View Full Version : Reasons for sarting threads

27th October 2010, 16:30
I had a moment after posting a few times on the Climate Change thread to think about what a couple of the thread participants stated.

First off it is amazing to me that people start a thread and state that it is not going to end up being political. This was forecast by the third poster I believe or one of the very first that that was what would happen.

My question is to the person who started that post and to others that start similar posts.

I want to state that I am in the science field. I do know quite a lot of what is going on in my area of expertise, but, I am wont to say I know everything nor am I going to suggest that I am more knowledgeable than the next man in another area.

What reasons do people use to start a thread? Is it to provoke an argument instead of debate? Is it to thump your chest and say you're right and be applauded by those in agreement with you so that you go and wallow in self righteous satisfaction.

The last thread, I stated I was finished posting on was the one on Climate Change or Global Warming. I stated my case gave the facts as I KNOW them to be and was dumbfounded into no longer posting there because of the immediate reaction of finger pointing and turning the debate into a personal affront and then declaring that they probably know what my political chums would think.

Just to Chuck34, don't assume you know a man's politics because they have a signature line that points in a certain direction.

How many threads are started for political reasons nothing else and how many are started to glean knowledge from some other forum participants?

I don't have the time to re-read so please excuse any errors in this post.

27th October 2010, 17:06
As heavy weapons dude from TF2 says, CRY SOME MORE!

27th October 2010, 17:18
"Glauistean", why are you addressing this here? If you have a problem with what is going on in another thread, the logical thing would be to discuss those issues there. Why did you start this thread?

To your point about politics, it was YOU who came into the tread and started bashing people simply on your preception of politics.

Those of you with a right wing slant from a particular continent that know little to nothing about science or geography let alone geology....
Then you expect that I wouldn't answer that. That somehow I'm just supposed to accept your view on things? BS. I simply pointed out how not everyone with a "right wing slant" has the same views.

You say that you stated facts in the Global Warming thread. Well show me bub. You posted some generalities from the IPCC report. THAT'S IT. I then posted links to studies on the flaws of the IPCC report. You also made generalized statements about huricanes, droughts, and the like. So I posted links to SCIENTIFIC reports and studies that refuted your points. Then you went off on typical attacks, stormed off and refused to participate any longer.

You ask if threads are for debate or pure argument. I want a debate, particularly in that thread. You just want an argument. You state what you think, don't back it up, and once challenged, you storm off in a huff. That, my friend is not debate. So what is YOUR purpose in that thread, and in this one? It sure doesn't seem to be for debate.

27th October 2010, 17:32
"Glauistean", why are you addressing this here? If you have a problem with what is going on in another thread, the logical thing would be to discuss those issues there. Why did you start this thread?

To your point about politics, it was YOU who came into the tread and started bashing people simply on your preception of politics.

Then you expect that I wouldn't answer that. That somehow I'm just supposed to accept your view on things? BS. I simply pointed out how not everyone with a "right wing slant" has the same views.

You say that you stated facts in the Global Warming thread. Well show me bub. You posted some generalities from the IPCC report. THAT'S IT. I then posted links to studies on the flaws of the IPCC report. You also made generalized statements about huricanes, droughts, and the like. So I posted links to SCIENTIFIC reports and studies that refuted your points. Then you went off on typical attacks, stormed off and refused to participate any longer.

You ask if threads are for debate or pure argument. I want a debate, particularly in that thread. You just want an argument. You state what you think, don't back it up, and once challenged, you storm off in a huff. That, my friend is not debate. So what is YOUR purpose in that thread, and in this one? It sure doesn't seem to be for debate.

Here it is. Now this is my area of expertise. You are deflecting sir/madam. You are also showing some signs of narcissism,ergo, you posted fact yet you dismiss the naming of actual events as ,well basically hogwash. I did not storm off. Apropos considering the topic. Freudian slip I imagine not a deliberate pun.

It was pointless as the individual(1st reply) who posted his childish cartoon character misrepresent my intention for this thread.

Thank you for responding. I was asking for the reason for creating all threads not just yours. it was stated as such. It was not to moan or groan.

However, I appreciate your reply all the same.

27th October 2010, 17:38
As heavy weapons dude from TF2 says, CRY SOME MORE!

Daniel, I expect that this will get a good laugh from a number of the children that peruse this forum.

To me it is sad and indicative of a person that is very unsure of themselves thereby delving into the realm of cartoons and the warriors contained within. Something you're not as you would not post anything like this if you had a modicum of respect for yourself and your intelligence or the other posters.

27th October 2010, 17:39
Daniel, I expect that this will get a good laugh from a number of the children that peruse this forum.

To me it is sad and indicative of a person that is very unsure of themselves thereby delving into the realm of cartoons and the warriors contained within. Something you're not as you would not post anything like this if you had a modicum of respect for yourself and your intelligence or the other posters.
Unsure of myself? Eh? You missed the point of the charts I posted on the other thread and you missed the point of the picture I posted.

27th October 2010, 17:44
Here it is. Now this is my area of expertise. You are deflecting sir/madam. You are also showing some signs of narcissism,ergo, you posted fact yet you dismiss the naming of actual events as ,well basically hogwash. I did not storm off. Apropos considering the topic. Freudian slip I imagine not a deliberate pun.

It was pointless as the individual(1st reply) who posted his childish cartoon character misrepresent my intention for this thread.

Thank you for responding. I was asking for the reason for creating all threads not just yours. it was stated as such. It was not to moan or groan.

However, I appreciate your reply all the same.

Again, you are not debating the points, just attacking. Typical of someone who knows he can not win an honest debate.

You did not storm off? Really?

I am done with this now so no need to respond.

That's pretty much the virtual equivalent of storming off in a huff. Or maybe you just took your toy's and went home? What would you call it?

Perhaps just refusing to debate in the face of facts that are counter to what you believe?

If you wish to discuss this further, I suggest doing it in the actual thread in question. But if you insist on having your own thread here, then we can keep going.