View Full Version : Tariq Aziz

26th October 2010, 21:22
Christian Tariq Aziz was sentenced to death for persecution of religious (read Islamic) parties in Iraq. It's ironic that many Americans think they themselves were fighting against the Islamics and now are themselves torturing imprisoned Islamics. Americans seem to have thought they were saving the world and that it was good vs. evil, when in reality it was not so good vs. not so evil, and who was who only depended on how you look at things and who's side you're on.


Tariq Aziz, for many years the international face of Iraq under Saddam Hussein, has been sentenced to death by the Iraqi Supreme Court.

He was convicted in connection with the persecution of religious parties, a statement said.

Easy Drifter
27th October 2010, 01:20
Even for you your conclusions from that report are deeply flawed and bear no resemblence to what you claim.