View Full Version : Donald Trump to run for President

7th November 2010, 15:14
This is the greatest news to come along in years. Trump will win by a landslide. We will have a kickass leader who is not afraid to punt all the freeloaders. 25% import tax on chinese goods will immediately help manufacturing return. He will immediately rebuild America by cutting off all the junk coming in. The "Global" economy as is has be tabbed will be returned to a mere wish by countries who want to trade unfair by exploiting their people.
The Southern border will be sealed and immigrants will come through the front door. In the event the military is still involved in afghan or iraq this will end immediately. The liberals will be pounded so far into the ground I probably won't have to even worry about them in my remaining lifetime. Yes a great day is on the way. Hopefully JanVan will make the permanent move to China.

7th November 2010, 15:27
Next thing you know they'll be making Alan Sugar a Lord!....

7th November 2010, 16:47
Urggghhh! I thought we'd have another year before talking about the American presidential race. The elections last long enough as it is, you can't start thinking about them already.

7th November 2010, 18:27
Roamy has become a Trump rider.

7th November 2010, 18:42
I can't think of a person who is more full of himself than Donald J. Trump. But at the same time, I do admire the man for his many accomplishments (and the way he's dealt with his failures) over the years. Beginning in the mid 80's, I've read most of his books, and enjoyed them for the most part. Depending on his stated positions, I have to say, I'd seriously consider voting for him. I believe I agree with him MUCH more than I disagree with anything I've heard him say. While he does bluster quite a bit when the lights are up, he's also known to be rather pragmatic away from the mics and cameras.

So yeah, I'd be inclined to take him seriously. His problems (with "the base") would be the fact that he's not an evangelical wingnut, a neocon or a Club for Growther. His ideas about foreign trade put him closer to the progressive left than the conservative right. And though he claims to be a Republican, these days that's not enough for some of the nutters on the right. Especially in the south, he'd likely be labeled a "RINO", since he (and his daughter) have donated pretty heavily to Democrats in the past. Plus there's his collection of ex-wives and glitzy girlfriends. Not counting the women and bankruptcies, there would be lots of baggage coming with The Donald. I'm not sure how voters in the Republican primaries would deal with that. Probably not as well as more moderate voters in the general election, but who knows?

But I'd quickly vote for Trump in the primaries over that idiot Silly Sarah Palin or whatever neocon wingnut or give-away-the-store, free trading sell-out that Karl Rove chooses. Love him or hate him, one thing I can say with confidence is that we could do a lot worse than Donald Trump.

And hey, if she was a little older, he could stick his daughter on the ticket as VP. For the blind horndogs who drool over that sock puppet Palin, Ivanka is about 50 times hotter, 1000 times smarter, actually has a REAL college degree, doesn't have to write words on her hand for interviews, has read a book or three (that didn't rely on pictures to tell the story) and had probably visited more countries by the time she was 12 than Palin had by the time she was in her mid 40's.

7th November 2010, 22:10
I can't think of a person who is more full of himself than Donald J. Trump. But at the same time, I do admire the man for his many accomplishments (and the way he's dealt with his failures) over the years. Beginning in the mid 80's, I've read most of his books, and enjoyed them for the most part. Depending on his stated positions, I have to say, I'd seriously consider voting for him. I believe I agree with him MUCH more than I disagree with anything I've heard him say. While he does bluster quite a bit when the lights are up, he's also known to be rather pragmatic away from the mics and cameras.

So yeah, I'd be inclined to take him seriously. His problems (with "the base") would be the fact that he's not an evangelical wingnut, a neocon or a Club for Growther. His ideas about foreign trade put him closer to the progressive left than the conservative right. And though he claims to be a Republican, these days that's not enough for some of the nutters on the right. Especially in the south, he'd likely be labeled a "RINO", since he (and his daughter) have donated pretty heavily to Democrats in the past. Plus there's his collection of ex-wives and glitzy girlfriends. Not counting the women and bankruptcies, there would be lots of baggage coming with The Donald. I'm not sure how voters in the Republican primaries would deal with that. Probably not as well as more moderate voters in the general election, but who knows?

But I'd quickly vote for Trump in the primaries over that idiot Silly Sarah Palin or whatever neocon wingnut or give-away-the-store, free trading sell-out that Karl Rove chooses. Love him or hate him, one thing I can say with confidence is that we could do a lot worse than Donald Trump.

And hey, if she was a little older, he could stick his daughter on the ticket as VP. For the blind horndogs who drool over that sock puppet Palin, Ivanka is about 50 times hotter, 1000 times smarter, actually has a REAL college degree, doesn't have to write words on her hand for interviews, has read a book or three (that didn't rely on pictures to tell the story) and had probably visited more countries by the time she was 12 than Palin had by the time she was in her mid 40's.

Trump is definately more left of center than most think. I agree with you.

It would be a shoe in if not for the type you mention above. The mouth breathers and fanatics would think a senator wearing a diaper while visiting a prostitute while being married is better than a liberal that went...Oh my god...bankrupt.

8th November 2010, 00:00
This is the greatest news to come along in years. Trump will win by a landslide. We will have a kickass leader who is not afraid to punt all the freeloaders. 25% import tax on chinese goods will immediately help manufacturing return. He will immediately rebuild America by cutting off all the junk coming in. The "Global" economy as is has be tabbed will be returned to a mere wish by countries who want to trade unfair by exploiting their people.
The Southern border will be sealed and immigrants will come through the front door. In the event the military is still involved in afghan or iraq this will end immediately. The liberals will be pounded so far into the ground I probably won't have to even worry about them in my remaining lifetime. Yes a great day is on the way. Hopefully JanVan will make the permanent move to China.


Bob Riebe
8th November 2010, 03:05
This is the greatest news to come along in years. Trump will win by a landslide. We will have a kickass leader who is not afraid to punt all the freeloaders. 25% import tax on chinese goods will immediately help manufacturing return. He will immediately rebuild America by cutting off all the junk coming in. The "Global" economy as is has be tabbed will be returned to a mere wish by countries who want to trade unfair by exploiting their people.
The Southern border will be sealed and immigrants will come through the front door. In the event the military is still involved in afghan or iraq this will end immediately. The liberals will be pounded so far into the ground I probably won't have to even worry about them in my remaining lifetime. Yes a great day is on the way. Hopefully JanVan will make the permanent move to China.

Trump promoting Trump, nothing more; whereas he would be more qualified than Obama, of course most people are.

8th November 2010, 04:45
Well I don't know that the lame ducks are going to get anything done in the next two years. I don't even think the mortgage crisis has hit the bottom and the employment problems may be quite a bit worse. So I think the American Public is going to be in the mood for some "Real" change. I also see perhaps some protectionism coming and what I really like about Trump is the fact he will use tariffs. I also expect he would go after multinational companies who are exploiting us. But whether it is Trump of someone of the same cut of cloth I think a big change is on the way. I think the Jackass - Elephant wars are coming to a end.

Tony Un-electable! I would have thought so until we elected Obama - now all bets are off as to who can and can't get elected. I think Trump has a hell of a lot better chance than Sarah.

8th November 2010, 04:54
Roamy has become a Trump rider.

yea by the time Trump gets done with you we will be able to buy a car cheaper than a Nokia

8th November 2010, 05:31

8th November 2010, 07:17
Actually Trump is an arrogant and unlikeable man, but much more acceptable than Palin and the Christian Right talibans. I'd be happy if he is President of the US.

8th November 2010, 22:45
Well I don't know that the lame ducks are going to get anything done in the next two years. I don't even think the mortgage crisis has hit the bottom and the employment problems may be quite a bit worse.

The "mortgage crisis" will never be solved whilst you have a system which allows people to escape mortgages by simply handing in the keys to the bank. If people were held accountable for their mortgages even beyond the scope of their immediate ability to pay, then they'd think twice about applying for them in the first place. The GFC in essence was caused by banks lending to people who should have never have been lent to in the first place.

Because of the Torrens Title system in Australia, and the fact that all mortgages are recorded on the title deed itself which is always kept at the Lands Title Office, coupled with the perpetual scope of mortgages, means that there is no such thing as a sub-prime mortgage market in Australia - they simply do not exist.
I'm not sure if anyone has the gumption to impose those sorts of regulations in the US. I would suggest not.

I also expect he would go after multinational companies who are exploiting us.

I would expect that no political candidate of any stripe would "go after multinational companies who are exploiting us", especially since a great deal of them are listed on the NYSE.

The NYSE, Wall St and corporate board rooms have far more actual power than any pathetic dribbling person in Washington. IF your funds aren't directly tied up in Wall St, then I bet that your 401k probably is to some degree.

10th November 2010, 08:36
Roamy has become a Trump rider.


Mark in Oshawa
11th November 2010, 01:50
Trump as President of the US? I would buy that notion....I think he is the cut the BS kind of leader Reagan was, but he can appeal to both sides. Whether Democrats or GOP people want to admit it or not, the party that can catch the spirit of what that mushy middle want will likely get elected. The Democrats try to appeal to them by giving them more government, the GOP in trying to give them less without giving them too much less. ON many issues, Trump would likely win points. He wouldn't sanction more government for the sake of it, but it is clear he at least pays more than lip service to those who have less.

What is more, Trump understands America is a fragile concept in a sense. Protecting democracy, freedom and the right to dissent is something he would be willing to do eagerly, so I think the hawks in the US would at least respect him for that.

No...the only thing Roamy you might want to push off from is this notion he would tax everything coming into the country from China. This likely wont happen. If Obama didn't do it, there isn't a hope in hell any GOP or Independent is likely to do it. Lets face it, the industry hurt the most by foreign competition is unionized industry, and they would gain the most from a 20% tax on imported goods from China. Protectionism doesn't work....the US tried it in the Depression..and made it worse...

11th November 2010, 05:04
WTF :?: Trump as the Pressy :?:

No way man, the pay is too sh!t for him and the Presidential helicopter is not stylish enough to match his hairdoo. I say, great idea as he would probably do well as the Pressy, but I doubt that it's gonna ever happen.

Dave B
11th November 2010, 13:12
Trump? I suppose he'd be better than Palin, but that's not exactly a ringing endorsement. :s

11th November 2010, 18:19
Trump as President of the US? I would buy that notion....I think he is the cut the BS kind of leader Reagan was, but he can appeal to both sides. Whether Democrats or GOP people want to admit it or not, the party that can catch the spirit of what that mushy middle want will likely get elected. The Democrats try to appeal to them by giving them more government, the GOP in trying to give them less without giving them too much less. ON many issues, Trump would likely win points. He wouldn't sanction more government for the sake of it, but it is clear he at least pays more than lip service to those who have less.

What is more, Trump understands America is a fragile concept in a sense. Protecting democracy, freedom and the right to dissent is something he would be willing to do eagerly, so I think the hawks in the US would at least respect him for that.

No...the only thing Roamy you might want to push off from is this notion he would tax everything coming into the country from China. This likely wont happen. If Obama didn't do it, there isn't a hope in hell any GOP or Independent is likely to do it. Lets face it, the industry hurt the most by foreign competition is unionized industry, and they would gain the most from a 20% tax on imported goods from China. Protectionism doesn't work....the US tried it in the Depression..and made it worse...

The long as short of it as I see it: The global economy is not working for us. We are rebuilding China and allowing 10 idiots to control the price of oil. Look at our cities compared to China's, Japan;s etc. We look like a worn out trash dump in comparison.. Unfortunately for the global economy we are going to bring business back home. We have a very long road of rebuilding and the sooner we get started the better. It is questionable if the EU has really helped smaller and less financially strong countries. I don't know who came up with the "global economy" but it is not helping us in the slightest.

Donald makes some very strong points.

11th November 2010, 19:30
Now that you have elected the first non-white President, why not elect a non-white female President the next time? How about Omarosa?


11th November 2010, 22:06
and allowing 10 idiots to control the price of oil.

There are two very big determinants in the price of oil:

Saudi oil in particular is where you get very long chain hydrocarbons which are used in the production of plastics and greases. Because of the nature of carbon chemistry it's easier to break long hydrocarbons chains, than to stick them together; because of this it is Saudi oil more than any other which affects the price of oil.

Because the once sleeping dragon of the Chinese economy has woken up and has now started demanding oil to make plastics, it causes a shift of the demand curve for oil to the right and a new market price is found.
It is market shifts which account for major swings in the price of oil. You do believe in the operation of markets don't you?

11th November 2010, 22:50
Off topic.... I have been away for awhile so please don't mind me asking, is Roamy formerly known as Fousto?

Dave B
12th November 2010, 09:14
Off topic.... I have been away for awhile so please don't mind me asking, is Roamy formerly known as Fousto?
Amongst other things, yes :p

12th November 2010, 15:03
A.F.F I am confused so if you don't mind me asking:
Are you a female or are you gay?
I saw another post of yours describing how you like your man. :)

12th November 2010, 21:11
I don't mind it at all. I guess you saw yourself fitting the describtion ? :)

13th November 2010, 01:59
Not me I was thinking of EKI - He is your neighbor

13th November 2010, 06:34
Talking about Eki....

I don't watch Big Brother Show but my wife insisted me to watch one episode, you know just to see if I like it. In this episode there was a guy from Tampere city explaining to the other house mates that he sometimes jerk off his male friends as a joke and vice versa and there is nothing gay about it. He also said that everybody is doing so but nobody talks about it. He seemed confused when all the other housemates laughed at him and said that it's not a very good joke, it's very gay and nobody do as a joke and suspected there's sometehing very wrong at Tampere.

Now, Eki is from Tampere.... maybe he has been joking around :s ailor:

13th November 2010, 07:26
Talking about Eki....

I don't watch Big Brother Show but my wife insisted me to watch one episode, you know just to see if I like it. In this episode there was a guy from Tampere city explaining to the other house mates that he sometimes jerk off his male friends as a joke and vice versa and there is nothing gay about it. He also said that everybody is doing so but nobody talks about it. He seemed confused when all the other housemates laughed at him and said that it's not a very good joke, it's very gay and nobody do as a joke and suspected there's sometehing very wrong at Tampere.

Now, Eki is from Tampere.... maybe he has been joking around :s ailor:

I guess after the Omarosa link, Eki deserved that. Why he was joking around right on this thread... right after Roamy posted. :eek:


13th November 2010, 13:27
I guess after the Omarosa link, Eki deserved that. Why he was joking around right on this thread... right after Roamy posted. :eek:

What's wrong with Omarosa? She has a Master's degree from Harvard..., sorry from Howard, and she has worked in the White House before, so she has experience:


15th February 2011, 05:01
He is now getting very close. We will know in June. I sure hope he runs and makes it - you will see change in this country never thought possible.

This guy is a hitter and exactly what we need

15th February 2011, 08:33
Roamy, you're fired.

15th February 2011, 15:48
Roamy, you're fired.

great - how much is my severance pay??

Mark in Oshawa
15th February 2011, 17:10
The long as short of it as I see it: The global economy is not working for us. We are rebuilding China and allowing 10 idiots to control the price of oil. Look at our cities compared to China's, Japan;s etc. We look like a worn out trash dump in comparison.. Unfortunately for the global economy we are going to bring business back home. We have a very long road of rebuilding and the sooner we get started the better. It is questionable if the EU has really helped smaller and less financially strong countries. I don't know who came up with the "global economy" but it is not helping us in the slightest.

Donald makes some very strong points.

Not helping you in the slightest? Really? The reason it isn't "helping" is because Americans think the world should be like it was in 1960 when you did run the western world economically.

The jobs being lost to China are lost because they have cheaper labour. Well, if you put in protectionist measures to protect the American workers at GM or wherever, in the short term it will work, in the long term, it wont. The history of protectionism shows America does better when it trades freely. Look at the impact of the Smoot Hawley Tarriffs that some say are part of the reason the Depression hung around so long.

The fact is, America's work force has to have a better education system pushing along behind it.

As for your cities being dumps or not, that is up to the people living there to have some freaking pride. Also getting strict with lending money to people buying houses. If you didn't have 10 % of your housing stock being dumped because people could walk away from loans, that might make a difference. Hell, I have been in a lot of major cities in the US, and not all are dumps, so I think it comes down to having a state not run by loons who have bankrupted the treasury too.

There is so much that is right about America, and so much that is wrong, but by dumping a 25% tariff on everything coming off the boat wont help no one. You just caused rampant inflation....I like to see how you also compesate all those who wont be working in retail when sales fall off.....

15th February 2011, 19:13
The jobs being lost to China are lost because they have cheaper labour. Well, if you put in protectionist measures to protect the American workers at GM or wherever, in the short term it will work, in the long term, it wont. The history of protectionism shows America does better when it trades freely. Look at the impact of the Smoot Hawley Tarriffs that some say are part of the reason the Depression hung around so long.

General Electric has 304,000 employees. 56% of those work in South-East Asia, and 60% of its profits in 2009 came from outside of the United States. As the world's second biggest company in 2010, is can it be said to be truly an "American" company anymore?
Why bother hiring people in Winchester, VA for $9 an hour when you can just as easily hire people in Niger for $2 a week?

15th February 2011, 19:15
Not helping you in the slightest? Really? The reason it isn't "helping" is because Americans think the world should be like it was in 1960 when you did run the western world economically.

The jobs being lost to China are lost because they have cheaper labour. Well, if you put in protectionist measures to protect the American workers at GM or wherever, in the short term it will work, in the long term, it wont. The history of protectionism shows America does better when it trades freely. Look at the impact of the Smoot Hawley Tarriffs that some say are part of the reason the Depression hung around so long.

The fact is, America's work force has to have a better education system pushing along behind it.

As for your cities being dumps or not, that is up to the people living there to have some freaking pride. Also getting strict with lending money to people buying houses. If you didn't have 10 % of your housing stock being dumped because people could walk away from loans, that might make a difference. Hell, I have been in a lot of major cities in the US, and not all are dumps, so I think it comes down to having a state not run by loons who have bankrupted the treasury too.

There is so much that is right about America, and so much that is wrong, but by dumping a 25% tariff on everything coming off the boat wont help no one. You just caused rampant inflation....I like to see how you also compesate all those who wont be working in retail when sales fall off.....

Here what do you think of this math
14 trillion in debt - 119k for every american
ain't gonna happen as things are today
so now what!!!!!
so we are bankrupt - lets file and move on

15th February 2011, 20:01
They said on the news today that China has surpassed Japan as the 2nd largest economy in the world and will surpass the US as #1 in about 10 years.

Mark in Oshawa
15th February 2011, 21:37
General Electric has 304,000 employees. 56% of those work in South-East Asia, and 60% of its profits in 2009 came from outside of the United States. As the world's second biggest company in 2010, is can it be said to be truly an "American" company anymore?
Why bother hiring people in Winchester, VA for $9 an hour when you can just as easily hire people in Niger for $2 a week?

True, but if GE wants employee's who actually have an education, they wont find those people in Niger. The engineers who design the equipment and the machinests and other trades are not in Niger. They are in China or Singapore or India, and they are not making 2 bucks a week, they are maybe making half what the American worker does. Ok, so it isn't "fair", but at some point if everyone tosses up tariff walls, you end up with trade wars, and the same economic malaise issues we had in the 30's and in other years of protectionism. Canadians heard all of this stuff in the first negotiations of the Free Trade Agreement with the US in the Late 80's and Early 90's. We had a protected economy. We had one where industry hid behind tariffs. Companies like Bombardier, DeHavilland, and our transport industry all hid behind the tariff walls, and were big deals in a small country but were never really economically able to find new markets. In the new free trade world, Bombardier is one of the largest transportation companies in the world. Companies like RIM would have never evolved if all they could do was sell in Canada. Our economy is healthier in this "recession" in a world with free trade, than it was in 1988 when it was protected. GDP was relatively hirer, and the per capita income vs the rest of the world is better.

Economies and the work force are forced to evolve and there are casualties. In my old line of work (and one I will be back doing for a while it seems) like trucking, the wages are lower, no question. There is no way around the reality of the market if a labour source is over priced, the companies paying it wont survive. That said, once the true value of skills or jobs is reached, the free market allows companies to compete not just in the jurisdiction they sit, but in other nations as well. As for the nationality of the supernational corporations, well, in this country, one of the biggest employers outside of government was GM. Funny, it still is, and GM is still essentially an American corporation. Ditto for Ford and Chrysler, and the Japanese car makers building product here as well. There is however a reason they show up here to build product. You cant expect people in the 3rd world to build quality cars. If the economy building the cars has the educated people to build the product, they will want to buy enough of them to justify the plant. In Canada, we are part of the US economy. Would all those car making jobs from Honda and Toyota be in Canada if not for free trade? No.....and the reality is that no system is perfect, but tariff's and non tax restrictions don't work. They have been tried for years, and in the end, they have their down side as well....

16th February 2011, 11:01
You cant expect people in the 3rd world to build quality cars.

The entire North American alotment of BMW 3-Series comes from either their plants in Jakarta, Chennai or Selangor and has done for almost 3 years. The C-Class Mercedes-Benz comes from Thonburi and Pekan.

Not only can you expect people in the 3rd world to build quality cars, they'll build the premium models for you.

Retro Formula 1
16th February 2011, 12:09
The entire North American alotment of BMW 3-Series comes from either their plants in Jakarta, Chennai or Selangor and has done for almost 3 years. The C-Class Mercedes-Benz comes from Thonburi and Pekan.

Not only can you expect people in the 3rd world to build quality cars, they'll build the premium models for you.

No, he means these types of quality cars :laugh:
