View Full Version : 11 November 2010

11th November 2010, 07:00
Acccording to some famous prophets ( Nostradamus, Baba Vanga ), this date is related to the start of WW III.

Let's see what happens.

11th November 2010, 07:59
I think they were confused with the end of WWI.

Dave B
11th November 2010, 13:10
Nostradamus was full of crap. His predictions were no more accurate than newspaper horoscopes: so vague that they could be interpreted pretty much any way you like to suit your own agenda.

It's all hokum.

Mark in Oshawa
13th November 2010, 07:16
All I can say it was a beautiful day, and we had Remembrance Day here under sunny cloudless skies, 2500 people around the cenotaph in the park, and a moving service to honour those who served and gave all for a cause I happen to think is worthy, and judging by the crowed, I wasn't the only one.