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20th July 2008, 13:23
With only one stage to go, Andreucci is still well in the lead and took again all stage wins. Rosetti is still in third and has a small margin over Navarra. ;)
All stage wins? Today he did 2, 4 for Rosetti, one for Navarra and Cavalinni. But, he has a cussions of more than 30 secs one stage to go. :D

Navarra now behind Rosetti. What happend wit Longhi, didn't follow the rally yesterday...?

20th July 2008, 13:33
All stage wins? Today he did 2, 4 for Rosetti, one for Navarra and Cavalinni. But, he has a cussions of more than 30 secs one stage to go. :D

Navarra now behind Rosetti. What happend wit Longhi, didn't follow the rally yesterday...?

My mistake Haco, i looked at the wrong columm, namely the overall classification, sorry about that.

20th July 2008, 13:36
So, final results of Rally di San Crispino, Italy:

1. Andreucci
2. Campedelli at 30"9
3. Rosetti at 35"1
4. Navarra at 38"1
5. Aghini at 2'32"6
6. Cantamessa at 2'47"7

20th July 2008, 13:47
So, in Italian championship Rosetti is extending his lead once more, should be like this:

1.Rosetti 44Pts
2. Navarra 32 Pts
3. Andreucci 29 Pts
4. Longhi 25 Pts
5. Travaglia 20 Pts
6. Cantamessa 17,5 Pts
7. Cavallini 15,5 Pts
8. Campedelli 8 Pts
9. Perico 6,5 Pts
10 Aghini 4 Pts
Gamba 4 Pts

20th July 2008, 15:09
My mistake Haco, i looked at the wrong columm, namely the overall classification, sorry about that.
No Problem :D :D :D

Jarek Z
20th July 2008, 15:28
And yes, Ucci is the best! Never understood why FIAT didn't keep that guy.

As far as I know there was a conflict between Andreucci's personal sponsor ERG and FIAT's new sponsor API and Ucci had to leave the team. That's what I heard, but I'm not 100% sure if it's true.

Anyway, he's my favourite driver in Italy now, no matter what car he drives!

Good to hear you enjoyed the rally in Germany, HaCo. Thanks for sharing your impressions. Is Kahle driving Porsche these days?

20th July 2008, 15:36
Yes, he is since the beginning of this season. But he didn't make too good results, only now his first good result in Eifel Rallye. ;)

20th July 2008, 17:24
Few pictures from South-Estonia rally: http://recce.pri.ee/album127/fotod.html :)

20th July 2008, 17:52
I just returned from Kopná. It's been great weekend and great rally!

Kresta was quite dominating and after very long time it was clear that he was enjoying the rally as much as possible. He was very spectacular as well. Before the rally he was very unsatisffied with setup of the car from Toth. They were changing setup almost 2 hours between test drives. But after that the car was working well for him and he was happy with it. He said that Lancer was not a racing car compared to Peugeot which is great fun to drive. he said it was more fun to drive it than Peugeot 206 WRC he was driving in 2003. He also said that during the rally he was testing different settings and various tyres even though he knew that such tyres are not the best for current conditions.

It was a pity of Grzyb's mistake in SS1. He would be second for sure. Kopná is specific event where there local drivers are in huge advantage and is very hard to defeat them. In this case Peták must be sattisfied as he got the biggest number of poits from regular sprint runners (and Grzyb takes no points), much more than leading Josef Semerád (both of them are not local). Odložilík retired with broken propshaft.

Funny thing is that Tlusťák run out of fuel on the last radio point of the rally :D But he wasn't able to defeat Minařík in Fabia Kit Car even though he went last stage and 3 km of penultimate one without power steering. Both of them are local. Tlusťák lives on stage Raková, Minařík on stage Kopná...

Good to see Cserhalmi back in car. He may be starting on Barum rally. Grzyb confirmed Barum rally start with Punto.

Some fantastic photos:


Grzyb SS1 Májová (part of stage Troják, Barum) with biiig crisis and a lot of lost time: http://www.mediasport.cz/multimedia/videa/rally-cz/grzyb_KO_rz1.wmv

Tlusťák SS2 Podhoran (part of stage Troják, Barum): http://www.mediasport.cz/multimedia/videa/rally-cz/tlustak_KO_rz2.wmv

Tarabus SS4 Raková (very similar to stage Zádveřice, Barum): http://www.mediasport.cz/multimedia/videa/rally-cz/tarabus_KO_rz4.wmv

Semerád SS7 Kopná I with puncture 1,5 km to the finish: http://www.mediasport.cz/multimedia/videa/rally-cz/semis_KO_rz7.wmv

Kresta SS9 Kopná II (almost same as kopná I): http://www.mediasport.cz/multimedia/videa/rally-cz/kresta_KO_rz9.wmv

If dirrect links doesn't work to You, use menu: http://www.mediasport.cz/videa/rok-2008

21st July 2008, 08:54
More pictures from South-Estonia rally at rallyemotions.net (http://www.rallyemotions.net/lounaeesti_08/)

21st July 2008, 09:09
]I just returned from Kopná. It's been great weekend and great rally!

Thanks for your report! ;)

21st July 2008, 20:07
Nice video from Kopná. Author was evidently my shadow as there is only one place I wasn't at in the same time :)

21st July 2008, 21:09
]Nice video from Kopná. Author was evidently my shadow as there is only one place I wasn't at in the same time :)

Nice video indeed Mirek, thank you for all the links. ;)

22nd July 2008, 08:59
Weijs is a promising driver. Earlier this year, he did an 11th fastest stage time with a Volkswagen Polo (N1 or N2), alongside many WRC and Group N4 entries. Still, a good start for him of course.

Final results in Eifel Rallye in Germany:

1. Wevers 1h20'21"0
2. Van Eldik at 38"1
3. Van Merksteijn jr at 1'38"1
4. Van Merksteijn at 1'45"4
5. Gassner at 2'36"8
6. Kahle at 2'42"2
7. Dobberkau at 2'45"6
8. Kuypers at 3'50"6
9. Gassner jr at 3'52"2
10. Van den Heuvel at 3'59"8

13. Burkart at 4'34"8
14. Ogier at 4'44"8

19. Weys at 6'39"3
What was happend with Weijs? Problems or just slow?

Shame Gassner is in front of van den Heuvel in time table.

22nd July 2008, 15:58
Antonin Tlustak will start on Rally Pelhrimov (same date as Madeira) with Fiat Grande Punto S2000.

22nd July 2008, 18:13
Onboard of Grzyb with huge crisis also on Youtube:

22nd July 2008, 19:26
My photos from Rallysprint Kopna 2008 (CZ) at http://www.czechrallyeweb.net

23rd July 2008, 20:36
is it possible a friend from cz to translate this?
thanks in advance :)

23rd July 2008, 21:56
Nothing interesting. There is written, that Baumschlager presented his Lancer Evo X, but it is only for presentation, lot of parts is missing and they still dont know, when will be first official start.

23rd July 2008, 23:00
Nothing interesting. There is written, that Baumschlager presented his Lancer Evo X, but it is only for presentation, lot of parts is missing and they still dont know, when will be first official start.

exactly! i was there and took the pictures


the engine electronic, the diffs and all the carbon parts for the cockpit and doors are still missing from rallyart japan.

bodyshell, gearbox, suspension, brakes and exhaust system are already in final race condition

but the car already looks nice and it seems that baumschlager is very happy with the car...



24th July 2008, 05:52
Antonin Tlustak will start on Rally Pelhrimov (same date as Madeira) with Fiat Grande Punto S2000.

It'll be interesting fight with other S2000 dribers(Petŕk, Odlozilik and Tarabus) :)

24th July 2008, 05:55
thanks WRC1 and Pluto!
any news about the date release of the homologation?

ps nice pictures WRC1 :D

24th July 2008, 09:07
thanks WRC1 and Pluto!
any news about the date release of the homologation?

this is the funny thing about it, the car (and parts) are homologated since the 1st of july (!!!) but ralliart japan could not delivered these parts....the info they (BRR) got is that the missing parts should arrive in europe till middle of august.

ps nice pictures WRC1 :D

thx 80)



24th July 2008, 09:32
It'll be interesting fight with other S2000 dribers(Petŕk, Odlozilik and Tarabus) :)

Tarabus wont be there, it is only rallysprint.

jure dvorsek
25th July 2008, 07:19
Today starts Beta Rally Oltrepo, rally valid for Italian Tarmac Championship (TRA), starting list is quite interesting-there are also local driver's as Mateo Musti and Massimo Brega, they will fight for a victory, no doubt about that. Tomorrow very early in the morning I will leave for Terme Salice, I hope for a nice weather.


25th July 2008, 10:19
Also this week-end will be held the Rallye Terre de Langres in France(french gravel rallies championship) :D

It also counts for the 206 Cup and Karl-Friedrich Beck is motivated for a victory ;)

Note Bruno Thiry will drive a Skoda Fabia TDI on this event :eek:


Results on http://www.ffsa.org/res_rallye.php?id=725&catCourse=ral

25th July 2008, 15:21
Here is entry list of Cebia Rally Pelhřimov (Czech rallysprint championship), 2nd August 2008:

2 WRC: Trněný - Fabia, Drotár - Octavia
3 S2000: Peták, Odložilík - 207, Tlusťák - Punto

25th July 2008, 21:08
A whales 1-2 to start the Rally Beta Oltrepo in Italy !!! :D

The SSS was just won by Marco Silva in front of Matteo Musti...third fastest was Massimo Brega(in 206 wrc)... ;)

Full results(and tomorrow results):

26th July 2008, 11:01
Rallye terre de Langres has just started and surprise: Julien Maurin(who usually drives a Mitsu GrN)is finally driving a Fiat Grande Punto S2000 :eek:

26th July 2008, 11:41
After SS2 Terre de Langres Belgian Claudie Tanghe(Toyota Celica GT)is leading with a very small margin on Julien Maurin already very comfortable in the S2000 :D

Other Belgians Colsoul and Bruyneel are just behind(3rd and 4th) :p :

Thiry is struggling, but in a 2WD diesel on gravel it's not easy anyway :mark:

First leader was Joann Bonato in his Skoda Octavia WRC, but he lost more than a minute on SS2 :(

26th July 2008, 11:43
A whales 1-2 to start the Rally Beta Oltrepo in Italy !!! :D

The SSS was just won by Marco Silva in front of Matteo Musti...third fastest was Massimo Brega(in 206 wrc)... ;)

Full results(and tomorrow results):

After SS4 Matteo Musti is leading in front of Felice Re, Paolo Porro, Marco Silva and Marco Tagliani... ;)

26th July 2008, 12:00
First times of the 206 Cup drivers on SS1 Terre de Langres ;)

Already two drivers were fastest of the field, cup leader Denis Millet followed by less than 1s by German Karl-Friedrich Beck :D

26th July 2008, 15:01
OH NOOOOOO !!!!! Tragedy on the Rallye Terre de Langres, round of the french gravel rallies championship !!!!! :eek:

Philippe Viennet, codriver of Jean-François Prévalet(Mitsubishi Lancer GrN)died from injury and heart attack after the crew crashed against a tree on SS2 of the event !!!!! :( :(

R.I.P. and condolences to his family and friends... ;( ;(

26th July 2008, 15:23
Rest in peace, Philippe :(

26th July 2008, 16:33
Rest in peace Philippe :mad:

26th July 2008, 17:04
Not again....

RIP Philippe

26th July 2008, 17:50
Apparently Rallye Terre de Langres wasn't cancelled and is still running :confused:

But will it last tomorrow... :rolleyes:

After SS6(end of leg)a Belgian is in the lead, Bob Colsoul(leading the GrN class too)...

In the 206 Cup Millet is still leading in front of German Karl-Friedrich Beck and Swiss Laurent Reuche...

Even if the rally finishes, nobody will be happy and sadness will dominate me guessing... :(

26th July 2008, 19:46
New victory for Felice Re at the Beta Rally Oltrepo ;)

He wins in front of Paolo Porro and Matteo Musti...

27th July 2008, 10:55
Really nice result so far for Belgians on the current Rallye Terre de Langres !!!! :)

Three of them on the podium position after SS8(mid-last leg)today !!! Bob Colsoul(Mitsu Lancer GrA) leading the field in front of Dominique Bruyneel(Impreza GrN)and Claudie Tanghe(Toyota Celica GT-4) ;)

But whatever the result will be, it'll be saddened by the tragedy occured to Philippe Viennet(and Jean-François Prévalet) :(

27th July 2008, 14:03
At the rallye Terre de Langres final victory for Bob Colsoul in front of Dominique Bruyneel and Julien Maurin(Claudie Tanghe lost a lot of time in last stage and ends 4th) ;)

28th July 2008, 07:31
Great fight in the 206 Cup at Langres !!!! Denis Millet won the event, but Karl-Friedrich Beck only finish at less than...2s behind(he was fastest on the 2 last stages but it wasn't enough for the victory)!!!! :D :up:

Laurent Reuche finished 3rd...

jure dvorsek
28th July 2008, 10:09
New victory for Felice Re at the Beta Rally Oltrepo ;)

He wins in front of Paolo Porro and Matteo Musti...

Endeed a new victory for Felice Re, he was unbeatable. I saw him on five SS and sometimes I wondred, if maybe Mr.Perfect Loeb was driving his Xsara...
Brega finished his dreams already on SS1. First time Clio R3 was in front of S1600 cars !!
Very nice rally, stages are easy to access, I enyojed very, very much.
Again, I can not forget spectacular driving from Felice....

28th July 2008, 11:21
Photos Rally oltrepň Pavese - Italian tarmac rally http://www.avetowrc.com/

30th July 2008, 08:50
some pics of Terre de Langres on my site: www.rallyephotos.be (http://www.rallyephotos.be/)
still working on the video ;)




30th July 2008, 18:13
Server ewrc.cz votes for star of the rally on each rally in Czech republic and here are nice videos of JNK studio showing already avarded crews:

Jänner Rally - Pavel Valoušek / Zdeněk Hrůza - Lancer Evo 9:

Rally Šumava - Jan Šlehofer / Zbyněk Soběhart - Punto S1600:

Rallysprint Vyškov - Miroslav Janota / Jiří Rada - Ascona B:

Rally Český Krumlov - Emil Triner / Kateřina Achsová (all stages except first one without 3rd gear) - Impreza N12:

Rally Hustopeče - Jan Jelínek / Miroslav Kotěna - Lancer Evo 9:

Rallysprint Tišnov - Josef Peták / Libor Joska - Peugeot 207 S2000:

Rallysprint Lužické Hory - Jan Sýkora / Martina Škardová - Lancer Evo 9:

Valašská Rally - Jaroslav Orsák / Karel Vajík - Lancer Evo 9, without special video

31st July 2008, 11:51
While waiting for the start of NORF '08, please enjoy a true masterpiece video by Latvians rallyemotions.net - from Lőuna-Eesti Rally 2008.


I am not the author of it, but rallyemotions.net seems too shy to post it here, so I took my chance to show You, in my opinion, the BEST rally video to date. It is 100% worth to watch!!!!

31st July 2008, 13:08
Berzs, nice video indeed with good spectating spots and interesting shots. Yet I would like to see some more editing :)

31st July 2008, 13:15
Raven - I think there will be more from where this came from. :) And improving quality with every one of them. :)

1st August 2008, 18:33
So, one day before Pelhřimov rally. Unfortunately Roman Odložilík is absent :(

Weather forecast is bad. It should be very changeble weather with some short but heavy rain. We'll see...

1st August 2008, 18:54
List of crews which passed scrutineering:

Online results:

2nd August 2008, 20:05
In Czech Republic, Rally Pelhrimov, victory for (rallysprint) championship leader Petak took another victory. Second Orsak at 11"7, and third Trnery at 21"1. So Petak is extending his lead in championship of rallysprints. ;)

3rd August 2008, 13:18
Well, I returned from pelhřimov. It was nice rally with some gravel parts as well. The weather was finaly quite good. Humid roads in the morning, than dry. Most spectatular driver was Sýkora. Pitty of his 10 sec. penalty. He would be third. Orsák used BFG tyres for the first time. Semerád retired due to gearbox problem after a big jump. Tlusťák with S2000 was slow. Peták was fast and stable. He is on good way for rallysprint title.

Quite a lot of crashes with realy heavy ones in amateurs. One of them was very experienced driver who made lots of rallys among "big" boys some years before. He was badly injured in crash of his very strong Lancia to the pole. Another one was motoring journalist who crashed heavily his Colt Evo which is a beast with 400 Hp engine and Evo 8 technics inside. Fortunately it was without serious injury although he was thrown out of the car somehow...

Another two big crashes were Čaloun's with Escort gr.A and Šlehofer's with Punto S1600. They hit trees on the same place (some hole on the road caused they lost control of the car). Both crews were ok. I hope they can repair Šlehofer's Punto before Barum. Two crashes happend just infrot of me on a gravel, fortunately not serious - Havel and the same man with that Lancia I was talking about before.

3rd August 2008, 13:31
Some photos from Pelhřimov:

3rd August 2008, 13:44
]Well, I returned from pelhřimov. It was nice rally with some gravel parts as well. The weather was finaly quite good. Humid roads in the morning, than dry. Most spectatular driver was Sýkora. Pitty of his 10 sec. penalty. He would be third. Orsák used BFG tyres for the first time. Semerád retired due to gearbox problem after a big jump. Tlusťák with S2000 was slow. Peták was fast and stable. He is on good way for rallysprint title.

Quite a lot of crashes with realy heavy ones in amateurs. One of them was very experienced driver who made lots of rallys among "big" boys some years before. He was badly injured in crash of his very strong Lancia to the pole. Another one was motoring journalist who crashed heavily his Colt Evo which is a beast with 400 Hp engine and Evo 8 technics inside. Fortunately it was without serious injury although he was thrown out of the car somehow...

Another two big crashes were Čaloun's with Escort gr.A and Šlehofer's with Punto S1600. They hit trees on the same place (some hole on the road caused they lost control of the car). Both crews were ok. I hope they can repair Šlehofer's Punto before Barum. Two crashes happend just infrot of me on a gravel, fortunately not serious - Havel and the same man with that Lancia I was talking about before.

Thanks Mirek, for sharing this information with us, there wasn't too much news to be found on the web about the rallysprint, but thanks to you we are getting some info anyhow. ;)

3rd August 2008, 16:36
It was nice rally in pelhirmov
my fotos http://www.rallyesportfotos.de


3rd August 2008, 18:13
Realy nice video from Pelhřimov:

4th August 2008, 18:42
Onboards from Pelhřimov traditionaly :)

Orsák, SS1: http://www.mediasport.cz/multimedia/videa/rally-cz/orsak_PE_rz1.wmv

Peták, SS2: http://www.mediasport.cz/multimedia/videa/rally-cz/petak_PE_rz2.wmv

Sýkora, SS3: http://www.mediasport.cz/multimedia/videa/rally-cz/sykora_PE_rz3.wmv

Drotár, SS4: http://www.mediasport.cz/multimedia/videa/rally-cz/drotar_PE_rz4.wmv

Trojan, SS7: http://www.mediasport.cz/multimedia/videa/rally-cz/pelhrimov_trojan_PE_rz7.wmv

Drotár/Trněný, SS9 comparission: http://www.mediasport.cz/multimedia/videa/rally-cz/drotar_trneny_PE_rz9.wmv

If direct link doesn't work to You, use menu: http://www.mediasport.cz/videa/rok-2008

5th August 2008, 19:13
If someone likes videos from national champioships, here is very funny one from Bohemia :)

8th August 2008, 22:18
My photos from 05.Cebia rally Pelhrimov (CZ) at http://www.czechrallyeweb.net

principe IRC
11th August 2008, 20:58
In rally de Ferrol of the Spanish Rally Championship, victory for Luis Monzon, 2th and 3th the mitsubishis of Pedro Burgo and Alberto Hevia, 4th the spectacular Joan Vinyes With Clio R3.
Rallye very veryhard with many dropouts among the major candidates to victory (Sergio Vallejo, Enrique Garcia Ojeda, Miguel Fuster, Oscar Garre, Sergio Perez)

Final classification

1. L.MONZÓN (Peugeot 207 S2000)1:57:54.4
2. P.BURGO (Mitsubishi Lancer Evo IX)+1:36.1
3. A.HEVIA (Mitsubishi Lancer Evo IX)+2:44.0
4. J.VINYES (Renault Clio R3)+4:00.5
5. A.MEIRA (Mitsubishi Lancer Evo IX)+4:33.8
6. A.MUŃIZ (Mitsubishi Lancer Evo IX)+6:01.0
7. C.MARQUEZ (Mitsubishi Lancer Evo IX)+ 8:30.5
8. R.BLACH ( Renault Clio R3)+9:30.8
9. F.PARDO (Subaru Impreza)+9:47.

Classification Championship

1. L.MONZÓN 75
2. S.VALLEJO 64,5
3. M.FUSTER 47
4. E.OJEDA 45
5. P.BURGO 30

Some of my photos





15th August 2008, 19:06
Tomorrow another round of Czech rallysprint championship - Rally Prachatice.

Entry list: http://www.rallyprachatice.cz/soubory/Prihlasene_posadky_Prachatice_2008.pdf

Time schedule: http://www.rallyprachatice.cz/soubory/Casovy_harmonogram_Prachatice_2008.pdf

Results: http://mmcr.vysledky-rally.cz/rallysport/2008/mcr/prachatice/1abs.php

15th August 2008, 21:41
Strange starting order !!! :confused:

15th August 2008, 21:47
That is not starting order :)

16th August 2008, 08:03
After SS3 Petŕk is leading, Odlozilik is back 3rd overall after having lost 25s on SS1...good again for the S2000s :p :

16th August 2008, 08:14
Peták is in a class of his own. Pátl (Škoda Octavia WRC) is a real gentlemen-driver it seems.

Where is Jaroslav Novák, the young promising driver? He was inscribed with a Mitsubishi Lancer Evo 7 Group A.

16th August 2008, 09:08
Best time for Odlozilik in SS4(7s faster than Petŕk)who is back +25 from the lead(and +5s from 2nd position) :bounce:

16th August 2008, 10:21
Odlozilik is now 2nd overall with "only" 16s to catch on leader Petŕk(after SS6) ;)

16th August 2008, 10:32
Pátl is rallycross driver, no rally driver. The rally is completely wet and results are realy crazy. Look at times of young Jan Černý with 206 RC or Přemysl Šebesta with outdated Escort!

Wim_Impreza: I don't know who You are talking about :) Jaroslav Novák is well experienced co-driver, not some young driver. There are several prommising young guns.

Jan Černý, 18 years, Peugeot 206 RC A7 (something between N and A), curently 12th
Martin Bujáček, 18 years, Lancer Evo VII, currently 11th
Martin semerád, 18 year, Lancer Evo IX, son of Josef Semerád, currently crashed

16th August 2008, 11:45
Unfortunately there are many crashes of crews that should do Barum next weekend :(

Lukáš Pondělíček wrecked C2 R2. Also Martin Semerád and Radek Majer crashed (both Evo 9)...

16th August 2008, 12:49
]Wim_Impreza: I don't know who You are talking about :) Jaroslav Novák is well experienced co-driver, not some young driver. There are several prommising young guns.

I am sorry, I meant Jaroslav Orsák with #5. I see he retired with a technical problem.

16th August 2008, 13:32
What about SS9 ??? Cancelled ??? :confused:

16th August 2008, 13:35
Aha, Orsák didn't start. I don't know why, maybe just because of awful weather and a risk of damage before Barum. Who knows...

Rally in the finish as last stage was canceled (oil on the road after previous crashes). It was in heavy rain.

1. Peták, 207 S2000
2. Odložilík, 207 S2000, +9,5
3. Trojan, Evo 9, +37,7
4. Pantálek, Evo 8, +1:04,7
5. Ducháček, Evo 9, +1:24,7
6. Bujáček, Evo 7, +1:42... fantastic succes for young Martin Bujáček (some of You maybe know him from RBR :) )!
7. Trněný, Fabia WRC, +1:50,2
8. Červenka, Evo 9, +1:51,3
9. Minařík, Fabia Kit Car, +1:54,8, 1st 2WD
10. Sýkora, Evo 9, +1:58,1, some problem on last stage cost him 4th place
11. Drotár, Octavia WRC
12. Černý, 206 RC, another great result for young driver!

Winner of Cup is Marcel Svačina with Felicia Kit Car, another one You may know from RBR :D

16th August 2008, 13:46
Thanks for the info Mirek ;)

16th August 2008, 13:54
Thanks, Mirek. I am looking forward to the photos / videos.

16th August 2008, 14:07
Thanks Mirek, hopefully we will have better weather next week in Barum. ;)

16th August 2008, 19:28
Petak is clearly dominating in rallysprints, and Odložilik finally finished a race.I'm impressed by great performance of young guns Bujáček and Černý. :)

17th August 2008, 22:25
Cow parade from Pavel Dohnal's Lancer :D

Peták, SS1: http://www.mediasport.cz/multimedia/videa/rally-cz/08Prachatice_petak_rz1.wmv
Trojan, SS2: http://www.mediasport.cz/multimedia/videa/rally-cz/08Prachatice_trojan_rz2.wmv
Odložilík, SS3: http://www.mediasport.cz/multimedia/videa/rally-cz/08Prachatice_odlozilik_rz6.wmv

17th August 2008, 22:32
Cow parade from Pavel Dohnal's Lancer :D

Peták, SS1: http://www.mediasport.cz/multimedia/videa/rally-cz/08Prachatice_petak_rz1.wmv
Trojan, SS2: http://www.mediasport.cz/multimedia/videa/rally-cz/08Prachatice_trojan_rz2.wmv
Odložilík, SS3: http://www.mediasport.cz/multimedia/videa/rally-cz/08Prachatice_odlozilik_rz6.wmv

18th August 2008, 18:49
Another onboards:

Drotár, SS2: http://www.mediasport.cz/multimedia/videa/rally-cz/drotar_PRA_rz2.wmv
Sýkora, SS3: http://www.mediasport.cz/multimedia/videa/rally-cz/sykory_PRA_rz3.wmv
Trojan, SS4: http://www.mediasport.cz/multimedia/videa/rally-cz/trojan_PRA_rz4.wmv
Pátl, SS6: http://www.mediasport.cz/multimedia/videa/rally-cz/patl_PRA_rz6.wmv

And special from test. Pátl with Filip Kuba, ice hockey player from NHL: http://www.mediasport.cz/multimedia/videa/rally-cz/kuba_PRA_test.wmv

20th August 2008, 12:27
Rally Friuli Alpi Orientali (7th round of CIR 2008) (Tarmac)

Entry list:
http://www.rallyalpiorientali.it/docs/Moderne/moderne.pdf (http://www.rallyalpiorientali.it/docs/Moderne/moderne.pdf)

20th August 2008, 17:59
Not many S2000s at the next CIR event :(

23rd August 2008, 18:16
This weekend is also fifth round of slovenian rally championship: 2. rally Primorje Ajdovščina.

Web: http://www.ajdovscina-motorsport.si/rally/
Entries: http://www.ajdovscina-motorsport.si/rally/info/prijave08.htm
Results: http://www.ajdovscina-motorsport.si/rally/rezultati/

This rally will be european debut for new evo X, driven by german champion Hermann Gassner.

Jarek Z
23rd August 2008, 20:18
This weekend is also fifth round of slovenian rally championship: 2. rally Primorje Ajdovščina.

Web: http://www.ajdovscina-motorsport.si/rally/
Entries: http://www.ajdovscina-motorsport.si/rally/info/prijave08.htm
Results: http://www.ajdovscina-motorsport.si/rally/rezultati/

This rally will be european debut for new evo X, driven by german champion Hermann Gassner.

Thanks for the information. We are certainly waiting for the photos of the new car.

23rd August 2008, 21:43
Thanks for the information. We are certainly waiting for the photos of the new car.


Not much but at least a "teaser" for start...

Bdw. first stage was canceled after half of the field because of huge thunderstorm. I hope for better weather tomorrow.

25th August 2008, 16:21
Lithuanian Rally Chamipnship round - Aukstaitija 2008.
Results are here: http://www.rally-live.lt/ and pictures, as usual [ :) ] here: http://www.rallyemotions.net/aukstaitija_08/

25th August 2008, 17:25

Not much but at least a "teaser" for start...

Bdw. first stage was canceled after half of the field because of huge thunderstorm. I hope for better weather tomorrow.

Gassner was 8 overall... not a godd result for the new car..
You know if it happened something wrong with the car?
I saw the stage times.. he was only around 8 place... so I think everithing went normal...

25th August 2008, 17:33
www.saaremaarally.ee (http://www.saaremaarally.ee) what u think?

26th August 2008, 08:29
]Gassner was 8 overall... not a godd result for the new car..
You know if it happened something wrong with the car?
I saw the stage times.. he was only around 8 place... so I think everithing went normal...

The car was still basically standard road car with some necessary racing equipment (roll-cage, seats, seatbealts), it has standard gearbox and engine electronics. Despite that I expected more even on car`s debut, especially if engineers wanted to be competitive to S2000 cars. After what I saw I think car can be little bit better than evo 9 after being rightly upgraded, but not so much as some has expected. Like I said once, 100kg more of "deficit" isn`t good start... He was even slower than two local drivers with R3/R2 cars...

26th August 2008, 10:44
Provisional entry list of Rallye Mont Blanc (French tarmac championship)
http://pagesperso-orange.fr/asacmontblanc/dl/inscrits_mb2008.pdf (http://pagesperso-orange.fr/asacmontblanc/dl/inscrits_mb2008.pdf)

Tom, is a surprise for me the entry of Spanish Luis Vilarińo with his Fiat S2000 (Barroso Sport).

You know that team is the 207 of Greiffenberg? And the 307 of Gal?

I suppose that the VW Polo of D.Fassano is one of the René Georges cars (VYH532).

26th August 2008, 12:18
I'm strongly DISAPPOINTED !!!! No trace of foreign drivers and no trace of S2000 drivers on entrylist of Rallye Coeur de France, therefore an event "IRC supporters" this year :mad:


It just looks like the rally it was the previous years, a single national event... :rolleyes:

I was REALLY expecting S2000s cars and non-french drivers entering it :(

26th August 2008, 12:24
By the way, this week-end next event of the french gravel championship, the Terre des Causses, with its usual belgian delegation that fight with the french drivers :p :

This time Bruno Thiry has a far better car than in Langres to fight for victory(what did he really expect with a VW TDI exactly at Langres??? :s )...


26th August 2008, 12:40
According to the calendar thread, this week-end there will be also the next round of bulgarian championship(Sliven), the greek championship, and the hungarian championship... ;)

janez l.
26th August 2008, 13:40
This weekend is also fifth round of slovenian rally championship: 2. rally Primorje Ajdovščina.

Web: http://www.ajdovscina-motorsport.si/rally/
Entries: http://www.ajdovscina-motorsport.si/rally/info/prijave08.htm
Results: http://www.ajdovscina-motorsport.si/rally/rezultati/

This rally will be european debut for new evo X, driven by german champion Hermann Gassner.

Video of the rally


27th August 2008, 07:59
I've forgotten the Rallye du Pays basque this week-end also ;)

Many spanish/basque drivers will compete against the french... :p :


27th August 2008, 19:14
Provisional entry list of Rallye Mont Blanc (French tarmac championship)
http://pagesperso-orange.fr/asacmontblanc/dl/inscrits_mb2008.pdf (http://pagesperso-orange.fr/asacmontblanc/dl/inscrits_mb2008.pdf)

I suppose that the VW Polo of D.Fassano is one of the René Georges cars (VYH532).

NO, this is a complete new Car... the VYH-532 will drive in Norway with Rune Danneborg at the same weekend.. :)

27th August 2008, 19:56
Jack, I saw an onboard camera in Berndt's car on Barum rally. Is there any onboard available?

27th August 2008, 21:40
]Jack, I saw an onboard camera in Berndt's car on Barum rally. Is there any onboard available?

Hey Mirek, i think it should be available, because i saw onboard images of Casiers accident in SS11, where he went of against the bridge coming from cobblestones. So probably there are some more onboard images available. ;)

28th August 2008, 06:49
NO, this is a complete new Car... the VYH-532 will drive in Norway with Rune Danneborg at the same weekend.. :)

sorry, wrong info, Danneborg will use the YEP-767 in Norway.

28th August 2008, 10:31
]Jack, I saw an onboard camera in Berndt's car on Barum rally. Is there any onboard available?

Hallo Mirek, we are waiting to get the images....

28th August 2008, 23:08
Bad start for Travaglia and Rossetti in Rally Del Friuli e delle Alpi Orientali
Travaglia lost a wheel and Rossetti rolled is 207.. but it look's like both will start tomorrow.

28th August 2008, 23:16
]Bad start for Travaglia and Rossetti in Rally Del Friuli e delle Alpi Orientali
Travaglia lost a wheel and Rossetti rolled is 207.. but it look's like both will start tomorrow.

So, this happened on shake-down, did it? :eek:

29th August 2008, 09:34
So, this happened on shake-down, did it? :eek:

Yes , yes.
I forgot to mention! :rolleyes:

29th August 2008, 09:36
By the way... Rally started.. but as normal in Italian Rallys, live stage times are slow...


29th August 2008, 10:47
Rossetti's crash from shakedown:

29th August 2008, 11:03
Karel Trojan will drive Octavia WRC on next round of Czech Rallysprint champ, Rally Agropa Pačejov, 6th september 2008.

29th August 2008, 11:20
Looks like the crash didn't bother Rosetti too much, he starts the rally fastest. Notice the performance of Boštjan Logar in old Punto Kit car. :)

29th August 2008, 11:27
Interesting to see a nice battle between Rossetti and Travaglia..
This time Puntos are much closer to Peugeot

29th August 2008, 11:45
Elwis Chentre is doing great in S1600 :)

29th August 2008, 11:47
Video from rally Aukstaitija (http://www.rallyemotions.net/video/Aukshtaitija_2008.wmv) [downloadable wmv, 60MB] at rallyemotions.net

29th August 2008, 12:09
Video from rally Aukstaitija (http://www.rallyemotions.net/video/Aukshtaitija_2008.wmv) [downloadable wmv, 60MB] at rallyemotions.net

There are some crazy drivers :s mokin:

29th August 2008, 12:24
They did quite a good job in Racing Lions, because car was pretty well damaged, anyway that is what i see on video. ;)

29th August 2008, 12:27
They did quite a good job in Racing Lions, because car was pretty well damaged, anyway that is what i see on video. ;)

Thats correct, car was nearly completely destroyed (from outside)

29th August 2008, 12:29
So, after three stages in Italy:

1. Travaglia
2. Rosetti at 2"6
3. Navarra at 27"2
4. Andreucci at 36"8
5. Longhi at 1'04"1
6. Cantamessa at 1'05"9

The GR N cars seem to be quite a lot off the pace compared to S2000 cars, or did they have some problems? ;)

29th August 2008, 12:36
What a bad luck for Perico and Cavallini with punctures for both on SS3(their 207s run with Pirellis) :mad:

29th August 2008, 14:09
Here is the video of Travaglia too (yesterday shakedown)

29th August 2008, 15:54
What happened to Longhi?

29th August 2008, 15:55
End of leg 1 Friuli...

Full suspense for tomorrow's 6 last stages of rally as Rossetti and Travaglia have only a 5.1s gap :)

29th August 2008, 15:55
]What happened to Longhi?

Electrical problem on road section :(

29th August 2008, 21:49
By the way, this week-end next event of the french gravel championship, the Terre des Causses, with its usual belgian delegation that fight with the french drivers :p :

This time Bruno Thiry has a far better car than in Langres to fight for victory(what did he really expect with a VW TDI exactly at Langres??? :s )...


Results will be on http://www.mks2.fr and also on http://www.ffsa.org/res_rallye_frame.php?id=861

Have a great result, Belgians :p :

30th August 2008, 08:36
Pieter Tsjoen, 4 times Belgian Rally Champion in 2001, 2003, 2004 and 2006, will make his comeback in the next round of the Belgian Rally Championship, the 'Omloop van Vlaanderen' at 13-14 September. His car is the same as his winning car in 2006, the Ford Focus WRC'05. He will also drive the Condroz and maybe another rally (Rally Haspengouw?) too. Raphaël Auquier (VW Polo S2000) won't start in this rally.

From outside Belgium, there is normally Steve Hendy (GB, Ford Focus WRC), Tom Holton (IRL, Toyota Celica GT-Four), Ronald Leemans (NL, Mitsubishi Lancer Evo 6 Group A), Graham Coffey (GB, Subaru Impreza WRC) and Peter Lloyd (GB, Subaru Impreza WRC).

Patrick Snijers (Porsche 911 GT3), Timothy Van Parijs (Porsche 911 GT3), Melissa Debackere (Toyota Corolla WRC), Paul Lietaer (Subaru Impreza WRC), Dirk Vermeirsch (Subaru Impreza WRC) and Bernd Casier (VW Polo S2000) will be there too.

30th August 2008, 10:41
Rossetti increases his leadership over Travaglia to 15s after SS8 Rally Friuli :D

30th August 2008, 11:27
Accident for Travaglia on SS9 Friuli :eek:

Rossetti is now leading with 1m02s over Navarra...

30th August 2008, 11:46
where can i find pictures of No34 A.Pirelli-T.Furlan from rally Alpi Orientali?
thanks in advance.

30th August 2008, 12:39
After 5 stages, Krum Donchev is dominating the Rally Sliven with a 40s gap over Dimitar Iliev !!! :)

30th August 2008, 12:51
Results will be on http://www.mks2.fr and also on http://www.ffsa.org/res_rallye_frame.php?id=861

Have a great result, Belgians :p :

After three stages of Rallye des Causses, Bob Colsoul is leading the rally in his Mitsubishi Lancer GrA :bounce:

Average times for Dominique Bruyneel in his Subaru Impreza GrN(9th overall)... :mark:

After a good time in SS1 and a less good one in SS2, Bruno Thiry disappeared from SS3... :(

30th August 2008, 14:10
In Hungary Rally Ozd after SS6:

1. Bénik
2. Spitzmuller +9,4
3. Turán +24,1

7. Asi (1st N4) +1:11,4

9. Béreš (S2000) +1:43,3

Results here: http://www.rallyinfo.hu/time.php?tour=ob&yr=2008&city=ozd&stage=99&kat=3&jog=1

30th August 2008, 14:33
Navarra out as well. Another "tragedy" for Abarth...

30th August 2008, 14:45
]Navarra out as well. Another "tragedy" for Abarth...

Disaster at home for FIAT :s

Also big problems(mechanical) for Perico on his 207(he lost 1'22" on penultimate stage of rally) :(

30th August 2008, 15:18
Victory at Friuli for Luca Rossetti in front of Paolo Andreucci and Luca Cantamessa :bounce:

30th August 2008, 16:37
Disaster for Belgians on the Rallye Terre des Causses, with retirement of leader Bob Colsoul on SS5(mechanical failure) :(

Only Belgian still on run is Dominique Bruyneel 9th overall...

30th August 2008, 16:38
]In Hungary Rally Ozd after SS6:

1. Bénik
2. Spitzmuller +9,4
3. Turán +24,1

7. Asi (1st N4) +1:11,4

9. Béreš (S2000) +1:43,3

Results here: http://www.rallyinfo.hu/time.php?tour=ob&yr=2008&city=ozd&stage=99&kat=3&jog=1

What happened to Benik Balasz on(or before)SS7 ??? He disappeared from results board... :confused:

31st August 2008, 08:38
After 5 stages, Krum Donchev is dominating the Rally Sliven with a 40s gap over Dimitar Iliev !!! :)

After 11 stages Donchev is really dominating the Rally Sliven with a gap of 2 minutes over Iliev :D


31st August 2008, 08:43
By the way, after two stages of Ronde Valcavargna(Italy), Corrado Fontana(back with first love with which he won the italian IRC in 2006, the 206 wrc)is leading in front of Mirco Virag(307 wrc- whale)and Maurizio Ferrechi(Focus wrc07) :)


1st September 2008, 08:08

some photos of the 44° Rally del Friuli e delle Alpi Orientali (+historic) are on:

1st September 2008, 10:34
Tom: My friend said Benik was driving slowly on hazard lights around him...

1st September 2008, 19:47
Results of penultimate round of Finnish Championship

1st September 2008, 20:48
Thank you, COD. Finally a finish for Jukka Ketomäki in the Octavia WRC. Do you know where I can find pictures from this event and where I can see the final results in the championship, also for Group N?

2nd September 2008, 11:00
The Cavan man and his season-long rival, Niall Maguire, had continued their battle on the seventh round of the championship, and co-driven as usual by Paul Goodman, Elliot finished 9.3s ahead of Maguire and Enda Sherry. The rally was in the balance from the start and entering the final stage, Maguire was just 0.5s ahead of Elliott. But the Monaghan man’s Impreza suffered a puncture a few miles from the end and Elliott took victory and a two-point lead in championship. Kevin Barrett/ Sean Mullally were third.

anupacraigmaven (http://www.motorsportforums.com/forums/maven)

Jarek Z
2nd September 2008, 17:40
(...) where I can see the final results in the championship, also for Group N?

Why not here?

By the way, it's the last year for WRC cars in the Finnish championship. Good to see Rantanen in a fast car finally!

Jarek Z
2nd September 2008, 17:41
After 11 stages Donchev is really dominating the Rally Sliven with a gap of 2 minutes over Iliev :D

And Donchev won the rally in front of Iliev and Slavov. Final results and standings can be found here:

2nd September 2008, 19:34
Why not here?

Thank you very much, Jarek.

2nd September 2008, 23:49
This saturday Rally Agropa Pačejov, another round of Czech rallysprint championship and Czech championship for historical cars.

Entry list:

Drotár is missing this time but there is another WRC instead of him with Karel Trojan behind the wheel.

Time schedule:

3rd September 2008, 07:07
Why is gentlemen-driver Václav Mulač in a Lancer Evo 9 Group A this time? I think this is a fault from the entry list and he is again in his Subaru? Do you know more, Mirek?

3rd September 2008, 10:02
Can anyone tell me when is the 41. Allianz Pecs Rallye???

3rd September 2008, 10:04
Yes, that is probably mistake. Anyway, I have never seen Evo 9 in gr.A :)

3rd September 2008, 12:11
Belgian Bob Colsoul won a round for the French Gravel Championship in July with Evo 9 Group A, the 'Terre des Langres'. ;)

3rd September 2008, 14:49
In its nearly 50 springs, Tato Suarez, excited about returning to compete in land majoreras

The rally of Antigua is a whole new challenge for the team from San Jose BP composed of the campeonísimo Tato Suarez and Mark Guerra, who will take the game at the controls of the spectacular Ford Escort WRC.



3rd September 2008, 18:01
Thank you, COD. Finally a finish for Jukka Ketomäki in the Octavia WRC. Do you know where I can find pictures from this event and where I can see the final results in the championship, also for Group N?

Indeed. Ketomäki was actually the fastest driver in the rally, but lost the win because of a 10 sec penalty for lateness from service.

Championship standings seem not to be updated. A shame really, how can they not have that in this age and time. However, they will appear here eventually I guess... http://www.autourheilu.fi/attachements/2008-07-12T21-49-47255.pdf

Photos at least here: http://www.fotohana.fi/2008/index.php?action=showgal&cat=1840

3rd September 2008, 21:00
Finally Luis Villarino in a 207 S2000 at Rallye San Froilan(Spain)or at the Mont-Blanc(France)in a Grande Punto ??? :confused:

4th September 2008, 09:40
Can anyone tell me when is the 41. Allianz Pecs Rallye???

November 7-9, maybe we'll have a snow event...

4th September 2008, 10:30
Is the Allianz Rally in some kind of problems?
I have seen infos that it is 28. September,then 5. October and now 5.-7. November...

4th September 2008, 13:19
Rossetti's crash from shakedown:

Does someboby know if there is a picture series or a video of the rebuild of the car? (before he won the event)

4th September 2008, 17:30
HD video from Hungarian Ozd Rally:

5th September 2008, 08:53
Is the Allianz Rally in some kind of problems?
I have seen infos that it is 28. September,then 5. October and now 5.-7. November...

I think it has the same date since april when the calendar was published.

5th September 2008, 16:04
Nice video from Ozd:

5th September 2008, 19:34
Results from PAčejov will be here: http://reco.pb.cz/cgi-bin/soutez/2008/pacejov/reco/overal

5th September 2008, 20:08
They measured speed on Ozd rally in some places. Here are the results:

Interesting is that Asi was always fastest N4 and on some stages way fastest (by more than 10 km/h) agains "the same" Lancers. With his huge number of disqualifications in the past a question comes :) But if that doesn't bother his rivals...

6th September 2008, 10:02
After 3 special stages in Rally Agropa, Karel Trojan (Octavia WRC) took the lead over from Roman Odložilík (207 S2000, +6"2). Third is championship leader Josef Peták (207 S2000, +12"9). Jan Sýkora is first in Group N and 4th overall at 26"7. Note the good performance from Martin Semerád who is 7th overall after SS3, only 5 seconds behind his father.

Karel Trněný, Radek Mifka (differential) retired in SS1 and Vladimír Berger and Jan Šlehofer retired after SS2. Tomáš Kurka had his usual retirement with mechanical problems and this time it was in SS2.

6th September 2008, 11:56
After SS4 Odlozilik climbed back +3.5s behind Trojan :p :

6th September 2008, 14:56
Trojan lost everything in SS7(+3 m30 lost)and gives lead to the S2000s(Odlozilik in front of Petŕk)with one stage left to go... :s

6th September 2008, 14:59
Yes, Trojan was stopped. Maybe puncture... There will be great Battle for 4th place between Semerád and Semerád Jr. :D

6th September 2008, 15:30
Still two rallys to go but Josef Peták is new Czech sprintrally Champion! Semerád senior defeated his 18 years old son by 0,7 seconds. Realy nice result for young one!

In finish:

1. Odložilík, 207 S2000
2. Peták, 207 S2000, +20,0
3. Sýkora, Evo 9, +1:00,4
4. Semerád Sr., Evo 9, +1:16,0
5. semerád Jr., Evo 9, 1:16,7
6. Červenka, Evo 9, +1:25,9
7. Ducháček, Evo 9, +1:34,8
8. Dohnal, Clio S1600, +1:45,6
9. Pantálek, Evo 8, +1:59,2
10. Minařík, Fabia KC, +2:26,7

Trojan changed wheel on SS7.

7th September 2008, 11:13
First onboards from Pačejov:

Peták SS2: http://www.mediasport.cz/multimedia/videa/rally-cz/petak_PAC_rz2.wmv
Sýkora SS3: http://www.mediasport.cz/multimedia/videa/rally-cz/sykora_PAC_rz3.wmv

If doesn't work, use menu: http://www.mediasport.cz/videa/rok-2008

7th September 2008, 13:58
my fotos from the rally agropa



7th September 2008, 19:36
One question please.
Allianz Hungaria Rally later in september is going or not?

7th September 2008, 21:07
The first Open Rally Challenge season in Croatia is finished with the 1.ORC Virovitčki rally.The rally was won by the multi-time Croatian rally champion Nenad Lončari&#263 ;( Subaru Impreza) who is also the first ORC champion.The rally drivers were joined by drifters and slalom drivers who heated up the crowd and made this event even more spectacular.
We hope that the ORC project will continue next year with even more spectacular races.

8th September 2008, 08:47
One question please.
Allianz Hungaria Rally later in september is going or not?

November 7-9.

8th September 2008, 10:49
Nice hi-res video from Pačejov: http://www.rallyvidea.com/?ref=1&id=8&video=2008/pacejov_2008.wmv

8th September 2008, 11:44
Rallies to follow next week-end ;)

Rallye Principe Asturias(spanish champ./IRC)
Rallye BP Ultimate(austrian champ.)
Rally Costa Smeralda(italian champ./italian gravel champ.)
Next round of danish championship(don't know name)

Any others :confused:

8th September 2008, 12:16
'Omloop van Vlaanderen', http://www.omloopvanvlaanderen.be , 6th round of the Belgian Rally Championship.

8th September 2008, 13:01
Rally Aquacity Tatry Púchov, Slovakia. Slovak champ and European Cup Central coef. 10. See separate thread ;)

8th September 2008, 14:54
There's also another interesting rally in Italy, the Rally Valle Varaita(Cuneesi)counting also for the swiss championship... :)

Big surprise to me is swiss Antonio Galli who left his C2 S1600 in garage to drive a 207 S2000(same car as his countryman Grégoire Hotz) :D

8th September 2008, 20:08
November 7-9.

Why change of start? That may be snow rally!
I planed to came in Hungaria to watch.

8th September 2008, 20:57
Pictures and video of the Amsterdam Rallysprint online @ http://www.rallymedia.nl :D




8th September 2008, 21:22
Pictures from the 14. Interspeed Rally (CEZ and Serbian Championship)


...and others serbian events


10th September 2008, 18:22
Back in action:


10th September 2008, 19:50
Juha, I post your link between img tags to get attention ;)


A W E S O M E ! ! !

11th September 2008, 14:51
hello. I'm looking for internet sites in english about national rallies in Europe. Anybody can help me? Thanks

11th September 2008, 16:16
This thread is a good start. :)

11th September 2008, 21:06
hello. I'm looking for internet sites in english about national rallies in Europe. Anybody can help me? Thanks

Here is one from Finland, not very well updated though....

Send mail to them to tell how badly it is updated, maybe it gets better....

jure dvorsek
12th September 2008, 12:13
Costa Smeralda, after first SS, Andreucci already in the lead.

12th September 2008, 12:17
Can You give us link on results?

12th September 2008, 12:19
Look here, Mirek ;) http://rally.ficr.it/tab_schedule.asp?p_Anno=2008&p_Codice=2&p_Manifestazione=12

jure dvorsek
12th September 2008, 12:55
Uauuuu, Ucci is flaying, on SS2 almost half a minute advantage in front of all others....He is unbeatable !!

12th September 2008, 13:37
thanks, I am looking also sites in english language about rallying in Italy and France

12th September 2008, 15:35
Nobody mentions Uwe Nittel! Great pace by the German!

12th September 2008, 15:41
Nittel is indeed surprisingly fast. Note the retirements from Travaglia and Longhi too.

12th September 2008, 16:20
can somebody confirm if it is in wet tarmac?
thanks in advance.

12th September 2008, 16:43
Costa Smeralda is gravel, isn't it?

12th September 2008, 17:50
yes its gravel mate.

12th September 2008, 17:53
i typed wrong mate,i know its a gravel event ;)

i see big differences in times,thats why i asked about it.
maybe tyre choices if it is mud?

12th September 2008, 18:17
This weekend will be held Yalta rally in Ukraine.There will be one Lithuanian crew Ramūnas Čapkauskas with EVO9.Can somebody give me a live results site?

13th September 2008, 08:31
Live results from the 'Omloop van Vlaanderen', 6th round of the Belgian Rally Championship: http://www.rallyresultaten.net/omloop/2008/moderne/uitslag.html

There is the comeback from 4 times Belgian Champion Pieter Tsjoen with his Ford Focus WRC'05. He didn't drive a rally since Ypres 2007. There are also Hubert Deferm, Bernard Munster and Graham Coffey (GB) with Subaru Impreza WRC, Melissa Debackere (Toyota Corolla WRC), Steve Hendy (GB, Ford Focus WRC), Patrick Snijers, Henri Schmelcher and Timothy Van Parijs with Porsche 911 GT3, Andy Lefevere (winner in 2005) with BMW M3 E46 and Bernd Casier with VW Polo S2000.

13th September 2008, 10:09
Thanks Wim.

13th September 2008, 10:11
The webdesigner made a litle mistake, these links should do the job:

Tsjoen fastest away, fastest on first and second stage, Deferm loses a lot on the first one.

13th September 2008, 15:05
There is thrilling battle in Austria. BP Ultimate rally. After SS14 from 16 Baumschalger in the lead 12 seconds from Wittmann and 21 from Waldherr. All three were leading for some time and everything is still opened :)


13th September 2008, 16:23
On Rally Valli Cuneesi Giuseppe Grossi is leading in front of Maurizio Ferrechi and Silvano Luciani after two stages ;)

In the swiss championship part, both S2000 drivers Hotz and Galli are leading(6th and 7th overall) :)


13th September 2008, 16:31
Ucci finally won :bounce:


13th September 2008, 16:37
Congratulations to Ucci,I imagine what he could do in the IRC...
Elwis Chentre is the top 2WD driver AGAIN!!!

13th September 2008, 16:38
Congratulations to Ucci,I imagiine what he could do in the IRC...
Elwis Chentre is the top 2WD driver AGAIN!!!

13th September 2008, 17:15
BP Ultimate Rally Austria in finish:

1. Baumschlager, Evo 9
2. Waldherr, Polo S2000, +9,0
3. Wittmann, Evo 9, +22,0
4. Harrach, Evo CNG, +1:19,9
5. Danzinger, Golf Kit Car, +2:02,5
6. Stengg, Evo 9, 2:19,1
7. Saibel, Evo 9, +2:20,4
8. Kogler, Evo 9, +2:44,6

14th September 2008, 15:35
Omloop van Vlaanderen in finish. Tsjoen retired from secure first place. Nice battle between Münster, Snijers and Casier till the end.

1. Lietaer, Impreza WRC
2. Debackere, Corolla WRC, +1:44,6
3. Münster, Impreza WRC, +2:20,7
4. Snijers, Porsche, +2:30,0
5. Casier, Polo S2000, +2:39,0
6. Deferm, Impreza WRC, +5:26,2
7. Lefevere, BMW M3, +6:07,8
8. De Keyser, Impreza N4, +11:53,1

14th September 2008, 17:37
On Rally Valli Cuneesi Giuseppe Grossi is leading in front of Maurizio Ferrechi and Silvano Luciani after two stages ;)

In the swiss championship part, both S2000 drivers Hotz and Galli are leading(6th and 7th overall) :)


Giuseppe Grossi won ahead of Maurizio Ferrechi and Silvano Luciani...

Fantastic result for the swiss S2000 drivers Grégoire Hotz(who even got a 1 minute penalty during rally!!) and Antonio "Gigi" Galli who finished 5th and 6th overall :D

15th September 2008, 03:22
Omloop pics by Willy Weyens

jure dvorsek
15th September 2008, 09:13
This week-end was superb for me: Vettel demolished ''big boys'' in Monza, Rossi is almost a champ in Motto GP and my favourite Italian driver Andreucci showed (again!!), who is the master of driving skills in Italy....
Next round for CIR: SanRemo,I will pray for the rain-this is oportunity for Ucci to overclass all others...In the dry, he has no chance against top drivers in S2000 cars....

15th September 2008, 17:40
Result from 4. round of the Danish Rallychampionship

1 Brian Madsen Peugeot 207 Super 2000 (13) 01:58:04.261
2 Christian K. Jensen Subaru WRX Sti 14 (4) 01:58:35.944 00:31.683
3 Max Christensen Subaru WRX Sti (4) 01:59:06.079 01:01.818
4 Martin Johansen Suzuki Swift Super 1600 (6) 01:59:43.132 01:38.871
5 Tim Svanholt VW Golf GTI (7) 01:59:50.981

16th September 2008, 07:45
Several rallies to follow this coming week-end !!! :)

Rajd Orlen(Poland)
Fabaria Rally(Italy)
Rali Centro Portugal
Rali do Nacional(Madeira)
Pribram Rally(CZ)

Any others ??? :confused:

16th September 2008, 09:59
Several rallies to follow this coming week-end !!! :)

Rajd Orlen(Poland)
Fabaria Rally(Italy)
Rali Centro Portugal
Rali do Nacional(Madeira)
Pribram Rally(CZ)

Any others ??? :confused:

Hellendoorn Rally (NL-ERC)
SM Vaakuna-Ralli, Mikkeli (FIN)
Rally Trřgstad (NO)
Raliul Avram Iancu (RO)

16th September 2008, 10:10
Result from 4. round of the Danish Rallychampionship

1 Brian Madsen Peugeot 207 Super 2000 (13) 01:58:04.261
2 Christian K. Jensen Subaru WRX Sti 14 (4) 01:58:35.944 00:31.683
3 Max Christensen Subaru WRX Sti (4) 01:59:06.079 01:01.818
4 Martin Johansen Suzuki Swift Super 1600 (6) 01:59:43.132 01:38.871
5 Tim Svanholt VW Golf GTI (7) 01:59:50.981

Where can I find a picture from Madsen?

16th September 2008, 10:13
Rally Příbram, last round of Czech international championship and also another round of Czech championship for historical cars. 2008 champion Kresta will be missing as expected. But there is still some chance for Pavel Valoušek to be second but only if Pech takes practicaly zero points. Another missing is Trojan after huge crash last saturday in Slovakia.

Official website: http://www.rally.pb.cz/
Maps: http://www.rally.pb.cz/index.php?p=mapy.htm&m=rally&n=mapy
Entry list: http://www.rally.pb.cz/index.php?p=posadky_vypis05.php&m=divaci&n=posadky
Time schedule: http://www.rally.pb.cz/index.php?p=ch.htm&m=jezdci&n=ch

16th September 2008, 15:22
There's also next round of bulgarian championship, Rally Yu :D

16th September 2008, 22:24
Where can I find a picture from Madsen?


try these

17th September 2008, 09:54
Pictures from "omloop van Vlaanderen" you can see here:

Lietaer has won the rally...Tsjoen was leading but his car failed to start on sunday morning :rolleyes:

17th September 2008, 10:45
Video Rallye town of Adeje.

In action a Ford Focus 06 ex Hirvonen, a Subaru S12 and S5, a Renault Clio R3, a Citroen Saxo Kit Car ex Citroen Spain, two Megane Kit Car, a Mitshubishi Galant VR4 ex Mitsubishi Ralliart


17th September 2008, 10:50

try these

Great! Thanks a lot!

17th September 2008, 10:56
Round 6 of Estonian rally championships, SEB Mulgi Ralli (http://www.motorsport.ee/viljandi/results/?id=res&s=13), was held on the 12.-13. of September. Title fights are still on after this rally (last event is Saaremaa, 10.-11. October).

Top six:
1. Margus Remmak/Olaf Suuder (Mitsubishi Lancer EVO 9) 45:40,4
2. Egon Kaur/Simo Koskinen (Subaru Impreza WRX STI Spec C) +0:13,7
3. Ott Tänak/Raigo Mőlder (Subaru Impreza WRX STI) +0:15,8
4. Georg Gross/Kristo Kraag (Subaru Impreza STI Spec C) +0:29,7
5. Slava Popov/Talis Perosti (Mitsubishi Lancer EVO 8) +0:33,9
6. Aigar Pärs/Kristo Kallas (Subaru Impreza WRX STI) +0:34,4

Some pictures from me here: http://recce.pri.ee/album140/fotod.html :)

17th September 2008, 21:14
There's also next round of bulgarian championship, Rally Yu :D

41.Serbian Rally (ex YU) is part of Serbian and Bulgarian championship

offical site: http://www.yurally.co.yu

17th September 2008, 21:49
Nice video from BP Ultimate Rallye Krumbach 2008 (A):

18th September 2008, 21:42
Pavel Valoušek has special sponsor for Rally Příbram:

19th September 2008, 09:52
Tonight starts "The Hellendoorn Rally" in Holland (Also known as "The Golden Tulip Rally")

Friday evening (in the dark): 6 stages
Saturday: 14 stages

results and entrylist: www.rallytiming.nl (http://www.rallytiming.nl)

Main entries:

Erik Wevers - Focus WRC06
Mark van Eldik - Impreza WRC S12b
Dennis Kuipers - Focus WRC06
Patrick Snijers(BEL) - Porsche GT3
Dirk Boers - Impreza WRC S7
Rene Kuipers - Focus WRC06
Jasper van den Heuvel - Evo9
David Turnbull(GBR) - Impreza WRC S11
John Temmink - Fabia WRC05
Graham Coffey(GBR) - Impreza WRC S9
Paul Kirtley(GBR) - Impreza WRC
Chris van Woensel(BEL) - Nissan 350Z

19th September 2008, 10:01
First leg Rally Pribram(CZ)this afternoon(4.00pm gmt+2) ;)

19th September 2008, 11:44
No, it is CET = GMT+1 :D

19th September 2008, 14:52
Rally Příbram online results: http://mmcr.vysledky-rally.cz/rallysport/2008/mcr/pribram/1abs.php
Online GPS tracking: http://www.rallyzive.cz/

19th September 2008, 15:30
Jaroslav Orsak best time on SS1 ahead of Vaclav Pech, then come Jaromir Tarabus, Pavel valousek and Jozef Petŕk... :)

8th fastest time for Roman Odlozilik...

19th September 2008, 15:40
I expect big battle in group A as this is the last round of championship and 3 drivers still may be champions! Zedník (Fiesta S1600), Šlehofer (Punto S1600) and Sedláček (Clio R3).

19th September 2008, 17:38
What happens with SS4 ??? GPS Transmission problem, or stage delayed/cancelled ??? :confused:

It should have started by several minutes now :rolleyes:

19th September 2008, 18:14
It looks like SS4 and 5 start with 15 minutes late(following an incident with driver Tomasz Kurka) :confused:

19th September 2008, 19:48
After first three stages in Hellendoornrally Netherlands:

1. Van Eldik (Subaru Impreza WRC)
2. Wevers (Ford Focus WRC) at 7"
3. Boers (Subaru Impreza WRC) at 30"
4. Kuipers D. (Ford Focus WRC) at 52"
5. Van den Heuvel (Mitsubishi Evo 9 Gr. N) at 56"
6. Kuipers R. (Ford Focus WRC) at 1'06"
7. Snijers (Porsche 911 GT3) at 1'29"
8. Van Woensel (Nissan 350Z) at 1'39"

19th September 2008, 19:58
Next weekend is the Arboe Rallye,a rally counting for both the Austrian and the Croatian championship.
Entry list:

19th September 2008, 23:04
Tom: Yes, they were removing Kurka's car. Nothing serious, don't worry ;)

Pavel Valoušek had differential problem. He hopes for better tomorrow. Pech is now secure on second place for the championship.

In group A Sedláček is leading by 13 seconds from Šlehofer. In this case Sedláček would be champion by one point in front of Šlehofer :) Still big battle.

20th September 2008, 05:36
After first day in Hellendoorn (six stages):

1. Van Eldik
2. Wevers at 4"
3. Boers at 47"
4. Kuipers D. at 1'22"
5. Van den Heuvel at 1'46"
6. Kuipers R. at 1'49"
7. Snijers at 2'38"
8. Huzink (Toyota Celica) at 2'48"

20th September 2008, 08:09
To follow the Yu Rally(bulgarian championship) ;)


20th September 2008, 08:12
Bruno Magalhaes is leading the Rali do Centro after leg 1 in front of Jose Pedro Fontčs and Adruzilo Lopčs... ;)

In Madeira Alexandre Camacho is only 3rd after first two stages(behind S1600 drivers) :s

20th September 2008, 08:34
After SS9 Rally Pribram Pech is leading is front of Petŕk, Orsak and Valousek... ;)

Odlozilik is back 5th overall(he was 11th after leg 1)...

Retirement for Tarabus on SS9 as his Fiat broke down on stage... :(

20th September 2008, 09:22
After SS9 Rally Pribram Pech is leading is front of Petŕk, Orsak and Valousek... ;)

Odlozilik is back 5th overall(he was 11th after leg 1)...

Retirement for Tarabus on SS9 as his Fiat broke down on stage... :(

Little correct - Retirement of Tarabus isnt broke down of Fiat, but broke down of wheel after driver's mistake...

20th September 2008, 09:27
The last round of the Finnish Rally Championship will be driven today on Saturday 20th September...

Entry list:

Results Online:

After the SS1 it is very tight. Salo and Ketomaa are leading and Katajamaki is only 0,2 seconds behind the leaders...

20th September 2008, 11:02
Retirement for Pavel Valousek in SS12 :(

20th September 2008, 11:16
Yes, gearbox problem.

20th September 2008, 11:51
Winner of Czech international championship in class A5 is crew Mirek Levora and Pavla Třebínová in memoriam. Congratulation!

20th September 2008, 12:22
In order to prepare the Tour de Corse WRC, Sébastien Ogier(C2 S1600)and Conrad Rautenbach(C4 wrc)are running this week-end the Rallye national de Corté in Corsica ;)

After SS1 Rautenbach is second behind local driver Pascal Trojani(BSA whale) :)
Ogier is 30th, far behind the S1600 local driver Jean-Toussaint Albertini...maybe a problem or puncture or off ??? :(


20th September 2008, 12:33
What happened to José Pedro Fontčs on SS7 and Adruzilo Lopčs on SS8 at rali do Centro today ??? :confused:

Magalhaes is leading with 1'36" gap on new second placed Vitor Pascoal now...

20th September 2008, 14:11
In Hellendoorn rally after twelve stages, Van Eldik retired on stage 9 and Boers also retired, so Weverd easy ahead:

1. Wevers
2. Kuipers D. at 2'18"
3. Kuipers R. at 2'43"
4. Van den Heuvel at 3'10"
5. Huzink at 4'58"
6. Snijers at 5'27"

20th September 2008, 14:12
End of Rally Pribram with the victory for Vaclav Pech, the 2nd place for Jozef Petŕk and the 3rd place for Roman Odlozilik !!! :D

20th September 2008, 14:33
Josef Sedláček is ending his career as Czech group A champion! We will miss him next season but this is definitely the best way way to leave.

20th September 2008, 14:44
One great pass by Pavel Valoušek :)

20th September 2008, 14:52
Jan Šlehofer retired behind finish of last stage due to damaged flywheel.

20th September 2008, 15:09
Final Czech championship standings:
1. Kresta 270
2. Pech 249
3. Valoušek 188
4. Peták 113
5. Trojan 97
6. Orsák 77
7. Arazim 64
8. Štajf 64
9. Triner 51
10. Tarabus 44

A6 overal winner is Petr Zedník with Ford Fiesta S1600. Probably first ever title for this car all over the world.
A7 Sedláček (Clio R3) also whole gr. A
A5 Levora in memoriam (Fabia)
N4 Funny situation as Kresta and Pech have both 110 points, both 4 victories and 2 second places. Winner is the one who has better overal time in all rallys where both of them were classiffied.
N3 Smékal (Type-R)
N2 Dunovský (Civic VTi)
N1 Koupal (Fabia)

20th September 2008, 15:23
Nice video from 1st leg: http://www.stream.cz/DUDArallye

And I forgot the results of Rally Příbram itself :D

1. Pech, Evo 9
2. Peták, 207 S2000, +46,6
3. Odložilík, 207 S2000, +1:17,2
4. Orsák, Evo 9, +1:53,3
5. Arazim, Evo 9, +2:08,6
6. Štajf, N12B, +2:13,9
7. Triner, N12, +2:15,6
8. Sedláček, Clio R3, +4:04,9

20th September 2008, 15:36
Thank you for the information, Mirek. Keep up the good work.

Nice career end for Sedláček, congratulations to him and the other champions. A logical victory for Pech and Tom must be very happy with both 207 cars on the podium.

Incredible that Zedník took the A6 title with that car.

20th September 2008, 15:40
A5 Levora in memoriam (Fabia)
N4 Funny situation as Kresta and Pech have both 110 points, both 4 victories and 2 second places. Winner is the one who has better overal time in all rallys where both of them were classiffied.

So who is the N4 champion then?