everything. Even a British IP address didn't work. :mark:

It's possible to make it work but free proxy servers are usually slow and go offline randomly so I'd say our "old" friend mr Pallone is in the UK.

Retro Formula 1
19th November 2010, 10:03
Anyway, it's off topic. There is a thread about this in feedback and Pino knows that Tamburello and Pallone is the same person.

I don't see any Cry Baby from Lewis but then again, I'm one of the people that understand Alonso's frustration. He had just lost the title and wanted to vent which he did.

It's just bitterness from fans that want a big fuss about all this.

19th November 2010, 10:51
Ah man the sh!t is starting already :(

Bring on the next race. 4 months of this cr@p is gonna driver me crazy :crazy:

19th November 2010, 12:29
Please no more personal comments and do stay on topic thank you :)

19th November 2010, 14:44
Petulant Petrov has decided to keep the cold war running , it seems , saying "The gesturing only showed his bad education ."

Rookie mistake .

Stay out of Spain in the off season .

Italy might not be a wise place to venture , either .

By the way , Pallone , I got the point you were making , even if nobody else did .

19th November 2010, 15:17
Petulant Petrov has decided to keep the cold war running , it seems , saying "The gesturing only showed his bad education ."

Rookie mistake .

Stay out of Spain in the off season .

Italy might not be a wise place to venture , either .

By the way , Pallone , I got the point you were making , even if nobody else did .

No offense but your post makes absolutely no sense whatsover :confused:

19th November 2010, 15:29
No offense but your post makes absolutely no sense whatsover :confused:

Is that you , Vitaly ?

19th November 2010, 15:49
Another quote taken out of context, much like the "monkeys at the back" and cheesy grin on face.

19th November 2010, 15:52
Q & A: Petrov on battle with Alonso - http://www.autosport.com/news/report.php/id/88300

Retro Formula 1
19th November 2010, 16:23
Q & A: Petrov on battle with Alonso - http://www.autosport.com/news/report.php/id/88300

Blimey, lets hope Tamburello doesn't see this quote from Petrov if he cannot comprehend humour in flat text :laugh:

But maybe I should have asked on my team radio, please ask Vettel how much he wants to pay me to help, and then we go to Ferrari and ask them the same too. Then whoever gives the most, we see!

19th November 2010, 16:41
Another quote taken out of context, much like the "monkeys at the back" and cheesy grin on face.

True. You can't take shaking a fist at another driver out of context though :D

19th November 2010, 18:39
I'm guessing Pallone will now think that Petrov was actively seeking to take part in bribery too, and was seriously considering it!! :p

If you can't spot the difference between a tongue in cheek comment and a serious suggestion, I reckon I'd be able to confuse some people very easily with a simple conversation. :eek:


so many people read to much into things sometimes and end up making remarks that are way off the mark. not naming any names....

19th November 2010, 21:57
The Renault Pilots did nothing but race to the finish as fast as they could, regardless of anything The Boss or Fred said, or intimated.
No sour grapes here. I don't think it was such a great idea to have the final race on such a processional track;
However that is very easy to say in retrospect!
This entire sissy-bickering on these matters by members is very sissified IMHO :down:

19th November 2010, 22:24
The Renault Pilots did nothing but race to the finish as fast as they could, regardless of anything The Boss or Fred said, or intimated.
No sour grapes here. I don't think it was such a great idea to have the final race on such a processional track;
However that is very easy to say in retrospect!
This entire sissy-bickering on these matters by members is very sissified IMHO :down: Point well taken. This is the last time I'll post in here or talk trash about Alonso's 2010 season.

21st November 2010, 16:10
I'm guessing Pallone will now think that Petrov was actively seeking to take part in bribery too, and was seriously considering it!! :p

If you can't spot the difference between a tongue in cheek comment and a serious suggestion, I reckon I'd be able to confuse some people very easily with a simple conversation. :eek:

well, there are thos moments...

anyway, say good bye to pallone......and hello to ....


The Renault Pilots did nothing but race to the finish as fast as they could, regardless of anything The Boss or Fred said, or intimated.
No sour grapes here. I don't think it was such a great idea to have the final race on such a processional track;
However that is very easy to say in retrospect!
This entire sissy-bickering on these matters by members is very sissified IMHO :down:
Great comment.

However, I hear red bull is brewing up a special brand of their cow piss, that has a big shot of vodka in it...something to be called "red pet bull".....

not that the royalty pymts to a certain driver of a french car has anything to do with anything

I was just wondering if pino let that other back......then if tazio will ever show back up from the closet.... :confused:

21st November 2010, 23:55
Guys I suggest we welcome tamb back and give him credit for inventing Pallone. Pino has confirmed what we all thought, but lets not get nasty about it. It was abit of fun at the end of the day.. :)

I say welcome back tamburello.. :up: :eek:

Better start cleaning that yukky soap stuff off the bath. What's it called again?

24th November 2010, 17:18
speaking of insults, appearantly Lewis hisself has something for the tamb aka pallone and some others:

To the haters, he "don't give a ****"

He then apologizes and says:

"Aight, to my young peeps I apologise for the language. Am not venting, I'm always chill. Was not aimed at u. God bless"

and then

"To my people(I prefer to say that than fans)I've got nothing but love for u guys..to the others...all I can do is smile..picture me rollin! "

maybe we should be sure tamb or pallone has the link so he can check in everyday with lewis



time off is really boring

24th November 2010, 17:26
So, clarify this for me someone please;

Pallone was the banned Tamburello all along?

If so, why did one of the moderators cover this up, and was untruthful by telling us it was not Tamburello using a different profile?

I rather suspect that a prescedent has now been set, and that this use of a pseudonym is acceptable........

Retro Formula 1
24th November 2010, 17:41
So, clarify this for me someone please;

Pallone was the banned Tamburello all along?

If so, why did one of the moderators cover this up, and was untruthful by telling us it was not Tamburello using a different profile?

I rather suspect that a prescedent has now been set, and that this use of a pseudonym is acceptable........

It's all part of the Fairground my friend.

Very few people use their own name on here. Would be foolish to with so many nutter about :laugh:

So, someone with a pseudonym usige a pseudonym to disguise a pseudonym seems quite logical :D I wouldn't give my real name either so if I get banned, look for a user name called Lord Homo IV!!!

People need to chill a bit. It's only a forum. Not reality. Anyway, I hate the lot of you so Peace out man :love:

24th November 2010, 19:55
So, clarify this for me someone please;

Pallone was the banned Tamburello all along?

If so, why did one of the moderators cover this up, and was untruthful by telling us it was not Tamburello using a different profile?

I rather suspect that a prescedent has now been set, and that this use of a pseudonym is acceptable........

You didn't have to be a rocket scientist to figure this one out, isn't it?!

25th November 2010, 01:47
So, clarify this for me someone please;

Pallone was the banned Tamburello all along?

If so, why did one of the moderators cover this up, and was untruthful by telling us it was not Tamburello using a different profile?

I rather suspect that a prescedent has now been set, and that this use of a pseudonym is acceptable........

I am also intrigued by this precedent.

25th November 2010, 02:07
I rather suspect that a prescedent has now been set, and that this use of a pseudonym is acceptable........
'tis not for you my little padawan, as the force of the italian ferrari side is not within you. Truly were it otherwise, i would tell you so.

a blasphemer such as you wishing to enter through the gates into no banland must learn this truth from within and repeat a million "all hail alfonso"