View Full Version : Makes me furious

Captain VXR
31st October 2010, 20:28
How can anyone even comprehend murdering a person, cutting off their skin and turning it into a lampshade???
Yes I heard rumours of these sorts of things before but knowing it actually went on as part of the holocaust disgusts me even more than before :mad:

31st October 2010, 20:39
How can anyone even comprehend murdering a person, cutting off their skin and turning it into a lampshade???

How is that any different from doing it to a cow? You might have leather pants or a leather couch or whatever, yet that doesn't gross you out?

31st October 2010, 22:09
How is that any different from doing it to a cow? You might have leather pants or a leather couch or whatever, yet that doesn't gross you out?

I take it you are vegan or vegetarian Lousada? Im neither but a human skinned lamp shade, shoes, pants, couch or whatever is also very wrong to me too.

Captain VXR
31st October 2010, 22:36
How is that any different from doing it to a cow? You might have leather pants or a leather couch or whatever, yet that doesn't gross you out?

A cow doesnt have hopes or dreams, children who love them, parents who dote on them etc

Cow meat tastes nice (certain cuts only)
Human flesh repulses me and should repulse anyone with a sane mind

31st October 2010, 22:44
How is that any different from doing it to a cow? You might have leather pants or a leather couch or whatever, yet that doesn't gross you out?

You didn't really mean to ask this question. Did you?

31st October 2010, 22:49
How can anyone even comprehend murdering a person, cutting off their skin and turning it into a lampshade???
Yes I heard rumours of these sorts of things before but knowing it actually went on as part of the holocaust disgusts me even more than before :mad:

Captain, they did so many hideous things to the unfortunate Jews, Gypsies, handicapped, homosexuals and the broad term, undesirables that it is so hard to comprehend.

I could recommend a couple of books for you but if you are squeamish about the topic I would leave it alone.

Bob Riebe
1st November 2010, 00:34
How is that any different from doing it to a cow? You might have leather pants or a leather couch or whatever, yet that doesn't gross you out?
That is probably the most asinine statement ever on this forum.

1st November 2010, 00:58
A cow doesnt have hopes or dreams, children who love them, parents who dote on them etc

Humans have always taken body parts from their enemies as trophies of a sort. Heads, ears, scalp-locks, and skins, especially if a tattoo of some sort was present. It may be revolting to you, but it's not like the Nazis invented any of their evils, they merely used a newer technology in the processing.

Because we really have no way of knowing one way or another, we will assume cows have no hopes or dreams. However calves dearly cling to their mommas and know the difference between their momma and any other cow. A cow will dote on her calf all the way up to the development stage where independence kicks in. When her calf is injured or in danger, the cow's anguish is vocal and obvious.

Matter of fact, up to the age of independence, I'd guess cows have a better track record at parenting than humans do.

1st November 2010, 07:54
The Nazis were responsible for so many sad and sick things that I find it hard to be disturbed by this, quite honestly. It would be different, though, if I had an image of the person the skin originally belonged to. And it would be very different if I had any suspicion that it belonged to someone I had known personally.

However, I can't help feeling that the author mentioned in the article and the journalist who wrote the article have something to answer for: how can they justify making a living from doing these stories? They want to show how macabre and disgusting the human-skin lampshade is, and yet they're willing to work and make money from it. Doesn't seem right to me.

Captain VXR
1st November 2010, 17:25
Captain, they did so many hideous things to the unfortunate Jews, Gypsies, handicapped, homosexuals and the broad term, undesirables that it is so hard to comprehend.

I could recommend a couple of books for you but if you are squeamish about the topic I would leave it alone.

Its kinda personal for me because my Grandma got sent to a concentration camp (luckily she survived) for being Polish, so thats why I'm getting a bit touchy about this subject