View Full Version : Profiling

22nd October 2010, 18:20
A sniper may have shot at up to 15 immigrants over the past year in Malmö, Sweden. Now the Swedish police has come to the conclusion that the sniper might be a 20 to 40 year old male with connections to far right movements. No sh!t, Sherlock? Are they sure it isn't a 60 to 80 year old female with connections to the Salvation Army?


22nd October 2010, 18:46
were the immigrants Muslim??

22nd October 2010, 19:17
Sounds like the beginning of a Henning Mankel novel. Wallander will sort it all out. :)

On a more serious note, I hope it is only one nutter... and that they catch him/her.

Garry Walker
23rd October 2010, 00:51
A sniper may have shot at up to 15 immigrants over the past year in Malmö, Sweden. Now the Swedish police has come to the conclusion that the sniper might be a 20 to 40 year old male with connections to far right movements. No sh!t, Sherlock? Are they sure it isn't a 60 to 80 year old female with connections to the Salvation Army?


You know, the odds are that when a crime is committed, then someone from a racial minority has committed it.

Captain VXR
23rd October 2010, 03:56
were the immigrants Muslim??

Captain VXR
23rd October 2010, 03:59
You know, the odds are that when a crime is committed, then someone from a racial minority has committed it.

You know the odds are that when people from racial minorities are being targeted by a psychopathic killer, the killer is usually from a racial majority

23rd October 2010, 10:24
You know, the odds are that when a crime is committed, then someone from a racial minority has committed it.
So? The profile didn't say anything about race. Or are you saying that someone with connections to far right can't be from a racial minority, like a Swedish Saami for example?

Garry Walker
23rd October 2010, 12:39
You know the odds are that when people from racial minorities are being targeted by a psychopathic killer, the killer is usually from a racial majority

You know that serial killers usually target people of the same race they are?

Captain VXR
23rd October 2010, 14:17
You know that serial killers usually target people of the same race they are?

Read the article - it says they are racially motivated
I couldn't see a British Neo Nazi, for example, targeting white, British people

23rd October 2010, 15:22
You know that serial killers usually target people of the same race they are?
As far as I know, the victims weren't the same nationality or ethnicity, only thing common was that they were immigrants.

23rd October 2010, 20:12
As far as I know, the victims weren't the same nationality or ethnicity, only thing common was that they were immigrants.

Great were they driving Saabs or Volvos? :)

24th October 2010, 10:11
"linking up to 15..." So the police don't know how many for sure, it would seem. I too, fail to see the racial issue based upon the article. The shooter seems to be targeting"immigrants", in a heavily Islamic area, and some of the targets have been women. One dead out of a possible 15 targets would indicate a small caliber weapon, possibly a .22 rim fire, fired from longer than average range accounting for the lack of lethality, especially after having to penetrate barriers such as window glass.

I would suggest this might even be a rift between 2 or more Islamic sects. A philosophical or Sharia difference. Maybe an immigrant trying to thin out the waiting list by eliminating those ahead of him.

24th October 2010, 11:07
"linking up to 15..." So the police don't know how many for sure, it would seem. I too, fail to see the racial issue based upon the article. The shooter seems to be targeting"immigrants", in a heavily Islamic area, and some of the targets have been women.

About half of the human population are women and shooting women isn't an Islamic trait, others do it too. For example the Kauhajoki school shooter shot 8 women and only two men, and the shooter was most likely Lutheran:


I would suggest this might even be a rift between 2 or more Islamic sects. A philosophical or Sharia difference.
Then he/she must have known the victims, because a philosophical difference doesn't usually show in the face. Furthermore, the Swedish police might be dumb, but I'm sure even they would have noticed if the victims were from the same Islamic sect.

24th October 2010, 15:06
Could be a lot of things. The article doesn't give many, if any, details.

Dave B
24th October 2010, 15:20
Could be a lot of things. The article doesn't give many, if any, details.
That doesn't stop some people having a go at foreigners (read "immigrants" in their world). :dozey:

27th October 2010, 18:10

Fail?! After what they inherited and now look. Ford with record profits, more jobs, health care at least being implemented. Cutting the tax breaks of the wealth by wow a huge 3%. Getting the troops home from Iraq as promised.

Fail, I'd like to know how you must seem to believe that after eight years , countless deaths of innocent, worst attack on the mail and, losing both our youth in mind and body based upon deceit. Dealing NOW with the massive deficit created by the already proven intent that we invade Iraq when we should not have and where is the guy that started all the mayhem. In a cave in Pakistan I imagine.

So to those that were all gung-ho about the war and it's Fox cheerleaders. Your excuse at the time to rationalize it was to save the poor poor Iraqi citizens. Muslims, right?! Yet in the same breath you demonize those same people when they try to build a community center with a prayer area in it. Also one for Jews and Christians.

27th October 2010, 18:31
About half of the human population are women and shooting women isn't an Islamic trait, others do it too. For example the Kauhajoki school shooter shot 8 women and only two men, and the shooter was most likely Lutheran:


Then he/she must have known the victims, because a philosophical difference doesn't usually show in the face. Furthermore, the Swedish police might be dumb, but I'm sure even they would have noticed if the victims were from the same Islamic sect.

I have had some dealing with Police in a number of countries, including (but not limited to) Sweden, Germany, France, UK, Canada, USA and China.
The Swedish Police, at the patrolman level seemed slightly mentally retarded, some of their bosses and those in "Spaning" (va fan är ''spaning'' på englski?)
seemed severely mentally retarded.
I was surprised that they could find the door.

27th October 2010, 18:41
I have had some dealing with Police in a number of countries, including (but not limited to) Sweden, Germany, France, UK, Canada, USA and China.
The Swedish Police, at the patrolman level seemed slightly mentally retarded, some of their bosses and those in "Spaning" (va fan är ''spaning'' på englski?)
seemed severely mentally retarded.
I was surprised that they could find the door.
You know what they say, the reason why Swedish policemen patrol in pairs is that one can read and the other one can write.

Garry Walker
27th October 2010, 19:11
Read the article - it says they are racially motivatedWhenever someone non-white is killed, they always say it is racially motivated, but 99,9% of the times they find out that another non-white was behind the killing.

I couldn't see a British Neo Nazi, for example, targeting white, British people
Yeah, a non-white is far more likely to be the culprit.

Captain VXR
27th October 2010, 23:40
Fail?! After what they inherited and now look. Ford with record profits, more jobs, health care at least being implemented. Cutting the tax breaks of the wealth by wow a huge 3%. Getting the troops home from Iraq as promised.

Fail, I'd like to know how you must seem to believe that after eight years , countless deaths of innocent, worst attack on the mail and, losing both our youth in mind and body based upon deceit. Dealing NOW with the massive deficit created by the already proven intent that we invade Iraq when we should not have and where is the guy that started all the mayhem. In a cave in Pakistan I imagine.

So to those that were all gung-ho about the war and it's Fox cheerleaders. Your excuse at the time to rationalize it was to save the poor poor Iraqi citizens. Muslims, right?! Yet in the same breath you demonize those same people when they try to build a community center with a prayer area in it. Also one for Jews and Christians.

FFS I was saying that Roamysto was failing not the US government. For the record Id've voted for Obama if I was a yank

Bob Riebe
3rd November 2010, 20:58
Fail?! After what they inherited and now look. Ford with record profits, more jobs, health care at least being implemented. Cutting the tax breaks of the wealth by wow a huge 3%. Getting the troops home from Iraq as promised.

Ford did not file for bankruptcy; unemployment is higher than Pres. Obama said it would ever be; election showed tax increase is not selling; Obama administration is worried about how Iran is influencing affairs in Iraq after he started the cut and run.

Try again bunky.

4th November 2010, 03:47
"linking up to 15..." So the police don't know how many for sure, it would seem. I too, fail to see the racial issue based upon the article. The shooter seems to be targeting"immigrants", in a heavily Islamic area, and some of the targets have been women. One dead out of a possible 15 targets would indicate a small caliber weapon, possibly a .22 rim fire, fired from longer than average range accounting for the lack of lethality, especially after having to penetrate barriers such as window glass.

I would suggest this might even be a rift between 2 or more Islamic sects. A philosophical or Sharia difference. Maybe an immigrant trying to thin out the waiting list by eliminating those ahead of him.

I notice that you are attempting to make fun of me by adding my thread title to your signature line. You know, looking at what you have written over many threads and your attempt at disparaging me is quite telling.

Many times I have stated that there is an area that I am involved in professionally. What people say, and how they say it, along with little things like that signature that is supposed to make fun of me and you get the plaudits from those as insecure as you is a form of mental impotence.

I would suggest to you, as you appear to me as being easily manipulated that you try to post something that is rational and not this ludicrous and idiotic babbling you seem to have inherited from Chucky and Bobby.

Go and think for yourself. I am confident that you have some intelligence and are able to hazard an intelligent post.

4th November 2010, 13:18
I notice that you are attempting to make fun of me by adding my thread title to your signature line. You know, looking at what you have written over many threads and your attempt at disparaging me is quite telling.

Many times I have stated that there is an area that I am involved in professionally. What people say, and how they say it, along with little things like that signature that is supposed to make fun of me and you get the plaudits from those as insecure as you is a form of mental impotence.

I would suggest to you, as you appear to me as being easily manipulated that you try to post something that is rational and not this ludicrous and idiotic babbling you seem to have inherited from Chucky and Bobby.

Go and think for yourself. I am confident that you have some intelligence and are able to hazard an intelligent post.

It's not supposed to be making fun of you, it is making fun of you and your self proclaimed superior intellect. If you don't care for it or my posts, don't read them. If you don't care for the way it exposes you as a mere mortal to the other people on the forum, complain to a mod. If the mod asks me to change my signature, I will.

4th November 2010, 17:29
I notice that you are attempting to make fun of me by adding my thread title to your signature line. You know, looking at what you have written over many threads and your attempt at disparaging me is quite telling.

Many times I have stated that there is an area that I am involved in professionally. What people say, and how they say it, along with little things like that signature that is supposed to make fun of me and you get the plaudits from those as insecure as you is a form of mental impotence.

I would suggest to you, as you appear to me as being easily manipulated that you try to post something that is rational and not this ludicrous and idiotic babbling you seem to have inherited from Chucky and Bobby.

Go and think for yourself. I am confident that you have some intelligence and are able to hazard an intelligent post.

Ok Mr. Psycobable, what does it say about you when you bring others into a thread where they have not participated? Or what about starting threads to question someone's motives and then refusing to discuss any isue with them? Perhaps it's time to take a good hard look in the miror before you start passing judgment on others.

4th November 2010, 17:55
It's not supposed to be making fun of you, it is making fun of you and your self proclaimed superior intellect. If you don't care for it or my posts, don't read them. If you don't care for the way it exposes you as a mere mortal to the other people on the forum, complain to a mod. If the mod asks me to change my signature, I will.

It really disappoints me that you feel so insecure in your own ability you have to resort to making churlish assumptions as to my presumed intellect.

Not once did I ever state that I was superior to anyone but your inadequacies with your posts pointing out that I am superior is in itself an admission, probably subconscious by you that you are wanting in the area of intellect.

Keep on posting as you do. It only presents you as the village idiot. But alas, only a few would notice. For shame.

4th November 2010, 18:03
Chuck34, are you the "Chucky" he was referring to? I guess he has problems getting your name right too. We probably ought to cut him some slack. It's not easy being a genius, just ask Wile E. Coyote, genius.

4th November 2010, 18:04
It really disappoints me that you feel so insecure in your own ability you have to resort to making churlish assumptions as to my presumed intellect.

Not once did I ever state that I was superior to anyone but your inadequacies with your posts pointing out that I am superior is in itself an admission, probably subconscious by you that you are wanting in the area of intellect.

Keep on posting as you do. It only presents you as the village idiot. But alas, only a few would notice. For shame.

Yes, we have a rather large village here.

4th November 2010, 18:09
Ok Mr. Psycobable, what does it say about you when you bring others into a thread where they have not participated? Or what about starting threads to question someone's motives and then refusing to discuss any isue with them? Perhaps it's time to take a good hard look in the miror before you start passing judgment on others.

Another one. I would look in the MIRROR if I thought they were reason to. I would not ever look in a miror. Dangerous exercise when one is not aware of what that is. What is it Chucky?

Now with reference to your post. What on gods green earth are you blathering about?

Do you mean the thread I started that was closed? Closed for no reason. A simple question asked as to why for example, does anyone start a thread about shootings or tire pressure or any other issue. Is that simple enough for you because it sure as hell seems that you are too obtuse to even recognize the simplistic. Given that , how do you expect anyone to converse with you when all you do is run away like a juvenile with your inane commentary so unrealistic and all encompassing that you sound like you listen to Limbaugh all day then Beck in the evening.

Don't for one minute state that you answer questions. You don't. You simply repeat in another form the same old diatribe that you have posted before.

Oh, and by the way, what you are referring to is psychobabble. How can I take your comments with a anything but a grain of salt when your insults fall flat because of items such as that.

4th November 2010, 18:32
Another one. I would look in the MIRROR if I thought they were reason to. I would not ever look in a miror. Dangerous exercise when one is not aware of what that is. What is it Chucky?

Now with reference to your post. What on gods green earth are you blathering about?

Do you mean the thread I started that was closed? Closed for no reason. A simple question asked as to why for example, does anyone start a thread about shootings or tire pressure or any other issue. Is that simple enough for you because it sure as hell seems that you are too obtuse to even recognize the simplistic. Given that , how do you expect anyone to converse with you when all you do is run away like a juvenile with your inane commentary so unrealistic and all encompassing that you sound like you listen to Limbaugh all day then Beck in the evening.

Don't for one minute state that you answer questions. You don't. You simply repeat in another form the same old diatribe that you have posted before.

Oh, and by the way, what you are referring to is psychobabble. How can I take your comments with a anything but a grain of salt when your insults fall flat because of items such as that.

I'm posting from a phone so please forgive my spelling errors, oh great and infallable one.

Your thread was a thinnly veiled attempt to assert your supposed superiority over me and all others you have disagreements with. You are the one who claims to possess the key to the human mind so that should not be difficult for you to see.

Now you are trying to say that I run away from a fight? Wow I haven't laughed that hard in a while. Perhaps you can refresh my memory here real quick, which one of us said "no need to respond, I'm done with this"?

And now I only post repeated diatribes. You mean repeated diatribes like telling someone with a conservative viewpoit that they are just repeating things they hear from Beck and Limbaugh? Wow, I've NEVER heard that before, where did you pick that up, Maddow's show?

Apparently for some sort of fun, ole Gluey likes to accuse others for things he's done.

4th November 2010, 18:39
Ford did not file for bankruptcy; unemployment is higher than Pres. Obama said it would ever be; election showed tax increase is not selling; Obama administration is worried about how Iran is influencing affairs in Iraq after he started the cut and run.

Try again bunky.

Damn Bobby. You almost sound like that crazy lady from Minnesota. Yapping about something other than fact and trying to make it so.

Was filing for bankruptcy a prerequisite? The 9 billion credit line sure came in handy. How high was the unemployment going to be as stated by President Obama? Just a wild figure and a source will do and an explanation as to how he was going to fix everything that the last regime screwed up over eight years.

Cut and Run!!!! The most insulting cliché used by you Reich wingers. The withdrawal started PRIOR to President Obama taking office.

"Before beginning debate on the 2007 supplemental spending bill, the Senate voted on S.J.9, which was titled "A joint resolution to revise United States policy on Iraq." The resolution would require President Bush to begin a phased redeployment of U.S. combat forces from Iraq within 120 days of the enactment of the resolution. It would set a goal (not binding) of redeploying all troops by March 31, 2008. After this date, remaining troops could remain in the country only to act as security and training of Iraqi forces."

It's people like you that are followers and listen to uneducated jargon, and that is what the these alpha types look for. You are easily identifiable as the guy with the sign stating MORAN when he meant, oh you know what he meant to write Bobby.

You should take a visit to Walter Reid and see how the war for WMD's that were never found because they were never there and see the young men and women, limbless and lost, not to mention the thousands dead. Why are you such a gung-ho type Bobby? Have you got all of your limbs. You have lost something but it would be remiss of me to point it out. It is self evident with the final part of your post. By the way. Have you helped any of the US troops that are homeless? Those sufferring from PTSD. There are no homeless troops in the UK. I wonder why that is. Hmmmmm

Where is there undeniable proof that the tax program was a reason for the loss in Congress. Bobby, do you make $250,000 a year or more? Are you unwilling to share 3% more of that money in order to help the "country you love"? Bobby, you are , if you're working already receiving a tax cut. With this new Congress you will lose it. :)
So now you are on to Iran. Another country you know nothing about. You could not place it on a map and if I asked you without you having goggle to name the capital, the religious capital you would fail as John McCain did in trying to identify the difference between the two warring factions in Iraq and which could be most influenced by Iran.

Bob Riebe
4th November 2010, 19:17
Damn Bobby. You almost sound like that crazy lady from Minnesota. Yapping about something other than fact and trying to make it so.

Was filing for bankruptcy a prerequisite? The 9 billion credit line sure came in handy. How high was the unemployment going to be as stated by President Obama? Just a wild figure and a source will do and an explanation as to how he was going to fix everything that the last regime screwed up over eight years.

Cut and Run!!!! The most insulting cliché used by you Reich wingers. The withdrawal started PRIOR to President Obama taking office.

"Before beginning debate on the 2007 supplemental spending bill, the Senate voted on S.J.9, which was titled "A joint resolution to revise United States policy on Iraq." The resolution would require President Bush to begin a phased redeployment of U.S. combat forces from Iraq within 120 days of the enactment of the resolution. It would set a goal (not binding) of redeploying all troops by March 31, 2008. After this date, remaining troops could remain in the country only to act as security and training of Iraqi forces."

It's people like you that are followers and listen to uneducated jargon, and that is what the these alpha types look for. You are easily identifiable as the guy with the sign stating MORAN when he meant, oh you know what he meant to write Bobby.

You should take a visit to Walter Reid and see how the war for WMD's that were never found because they were never there and see the young men and women, limbless and lost, not to mention the thousands dead. Why are you such a gung-ho type Bobby? Have you got all of your limbs. You have lost something but it would be remiss of me to point it out. It is self evident with the final part of your post. By the way. Have you helped any of the US troops that are homeless? Those sufferring from PTSD. There are no homeless troops in the UK. I wonder why that is. Hmmmmm

Where is there undeniable proof that the tax program was a reason for the loss in Congress. Bobby, do you make $250,000 a year or more? Are you unwilling to share 3% more of that money in order to help the "country you love"? Bobby, you are , if you're working already receiving a tax cut. With this new Congress you will lose it. :)
So now you are on to Iran. Another country you know nothing about. You could not place it on a map and if I asked you without you having goggle to name the capital, the religious capital you would fail as John McCain did in trying to identify the difference between the two warring factions in Iraq and which could be most influenced by Iran.

Gee, look up what- non-binding means.

Ford survived the trashed economy quite well, of course to you that is non-sequitur, of course anything that does not agree with your baseless accusations is non-sequitur.

Obama pulls troops out of Iraq on -his- time-tables, but now HIS administration is worried about what Iran is doing concerning Iraq, the typical donkey chasing the carrot syndrome.

OK, now you can have another hissy-fit.

4th November 2010, 22:26
Gee, look up what- non-binding means.

Ford survived the trashed economy quite well, of course to you that is non-sequitur, of course anything that does not agree with your baseless accusations is non-sequitur.

Obama pulls troops out of Iraq on -his- time-tables, but now HIS administration is worried about what Iran is doing concerning Iraq, the typical donkey chasing the carrot syndrome.

OK, now you can have another hissy-fit.

Again, you accuse and then you blather without a mention of the fact that Ford had a 9 billion line of credit. You evade the Bush issue on Iraq and did not even mention the troops that were killed nor those with PTSD and homeless.

As for the "non-sequitor". Don't make me laugh. You I'm afraid have no idea of when it applies and more importantly what it means. If you read what I stated you would NEVER use it thus showing your ignorance.

Well done Bobby.

Bob Riebe
5th November 2010, 06:12
Again, you accuse and then you blather without a mention of the fact that Ford had a 9 billion line of credit. You evade the Bush issue on Iraq and did not even mention the troops that were killed nor those with PTSD and homeless.

As for the "non-sequitor". Don't make me laugh. You I'm afraid have no idea of when it applies and more importantly what it means. If you read what I stated you would NEVER use it thus showing your ignorance.

Well done Bobby.
Here you go little fella, as you obviously have no idea what it means:

Definition of NON SEQUITUR
: an inference that does not follow from the premises; specifically : a fallacy resulting from a simple conversion of a universal affirmative proposition or from the transposition of a condition and its consequent
: a statement (as a response) that does not follow logically from or is not clearly related to anything previously said

You do seem to be fully immersed by number 2, as your trolling statements can be accurately described by it.

Please show me the accusation, if you would, especially how it relates to your rhetoric, after which you may return to your trolling hissy-fit.

5th November 2010, 06:47
Here you go little fella, as you obviously have no idea what it means:

Definition of NON SEQUITUR
: an inference that does not follow from the premises; specifically : a fallacy resulting from a simple conversion of a universal affirmative proposition or from the transposition of a condition and its consequent
: a statement (as a response) that does not follow logically from or is not clearly related to anything previously said

You do seem to be fully immersed by number 2, as your trolling statements can be accurately described by it.

Please show me the accusation, if you would, especially how it relates to your rhetoric, after which you may return to your trolling hissy-fit.

The first part was easy enough to understand. Your impotence as to the use of specific words of the English language are telling. Something I have already explained ad nauseum to you.

As for the second part, where you try to ask a question pertaining to an accusation and in the middle of same you suggest it relates to my "rhetoric" is I would characterize as infantile.

When someone responds to a post and based within that post there is a cornucopia of information to address ,then, it is incumbent on you Bobby, to address the content.

You don't and you never do. You take a paragraph from a statement made through via the Senate in 2007 and try to refute the whole content by pointing out that "non-binding" in some form or fashion defeats the argument presented. If you can't understand the context of the statement that was made what is the point in me wasting my time on you just as your "teachers" obviously did?