View Full Version : Melodramatic facebook posters.....

31st October 2010, 21:40
Does anyone here have any melodramatic facebook posters on their friends list?

I've got this one guy who seems to post melodramatic stuff about 70% of the time. Not quite sure what is wrong with his life but why the hell whine about it ALL the damn time?

Captain VXR
31st October 2010, 22:38
Does anyone here have any melodramatic facebook posters on their friends list?

I've got this one guy who seems to post melodramatic stuff about 70% of the time. Not quite sure what is wrong with his life but why the hell whine about it ALL the damn time?

Some of my friends post stupid stuff all the time
One even posted that she was taking a **** in a bush (classy!)

Azumanga Davo
31st October 2010, 22:45
It's amazing how quick some of them change mood in an instant. Starting to really tick me off too.

1st November 2010, 08:03
I know someone who has a theory that people who post lots on Facebook just don't have enough love in their life - they're looking for more love from the world. In the case of some people I agree with him.

I find Facebook increasingly banal. At least here, on this forum, you can have the odd meaningful discussion that goes somewhere. Facebook is just random postings with no depth. Mostly I post nothing because what I want to say is either too important (to me), or else doesn't make it through my too-trivial filter.

Sometimes, when my kids are tired, they just talk and talk without really thinking before they speak, and I have to get them to stop, slow down and try to have a point in what they say. Doesn't have to be the cleverest thing in the world, just not automatic blah-blah-blah. I often wish I could do the same on Facebook.

1st November 2010, 08:24
I would say 85% of my facebook friends appear to be depressed. Sadly facebook seem's to be there only vent when I would say a fair few of them should either see a doctor or make something of the lives instead of moaning about it.

I particually hate the 'Oh my God, can't belive whats happened' type status's where people just want the attention of being asked whats wrong.

1st November 2010, 08:49
Oh god gridgirl!!!! Those are the worst ones!!!!

1st November 2010, 08:55
Daniel, Your supposed to say "Whats wrong hun' or 'Inbox me if you need to talk'. :p

Dave B
1st November 2010, 10:01
One of mine regularly posts at about 6pm that they're tired and going to bed, then every three or four hours posts that they can't sleep. Erm, maybe try not being online?

Brown, Jon Brow
1st November 2010, 10:35
It just seems that some people use Facebook as a way of seeking attention.

1st November 2010, 10:53
I just hide people's posts if they're that annoying. The reasons tend to be:
Airing dirty laundry
Thanks for being in my life Jesus love youu<3<3
No grasp of spelling/correct grammar
Updating everyone about every activity they do, ever.

1st November 2010, 13:31
Daniel, Your supposed to say "Whats wrong hun' or 'Inbox me if you need to talk'. :p


I will actually do that if it's someone I like and they're not always doing it because obviously something is wrong. But the sort of person who does it all the time? No thanks!

1st November 2010, 14:03
True, but if it was that bad I dont think I would actually want to post it on facebook. Yes to telling close friends and family but no thanks to telling all and sundry. :s

A guy I went to school with has posted on facebook today that he is expecting a baby with his girlfriend. A few congratulation responses later and his ex-girlfriend and also the mother of his existing child has said 'You could have told me." Think about these things before you splash them all over facebook you moron!

1st November 2010, 15:24
True, but if it was that bad I dont think I would actually want to post it on facebook. Yes to telling close friends and family but no thanks to telling all and sundry. :s

A guy I went to school with has posted on facebook today that he is expecting a baby with his girlfriend. A few congratulation responses later and his ex-girlfriend and also the mother of his existing child has said 'You could have told me." Think about these things before you splash them all over facebook you moron!

Did she say it on Facebook? Is that not just as bad?

1st November 2010, 18:12
:up: Likes


Really annoys me too, but then I keep myself to myself anyway so facebook is not too different. Unlike some of my dear colleagues at work who insist on giving every little detail about what is going on in their lives and how they watched a whale being disected on tv last night. Shut up dammit!!

Tis all ;)

1st November 2010, 18:13
:up: Likes


Really annoys me too, but then I keep myself to myself anyway so facebook is not too different. Unlike some of my dear colleagues at work who insist on giving every little detail about what is going on in their lives and how they watched a whale being disected on tv last night. Shut up dammit!!

Tis all ;)

1st November 2010, 18:55
:up: Likes


Really annoys me too, but then I keep myself to myself anyway so facebook is not too different. Unlike some of my dear colleagues at work who insist on giving every little detail about what is going on in their lives and how they watched a whale being disected on tv last night. Shut up dammit!!

Tis all ;)

Not being a Facebook (MySpace, Twitter, Friendster, etc.) user, I admit that I get a certain amount of sick pleasure out of news stories that detail people getting fired or served with divorce papers over things they've foolishly posted on these sites. The way I see it, nothing posted on these sites is (truly) private. Just last night there was a report on Bloomberg that detailed how people found it curious that emails in their Gmail inboxes were accompanied by ads that picked up on keywords in their "private" mails. That little slime, Zuckerberg (and the Google "Don't Be Evil" guys), is just suckering people into putting as many personal details about themselves as possible online, so he can up his ad rates. It's a brilliant strategy... just one that I refuse to willingly be a part of. I know they've got me in other ways. So be it. But at least I'm going to make them work a little harder to harass me.

1st November 2010, 18:57
Does anyone here have any melodramatic facebook posters on their friends list?

I've got this one guy who seems to post melodramatic stuff about 70% of the time. Not quite sure what is wrong with his life but why the hell whine about it ALL the damn time?

inimitablestoo likes this :up:

2nd November 2010, 01:03
Melodramatic Facebook posters are simply an extension of their family, which were the melodramatic forum posters. Drama queens and kings, lost in the lack of reality that cyberspace allows them.

I prefer to talk to a person face to face or pick up the phone. I have no want for any social phony sites, IMs, text messages, or anything else that tries to be personal in such an impersonal way.

2nd November 2010, 02:26
I just deleted about 30 people from my Facebook.

Just got tired of their stupid posts and constant negative attitude.

3rd November 2010, 07:45
Not being a Facebook (MySpace, Twitter, Friendster, etc.) user, I admit that I get a certain amount of sick pleasure out of news stories that detail people getting fired or served with divorce papers over things they've foolishly posted on these sites. The way I see it, nothing posted on these sites is (truly) private. Just last night there was a report on Bloomberg that detailed how people found it curious that emails in their Gmail inboxes were accompanied by ads that picked up on keywords in their "private" mails. That little slime, Zuckerberg (and the Google "Don't Be Evil" guys), is just suckering people into putting as many personal details about themselves as possible online, so he can up his ad rates. It's a brilliant strategy... just one that I refuse to willingly be a part of. I know they've got me in other ways. So be it. But at least I'm going to make them work a little harder to harass me.

Sadly some people just don't get it. I'm on fb but I don't really have much on there at all. I don't even have my last name on there. When I got my new phone recently it pulled all the details of my FB friends down from fb and a lot of them have phone numbers and a whole lot more on facebook :crazy:

Brown, Jon Brow
3rd November 2010, 11:34
I just deleted about 30 people from my Facebook.

Just got tired of their stupid posts and constant negative attitude.

I often delete 'friends' who make stupid posts.

Last year I deleted (well untagged) most of my photos. Although I am allowing people to tag Halloween photos of me, for a bit.

3rd November 2010, 13:14
I suppose it depends on what pictures of you are on facebook. :s ;) :p I wouldnt be ashamed to show picture of me on facebook to my mum or to my boss.

3rd November 2010, 13:38
I swear if I see any more melodramatic facebook postings I'm just going to kill myself!

3rd November 2010, 14:44
I swear if I see any more melodramatic facebook postings I'm just going to kill myself!