View Full Version : Happy (belated) Birthday Bernie

Retro Formula 1
13th November 2010, 11:25
Forgot to post this a couple of weeks ago.

El Supremo is 80 and congratulations to him (wonder if he will retire in 7 years as he once promised)

I cannot think of anyone that has been in F1 as long as Bernie. His appearances date back to the first year of the F1 Constructors Championship in 58 and probably before then (I'm no Bernie expert).

Bernie's legacy is undeniable. F1 driver (briefly), Team Owner, Drivers and teams representative and head of the Commercial side of the sport. He took a rag tag, imploding series and turned it into the show case it is today. He has also done more for driver safety than almost anyone else and driven through improvements that have saved countless lives.

There are things that I'm sure people dislike about Bernie but IMHO F1 would probably have dissolved into civil war and torn itself apart, probably on numerous occasions, without his leadership.

13th November 2010, 17:14
*crickets chirp*

Retro Formula 1
15th November 2010, 09:29
*crickets chirp*


It's easy to slate Bernie but I doubt many fans appreciate just what contribution he has made.

I would class myself as a Bernie critic for some of his actions which could be described as dubious to say the least but his singlemindedness and devotion to the sport are unquestionable whether you share his ethics and ethos or not.

Still, I'll express my gratitude to him for delivering the sport from the chaos it threatened to bury itself in.

15th November 2010, 17:59
*crickets still chirp*

16th November 2010, 12:00
I'll hand it to him for being an expert [yet sly and ruthless] negotiator and for living as long as he has, avoiding any natural death and, probably, the gun of many hitmen :p :

I doubt the sport would be minutely as glamorous without Bernie, but I think he's done enough now. I don't like his tactics but they did work in bringing a lot of money and corporate involvement to the sport [perhaps too much, in my opinion]. He needs to pass the mantle on.

*wolf howls in the distance, muted*

Retro Formula 1
16th November 2010, 15:44
Who would take over the reins?

Bernie is a very rich man and money doesn't corrupt him like it does others. It's true he exacts a testing premium from the circuits etc but that's because he is maintaining a brand that is in demand.

The sport needs someone like Bernie that will not allow anyone else control otherwise it will bicker among itself and not get anywhere. At least Bernie will make a decision and tell everyone to lump it of F off.

So, if Bernie were to pop his clogs tomorrow, who would take the sport forward? The Teams? The Manufacturers?

race aficionado
16th November 2010, 15:48
Bring on F1 in HD

that would be a nice birthday gift . . . for us.

:s mokin:

18th November 2010, 11:08
Who would take over the reins?

Bernie is a very rich man and money doesn't corrupt him like it does others. It's true he exacts a testing premium from the circuits etc but that's because he is maintaining a brand that is in demand.

The sport needs someone like Bernie that will not allow anyone else control otherwise it will bicker among itself and not get anywhere. At least Bernie will make a decision and tell everyone to lump it of F off.

So, if Bernie were to pop his clogs tomorrow, who would take the sport forward? The Teams? The Manufacturers?

I agree with a lot of what you're saying. It's hard to know who is the right person to take over from Bernie but, I'm pretty certain that the sport will undergo a radical change when Bernie does leave. His approach is so individual that you can't really teach it to people. He was born with that tactical mind.

Retro Formula 1
18th November 2010, 21:34
I agree with a lot of what you're saying. It's hard to know who is the right person to take over from Bernie but, I'm pretty certain that the sport will undergo a radical change when Bernie does leave. His approach is so individual that you can't really teach it to people. He was born with that tactical mind.

I always thought Ron would replace him once Max buggered off.

Now, Ron is getting too old and is still involved with McLaren so I doubt it.

I was also thinking about the confrontational approach that Bernie sometimes employes and it started me thinking about the appraoch the old guard had; Enzo, Ron, Frank etc. and the more softly, softly attitude adopted by the likes of Horner.

Will we see a more subtle approach in the future. Possibly someone with respect and a track record like Hill might be a potential replacement. I know it must have been near impossible to have aligned the BRDC to a single purpose for the British GP but it's a fact he did.

I'm not saying it would be Hill but possibly someone like that?

19th November 2010, 13:29
I'm not saying it would be Hill but possibly someone like that?

I'd be all on for having someone with a track record. But there are still many other elements of entrepreneurship and business mindedness that need to be taken into play. I mean, I somehow doubt that Nigel Mansell would be capable of running the whole sha-bang, even if he is/was good on track.

Retro Formula 1
9th December 2010, 11:08
So, it's not official but it's pretty likely that David Campbell will take over from Bernie.

Great move and a nice bloke.

9th December 2010, 18:12
Who's this Campbell guy?!

I guess none of these:

9th December 2010, 21:32
Bernie is a very rich man and money doesn't corrupt him like it does others.

That's flawed reasoning.

Rather like in the Simpsons where President Truman gives Mr Burns a 1 trillion dollar bill to take to Europe as aid to rebuild Europe after WW2 because being the richest man in the US he's the person with the least need to steal 1 trillion dollars.

Who ends up stealing it?

and who's sold out much loved circuits for characterless middle eastern circuits and other assorted yawn fests? If Bernie didn't need the money then why does he keep on selling out the sport's tradition for more money? He's a corrupt greedy old man.

Retro Formula 1
10th December 2010, 09:45
That's flawed reasoning.

Rather like in the Simpsons where President Truman gives Mr Burns a 1 trillion dollar bill to take to Europe as aid to rebuild Europe after WW2 because being the richest man in the US he's the person with the least need to steal 1 trillion dollars.

Who ends up stealing it?

and who's sold out much loved circuits for characterless middle eastern circuits and other assorted yawn fests? If Bernie didn't need the money then why does he keep on selling out the sport's tradition for more money? He's a corrupt greedy old man.

Daniel. I find it difficult to discuss reasoning with someone that backs up his arguments by quoting Simpsons. You will soon start questioning the safety protocols of Nuclear Reactors because workers can walk out with Uranium down their collar. ;)

You obviously have deep rooted views on Bernie but can I ask what you know of the man apart from what you read on a Forum? What do you know apart from that?

Please, gift us the benefit of your wisdom and explain exactly what he has done wrong? I know lots that I disagree with him on and am quite vocal about the areas that I think Bernie and Max have damaged the sport but dragging F1 from the gutter where it was and making it the spectacle it is are not failings of Bernie but great achievements.

Do you know Bernies history? Do you know what he has done for safety? Do you know the improvements he has forced Track owners to do etc?

My guess is no.

10th December 2010, 11:40
Please see my post above for my views on Bernie. Anyway it is max who did the most for safety, not Bernie. I very much doubt as the owner of the commercial rights has any say (or should have) over safety regs.

Retro Formula 1
10th December 2010, 13:41
Please see my post above for my views on Bernie. Anyway it is max who did the most for safety, not Bernie. I very much doubt as the owner of the commercial rights has any say (or should have) over safety regs.

As per normal, you have demonstrated your ignorance and stated an opinion based on vapour.

If you know nothing about the improvements to safety that Bernie has brought into the sport, then there is little benefit continuing this dialogue but I would suggest you look back at the history of the sport. You need only go as far back as Rindt and as far forward as Massa's accident to look at Bernies contribution to safety in F1.

10th December 2010, 15:36
Huh? Max's contributions to safety are well documented. Tell me what Bernie has done other than say "we should be safer"

Retro Formula 1
10th December 2010, 16:07
It is not my job to educate the ignorant that choose not to learn about the subject they are trying to discuss.

If, on the other hand, you want to learn a little about F1, I will recommend a few books you can start with. The first is "The Piranna Club" which will give you a great insight into the people that built F1 up to about the turn of the Millinium. It might surprise you. Come back to me after that.

To get you going on Bernie, you might like to research how Sid came into F1, who made the circuits, against considerable opposition, accept the Prof at the circuits, who arranged for a full team to be at every race etc. You may not know this but Bernie was an occasional racer, team owner, driver manager before representing the teams and drivers. He IS the word in F1 and for years held Max's reigns making him do what he wanted.

3 people have made the biggest difference to F1 safety. JYS, Bernie and Max. Of these 3, Max has been the least effective because he generally was reactive whereas the other 2, while not getting the credit, drove through the chances.

You might think I am a fan of Bernie, that I like him. I don't and would love to talk about the side where I believe he has damaged the sport in areas but I also admire his achievements and cannot let people underestimate /forget / not appreciate the things he has achieved for the sport.

10th December 2010, 18:00
Please see my post above for my views on Bernie. Anyway it is Max who did the most for safety, not Bernie.

This is a clear case of denial. The guy who did most for F1 is hated while the greedy lil' one who profited most is called a 'genius', whatever genius means for some forum members.