View Full Version : Dave TV not to show WRC in 2011

17th November 2010, 16:06
Motorsport News in UK is reporting that DAVE TV will not be showing WRC in 2011. I have criticised this in previous years, but in fact the 2010 offering has been quite acceptable. Far more so than the absolute cr@p that is Motors TV!!!!
Interestingly North One Sport are quoted in MN saying that they would like to get WRC back onto a free to air channel and feel that in iots current state WRC wont be interesting enough to a broadcaster especially in the F1 dominated media.
Its a great shame that BBC2 Wales report programme was broadcast so late on monday 15th November, an 11.20 pm start isnt ideal.
I may be very naiieve and nostaligic for quality reporting and coverage that we had when BBC Sport had WRC, but I am just wondering if as many of ys on here download the BBC2 Wales programme from the I player it may persuade the suits at BBC & NOS to get WRC back on BBC Sport, afterall Jake Humphrey really enjoyed his time rallying in North Wales on the Cambrian rally.
Please download here http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b00w02zp/Wales_Rally_GB/

17th November 2010, 16:12
Actually, with the end of the Dave contract – the power brokers of the sport are at a crossroads. The recent RallyGB proved just how far off the radar the sport and event have fallen. I hope everybody concerned bought all the national daily papers, and struggled to find the event reported. Now is the chance, just for once to forget money, and think of the sport. Yes, I’m naïve – but they should virtually give it away to a free-to-air station. With a live stage on each event next year, I’ve read that Dave weren’t that keen on this.
As for the BBC2 Wales programme, watched it on Sky, but was able to watch again yesterday in I-player. Obviously, most of the footage is still filmed by NorthOne, but the other BBC bits were good, Mark James is a knowledgeable and enthusiastic presenter, asks the right questions, the perfect frontman for the sport. Now all we need is for the BBC to do the whole season with Mark presenting. Here’s hoping...

17th November 2010, 16:26
If the BBC did the entire series like the rally gb coverage it would be heaven. No idiots with "celebrities" just facts and analysis of the driving. superb.

17th November 2010, 17:49
I watched it last night, it was fantastic and far more entertaining to real rally fans. Took me back 10 years to the good old days!

17th November 2010, 18:01
Neil Cole was a celebrity? I thought he was a very good face for the WRC...!!

I'm serious. He had good knowledge for the sport, he knew how to report and he made it very interesting to watch!

Jake Stephens
17th November 2010, 20:24
Neil seemed genuinely upset about not presenting the show again next year, he was talking about it on Twitter on the Saturday night of Rally GB. Its a pity TV coverage is slipping away again just when the sport seems to be on the way up. Regular WRC coverage will only appear again when/if a few British WRC drivers emerge. Look back to the WRC coverage on Channel 4 in 2002, Richard Burns, the new champion. Colin McRae, the man who did much work for the sport had just missed out on the 2001 title. The TV bosses knew that Brits wanted to watch their heroes more and more. Everything came together for the WRC at that time. 2003 saw Channel 4 lose interest in nightly shows and then it went to ITV soon after. Basically, as I said, unless a few British drivers become successful and drive the sport forward, TV coverage will stay where it is now. Nowhere good.

18th November 2010, 05:13
Neil seemed genuinely upset about not presenting the show again next year, he was talking about it on Twitter on the Saturday night of Rally GB. Its a pity TV coverage is slipping away again just when the sport seems to be on the way up. Regular WRC coverage will only appear again when/if a few British WRC drivers emerge. Look back to the WRC coverage on Channel 4 in 2002, Richard Burns, the new champion. Colin McRae, the man who did much work for the sport had just missed out on the 2001 title. The TV bosses knew that Brits wanted to watch their heroes more and more. Everything came together for the WRC at that time. 2003 saw Channel 4 lose interest in nightly shows and then it went to ITV soon after. Basically, as I said, unless a few British drivers become successful and drive the sport forward, TV coverage will stay where it is now. Nowhere good.

We should thank the Brits for this. And not McRae or Burns but the selfish corporate men at the networks!

19th November 2010, 15:41
If the BBC did the entire series like the rally gb coverage it would be heaven. No idiots with "celebrities" just facts and analysis of the driving. superb.

The old "celebrities" chestnut. That was a massive mistake by Dave - narrow-minded, stupid, embarrassing, counter-intuitive - but it stopped back in 2009. Can't blame North One - they do what the client pays them to do, and Dave was paying them BIG money. That's one of the problems now, I think - Dave money must have been underpinning the whole WRCTV operation, which is why it's in crisis for next year. Dave received so much vitriolic abuse from rally fans about their coverage, that they have simply taken their ball back & walked away. Good job, my friends! Pats on the back all round!

Yes it was good to see Mark James again. But the fact is, if the BBC did an entire series like the Rally GB coverage it would rate incredibly poorly, and the BBC would drop it like a hot turd. It's simply a question of needing Brits in cars. Ratings for the World Cup, or Wimbledon, or Olympics peak massively when there's national interest and plummet when there isn't. Rallying is the same.

And, for what it's worth, I always thought Mr Cole did a good job. Some of his interviews were TV gold, he seemed enthusiastic, and I would personally thank him for getting my Missus interested in the WRC, after I'd failed for years. Maybe him and a couple of pundits - Dale Moscatt? Robert Reid? Gristy? Robbie Head? - could be a good presenting team?

2nd December 2010, 13:39
Autosport today saying that a deal for weekly coverage on FIVE is nearly a done deal.
Full terrestrial coverage again. Winner.

2nd December 2010, 13:53

2nd December 2010, 14:27
Early evening slot on a Monday supposedly. Good for exposure I suppose. I hope Five don't wait a few rounds and then bury it.

2nd December 2010, 15:15
Full terrestrial coverage again. Winner.

On channel 5. Loser. ;)

Not convinced but some rallying coverage on non-satellite TV is better than no coverage. Would love it if FIVE got Mark James involved, or even Tiff (IIRC he used to do Top Gear Rally Reports back when we had F2).

2nd December 2010, 15:23
Five used to show quite a lot of msport in the wee small hours but appear to have dropped that for phone in casino show recntly. Hopefully if this deal is done they will do the sport justice and hopefully not just use Fifth Gear shouty type presentation...

2nd December 2010, 15:33
The move to a terrestrial station has to be good for the sport in the UK and a prime time evening slot is good news too. Bit of a shame we have to wait till Monday to see any action - my favourite coverage of recent years was when Channel 4 had it and they showed it every evening prime time.

2nd December 2010, 15:47
Five used to show quite a lot of msport in the wee small hours but appear to have dropped that for phone in casino show recntly. Hopefully if this deal is done they will do the sport justice and hopefully not just use Fifth Gear shouty type presentation...

Five used to broadcast MotoGP live, before the BBC got it. I think I'm correct in saying that Five used to broadcast V8 Supercars as well.

2nd December 2010, 17:46
If that is the case and Channel 5 gets the coverage .that means we won't get the last stage live ,like some of the other countries will, which would be a real shame for u.k fans.

2nd December 2010, 18:07
If that is the case and Channel 5 gets the coverage .that means we won't get the last stage live ,like some of the other countries will, which would be a real shame for u.k fans.

I thought Dave was ditched because they were not fond of doing live stages?

2nd December 2010, 18:12
If that is the case and Channel 5 gets the coverage .that means we won't get the last stage live ,like some of the other countries will, which would be a real shame for u.k fans.

Why wont we? :confused:

2nd December 2010, 19:05
because it is reported to be showing the highlights on a moday night.

3rd December 2010, 15:04
All I can think about this before seeing anything they put out is that it is good for the promoters to say it is on terrestrial - every home in the country and all that. The viewing numbers should go up by default I'd imagine.

But I don't think this is a move that will benefit existing fans of the sport. Anyone know about motors?

3rd December 2010, 15:20
But I don't think this is a move that will benefit existing fans of the sport. Anyone know about motors?

I'm an existing fan and it'd benefit me. I doubt that I'm the only rally fan in the country without satellite and, therefore, unable to view anything other than Freeview channels.

4th December 2010, 15:01
AFAIK Motors deal continues next year. If Ch5 get WRC, that IS terrestrial therefore v good for the penetration of the sport but there still needs to be a UK deal for the live stage coverage... ESPN?

4th December 2010, 16:29
AFAIK Motors deal continues next year. If Ch5 get WRC, that IS terrestrial therefore v good for the penetration of the sport but there still needs to be a UK deal for the live stage coverage... ESPN?

ESPN are you joking? Im not paying extra to watch one live stage on top of what I already pay for sky!

5th December 2010, 15:03
ESPN are you joking? Im not paying extra to watch one live stage on top of what I already pay for sky!

... agreed! I wasn't saying it in hope; it's just what I've heard. Especitally if Ch5 get a highlights deal, I expect ITV4 will step away from WRC, leaving only a payTV option for live coverage...