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14th November 2010, 14:46
Apparently Sordo has signed for Prodrive during Rally GB.
He joins Meeke, so that settles that.

http://translate.google.com/translate?js=n&prev=_t&hl=no&ie=UTF-8&layout=2&eotf=1&sl=no&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.norsk-rally.com%2Findex.php%3Foption%3Dcom_content%26vie w%3Darticle%26id%3D7341%3Adani-sordo-kjorer-mini-i-2011

14th November 2010, 14:54
Good for him..

14th November 2010, 14:59
Apparently Sordo has signed for Prodrive during Rally GB.
He joins Meeke, so that settles that.

http://translate.google.com/translate?js=n&prev=_t&hl=no&ie=UTF-8&layout=2&eotf=1&sl=no&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.norsk-rally.com%2Findex.php%3Foption%3Dcom_content%26vie w%3Darticle%26id%3D7341%3Adani-sordo-kjorer-mini-i-2011

So once again Ford misses out on a top driver to replace hirvoslow.

What planet is Wilson On these days

14th November 2010, 15:01
Gutted for Petter but he was never gonna win on times as WRC is all driven too splits now and that is why it is so boring and will continue to be

14th November 2010, 15:26
I am happy for Sordo to find a team that really wants him for his talent. But I am unhappy that Find missed the oppertunity to kick Citroen's balls on tarmac with the Fiesta WrCar.
Nothing personal, but I think that Stobart would love to pay for Sordo being on the Stobart car instead of Wilson's son

14th November 2010, 16:13
I am happy for Sordo to find a team that really wants him for his talent. But I am unhappy that Find missed the oppertunity to kick Citroen's balls on tarmac with the Fiesta WrCar.
Nothing personal, but I think that Stobart would love to pay for Sordo being on the Stobart car instead of Wilson's son

if PG Andersson is to believed there won't be any STobatr Ford team next season.

- Det låter som att Malcolm Wilson inte har något att komma med där. Han har inget klart med något andrateam, likt det man haft med Stobart, och då finns inget till mig. Men det är inget som är helt klart än, säger Andersson till eurosport.se

It sounds like malcom doesnt have anything to offer. Han havent managed to get a second team done and then there is nothing for me. But it is not 100% certain yet says PG to eurosport.se.

14th November 2010, 16:46
Apparently Sordo has signed for Prodrive during Rally GB.
He joins Meeke, so that settles that.

http://translate.google.com/translate?js=n&prev=_t&hl=no&ie=UTF-8&layout=2&eotf=1&sl=no&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.norsk-rally.com%2Findex.php%3Foption%3Dcom_content%26vie w%3Darticle%26id%3D7341%3Adani-sordo-kjorer-mini-i-2011
Ok and what Andersson? http://www.eurosport.se/rally/p-g-aktuell-for-mini_sto2530910/story.shtml

So that the Mini team with Meeke, Andersson, Sordo and "Bosse"...?

14th November 2010, 16:53
So once again Ford misses out on a top driver to replace hirvoslow.

What planet is Wilson On these days

A planet far away where denial is the main motto.

Total domination from Citroën, good for them, they work hard for it and deserve it. they are real sportsmen and women in that team, and results speak for them. Congrats to double chevron team. :)

14th November 2010, 16:57
Great for Sordo , now he has no limitations ! Hopefully the Mini will be competitive

14th November 2010, 17:03
Great for Sordo , now he has no limitations ! Hopefully the Mini will be competitive

Sordo is fantastic asset to have in a team. This guy has a lot of knowledge of Citroën cars from the past years. David Richards is smart to hire him.
They can now benefit from him to develop their car further, together with Markko Martin and Kris Meeke those three drivers are a very complete package.

I see success very soon for Mini. :)

14th November 2010, 17:15
they are real sportsmen and women in that team, and results speak for them. Congrats to double chevron team. :)

ROFL! :rotflmao:

Yeah, real sportsmen and women! Unlike Ford, they have utilised incredibly ruthless team tactics (remember Rautenbach in Poland?) for many years. Versus the Ford, letting JML win in Sardinia back in 2009, etc.

Now these "real sportsmen" will kick out Dani Sordo, the real man behind Citroen's manufacturer world titles. A guy who has done terrible amount of work to gain more speed and shown unconditional integrity and obedience towards the team. The team's reward to him? "Sorry, you have no car in our team next season. Kthanxbye!"

I'm very happy for Sordo for having a go with Mini. :up:

14th November 2010, 17:26
Both Citroen and Ford have shown sport-killing tactics over the last years , so non of them are 100% sportsmen ;)

14th November 2010, 17:39
Here's proof ... France 2008


1.1S. LOEBM3:26:
2.4F. DUVALM3:27:51.1+1:25.4+1:25.4
3.8J. LATVALAM3:28:23.8+32.7+1:58.1
4.3M. HIRVONENM3:29:55.3+1:31.5+3:29.6


1.1S. LOEBM3:42:
2.3M. HIRVONENM3:46:22.7+3:24.7+3:24.7
3.4F. DUVALM3:46:29.6+6.9+3:31.6
4.8J. LATVALAM3:46:35.5+5.9+3:37.5

I dont think comment is neccesary ;)

14th November 2010, 17:43
ROFL! :rotflmao:

Yeah, real sportsmen and women! Unlike Ford, they have utilised incredibly ruthless team tactics (remember Rautenbach in Poland?) for many years. Versus the Ford, letting JML win in Sardinia back in 2009, etc.

Now these "real sportsmen" will kick out Dani Sordo, the real man behind Citroen's manufacturer world titles. A guy who has done terrible amount of work to gain more speed and shown unconditional integrity and obedience towards the team. The team's reward to him? "Sorry, you have no car in our team next season. Kthanxbye!"

I'm very happy for Sordo for having a go with Mini. :up:

I think you are right on a marketting side but thats it really.
On a sporting side Ogier happens to be faster than Sordo so a real sportsman team who wants to be the best they can takes whoever is the best, that's it. At least they paid Sordo to do HIS JOB.

You know what they say in Finland:

Elämä on!

Rahalla ei saa onnea ja menestystä, pitää ne rahat osata käyttääkin...

(That's life ! You cannot buy luck and success with money you have to know how to use the money)

14th November 2010, 19:29
Sordo is fantastic asset to have in a team. This guy has a lot of knowledge of Citroën cars from the past years. David Richards is smart to hire him.
They can now benefit from him to develop their car further, together with Markko Martin and Kris Meeke those three drivers are a very complete package.

I see success very soon for Mini. :)

You know what car was the last car Prodrive and Markko Martin developed together?

2008 Impreza, the one with huge grip/handling problems on low-grip surfaces which nobody ever found a solution to. Even Østberg prefers to drive the 2007 Impreza on these surfaces over it.

Makes me rather skeptical about Prodrive Mini.

That said Sordo is the best available choice for them, he's faster than PG, by a lot on tarmac and probably even on gravel and has tons of experience. Only other comparable choice would be Solberg, but neither him nor Prodrive want to work together anymore. Can't really blame Solberg for that, telling them for 3 years that the car is bad, to be mostly ignored in the end.

14th November 2010, 21:18
You know what car was the last car Prodrive and Markko Martin developed together?

2008 Impreza, the one with huge grip/handling problems on low-grip surfaces which nobody ever found a solution to. Even Østberg prefers to drive the 2007 Impreza on these surfaces over it.

Makes me rather skeptical about Prodrive Mini.

That said Sordo is the best available choice for them, he's faster than PG, by a lot on tarmac and probably even on gravel and has tons of experience. Only other comparable choice would be Solberg, but neither him nor Prodrive want to work together anymore. Can't really blame Solberg for that, telling them for 3 years that the car is bad, to be mostly ignored in the end.

Markko did not develop the car. He was testing it after it was developed. He was called in to help, because this car was born dead. Get your facts right ;)

14th November 2010, 21:40
Markko did not develop the car. He was testing it after it was developed. He was called in to help, because this car was born dead. Get your facts right ;)

Thanks, didn't know that. Nevertheless it doesn't seem he could help.

14th November 2010, 22:22
Ok and what Andersson? http://www.eurosport.se/rally/p-g-aktuell-for-mini_sto2530910/story.shtml

So that the Mini team with Meeke, Andersson, Sordo and "Bosse"...?

Andersson is out...

14th November 2010, 22:22
That said Sordo is the best available choice for them, he's faster than PG, by a lot on tarmac and probably even on gravel and has tons of experience. What? I've never seen the two go head to head in similar performance car. A manu C4 is faster than a SX4, can't count that one-off with Stobart.

14th November 2010, 23:16
Turan was faster on some stages.. Bad mistake for Turan when turned to Stobart..

15th November 2010, 02:48
ROFL! :rotflmao:

Yeah, real sportsmen and women! Unlike Ford, they have utilised incredibly ruthless team tactics (remember Rautenbach in Poland?) for many years. Versus the Ford, letting JML win in Sardinia back in 2009, etc.

Now these "real sportsmen" will kick out Dani Sordo, the real man behind Citroen's manufacturer world titles. A guy who has done terrible amount of work to gain more speed and shown unconditional integrity and obedience towards the team. The team's reward to him? "Sorry, you have no car in our team next season. Kthanxbye!"

I'm very happy for Sordo for having a go with Mini. :up:

Damn straight. And Loeb also won the championship last year because of Sordo. Sordo would've easily won Spain last year and stopped on the last stage of day 2 to let Loeb take the lead and then backed right off on day 3. Without those extra 2 points Hirvonen would've won the title. You didn't see Ford holding back Latvala in Italy to ensure Hirvonen won as all Wilson is concerned about is the manufacturer's title.

I hope Sordo finally gets the wins he deserves with Mini.

15th November 2010, 06:52
Im happy for Dani, maybe now he will be allowed to win a rally!
The guy can obviously drive, but hes always been driving Seb's car. Im sure there are little changes he would have linked to be incorperated to the C4 to suit him if he was the team leader.
Now with Prodrive/Mini, I think his greatest battle will be with communication as we all know his english isnt the best, not a great thing for an english speaking team (presumably).

15th November 2010, 15:16
So guys, is Sordos´deal confirmed officially? :confused:

No, thought that. :s mokin:
Let´s wait and see.

Nothing wrong with him and he deserves a drivers seat next year, for sure. But the question is where.

15th November 2010, 15:59
So guys, is Sordos´deal confirmed officially? :confused:

No, thought that. :s mokin:
Let´s wait and see.

Nothing wrong with him and he deserves a drivers seat next year, for sure. But the question is where.
Sordo definitely deserves a drive, I think Ford would benefit a lot if they would hire him :)

15th November 2010, 16:06
If Sordo goes to MINI then we can defiantly see KIMI going with MONSTER

no duh..

15th November 2010, 16:11
Now these "real sportsmen" will kick out Dani Sordo, the real man behind Citroen's manufacturer world titles. A guy who has done terrible amount of work to gain more speed and shown unconditional integrity and obedience towards the team. The team's reward to him? "Sorry, you have no car in our team next season. Kthanxbye!"

I wonder if many people out there and here see this as being the truth?! If it wasn't for Dani supporting Seb in the rallyes, being the number two driver, helping clinch the world titles for the team on so so so many occasions then some are really stupid. What Citroen have done to him is ruthless and appalling!

I watched Dave's coverage of Wales GB and Ogier was being interviewed. He was wearing the official team colors looking smug and like a wa#ker. He's a twit IMHO and for this I dislike them. Yes it has proven to us and Ford that they are champions, they have a machine that can do it and another machine, sorry driver who can win. Yes good luck to them in 2011 but it will come bite them in the a$$ later down the track or stage (haha). Sordo I see as a future champion. Ogier a clone of what was....

15th November 2010, 16:12
If Sordo goes to MINI then we can defiantly see KIMI going with MONSTER

no duh..

what will happen with Citroen then? If Kimi goes to Monster?
Only one team with the Sebs?

Or two teams with the Sebs+Petter+?

15th November 2010, 16:25
what will happen with Citroen then? If Kimi goes to Monster?
Only one team with the Sebs?

Or two teams with the Sebs+Petter+?

It seems there is a lot of PR nonsense from yesterday that said Kimi wants to stay with Citreon after his 8th place in Wales

15th November 2010, 16:44
For me the situation will be that:

CITROEN TOTAL: Séb Loeb / Séb Ogier
PSWRT: Petter Solberg

BP FORD ABU DHABI: Mikko Hirvonen / JM Latvala
STOBART: Wilson / ??
MONSTER FORD: Block / Atkinson (wait for decisions in January)

MINI PRODRIVE: Meeke / Sordo?
MINI CUSTOMERS: Ostberg (?) / Boland (?)

It's gonna be interesting, tho...

15th November 2010, 16:44
what will happen with Citroen then? If Kimi goes to Monster?
Only one team with the Sebs?

Or two teams with the Sebs+Petter+?

It will be Seb and Seb

Highly doubt a junior team... Who will that be Petter and Kimi?

I don't think so.

Rumors were that Red Bull are dropping sponsorship with Citroen and surely with Kimi too. So Monster Energy could pick up Kimi and team up with Block again.

Monster could go with MINI or stay with Ford but if Dani will go MINI they have their second driver! Meeke and Sordo.

15th November 2010, 16:46
CITROEN TOTAL: Séb Loeb / Séb Ogier
PSWRT: Petter Solberg

BP FORD ABU DHABI: Mikko Hirvonen / JM Latvala
STOBART: Wilson / H Solberg
MONSTER FORD: Block / Atkinson / Kimi

MINI PRODRIVE: Meeke / Sordo

15th November 2010, 17:42
Well, it still looks that Sordo for Mini is 99% confirmed. They have very good driver package to develop and also to compete for the titles in WRC (the best test drivers, very good team player and super-fast Meeke).

And M-sport is going to earn big time next year. Most probably we can see Kimi, Block, Villagra, Atkinson and maybe Ketomaa, Henning and Andersson+Wilslow as well in Fiesta WRC (In addition to Jari and Mikko)-exactly ten cars like they promised!

Citroen meanwhile looks to loose his main sponsor and all major pay-drivers. They have also lost 50% of their tarmac forces and they have only Ogier whose tarmac driving can be compared to those guys whom NOT calls useless nobodies (well, he has crashed in approximately 50% of tarmac rounds and he has finished on the podium only once with the car that is the most superior on the tarmac). They have also guy called Quensel whose management has led to superior 1,2,3 retirement in 24 h Le Manse race, loss of manufacturers and drivers titles in IRC, some stupid comments which even Peugeot dealers think are ridiculous.. pretty successful CV.. what next?.

For me, it seems that year 2011 will be the season with highest number of question-marks since 2003 and 2004 when Mäkinen, McRae, Burns, Sainz and Panizzi stopped their active participation in WRC.

15th November 2010, 18:22
CITROEN TOTAL: Séb Loeb / Séb Ogier
PSWRT: Petter Solberg

STOBART: Wilson / H Solberg
MONSTER FORD: Block / Atkinson / Kimi

MINI PRODRIVE: Meeke / Sordo

BP FORD ABU DHABI: Mikko Hirvonen / JM Latvala ..... no K Al Qassimi who brings the Abu Dhabi oil money?

15th November 2010, 18:24
If Red Bull see nothing anymore in Kimi Raikkonen, then why will they sponsor his Peugot 207 S2000 in Rallye Monte Carlo 2011?

15th November 2010, 19:53
CITROEN TOTAL: Séb Loeb / Séb Ogier
PSWRT: Petter Solberg

BP FORD ABU DHABI: Mikko Hirvonen / JM Latvala
STOBART: Wilson / H Solberg
MONSTER FORD: Block / Atkinson / Kimi

MINI PRODRIVE: Meeke / Sordo
Maybe, the Stobart team not in WRC 2011.


CITROEN TOTAL: Séb Loeb / Séb Ogier / Petter Solberg
Citroen Junior Team: Kimi?

BP FORD ABU DHABI: Mikko Hirvonen / JM Latvala / PG Andersson?
MONSTER FORD: K Block / Ch Atkinson?

MINI PRODRIVE: Meeke / Sordo
MINI CUSTOMERS: Ostberg / Kimi?

15th November 2010, 20:16
Ostberg and Adapta confirms Fiesta Wrc 2011 program : http://bit.ly/9zgESl

15th November 2010, 20:16
Østberg will be driving a Fiesta wrc next year, not a Mini!

Adapta WRT said this in a press release today.

15th November 2010, 21:16
i see eammon Boland mentioned as a Mini customer i belive the only reason that may be due to his strong links with prodrive over the past few years.
But realistly if that were to happen all you may see of eammon is the odd european round and maybe the irish tarmac championship.but i belive this rumour may have came from an irish forum.but that rumour is more or less dead

16th November 2010, 01:25
If Red Bull see nothing anymore in Kimi Raikkonen, then why will they sponsor his Peugot 207 S2000 in Rallye Monte Carlo 2011?

Show me, sorry...

BP FORD ABU DHABI: Mikko Hirvonen / JM Latvala ..... no K Al Qassimi who brings the Abu Dhabi oil money?

Yeh and him, woops.

16th November 2010, 06:37
http://translate.google.com/translate?js=n&prev=_t&hl=no&ie=UTF-8&layout=2&eotf=1&sl=sv&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nwt.se%2Fsport%2Fmotorsport%2Fa rticle803769.ece

PG not so positive ...

16th November 2010, 08:42
Its always nice to see some slang-swedish being translated into english!

"No, but it might not run yet" haha

16th November 2010, 18:36
Maybe, the Stobart team not in WRC 2011.

lets pray for that...
Ford should make stobart (or what used to be called stobart) a strong team, hire slowson as a permanent test driver (lol early retirement)take PG and Solberg in, and they will surely beat citroen, at least for the manu champ.

16th November 2010, 20:17
Without PG..

17th November 2010, 15:32
Catch up to reading new and elder GP Weeks and found in the issue 102 (pages 50-51) the birth story for the Mini WRC project. There David Richard tells among others that in the beginning they had a list of 12 production cars and Mini was not one of them.


18th November 2010, 07:52
Didn't he say it was the computer which said it was the best option?

18th November 2010, 08:11
Too quiet lately at prodrive......after all the PR about the success of the project..the interest for ordering the new car.... plus Adapta move to ford. Is this a sign of troubles?

18th November 2010, 08:15
they are probably rebuilding the car didnt Markko Martin roll it?

18th November 2010, 09:11
Too quiet lately at prodrive......after all the PR about the success of the project..the interest for ordering the new car.... plus Adapta move to ford. Is this a sign of troubles?
They're about to test in Sardinia.

18th November 2010, 16:39
What Mini and PD need is a consistent fast driver to sort out the car. And immedeatly!

So get PG now!!!

I am evil Homer
18th November 2010, 17:09
They have one - Kris Meeke. A guy who's actually won an international series.

18th November 2010, 17:09
MG or DS are far better solutions..

18th November 2010, 17:42
They have one - Kris Meeke. A guy who's actually won an international series.

PG is a double JWRC champion,

18th November 2010, 17:55
MG or DS are far better solutions..

grönholm doesnt want to drive for mini, according to rallye-magazin.de:


"Der Brite hatte zunächst auf Marcus Grönholm als Entwicklungsfahrer gesetzt, doch der Finne winkte nach einem ersten Kennenlernen des Countryman WRC ab."

witch means something like:

"the brit (david richards) wantet marcus grönholm as a testdriver, but the finn declined after his first outings in the countryman wrc..."

18th November 2010, 18:02
Marcus is scared that his comeback will be similar to Michael Schumacher's one this year, that he can only do worse then good with the new car.

18th November 2010, 18:06
PG is a double JWRC champion,

Factually just once a JWRC champ, 2007 was a mere JRC.

18th November 2010, 18:20
Factually just once a JWRC champ, 2007 was a mere JRC.

the difference is? WRC calls it JWRC so JWRC it is.


18th November 2010, 18:28
Didn't he say it was the computer which said it was the best option?

“When we placed the technical specification that it offered in our computer, we found this was clearly one of the top three cars which would be eligible.”

18th November 2010, 18:52
Marcus is just negotating.. For the right money.. :D

18th November 2010, 19:10
Marcus is clever enough to see high suicidal potential of such move. There's very little to gain but too much to loose by returning into full-season contract. It's different thing than one or two starts per season for fun.

18th November 2010, 19:14
No, it’s as alleskids said.

http://translate.google.com/translate?js=n&prev=_t&hl=fi&ie=UTF-8&layout=2&eotf=1&sl=fi&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.mtv3.fi%2Furheilu%2Fralli%2Fuut iset.shtml%2Farkistot%2Fralli%2F2010%2F11%2F122506 2

18th November 2010, 19:23
the difference is? WRC calls it JWRC so JWRC it is.


In 2007 the series was run on European rallies only and World was removed from series' name for one season.

18th November 2010, 19:38
In 2007 the series was run on European rallies only and World was removed from series' name for one season.

thats correct!

18th November 2010, 19:43
thats correct!

I think we are a bit off topic now!

Still I hold PG for a well worthy Mini WRC driver for next year as well as a developer of the car. don´t know what Meeke has accomplshed yet. Nor Markko Martin.

18th November 2010, 19:49
Do You know that Kris Meeke besides winning IRC was also doing years of testing for Citroën? (and also some crazy stuff in JWRC like winning 2006 Deutschland after two tyre changes on stage)

18th November 2010, 20:22
Me I´m not counting out Meeke - no way.

I just say Mini need more drivers to sort the car out. And PG just fits. That´s all.

Besides it´s a more less expensive way than hiring Sordo whom I´m sure want some money to drive the Mini. Rumours says he´s hesitating. Wouldn´t even like to drive the car today at PD.

18th November 2010, 21:03

18th November 2010, 21:22

It sure is. And would so be.

But that´s not DR´s idea. He and MW is just businessmen with a hobby called rallying which they´ve made to a business.

18th November 2010, 21:52
Then it's not anymore professional sport.. IT'S AN AMATEURISM with 1 or 2 paid drivers..

18th November 2010, 22:21
In IRC is more paid drivers than in WRC...

18th November 2010, 22:48
In IRC is more paid drivers than in WRC... :D :D :D

18th November 2010, 23:03
You shall spend one minute counting such drivers before You make fool of Yourself.

18th November 2010, 23:04
Armin Schwarz says:
Sordo wird von der Gerüchteküche auch mit MINI in Verbindung gebracht. Doch das sei laut Schwarz "der absolute Notnagel", für den Spanier, nicht nur, weil MINI 2011 nicht die ganze Saison bestreitet: "Ich schätze den MINI vielleicht als Auto nicht so schlecht ein, aber nachdem, was ich höre und gesehen habe, versucht David Richards ja sofort Autos zu verkaufen. Das gehört zu seinem Konzept. Er braucht sofort Geld in der Tasche, um das Programm durchzuziehen. Und dann klemmt es hinten und vorne, dann kannst du keine vernünftige Entwicklung machen, dann wirst du ganz sicher sehen, dass sie vom Anfang an in der Entwicklung hinten dran sind, was da heißt, keine Rallyes gewinnen."

Xsara Fan
18th November 2010, 23:32
I think we are a bit off topic now!

Still I hold PG for a well worthy Mini WRC driver for next year as well as a developer of the car. don´t know what Meeke has accomplshed yet. Nor Markko Martin.

PG is 'a developer of the car'??? Hmmm... and what car did he developed? Suzuki SX4 WRC? Great work. LOL

19th November 2010, 00:18
I think we are a bit off topic now!

Still I hold PG for a well worthy Mini WRC driver for next year as well as a developer of the car. don´t know what Meeke has accomplshed yet. Nor Markko Martin.

I'm sure PG would do a reasonable job. But Meeke is a good choice, raw speed, more hours in WRC cars than most (competition and testing), a qualified engineer, ex M-Sport employee, works/semi works experience, just about everything one would need to be lead driver in a new team.
And he ain't bringing a cent to the deal, will even get paid a few quid, refreshing.
PG would make a good team mate.

19th November 2010, 00:26
Armin Schwarz says:

I liked Schwarz as driver but he went downhill after that as a team manager....Guess he doesn't like Richards.

"Sordo is moved from the rumor mill with MINI related. But it was loud black "is the absolute last resort" for the Spaniards, not only because MINI does not dispute the 2011 season: "I guess maybe the MINI as a car is not so bad, but after, what I hear and seen, try David Richards so sell now cars. This is part of his concept. He needs money immediately in the bag to pull off the program. And then it caught the back and front, then you can do no reasonable development, then you will see for sure that from the outset in the development hintendran are, what is there to win any rallies. "

19th November 2010, 04:46
What is Armin Schwarz doing now?

19th November 2010, 08:38
In IRC is more paid drivers than in WRC...

but at least they paid for equal material, with which they can challange for victories. In WRC they have to pay for outdated material, and are not allowed to challange the factory boys, If necceccary the factory team is sabotaging their car to make them slower. In IRC all drivers, paid and paying, have equal changes.

20th November 2010, 02:22
What is Armin Schwarz doing now? My *guess* is he was hosting rally program for German tv and recent been doing Baja-type racing in US. He mentioned how lax are the rules in US compared to Europe.

20th November 2010, 08:21
No FIA..

20th November 2010, 09:01
yes, schwarz is doing score series now, at the moment he´s driving the baja 1000 in a trophy truck. he´s not so bad there...

he also did some tv stuff, thats right. he was comoderator at the rallyeshow that was broadcastet before formula 1 in germany some time ago.

and then he established a event in germany called baja300 powerdays. there were trophy trucks and wrc´s and motocross bikes with some well known drivers. as far as i remember there was ken block, jesse james, p. solberg, gigi galli, cyril despres and schwarz himself. and some other national drivers as far as i remember.

the event will take place again in 2011.

20th November 2010, 15:10
My *guess* is he was hosting rally program for German tv and recent been doing Baja-type racing in US. He mentioned how lax are the rules in US compared to Europe.

Oh, I thought he had something to do with MINI....

:) Yes, Baja I heard he competes..

21st November 2010, 16:26
Rumors in Monza says that Sordo is almost signing with Mini! ;)

21st November 2010, 17:27
Rumors in Monza says that Sordo is almost signing with Mini! ;)

Hope he dont. Why? MINI will do 6 events next year and we dont know how it will go on..
He must drive a Fiesta WRC. But M.Wilson have no brain. :mad:

21st November 2010, 18:11
It seems that he has brain when he has castle in Cumbria and in 1993 he had little workshop (when he drove Micheline pilot escort gp.A; also posting some fastest time(s))..

21st November 2010, 18:18
Hope he dont. Why? MINI will do 6 events next year and we dont know how it will go on..
He must drive a Fiesta WRC. But M.Wilson have no brain. :mad:

Well, there is a high possibility that Mini does 9 events. Misses first events and then wont stop like DR said.

21st November 2010, 18:40
Rumors in Monza says that Sordo is almost signing with Mini! ;)

21st November 2010, 19:04

Maybe he changed idea... :)

21st November 2010, 19:16
Maybe he wants more (events and money)..

21st November 2010, 20:12
Maybe he wants more (events and money)..

according to this article (http://www.vf.se/sport/bilsport/sordo-traffade-mini-%25E2%2580%2593-ville-inte-provkora-bilen), Sordo was att mini/prodives HQ earlier this week and despite that all things were prepared and arranged for Sordo to test drive the car.
However sordo declined and said that he do want to keep the door open for other possibilities. He still considers to buy himself a seat with ford so that he can drive all rallies next year.

21st November 2010, 20:16
I hope Sordo has to choose from 2 cars who are available. It is a Ford and a Mini.
Mini drives 6 or 9 events and Sordo can step in for free? The car is new. Prodrive hasn't the most powerful cars the last years. What can it do?
Ford drives all the season and can drive for 1 million (€ or $). The car is new, but it is a car build by M-Sport, so it can win races. It will be fast, only is it fast on tarmac already?

Sordo will the first man on tarmac in both teams.

What do you choose? I don't know. I like Ford, but it is not my work and i didn't to negotiate.

21st November 2010, 21:05
It´s sponsor money, not Sordos´own. So he´ll choose Ford. Didn´t his behavour last friday tell us what´s it gonna be? :s mokin:

21st November 2010, 22:05
If i were Sordo i would choose a Ford... but all depends on how much money it costs!

Citroën will miss him.

21st November 2010, 22:25
This's all sick.. One of the best drivers in the world must pay to drive.. Just like P.Solberg but Sordo is much younger..

21st November 2010, 22:54
This's all sick.. One of the best drivers in the world must pay to drive.. Just like P.Solberg but Sordo is much younger..

Whats much?

Dani is 27, Petter is 36(three days ago)

21st November 2010, 22:57
9 years is a lot in rally/race driver's life. It's one half of normal driver's career.

21st November 2010, 23:31
This situation is just like with Sebastien, Carlos and Colin.. First two went through and stupid no third driver rule (must be stupid that man who invented that and ruined professionality of the sport) dismissed Colin from the team.. This time was Sordo third Citroen driver.. For Mini is the best option great Gronholm for the first season..

22nd November 2010, 08:04
This situation is just like with Sebastien, Carlos and Colin.. First two went through and stupid no third driver rule (must be stupid that man who invented that and ruined professionality of the sport) dismissed Colin from the team.. This time was Sordo third Citroen driver.. For Mini is the best option great Gronholm for the first season..

For Grönholm it can be very bad for his image, as told earlier.

22nd November 2010, 08:56
For Grönholm it can be very bad for his image, as told earlier.

Bosse won't come back, he drove once with new Mini and decided not to sign with them.

22nd November 2010, 09:52
It is little news on testing and so on on the Prodrive site, and that is a bit strange. Should think they would like to keep potential customers hyped, and the rest of us informed on what they are doing.

Has Meeke a testing program ? Should think they were driving the car somewhere every week to learn the car and collect data to improve.

22nd November 2010, 10:46
was reading my twitter and becs from WRR said that mini had some news to announce this week if indeed they would announce it! any ideas?

22nd November 2010, 10:49
It is little news on testing and so on on the Prodrive site, and that is a bit strange. Should think they would like to keep potential customers hyped, and the rest of us informed on what they are doing.

Has Meeke a testing program ? Should think they were driving the car somewhere every week to learn the car and collect data to improve.

Yes, full testing programme. Small testing in UK, one week of intense testing in Europe every 3 - 4 weeks.
P-G to get 2nd seat? Hope so.

22nd November 2010, 11:55
For Grönholm it can be very bad for his image, as told earlier.

At least he has work.. Look at Schumi, he's not at home and gets millions for that.. That's better.. :D

22nd November 2010, 12:33
Between the lines, did Grönholm say anything about the Mini's performances or potential ?

22nd November 2010, 12:41
Between the lines, did Grönholm say anything about the Mini's performances or potential ?

Not really, but he said before, that he will test the car before he deside, also he is not that stupid that he would talk of the cars possible problems in public.
The world is full of thick drivers who talk to much and then afterwards wonder why nobody want to sign them.

22nd November 2010, 13:51
Nobody is signing anybody.. :D

23rd November 2010, 19:22
Good article on Meeke and testing the Mini and some new pictures (thanks to Conor):


23rd November 2010, 20:03
This might seem a silly question but is this the actual width of the car or is there an extra suspension package to come to give extra travel and of course those flared arches?

23rd November 2010, 20:08
is there an extra suspension package to come to give extra travel

The pictures present the car in tarmac setup, that's why it looks that it doesn't have enought suspension travel in those pictures.

23rd November 2010, 20:11
So ugly.. But ONE MORE manufacturer in the sport..

23rd November 2010, 20:19
Extremely ugly in my opinion , looks like a London taxi cab :D

But looks don't win rallies , so it isn't important ;)

23rd November 2010, 21:12

23rd November 2010, 21:25
My guess that some body parts are still missing above the wheels.

It will get better, I hope at least :)

23rd November 2010, 21:38
The max width of a WRC car is 1820 mm and the countryman is 1789 so there are only 31 mm differences.

23rd November 2010, 21:59
It looks like this 'Mini' package should be taken seriously. With Meekes reputation as a test and development driver the Mini could be a force to be reckoned with in the future. Also as Meeke is with the team at this early stage he can now form the team around him and truly have a car built to his liking.

23rd November 2010, 22:19
I dont know how the Mini (or any one of the new cars) will turn out but having seen Ogier test the new DS3 I reckon a driver with recent experience of a Super 1600 car will find the transition easier than say someone who is used to massive torque from a current breed of WRC car, in particular a Ford Focus with its legendary torque from 1500 rpm and lazy 5 speed box.

23rd November 2010, 22:21
Btw. has anyone noted how Prodrive has desinged the gear lever..? It's like a paddle shifter even though it's really a sequential "stick". Looks kinda unconventional atleast for me because there's a big resistance to push/pull the stick and you can't get a natural grip with your hand from it because it's like a paddle. I'm guessing they'll change that.

Armchair rally driver/co-driver/engineer Juha_Koo :s mokin:

23rd November 2010, 22:24
I'm more surprised by double exhaust system...

23rd November 2010, 22:27
I'm more surprised by double exhaust system...

Two exhaust pipes, like in the standard version.

24th November 2010, 07:49
The front of the car is really hideous, and the rest plain ugly....

But another one in the bag and I wish them the best so new manufacturers feel it's worth giving it a try!

24th November 2010, 08:13
what about Paul Nagle is he with the team? doesnt look like him in passenger seat

24th November 2010, 09:13
Btw. has anyone noted how Prodrive has desinged the gear lever..? It's like a paddle shifter even though it's really a sequential "stick". Looks kinda unconventional atleast for me because there's a big resistance to push/pull the stick and you can't get a natural grip with your hand from it because it's like a paddle. I'm guessing they'll change that.

Any photos?

24th November 2010, 09:48
what about Paul Nagle is he with the team? doesnt look like him in passenger seat

Far as I know Paul is part of the package for 2011.
Ref the pictures it does indeed not look like Paul but I guess there's little need for him as it's basically just a systems check before travelling to Sardinia although I know he doesn't attend all the test sessions held in Europe.

24th November 2010, 10:10
Extremely ugly in my opinion , looks like a London taxi cab :D

But looks don't win rallies , so it isn't important ;)

Well, I like the look of the car. It is the only car of the three WRC-s that has its specific character. The others are just good looking rally cars. The bigger street version looks strange indeed but the small Mini looks just so great! That is why they want this car to be called Mini WRC as well ;-)

24th November 2010, 16:10
Two exhaust pipes, like in the standard version.

two exhaust pipes, sized like my garden hose (1/2") :p :p

24th November 2010, 17:02
i dont like those 2 pipes...it always looks like some showoff-tuning stuff.

24th November 2010, 17:09
Lets see photos of what you are talking about ;)

Prodrive website has only the press info on the MINI WRC. Nothing else has been added yet.

24th November 2010, 18:02
Two exhaust pipes, like in the standard version.

Yes but it's very rare to see two exhausts on rally or race cars.

24th November 2010, 18:52
Yes but it's very rare to see two exhausts on rally or race cars.

Well, at least in Rally Cars! Touring Cars and GT Cars use two exhaust pipes!!

Sorry for the offtopic :P

24th November 2010, 21:25
normally 2 exhaust´s only make any sense if you have got a V engine. on a nowadays rallyecar it´s only useless weight in my opinion. and at all other cars with less then at last 6 cylinders its just wannabe-stuff...

rallyecars that had 2 pipes usually were V engines, like stratos or some porsche´s etc. also the mg metro. only car with 4 cylinders and 2 exhaustpipes that comes to my mind is the delta s4. for what reasons i dont really know. i make a guess: maybe something with the turbo and compressor charged engine, it looks like some kind of bybass: http://www.thhe.dk/biler/Lancia_Delta_S4-Xray_1024.jpg

anyhow, imo 2 pipes is just ugly whether its necessary or not.

btw: on the 2008 subaru show car at iaa in frankfurt, the car also had 2 exhausts. while the final rallyeversion only had one. mabye prodrive just likes to show off a little ;)

24th November 2010, 21:33
in δS4 the one pipe is from external gate.
mg metro was with a v6 shape engine.

24th November 2010, 22:04
MG Metro had a V6 NA engine and a double exhaust therefore isn’t so unusual. But with a 4-cylinder engine with a single turbo, what would be the idea to split the exhaust after the turbo if not the other one is from the waste gate. If this would be the case the exhaust pipe coming from the turbo should IMO be bigger.

24th November 2010, 22:31
MG Metro had a V6 NA engine and a double exhaust therefore isn’t so unusual. But with a 4-cylinder engine with a single turbo, what would be the idea to split the exhaust after the turbo if not the other one is from the waste gate. If this would be the case the exhaust pipe coming from the turbo should IMO be bigger.

yes it is slightly bigger diameter the main exaust pipe. :)

find this photo where it is more visible

24th November 2010, 22:42

yes it is slightly bigger diameter the main exaust pipe. :)

I meant the exhaust pipes of the Mini. If you look at the pictures at this link http://www.mudsnowandtar.com/features/mini-wrc-shakedown the exhaust pipes are small. :eek: Maybe they’re divided after the silencer.

24th November 2010, 22:47
there is a 4cyl car with dual pipes from manifold.If i remember correctly it was the 306maxi which also had and two tailpipes.But this one wasn t turbocharged but n/a

24th November 2010, 23:01
Just for the record, I think new Mini WRC is great looking car :D

25th November 2010, 08:28
Some in-car footage here shows the gear change:


25th November 2010, 11:45
No Mini for PG :down:


http://translate.google.com/translate?js=n&prev=_t&hl=no&ie=UTF-8&layout=2&eotf=1&sl=sv&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.vf.se%2Fsport%2Fbilsport%2Fnobb ad-av-mini-%25E2%2580%2593-soker-lyckan-i-dubai

25th November 2010, 12:22
Who's going to Mini if Sordo or PG don't?

25th November 2010, 13:00
maybe Ott Tanak?

25th November 2010, 13:03
maybe Ott Tanak?

Seems to be a quite crazy idea :)

25th November 2010, 13:15
You dont have to read much between the lines to see that PG thinks Sordo now has said yes to the deal.

25th November 2010, 13:22
Who's going to Mini if Sordo or PG don't?

Sordo will.

By the way, Mr Mini, please shoot PGA and email... Thank you.

25th November 2010, 13:42
Second exhaust on the Delta S4 was a screamer pipe.

25th November 2010, 14:25
You dont have to read much between the lines to see that PG thinks Sordo now has said yes to the deal.

I am evil Homer
25th November 2010, 14:29
If it means so much to PG why is he sending emails? He either doesn't have the right phone number for someone (suggesting he was never in the picture) or doesn't want to call them.

I agree that it seems Sordo is in with Meeke for 2011's limited outings, who partners Meeke in 2012? Guess it depends on the deal Sordo signs and what his sponsors expect/demand.

pino makinen
25th November 2010, 15:25
If it means so much to PG why is he sending emails? He either doesn't have the right phone number for someone (suggesting he was never in the picture) or doesn't want to call them.

I agree that it seems Sordo is in with Meeke for 2011's limited outings, who partners Meeke in 2012? Guess it depends on the deal Sordo signs and what his sponsors expect/demand.

Today's local news: http://www.eldiariomontanes.es/v/20101125/deportes/motor/sordo-punto-firmar-mini-20101125.html

My resume: some close source of information very next to Dani says there's a 98% chance he drives for Mini next year with the extra help of Banco de Santander. First, only in 6 events, but depending on the development and potential of the car, maybe 8 events. What they are negotiating now is the chance for Dani to drive other make in some of the rallyes Mini will not entry. Actualy, Dani is trying to be in Monte next year.

Hope my explanation is better that the one you can find translating the new with google or other tools.

25th November 2010, 21:05
Who was co-piloting Meeke? Elton John? :p :

pino makinen
27th November 2010, 12:08

Dani will test next week the Mini, with the permission of Citroen. Then, he'll decide either to sign or not, also depending if he can entry another make in some other rallyes. Citroen is 100% rule out, and now Ford asks for 1.5 million euros.

27th November 2010, 12:35
If he makes a deal with Mini I don’t think he will get a change to drive with other WRC teams.

Xsara Fan
27th November 2010, 12:48

pino makinen
27th November 2010, 13:47
If he makes a deal with Mini I don’t think he will get a change to drive with other WRC teams.

I'm afraid you're right, but who knows.

pino makinen
27th November 2010, 13:52
Forgot to mention that in the same paper, last week it was said that the deal with Mini is based upon the chance of BMW joining the WRC. Anyway, I haven't heard anything about BMW's interest in rallying and it also sounds weird, as Mini belongs to BMW's group and I don't think they develop the Mini and one year later bury it and develop a BMW.

27th November 2010, 14:20
Forgot to mention that in the same paper, last week it was said that the deal with Mini is based upon the chance of BMW joining the WRC. Anyway, I haven't heard anything about BMW's interest in rallying and it also sounds weird, as Mini belongs to BMW's group and I don't think they develop the Mini and one year later bury it and develop a BMW.

1 series for R3 category?

Ready for when world rally car category is cancelled.

27th November 2010, 14:43
I read in GP Week that the Mini will be homologated as BMW.

http://mag.gpweek.com/?iid=41159 (page 50-51)

27th November 2010, 14:45
1 series for R3 category?

Ready for when world rally car category is cancelled.

Nav, it won't get cancelled, I know how you feel about the regs, but the teams/Manufacturers want the WRC regs!!

pino makinen
27th November 2010, 14:49
I read in GP Week that the Mini will be homologated as BMW.

http://mag.gpweek.com/?iid=41159 (page 50-51)

Ok, I understad now. Maybe Dani ment BMW getting directly involved in the project in 2012.

27th November 2010, 14:52
It actually looks very nice in tarmac spec :)

27th November 2010, 15:28
Nav, it won't get cancelled, I know how you feel about the regs, but the teams/Manufacturers want the WRC regs!!

One thing I have learnt about motorsport, is no one knows what will happen in the future. Things can and do change when you don't expect them to.

27th November 2010, 16:41
It actually looks very nice in tarmac spec :)

defenetly better then teh version´s before. it also seems to me a little wieder now already :)

28th November 2010, 21:22
Kris Meeke testing on Sardinia: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vyxptzoMMew

29th November 2010, 13:54
Kris Meeke testing on Sardinia: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vyxptzoMMew

Impreza spoiler now replaced with a Focus WRC one


29th November 2010, 16:22
indeed it looks much better in tarmac spec, however this improvement is like going from diharrea to a solid 5h1t!

29th November 2010, 17:24
got this from my bloomberg terminal at work (yes Im not working that much at the moment! lol):

París, 29 nov (EFE).- El piloto español Dani Sordo probará hoy un Mini WRC, que podría ser su nuevo equipo, tras su salida de Citroën, informa el diario "L'Équipe".
Sordo, que no tiene volante desde el final de la pasada temporada, se pondrá hoy a los mandos del Mini Countryman WRC de la escudería Prodrive.
El piloto español probará el coche primero sobre asfalto y, posteriormente, sobre tierra, en las pistas de Cerdeña, donde están teniendo lugar las pruebas.
Sordo será el segundo que pruebe el Mini en Cerdeña, donde también ha sido conducido por el norirlandés Kris Meeke, el único piloto oficial por el momento de la escudería.
Los ingenieros han añadido al coche un nuevo alerón y un paragolpes con respecto al prototipo que probó Markko Märtin hace unas semanas, indicó el rotativo. EFE

Spanish diver Dani Sordo will test the Mini WRC, which could be his new team after his exit from Citroen, according to L Equipe. Sordo hasnt driven since the end of last season and will be driving today the Mini Countryman WRC from the team Prodrive. The driver will test the car first on tarmac and then on gravel, around Sardinia, where the tests are taking place.
Sordo will be the second driver testing the mini in Sardinia, where it has also been driven by northen ireland´s Kris Meeke, the sole official driver at the moment for the team. Team engineirs have added a new wing and bumper in relation to the prototipe that was tested by Markko Martin a few weeks ago.

With this I would say Sordo is there almost for sure.

29th November 2010, 18:43
Sordo is only doing research for his near future.
For the Ford drive Sordo has to pay (minimum 1,5 mln euro's) for 9 rallies.
Prodrive/Mini is willing to pay their drivers? And they will do minimum 6, maybe 9. Mini looks a more secure option, and Sordo could make the car to his own taste, were he has no influence on the Ford Fiesta WRCar

30th November 2010, 03:10
Impreza spoiler now replaced with a Focus WRC one

Rather, this is exactly Ford's Fiesta WRC wing. ;)



30th November 2010, 06:23
Looks like a subaru S14 wing to me.

30th November 2010, 15:51
Looks like a subaru S14 wing to me.
Looks like Mini WRC wing to me.

30th November 2010, 16:53
It's S14 wing.


In fact, the aero package is far from being signed off, and the spoiler fitted here was simply a 2008 Subaru Impreza WRC item that the Prodrive technicians had lying around…

General Prim
30th November 2010, 21:54
Here is Sordo in Sardinia

30th November 2010, 23:24
Has Sordo signed for Mini WRC?


30th November 2010, 23:27
Has Sordo signed for Mini WRC?


Not yet, just testing...

1st December 2010, 09:25
I know he's just testing but the Spanish article seems to think otherwise. 2 + 2 = 5? We shall see.

1st December 2010, 12:19
So is this bodyshell the final one? Or is thre a new one to come? Maybe with bigger bumpers etc?

1st December 2010, 13:45
Keeping the feet on the ground:

1st December 2010, 16:31
So is this bodyshell the final one? Or is thre a new one to come? Maybe with bigger bumpers etc?

No aerodynamic part is final.

2nd December 2010, 11:17
David Lapworth giving hint that Sordo is near signing for MINI

2nd December 2010, 11:47
Sordo's first impressions. When Meeke told him the car was good, Sordo says then Meeke hasn't been driving a WRC for a while.

Was expecting more from a BMW engine, team ready to go any of his directions, car relatively "heavy" on slow parts, also says he's reluctant to disclose DS3's tricks asked by Prodrive (pre contract blah blah part).


2nd December 2010, 12:30
Sordo's first impressions. When Meeke told him the car was good, Sordo says then Meeke hasn't been driving a WRC for a while.

Was expecting more from a BMW engine, team ready to go any of his directions, car relatively "heavy" on slow parts, also says he's reluctant to disclose DS3's tricks asked by Prodrive (pre contract blah blah part).


Did Sordo ever drive the 1.6T DS3?

2nd December 2010, 12:31

2nd December 2010, 12:45
Love this part!

"In Ford they asked me around 1,5 million to drive the entire season, but they don't call me! I almost want a uglier bride, but that wants me!" :D

2nd December 2010, 20:26
Love this part!

"In Ford they asked me around 1,5 million to drive the entire season, but they don't call me! I almost want a uglier bride, but that wants me!" :D

Transalation should be:

"At ford they lowered the offer to half a million euros for the whole season, but they wont call me. I'd almost rather have an uglier girlfriend that actually loves me!"

2nd December 2010, 21:28
Transalation should be:

"At ford they lowered the offer to half a million euros for the whole season, but they wont call me. I'd almost rather have an uglier girlfriend that actually loves me!"

almost... !

pino makinen
2nd December 2010, 22:11
Like this one: “Me han llamado de Citroën para ver cómo va y en Prodrive me piden que les cuente más del DS3. Yo solo les doy indicaciones del camino a seguir. Creo que no sería justo desvelar el trabajo realizado con la marca francesa”

"Citroen called me to see how it goes and Prodive asks me more about the DS3. I only tell them the way to follow. I don't think it'll be fair to uncover all the work done with the french make".

I think Dani is much too fair. Fair guys are nice, but sometimes you also have to be a m@therf@cker.

2nd December 2010, 22:34
Seems like Sordo is trying to increase his price a bit.

3rd December 2010, 09:44
Did Sordo ever drive the 1.6T DS3?


3rd December 2010, 10:00
Meeke and sordo both helped develop the ds3 wrc.

3rd December 2010, 11:25
Nearly there:

" but as former works Citroen driver Dani Sordo now looks set to join Kris Meeke at Mini"


3rd December 2010, 12:52
Meeke and sordo both helped develop the ds3 wrc.

Meeke helped developed DS3 WRC? You sure? May be it is DS3 R3T?
Meeke drive DS3 R3T some events but i never heard or see he get closer to DS3 WRC.

3rd December 2010, 12:57
Meeke helped developed DS3 WRC? You sure? May be it is DS3 R3T?
Meeke drive DS3 R3T some events but i never heard or see he get closer to DS3 WRC.

Yes, he did some development work on the DS3 WRC, wasn't always publicised.
Others - Sordo, Ogier, Loeb, Bugalski etc.

3rd December 2010, 16:59
Looks like it's a done deal:


3rd December 2010, 17:38
Meeke vs Sordo in same equipment once more...lets see who made a bigger progress through the years...

Ondra WRC
5th December 2010, 08:28
Video from gravel test Dani Sordo: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lRBo5WmtIsE&feature=player_embedded

5th December 2010, 08:47
First time video with antilag for Mini. :)

5th December 2010, 10:48
Looks fast to me!

5th December 2010, 11:00
BMW Motorsport boss Mario Theissen will pass on the baton to his successor Jens Marquardt on June 30, 2011

5th December 2010, 13:18
Meeke and Mini, the possibility of Sordo joining, more developed BMW engine to come in March etc:


DR approached Meeke on way home from Monte Carlo last January:


6th December 2010, 19:33
Team X-Raid has develloped a Rally raid version of the Mini Crossroad. Construction of the new "Mini All4 Racing" cross-country rally car began in November and has continued into December. The car will be put through a first series of tests in France on December 13/14th. It will then be transported by airfreight to South America for final preparations for scrutineering in Buenos Aires at the end of the month. The project was first discussed in the summer of 2009 and the competitive debut of the new "Mini All4 Racing" will be in the hands of the French rally crew of Guerlain Chicherit and co-driver Michel Périn.


http://www.marathonrally.com/news/sa_dakar_2011_video_exclusive_spy_x_raid_to_start_ with_mini_countryman.16995.0.html

7th December 2010, 23:22
Are we sure it will be competitive, with just a few weeks of development?


8th December 2010, 05:39
Im sure its a BMW with just a Mini shell so yes if i thunk it will be competitive.

pino makinen
8th December 2010, 12:13
Im sure its a BMW with just a Mini shell so yes if i thunk it will be competitive.

Yesterday on the radio, Dani said tte car ain't like Citröen nor Ford (not difficult to guess) but he'll try to reach the podium at some rallyes (in case he signs for Mini, still hasn't but is more than probable, also not difficult to guess).

9th December 2010, 20:05
Dave Richards told Motorsport news that two customers could run regularly in the WRC.

As Dennis Kuipers now swiched to Ford (he ran Subaru's, with his father), who will drive these cars?

9th December 2010, 20:17
If customers buy/rent a Mini Countryman WRCar, early 2011, can they rally in all 13 WRC rallies next year, even if Prodrive will only do 6 or maximum 9 rallies?

9th December 2010, 20:19
Dave Richards told Motorsport news that two customers could run regularly in the WRC.

As Dennis Kuipers now swiched to Ford (he ran Subaru's, with his father), who will drive these cars?

Dennis also drove Focus WRC 06, in Rally Sweden 2010. In the same rally Rene drove Impreza WRC S14

9th December 2010, 21:15
If customers buy/rent a Mini Countryman WRCar, early 2011, can they rally in all 13 WRC rallies next year, even if Prodrive will only do 6 or maximum 9 rallies?

Might be a problem, don't think the car is supposed to be homologated until March.

9th December 2010, 22:43
Dave Richards told Motorsport news that two customers could run regularly in the WRC.

As Dennis Kuipers now swiched to Ford (he ran Subaru's, with his father), who will drive these cars?

The name Ostberg seems to be quite obvious...

9th December 2010, 23:14
The name Ostberg seems to be quite obvious...

No Mads already has a deal with Ford

10th December 2010, 18:35
The name Ostberg seems to be quite obvious...

Ostberg has already announced a 10-rounds programme for 2011... there's someone else! :D :p

10th December 2010, 18:44
Well I read Armindo was trying to get one of these, alteast for WRC Portugal, but dont know if full time was an option.

10th December 2010, 18:59
Well I read Armindo was trying to get one of these, alteast for WRC Portugal, but dont know if full time was an option.

some rumors about ralliart italy and 2 mini wrc maybe has to do something with Armindo. ;)

10th December 2010, 19:39
some rumors about ralliart italy and 2 mini wrc maybe has to do something with Armindo. ;)

Well if Armindo would get the budget could be a good option.

But the Armindo's problem is not the choice of the car, is the budget. With the budget garanteed, the choice of the car would be easy :D

11th December 2010, 09:01
Dave Richards told Motorsport news that two customers could run regularly in the WRC.

As there is no place for Kimi in Citroen, I'd like TMR with Mini and Kimi... :)

11th December 2010, 13:51
Apparently one Mini is to Daniel Olivieira. Carlos Magalhães left Bruno Magalhães to codrive Oliveira in WRC and it's more than plausible one of those cars is for them.

11th December 2010, 14:57
Apparently one Mini is to Daniel Olivieira. Carlos Magalhães left Bruno Magalhães to codrive Oliveira in WRC and it's more than plausible one of those cars is for them.

I heard same rumor, 11 WRC rounds starting from Portugal...

Hopefully we hear something official soon

11th December 2010, 15:22
Might be a problem, don't think the car is supposed to be homologated until March.

OK, but after the car is been homologated, can custumers run the Mini Countryman WRCar in rallies were the Prodrive team is not entered? Citroen and Ford do not let outsiders touch their cars. But will Prodrive allow other teams (RalliArt Italia ??!) run and service the car when Prodrive themselfs stay at home to devellop the car?

11th December 2010, 15:29
OK, but after the car is been homologated, can custumers run the Mini Countryman WRCar in rallies were the Prodrive team is not entered? Citroen and Ford do not let outsiders touch their cars. But will Prodrive allow other teams (RalliArt Italia ??!) run and service and the car when Prodrive themselfs stay at home to devellop the car?

I think that is a key part of the commercial model that Prodrive are running. They NEED people to buy the cars and run them.

Like Malcolm did with the Focus. I think it is only for year 1 of the WRC Fiesta that they are planning to keep a grip on them. After that, Malcolm needs to start selling them as well. That is how he pays the bills, as Ford contribute very little.

11th December 2010, 15:41
OK, but after the car is been homologated, can custumers run the Mini Countryman WRCar in rallies were the Prodrive team is not entered? Citroen and Ford do not let outsiders touch their cars. But will Prodrive allow other teams (RalliArt Italia ??!) run and service and the car when Prodrive themselfs stay at home to devellop the car?

Also I guess, that Prodrive will make a kind of 'client' team that can go to all the events, provide spare parts and engineers and mechanics to run the car.

Like the did in the past. But I think you can also buy the car and run it yourselves with support of Prodrive engineer.

12th December 2010, 00:53
Apparently one Mini is to Daniel Olivieira. Carlos Magalhães left Bruno Magalhães to codrive Oliveira in WRC and it's more than plausible one of those cars is for them.

interesting news ...

12th December 2010, 12:37
Have you heard/read rumour about Luca Rossetti switching to the hypothetical(for now)Mini of Grifone in 2011 :confused:

13th December 2010, 15:35
Oliveira said this weekend (he run last round of Argentinean Champ.) that he is planning 11 WRC rounds with the Mini.

He is a real gentlemen driver, no way we shoudl expect anything from him.

13th December 2010, 16:24
Have you heard/read rumour about Luca Rossetti switching to the hypothetical(for now)Mini of Grifone in 2011 :confused:

Mini has already bought (bebore Sardinian tests) a Countryman. ;)

13th December 2010, 18:05
Mini has already bought (bebore Sardinian tests) a Countryman. ;)

????? I think there are a few words missing ??????

13th December 2010, 19:07
i bet 10 Euro that X = Grifone :)

Grifone has already bought a Mini Countryman WRcar. right? :)

20th December 2010, 01:23
What are the chances Prodrive will use this car sometime down the development road?


20th December 2010, 02:02
i bet 10 Euro that X = Grifone :)

Grifone has already bought a Mini Countryman WRcar. right? :)

You're right. It was Monday... sorry :D

20th December 2010, 18:40
According to their close people, Sordo will sign with Mini in January, when his contract with Citroen is over.

20th December 2010, 23:37
Yes, thats true.

21st December 2010, 00:02
Best option both for him and MiniProdrive, and us !k

21st December 2010, 03:06
I am afraid that this "option" wont help to Mini...

Red bull
22nd December 2010, 15:39
which other better option does mini or sordo have? :s mokin:

22nd December 2010, 16:21
I am afraid that this "option" wont help to Mini...

What having a driver who would have tested and driven the best car in the WRC for the last few years?

he isnt the fastest but hes a pretty solid driver which is what they need in thier first season :)

22nd December 2010, 16:39
What having a driver who would have tested and driven the best car in the WRC for the last few years?

he isnt the fastest but hes a pretty solid driver which is what they need in thier first season :)

which other better option does mini or sordo have? :s mokin:

Fully agree, best option for both now !

22nd December 2010, 17:55
Fully agree, best option for both now !

Petter Solberg is better option:
-People love him
-He is real world champion (Sordo is only JWRC winner)
-He was faster in 2010 than Sordo
-Sordo has 0 wins with WRC
-He knows people in Prodrive
-He speaks English better

Xsara Fan
22nd December 2010, 17:58
Petter Solberg is better option:
-People love him
-He is real world champion (Sordo is only JWRC winner)
-He was faster in 2010 than Sordo
-Sordo has 0 wins with WRC
-He knows people in Prodrive
-He speaks English better

First of all Mini needs a good test-driver. When Petter last time took part in tests of the new car? In 2008? Impreza S14? OMG
But Sordo is one of the C4 WRC test-drivers.

22nd December 2010, 19:49
Petter Solberg is better option:
-People love him
-He is real world champion (Sordo is only JWRC winner)
-He was faster in 2010 than Sordo
-Sordo has 0 wins with WRC
-He knows people in Prodrive
-He speaks English better
I'd rather see Petter in a top car fighting for victories.

Sordo and Mini sounds good to me :)

22nd December 2010, 20:20
Dont think Prodrive would like Petter back, and dont think Petter would like to go back either, at least not to a winning car !

22nd December 2010, 22:03
I meant in my words, that there is nobody, who can help Mini to beat Citroen... (I think Sebastien too)...

23rd December 2010, 01:02
I meant in my words, that there is nobody, who can help Mini to beat Citroen... (I think Sebastien too)...

Are those British spectators still around who pulled logs onto the road to help McRae win GB. Would they do the same for Sordo ?

Have those Kenyans who put a pile of rocks in front of McRae emigrated to another WRC round hosting country ?

Might Loeb find a cow on the road as Makinen did at Corsica ? (or does Citroen train the cows on the rally route to stay out of the way)

23rd December 2010, 12:43
(or does Citroen train the cows on the rally route to stay out of the way)

Being Frenchmen , they probably train them for dinner for the dinner party after every Loeb's win ( that's after every WRC rally ) ;)

23rd December 2010, 17:50
Finally we have 2011 Appendix J: http://www.fia.com/en-GB/sport/regulations/Pages/InternationalSportingCodeA.aspx

It looks like restrictor is same for WRC and S2000 1.6T. WRC only have option of different flywheel.

23rd December 2010, 18:11
how much different does it makes? (except when the flywheel is TOO light and the drivers gets excluded :) )

23rd December 2010, 18:48
Finally we have 2011 Appendix J: http://www.fia.com/en-GB/sport/regulations/Pages/InternationalSportingCodeA.aspx

It looks like restrictor is same for WRC and S2000 1.6T. WRC only have option of different flywheel.

What is the point of that?! Bloody ridiculous!

23rd December 2010, 19:38
Is the S2000 1.6 Turbo the category that prodrive calls Super Production for the MINI?

As there are two options from Prodrive

MINI Super Production = S2000 1.6 Turbo ?

23rd December 2010, 19:40

3rd January 2011, 01:40
Dani's contract is up at citroen and he will be Mini's #1?

http://translate.google.com/translate?js=n&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&layout=2&eotf=1&sl=auto&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.revistascratch.com%2Fwrc%2Fnoti cia%2Fluz-verde-al-fichaje-de-sordo-con-mini-3162

3rd January 2011, 09:14
Can you get through to Prodrive's site, because I can't? Radio silence before breaking in the news...?

3rd January 2011, 15:30
the site won't open for me either

4th January 2011, 13:56
Prodrive will homologate a Mini S2000 to race before de WRC?

4th January 2011, 14:55
What if Meeke or the brazillian guy wins a WRC round in their S2000 spec Mini? Can this happen?!?!

4th January 2011, 17:30
What if Meeke or the brazillian guy wins a WRC round in their S2000 spec Mini? Can this happen?!?!

Meeke won't start with S2000 spec. but WRC. Oliveira with S2000 only in first few events than also with WRC upgrade. But anyway it may happen that S2000 car wins WRC event but the probability is very low.

4th January 2011, 20:19
When is the SP and the WRC Mini ready for competition, and will they be homologated at the same time ?