View Full Version : Once more, [i]out[/i] of the breach my friends ....

Hazell B
12th March 2007, 19:55
Have you ever walked out of a movie, escaped from a party via the back door, stopped reading a book part way in or left the theatre at the first possible chance?

The other night myself and my partner almost ran down the stairs and out of a theatre to get away from the most horrible, badly acted pile of Shakespearean poo we'd ever been subjected to. On the drive home guilt set in and now we feel bad about it as the crowd was small and the actors were sure to have noticed :s

By the way, anyone happen to know what's the ending of Henry V? :p :

12th March 2007, 19:59
I've never left a live performance half way through, but books and movies - sure! About half the time, in fact.

12th March 2007, 20:30
I've stopped reading books part-way through because they were boring - the main one being Jane Eyre. The problem with that was that it was a book I was reading for a school project... otherwise I've stuck with things, no matter how bad they were.

Dave B
12th March 2007, 20:33
I was with a mate who walked out of the cinema after anouncing in a very loud voice "S***, I forgot to tape Baywatch".

12th March 2007, 20:34
I have stopped reading books half way through plenty of times.. I think I'm too impatient with many of them and get too bored.

I make a point of only going to the cinema for things I know I'll enjoy, anything else can wait to be released on DVD for renting ... so I have no need of walking out on them.

I think I'd probably walk out of something I thought was pretty dire though... life's too short! :D

12th March 2007, 20:36
Actually the only time I've been to movies at the cinema that I thought were bad, I stayed and later complained about how bad they were (Eragon and The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe)...

Hazell B
12th March 2007, 20:41
Actually the only time I've been to movies at the cinema that I thought were bad, I stayed and later complained about how bad they were ...

I've done that, just for the hell of it :p :

Got a wad of free Vue tickets for my efforts, too :up:

12th March 2007, 20:44
I did sit and endure Mission to Mars which was totally dreadful, but was too chicken to walk out. I have stopped reading a James Patterson book because I couldn't get into it, but will devour his Alex Cross books.

12th March 2007, 20:46
I've done that, just for the hell of it :p :

Got a wad of free Vue tickets for my efforts, too :up:

Very nice :D To whom do you complain for such perks?

12th March 2007, 21:19
I usually prevent this from happening by not even picking up the book or movie...

12th March 2007, 21:25
By the way, anyone happen to know what's the ending of Henry V? :p :

Not a clue.

In reality I believe he was famous for giving the French a good beating and then married one of their women for good measure. He and I share a notable date (31st August). I was born on that day and he snuffed it... nasty case of dysentery I'm told. (Him not me).

Do not feel bad about leaving. More people should vote with their feet and get the hell put of a place if they've paid to see something that they aren't enjoying. (West Ham fans should take note)

Hazell B
12th March 2007, 21:38
Do not feel bad about leaving. More people should vote with their feet and get the hell put of a place if they've paid to see something that they aren't enjoying.

Ah, the paying part is what left me feeling rather a meanie. I didn't pay. In fact, they were free tickets given by the local Hall to the newspaper and then to me, so all the nice people who set up this 'cultural' evening knew who I was and were very nice to me indeed. I love Shakespeare and was looking forward to seeing it in a new theatre, so hence feelings of guilt both for my rude departure and the large gap left in the (sparse) seating area.
I dare not phone either the Hall or newspaper and explain they'd chosen a peepoor set of hams for their launch night ..... they were so very proud of setting it all up :mark:

Leon, there's an address on tickets for Vue complaints. I used it. Make sure you mention the staff appearing uninterested in customer satisfaction ;)

12th March 2007, 22:11
By the way, anyone happen to know what's the ending of Henry V? :p :
Henry died suddenly on 31 August 1422, naming his brother John, Duke of Bedford regent of France in the name of his son, then only a few months old. Henry did not live to be crowned King of France himself, though ironically Charles VI died only two months later. Following his death, Catherine would secretly marry or have an affair with a Welsh courtier, Owen Tudor, and they would be the grandmother and grandfather of King Henry VII of England.

12th March 2007, 22:37
The last thing I walked out on was The Wedding Crashers. The trails of it looked really good, and with two decent comedy stars playing the leads I thought it was worth the money. It was such a naff plot, poor script and a general waste of money that I walked after 20 minutes.

13th March 2007, 04:06
i walked out of talladega nights... even though i was getting paid while i was watching it (worked as a projectionist at the time)... it was the alst movie i put on for the night, and of course by being a motorsport fan i was quite excited to see it... but holy crap it was awful!!! just downright sh!thouse... so many people walked out of that session... so many comments you could hear, 'this is crap' and 'what a stinker'....

instead of watcing the movie... i bounced a tennis ball against the wall and listened to the radio, which i found much more entertaining than that piece of crap movie

WIll Ferrel... he's a great Anchorman, but not a good racecar driver

13th March 2007, 20:56
I have stopped reading many books halfway through, I ain't gonna force to do something I'm not enjoying.
I rarely go to cinemas, so still haven't left the room before the movie ends, although I wanted to do it when watching Lord of the boring: the 2 towers...
but leaving the football stadium at minute 80 when my team is losing by more than one goal is something I do very often

13th March 2007, 21:02
When I still had a fair amount of hair, I once walked out of a hairdresser's in Norwich half-way through the cut after the woman doing it made some rather racist remarks about the Germans. I looked like a t**t.

Dave B
13th March 2007, 21:07
I feel a Herrdresser joke coming on... :p

13th March 2007, 21:12
I once walked out h

13th March 2007, 21:12
alf way through a post.

13th March 2007, 21:13
I once walked out h

Do go on...

Hazell B
13th March 2007, 21:42
.... Lord of the boring: the 2 towers...

Yes, I left during that one. Went outside to find it raining, but stayed out anyhow as any weather beats sitting watching drawling, pointless sections of film that should be on the cutting room floor.

Of course, as I hadn't got the car keys and the cinema door locked behind me I learned to never do that again ..... Doh!

Ian McC
14th March 2007, 00:46
Cinema, no, but videos where I have lost the will to live, yes! What About Bob and the dire Whole 10 Yards spring to mind.

Oh and as far as books go, have never managed to finish Other Worlds (Space, Superspace and the Quantum Universe) by Paul Davies

14th March 2007, 09:21
Have you ever walked out of a movie, escaped from a party via the back door, stopped reading a book part way in or left the theatre at the first possible chance?

The other night myself and my partner almost ran down the stairs and out of a theatre to get away from the most horrible, badly acted pile of Shakespearean poo we'd ever been subjected to. On the drive home guilt set in and now we feel bad about it as the crowd was small and the actors were sure to have noticed :s

By the way, anyone happen to know what's the ending of Henry V? :p :

If the Theatre had been full then i think i would of done the same as you, but......seeing as it only had afew in i would of stayed till the end as the actors/actresses was probably feeling bad enough that the place was more than half empty! :( so i think i would of stayed till the end and you never know it may of got better! :D :p

oily oaf
14th March 2007, 10:01
If the Theatre had been full then i think i would of done the same as you, but......seeing as it only had afew in i would of stayed till the end as the actors/actresses was probably feeling bad enough that the place was more than half empty! :( so i think i would of stayed till the end and you never know it may of got better! :D :p

I've got a feeling that if you'd decided to get up on your toes halfway through, the entire cast would have stopped midway through The Battle Of Agincourt and cheered you off love.

"Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war" etc ;)

Captain VXR
14th March 2007, 17:47
I once walked out h

alf way through a post.

:rotflmao: Hahahahahahaha :D

Hazell B
14th March 2007, 19:52
... so i think i would of stayed till the end and you never know it may of got better! :D :p

You mean the actors would have suddenly learned how to act, and the all important memory for lines may have kicked in?
Not very likely ;)

14th March 2007, 20:18
I find it a lot easier to fall asleep :s nore:

Dave B
14th March 2007, 21:21
I can't use that option, given how loud I (apparently) snore :s

14th March 2007, 23:53
If the Theatre had been full .....

There's usually a good reason why they're not full when they're not. I'd say you did right to leave, Hazel. Years ago I used to play in a band, and I never asked people if they liked a gig. If they like they'll tell you, if not, well, maybe you were crap, it's not the end of the world.

So the actors should be able to take people leaving, I mean, maybe it's for some other reason. So no-one will ask why you left, and if they do just say you had a pain in your leg.

15th March 2007, 00:14
I once sat through a strange and awful production of Macbeth. I would have liked to have walked out, but it was a school trip and I couldn't.
All the Scottish warlords had been replaced by Indian monks and Lady Macbeth was played by Jane Horrocks. Now I normally like Jane Horrocks, but Lady Macbeth she isn't.
The production was mildly notorious for featuring Jane actually weeing on stage.

15th March 2007, 00:51
I've never walked out half way through a film, but I have stopped reading books half way through on numerous occasions. I did once leave a Badly Drawn Boy gig early as he was drunk and had played for 3 hours already. In terms of sporting events, I left the British F3 round at Croft in 2005 because it was hail-stoning golfballs, and I left the Celebrities v Legends game (The Match) at St James Park at half time last year because it was dire.

15th March 2007, 02:44
I can't use that option, given how loud I (apparently) snore :s

Sure and me too, but sometimes, I just can't keep my eyes open!

Think the last time was the last james bond movie, fell asleep almost instantly and woke up just as he jumped off a crane in the middle of the sky.

Don't think I've ever suddenly held onto my seat for dear life quite so tightly! :p : :rolleyes:

15th March 2007, 03:05
I once sat through a strange and awful production of Macbeth. I would have liked to have walked out, but it was a school trip and I couldn't.
All the Scottish warlords had been replaced by Indian monks and Lady Macbeth was played by Jane Horrocks. Now I normally like Jane Horrocks, but Lady Macbeth she isn't.
The production was mildly notorious for featuring Jane actually weeing on stage.

You can't be serious... :eek: It sounds like the product of a drug trip...

oily oaf
15th March 2007, 07:36
Now it's been a while since I read Henry V but I think I'm right in saying that the battle ended England 1 France 0 after extra time :)

Sadly there was a rather unsavoury incident during the proceedings when one of Charles VI's top boys Zinedine De Montfort was sent off in the 6th hour for sticking the nut on one of Henry's midfield archers for shooting him in the arse when he was bending over one of his fallen comrades with the magic sponge.

Still musn't grumble

15th March 2007, 07:57
Talladega nights was horrible,taught it was a movie about racing,so rented it,flat out horrible...only saw half of it,how did it end :?:

Hazell B
15th March 2007, 20:04
Sadly there was a rather unsavoury incident during the proceedings when one of Charles VI's top boys Zinedine De Montfort was sent off in the 6th hour for sticking the nut on one of Henry's midfield archers for shooting him in the arse when he was bending over one of his fallen comrades with the magic sponge.

No, you're getting confused about your Eng Lit there.
The unsavoury bit was when Jarvis Cocker bent to show Michael Jackson his boyish butt at the Brits and three hundred Iranian bodyguards ran on to cover said pert behind with a jogging Madonna. Why oh why do people get those two incidents mixed up? :rolleyes:

Henry V's unpleasant bit was when Romeo topped himself because nobody admired his yellow tights.

16th March 2007, 21:05
By the way, anyone happen to know what's the ending of Henry V? :p :

Henry pretends to be a peasant soldier, spies on his own men, wins against the odds and marries the French girl.

17th March 2007, 04:03
I almost walked out on a movie i saw last november. The only thing that stopped me was the fact that i was on a date at the time with a very intersting young man who made me a little weak at the knees, and it wasnt just his driving that had that effect. Plus it might have been a bit rude.

Although after the movie, we both agreed that we didnt understand anything about the movie, except that a lot of people got killed in increasingly disgusting ways.

s for books and DVD's, i try to give them a fair go, books i will usually persevere with, but videos i'll switch off.

Ian McC
17th March 2007, 12:15
I almost walked out on a movie i saw last november. The only thing that stopped me was the fact that i was on a date at the time with a very intersting young man who made me a little weak at the knees, and it wasnt just his driving that had that effect. Plus it might have been a bit rude.

Although after the movie, we both agreed that we didnt understand anything about the movie, except that a lot of people got killed in increasingly disgusting ways.

s for books and DVD's, i try to give them a fair go, books i will usually persevere with, but videos i'll switch off.

So what film was it?

Dave B
17th March 2007, 13:13
It was a home video :p

17th March 2007, 14:16
So what film was it?

Cant recall, i think i was a little distracted by the Finn sitting next to me.

I really need to stop falling for european boys. It's great fun, and then they have to go home.

17th March 2007, 17:17
I will always leave, the only rudeness is the bad entertainment being heaped on me.