View Full Version : Boddington's Pub Ale

15th November 2010, 06:09
I seldom drink anymore but do have the occasional beer or glass of wine with supper. Sometime back, a friend gave me a 4 pack of Boddingtons Pub Ale in one pint cans as a sort of jab about being an F1 fan in NASCAR land.

I finally drank one today and was amazed to hear something rattling around in the can as I drank more of the stuff. I finally cut the can open hoping to not find the skeletal remains of a dead mouse although that would have explained the flavor. Instead, and to my great relief, I found a little clear plastic thing that kind of resembles a small spinning top toy. I have ruled out a failed terrorist bomb and some sort of promotional gimmick that will allow me to tour the Wonka factory.

What is this thing and why is it in a can of ale?

15th November 2010, 08:33
http://recipes.howstuffworks.com/question446.htm is it this?

15th November 2010, 09:42
It's a 'floating widget', fairly common to find a widget in cans of beer over here :)

15th November 2010, 10:01
My widget doesn't look like the one in the link video, but then again, that's what they all say, isn't it? CO2 gas huh....so they going to put a carbon tax on a can of beer now?

15th November 2010, 15:26
I'd be more concerned about an emissions tax on the post-consumption effects :p :