View Full Version : And the cheater didn't win :D

14th November 2010, 14:39
Alonso P7, only second in the championship :D

14th November 2010, 14:40
Alonso P7, only second in the championship :D

Justice has been done!

donKey jote
14th November 2010, 14:40
hater :dozey:
"only" second :p

14th November 2010, 14:43
See him giving the finger to Petrov?!

14th November 2010, 14:47
NOW he needs to give it to Stephano

as though it matters since I doubt he could have passed Nico

Garry Walker
14th November 2010, 14:49
See him giving the finger to Petrov?!

If I was Petrov, I would introduce "nando" with my fist after that gesture.

14th November 2010, 14:53

14th November 2010, 15:03
If I was Petrov, I would introduce "nando" with my fist after that gesture.
Where's Sandy Bot when you need one of his knuckle sandwiches.

Garry Walker
14th November 2010, 15:04
Where's Sandy Bot when you need one of his knuckle sandwiches.

I have been busy lately and rarely post anymore.
Has he deserted our forum forever?

14th November 2010, 15:05
I have been busy lately and rarely post anymore.
Has he deserted our forum forever?
I hope so. If he's here I'm not posting in the F1 forum or else I'll get banned for reacting to his trolls.

14th November 2010, 15:05
lol @ cheater, loved when Petrov and Alonso started throwing fists at each other

Garry Walker
14th November 2010, 15:06
I hope so. If he's here I'm not posting in the F1 forum or else I'll get banned for reacting to his trolls.

You two are like Alonso and maturity, you never get on well.

14th November 2010, 15:07
See him giving the finger to Petrov?!

Petrov is not Massa :D

14th November 2010, 15:09
You two are like Alonso and maturity, you never get on well.

Better to not get on than try to get on with someone like that.

14th November 2010, 15:13
You two are like Alonso and maturity, you never get on well.

Getting both in the same place at the same time would certainly lead to another Big Bang!

Garry Walker
14th November 2010, 15:15
Getting both in the same place at the same time would certainly lead to another Big Bang!

i`d rather say that those together are like bigfoot - people talk about it, but no one has actually seen it.

14th November 2010, 15:21
i`d rather say that those together are like bigfoot - people talk about it, but no one has actually seen it.

Just like the Big Bang! ;)

14th November 2010, 16:44
Fernando, the cars in front of you are faster. Do you understand this message?

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

14th November 2010, 16:45
Fernando, the cars in front of you are faster. Do you understand this message?

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Fernando, wave your fist at the car in front of you, perhaps the FIA will feel sorry and give you the race win. Do you understand?

14th November 2010, 16:46
Fernando, the cars in front of you are faster. Do you understand this message?

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

:rotflmao: Good one! :up:

14th November 2010, 16:53
my personal fave moment was when Petrov jinked towards Alonso after Fred had thrown his toys out of the pram - i ain't your b*tch Nando, now get the hell outta my way or i'll shunt you on the slowing down lap. :D

Mia 01
14th November 2010, 17:15
Alonso didn´t manage to take the WDC and WCC his first year at Ferrari.

Kimi did!!

14th November 2010, 17:17
Alonso didn´t manage to take the WDC and WCC his first year at Ferrari.

Kimi did!!
Yes he did! He won the Whiney Drivers Championship and Ferrari won the World Cheaters Championship :)

donKey jote
14th November 2010, 17:18
damnit daniel that's actually funny for a change :up: :laugh:

donKey jote
14th November 2010, 17:20
Alonso didn´t manage to take the WDC and WCC his first year at Ferrari.

Kimi did!!
Your point?
Kimi is soooo much better than Alonso for having a WDC handed to him by the eejits at McLaren and a massive choke from Lewis.
I guess that's why he's wasting his time with a co-driver nowadays :laugh:

14th November 2010, 17:26
damnit daniel that's actually funny for a change :up: :laugh:
Hey Donks, if 1000 monkeys type on a 1000 typewriters ;)

I just want to say Donks that I respect Alonso very much as a driver but this year has been difficult for me as someone who was a Ferrari fan up until the start of this year who wants to be able to support Ferrari. But when they threw Kimi under the bus to get Alonso in and acting like the team orders never happened.

It just made for a thoroughly unlikeable team. I just wish they'd stop being so bloody shambolic and crap.

14th November 2010, 17:27
Your point?
Kimi is soooo much better than Alonso for having a WDC handed to him by the eejits at McLaren and a massive choke from Lewis.
I guess that's why he's wasting his time with a co-driver nowadays :laugh:

But by the same token if Alonso was champion today then it would only have been because of RBR screwups. I do agree though, Kimi is not the best rally driver :D

Mia 01
14th November 2010, 17:35
But by the same token if Alonso was champion today then it would only have been because of RBR screwups. I do agree though, Kimi is not the best rally driver :D

Not a bad idea. alonso should try rally, they use teamorders there.

14th November 2010, 17:37
Undoubtedly it would have left a very sour taste in many fans' mouths (and in mine for sure!) if Alonso had won the title by 7 points or less, and it's a good outcome probably for all that this did not happen. Even IF Alonso was WDC by that margin, the little asterisk by his name would have remained in many peoples' heads. Red Bull played it risky, but more power to them for winning it cleanly without leaving any doubts.

donKey jote
14th November 2010, 17:45
Well he ended up second by more than 7 points. Not bad considering the advantage the RedBulls have had all year, and that he was written off by so many half way through the season. :)
Whinging, whining, team orders or not -as if he was the only one :laugh: -, he got 5 wins and only lost in the last race in a situation most would regard as a fluke :p

14th November 2010, 17:50
Well he ended up second by more than 7 points. Not bad considering the advantage the RedBulls have had all year, and that he was written off by so many half way through the season. :)
Whinging, whining, team orders or not -as if he was the only one :laugh: -, he got 5 wins and only lost in the last race in a situation most would regard as a fluke :p

Well Donkey, we all know what being number 2 means right?


I do agree, he would have remained second in the WDC without the team orders, and that he had a lesser car. But to me that's what cheapens him and the team both. He could have been second in a way similar to when Felipe was second, and stood proud. As it stands now he is a cheater who still didn't get ahead, so he has done nothing positive for the image of himself or the team.

14th November 2010, 18:22
hater :dozey:
"only" second :p

Alonso had an up and down season, he was unimpressive at times and very good at times. He did beat Massa, there is no question about that.

But still, there are only 3 drivers who've won the WDC in their first year at Ferrari.

Juan-Manuel Fangio
Jody Scheckter
Kimi Räikkönen ;)

14th November 2010, 18:38
Alonso had an up and down season, he was unimpressive at times and very good at times.

That sums up the whole top four drivers in the championship. It could have gone either way very easily. A very good season.

There was an expression used much in the Finnish F1 media during the 2005 season, "defensive wictory" where you didn't win, but didn't lose badly. I'd call this season just like that, Webber didn't win it, but thank goodness Alonso lost. ;)

donKey jote
14th November 2010, 18:45
As it stands now he is a cheater who still didn't get ahead, so he has done nothing positive for the image of himself or the team.
:laugh: you guys are funny.

Remind he again how he has cheated this year :dozey:

donKey jote
14th November 2010, 18:47
But still, there are only 3 drivers who've won the WDC in their first year at Ferrari.

Juan-Manuel Fangio
Jody Scheckter
Kimi Räikkönen ;)

All retired F1 drivers :laugh:
Big deal ! (if you're a Kimi fan ;) )

14th November 2010, 18:58
:laugh: you guys are funny.

Remind he again how he has cheated this year :dozey:
Would you prefer to know how he cheated in 2008 in Singapore? :p

14th November 2010, 19:13
All retired F1 drivers :laugh:
Big deal ! (if you're a Kimi fan ;) )

Let me ask this: Did Alonso do the job he was brought in to do? NO. All that matters are the results. Maybe people now realise that the drivers haven't been Ferrari's problem after Michael retired. It's the team that's coming apart with some key people gone. Bring in Räikkönen, Alonso, anybody and the results will not change if the thinking is that the driver needs to manage the team besides driving...They are only competitive because there are still very talented people in the design office but once they are gone we are looking at 1992.

donKey jote
14th November 2010, 19:38
Would you prefer to know how he cheated in 2008 in Singapore? :p
That was not particularly relevant as it was a couple of years ago when he was in a different team, but yes, enlighten me. Just don't sell me any crap that the alleged order came from him. :p

14th November 2010, 19:53
only lost in the last race in a situation most would regard as a fluke :p
No, a fluke is when another driver's engine blows up to hand you the win after you were already beaten ;) Alonso should have never been ahead in the standings in the first place. Vettel has lost more points to mechanical problems than anyone else, otherwise this wouldn't even have been close.

14th November 2010, 19:55
Let me ask this: Did Alonso do the job he was brought in to do? NO. All that matters are the results. Maybe people now realise that the drivers haven't been Ferrari's problem after Michael retired. It's the team that's coming apart with some key people gone. Bring in Räikkönen, Alonso, anybody and the results will not change if the thinking is that the driver needs to manage the team besides driving...They are only competitive because there are still very talented people in the design office but once they are gone we are looking at 1992.

Domenicali is a muppet, and this was clear since the beginning!

During his sabbatical (that he promptly took when MS left/was pushed out) Brawn visited Ferrari and asked for the team manager position if they wanted him, and they turned him down favoring Domenicali instead (the only reason I can think about is nationality). Then Todt was pushed out too and LdM had his dream come true, he was to be the big chief in charge with a muppet who does everything he says, no more opposition from the lil' french guy.

The designers are still good at Ferrari however the strategists and decision takers are pants.

donKey jote
14th November 2010, 20:04
Vettel has lost more points to mechanical problems than anyone else, otherwise this wouldn't even have been close.
Agreed. He should have had it wrapped up ages ago and so fully deserves it today. :up:
Still, credit to Alonso and Ferrari for making him have to work for it up to the last race - it could have gone either way today and nobody else (aside from Mark in the other RedBull) was close :)

Dr. Krogshöj
14th November 2010, 20:22
Alonso didn´t manage to take the WDC and WCC his first year at Ferrari.

Kimi did!!

Yes he did - after Massa gave him the win at Interlagos (albeit more subtly thatn what we saw in Germany this year). Cheater!

14th November 2010, 20:47
Yes he did - after Massa gave him the win at Interlagos (albeit more subtly thatn what we saw in Germany this year). Cheater!

That's just not true and you know it. It's been discussed enough. Let it be.

14th November 2010, 22:57
Something I just read on another board that I think is worth reposting:

"Vitaly, Alonso is faster than you;..............................can you confirm you understand?"

"Tell him to ¤¤¤¤ off!!!"

14th November 2010, 23:27
I'm just going to put this here:


15th November 2010, 02:04
Are you kidding me? I'm coming in late to this "cheater" debate and I'm assuming the reference is when Massa let Alonso by. First of all... a poor call by the team? Maybe. (does that put an asterisk by more than a few of Michael's championships?) Second, and more importantly what would you have had either Massa or Alonso do when that call was made? I suppose when Massa slowed to let Alonso by, then Alonso should have slowed as well and just not passed him. Maybe in their fight to decide who "shouldn't" win they could slow enough to let the entire field pass.
But of course that didn't happen. So maybe Massa and Alonso should have come out after everything had happened and criticized their employer, and threw the entire team under the bus. That would have been appropriate.
I don't necessarily agree with team orders, at least until the end of the season when the outcome is definitive. Example, I doubt (although might be wrong) people would be calling Webber a cheater had the race on the last lap been Vettel, Webber and Alonso third, then on the last lap Vettel lets Webber by so the team brings home the WDC. But calling him a cheater is ridiculous. An argument can be made for Ferrari being cheaters but Fernando was no more a cheater than his pit crew were, who also benefited by the call.

15th November 2010, 02:21
I'm just going to put this here:


http://www.google.com/hostednews/ukpress/article/ALeqM5hkFzQvcBJibXraYpXOXU0reVM2DQ?docId=N01828712 88961586875A

In recognition of the new deal with Red Bull, Renault branding will feature more strongly on the cars and drivers' helmets, starting with this weekend's Brazilian Grand Prix.

if mark was ahead of alonso would mark have been let passed ?

16th November 2010, 17:34
I don't think we should be that negative about Alonso's participation in the title race. Cheater? Hmm, team orders - even though illegal this year - have always been part of F1 and it made kinda sense for Ferrari to back Alonso. Even though I didn't support Alonso, I have to say that if he had won the WDC, it would have been an impressive win after a very strong second half of the season in a car that was probably a bit inferior to the Red Bull. 7 points here or there doesn't change the fact, how he generally performed over a full season and how he took the fight to the top dogs till the end.

19th November 2010, 01:04
Cheater? Hmm, team orders - even though illegal this year

Enough said! The rest is subjective.