View Full Version : Cameras...

18th November 2010, 09:48
So I'm thinking of getting myself a SLR camera over the weekend, and we seem to have plenty of photographers here, I had a few questions...

What would you guys recommended for an absolute beginner?

Do mega-pixels really matter?



Are either of those good deals?


Edit: Most of my snaps in the near future will be of hilly and mountainous terrain and of construction sites on said terrain, along with a small variety of shots here and there. Should I get a body only and a lens more suited for that kind of thing, or should I just get whatever package they offer? In which case will a wide shot lens be suitable for taking any other pics or would it be too specialized?

Dave B
18th November 2010, 10:27
Another SLR beginner here!

I'd had decent-ish compact cameras for years but wanted to take a step into SLRs without spending a fortune. I got an a similar pack to your first link, the EOS 1000D with 2 lenses (18-55mm, 75-300mm) for £430.

No idea whether the prices you've linked to are competitive in NZ, but simple exchange rate suggests it's about £550, which is a lot more than I paid. My pack didn't include a case or a memory card, but they can be picked up quite cheaply anyway.

Megapixel count is important up to a point, if you want to make large prints or posters for example, but there's no point looking at raw numbers if the lens and body are no use.

I've only had it a few weeks and haven't had a chance to really try it out other than a few family events. Hopefully next year I'll take it to some races and let it stretch its legs!

I'm more than happy with it so far, it's my first foray into owning an SLR so I didn't want to spend too much. Purists and professional photographers may sneer at it, but it's a good entry-level camera and I know that if I ever upgrade then as long as I stick with a Canon I can still use the lenses.

Hope that helps a bit. Many of the rally lot on here seem to have a lot of experience, Daniel and J4MIE for example, so I'd trust their recommendations a lot more than mine :D

18th November 2010, 11:05
Koz, i am no Camera expert but you should not buy a camera only based upon its MP's. Focus on picture quality, camera function etc.

High Megapixels (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pixel#Megapixel) itself doesn't mean its a good camera or that it takes good pictures, it just describes how large the photo is.
Do your research, look for tests and reviews like you normally do when you buy a tv or a grahpics card or a car and etc...

I did a quick google and found these links:

18th November 2010, 17:21
In addition to Ghostwalker's links above, I would strongly urge any would-be camera buyer to visit dpreview (http://www.dpreview.com/). Very thorough and exhaustive reviews of every digital camera, along with user experiences and standard tests.