View Full Version : Winner of the Biggest Scumbag in the World Award: Jennifer Petkov "Devil of Detroit Street"

17th October 2010, 22:15
I offer you the face of evil:

This isn't an easy award to win. But Jenny got more votes than the next five competitors combined (Charles Manson came in 2nd). When asked how she liked her prize (a free one way ticket to Hell), she said that she had plenty of warm weather clothes already packed. And here's how she earned her award:

An American husband and wife have been branded the most heartless couple in the U.S. after taunting the family of a seven-year-old girl who is dying from an incurable disease.

Scott and Jennifer Petkov's despicable behaviour has caused outrage across the country after they posted a photo of terminally ill schoolgirl Kathleen Edwards on Facebook above a set of crossed bones.

Little Kathleen is in the final stages of Huntington’s disease – the same wasting illness that her mother, Laura, died from last year at the age of 24.

In another incredibly cruel taunt, Mrs Petkov also put a picture of the girl’s dead mother in the arms of the Grim Reaper online.
After Laura Edwards died last year, the Petkovs also allegedly drove their truck – which bears the message ‘Death Machine’ and has a coffin attached to it – down the street and honked the horn.

The sick attacks are the culmination of a long-running and increasingly bitter feud between the Petkovs and a number of neighbours in Trenton, Michigan that have raged over the past couple of years.

Neighbours accused the couple of laughing and poking fun at Laura Edwards and her daughter because of their disease, a progressive neurological disorder that causes involuntary writhing movements.

Mrs Petkov’s husband, Scott, 30, told the Detroit News that his wife’s ‘brutal honesty’ has caused his family to ‘not get along with a lot of people.’
He said the fallout of the Facebook posting resulted in his suspension with pay from his job as a forklift repairman in nearby Warren.

He said his employer is considering firing him.

The eldest of the Petkovs’ four children was also sent home from school after getting into an argument with a classmate who confronted him about the Internet photos, said the couple.

‘My husband is a good person and I hope he doesn’t lose his job. I hope our family doesn’t lose his job. I’m the bad person,’ said Mrs. Petkov.

Mrs Petkov’s Facebook posting has now been removed.

But there could still be serious repercussions for the couple.

Maria Miller, spokeswoman for Wayne County Prosecutor Kym Worthy, said, ‘We have contacted the Trenton Police Department to look into the allegations.’

Trenton Deputy Police Chief James Nardone said the problems between the two families have been ongoing. ‘We’re aware of the situation and are looking into it,’ he said.

'I can't wait until you die': Outrage at American couple's breathtakingly cruel taunts at terminally ill seven-year-old girl (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1319276/Couple-taunt-Huntingtons-disease-sufferer-Kathleen-Edwards-7-Facebook.html)

17th October 2010, 22:46
Wow, just wow.....

Captain VXR
18th October 2010, 18:45
what a bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I hope karma bites her in the ass

18th October 2010, 20:20
Heck, even I can't find any words to defend her. Maybe fo...Roamy, anthonyvop and others who believe that freedom of speech always trumps the freedom of not to hear can put up a good word for her.

18th October 2010, 23:30
My son was convalescing at a hospital and had a young woman in the next room with Huntington’s. It was very painful to listen to her uncontrollable screaming, and when they walked her in a wheelchair it was very unsettling, as she seemed to contort her body beyond the threshold of normal pain. I myself on occasion have acted vindictively, but this is outside my realm of understanding. It is a horrible disease, and these people are very sick in the head for antagonizing the family.

Rudy Tamasz
19th October 2010, 07:40
Heck, even I can't find any words to defend her. Maybe fo...Roamy, anthonyvop and others who believe that freedom of speech always trumps the freedom of not to hear can put up a good word for her.

You may take comfort in the fact that she is probably less mean than brave freedom fighters from Hamas.

19th October 2010, 07:43
You may take comfort in the fact that she is probably less mean than brave freedom fighters from Hamas.

No way. At least Hamas has a motive that makes sense (I would get angry too, if foreigners came and took my land and oppress in other ways) . They aren't doing it just for fun.

Rudy Tamasz
19th October 2010, 13:25
No way. At least Hamas has a motive that makes sense (I would get angry too, if foreigners came and took my land and oppress in other ways) . They aren't doing it just for fun.

Alas, no luck then. BTW, how does the runner-up in this contest (Manson) rank against Hamas in your book? Who's meaner?

19th October 2010, 13:34
Alas, no luck then. BTW, how does the runner-up in this contest (Manson) rank against Hamas in your book? Who's meaner?
Tough question. Manson was obviously insane, so it could be an excuse. I don't know enough about her sanity to decide.

Easy Drifter
19th October 2010, 17:13
Right now Canada has a leading contender in Colonel Williams, former CO of CFB Trenton, Canada's largest military base.
He has pled guilty to two counts of murder, plus sexual assault charges and 86 break and enters, all with sexual overtones.
The details as they come out are rather sickening.
Check out any major Cdn., especially Ontario, paper on the net for details.

19th October 2010, 17:30
A good word for her? No. But freedom of speech still prevails. At least here. She has the right to be as big a scum bag as she wishes and to express herself as poorly as she wishes. There is no requirement for anyone else to pay attention to her.

Freedom of speech has its limits though.......

Easy Drifter
20th October 2010, 03:17
Read Joe Warmington and Michelle Mandel in the Toronto Sun on Col. Russell Williams if you want truly evil.
Totally sick.

Rudy Tamasz
20th October 2010, 15:44
This world is a weird place. These days our police caught a proven child rapist and let him walk as the last proven case took place some fifteen years ago and jurisdiction in such cases is limited by a ten year term.

Garry Walker
23rd October 2010, 00:14
Even in this kind of a thread eki doesnt miss chance to make himself look like an a$$hole.

Freedom of speech has its limits though.......
She has the right to say such things, sure. But she should pay for it.
I have never hit a woman and consider it disgusting. But I would make an exception for her. With such people, that is the only language they understand.

22nd November 2010, 19:12
Jennifer Petkov kicked in the crotch by Karma:

The mother who admitted to taunting a seven-year-old girl who is suffering from a degenerative illness has lost custody of her two children.

Jennifer Petkov and her husband Scott of Trenton in Michigan, earned international condemnation for harassing their neighbour Kathleen Edward who is dying from Huntington's Disease.

Petkov's eight-year-old daughter and five-year-old son have now been placed with their father until further notice.

The children's father had filed for the emergency hearing to gain custody immediately after the story broke.

The woman dubbed the Devil of Detroit Street is accused of attempting to run down another neighbour with her car.

When Laura died the Petkov's drove their pick-up truck - which is adorned with a coffin and carries the slogan 'Death Machine' - up and down the street sounding the horn.

Petkov, 33, who has two other children, also posted a mocked-up picture of Laura in the arms of the grim reaper.

Now the hateful neighbour faces jail after she was arrested last Wednesday, accused of trying to run down another neighbour in her car.

'Devil of Detroit St' mother who harassed terminally ill girl has lost custody of her children (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1323057/Devil-Detroit-St-mother-harassed-terminally-ill-girl-lost-custody-children.html)

Mark in Oshawa
22nd November 2010, 19:38
A good word for her? No. But freedom of speech still prevails. At least here. She has the right to be as big a scum bag as she wishes and to express herself as poorly as she wishes. There is no requirement for anyone else to pay attention to her.

That is how I see it. She is free to be at b!tch and we are free to hate her guts. This woman is just whacked..

AS for you Eki, I am not surprised you tried to find something good about her....but I am surprised you didn't find something....

22nd November 2010, 19:43
That is how I see it. She is free to be at b!tch and we are free to hate her guts. This woman is just whacked..

AS for you Eki, I am not surprised you tried to find something good about her....but I am surprised you didn't find something....
Yes, I can't figure out what she thinks she'll win by behaving like that. At least Hitler, Stalin and Saddam Hussein were after power, prestige and maybe wealth. I don't like what they did to achieve those goals, but at least the goals make sense. It seems that she's evil just for the sake of being evil.

22nd November 2010, 19:47
Yes, I can't figure out what she thinks she'll win by behaving like that. At least Hitler, Stalin and Saddam Hussein were after power, prestige and maybe wealth. I don't like what they did to achieve those goals, but at least the goals make sense.

Couldn't agree more with that.

Like you say, what they did was horrible, but what they felt they were gaining is understandable.

22nd November 2010, 20:38
Yes, I can't figure out what she thinks she'll win by behaving like that. At least Hitler, Stalin and Saddam Hussein were after power, prestige and maybe wealth. I don't like what they did to achieve those goals, but at least the goals make sense. It seems that she's evil just for the sake of being evil.

That's exactly what she is. For reasons based on greed or lust, people have been doing evil things since we learned to throw a rock or swing a club. But this b#### just got her jollies from tormenting a dying child. So I take a certain amount of pleasure in seeing her miserable life fall apart. She's now lost her kids and she's facing jail for other actions.

I figure there are a lot of broken women in Detroit area jails - many probably with bad memories of childhood. I'd say our pal Jennifer might want to sleep with one eye open and keep her knees tightly pressed together if she sees a group of women approaching her with a broomstick and wicked smiles on their faces. I've read that female inmates have their own "special way" of dealing with women who wind up in jail and are known to have tormented or abused children.

Boy, it kinda sucks to be ol' Jenny now, eh? :s mokin:

Bob Riebe
22nd November 2010, 23:14
Tough question. Manson was obviously insane

Why do you say that?

23rd November 2010, 00:03
I don't don't care about her first amendment rights. What she did was inhuman, disgusting, immoral, vindictive, demonic and any adjective that may apply.

Because we have rights to do certain things does not mean we do them. This has been stated over and over again.

There is a current of hatred awash in the country right now. Those from the last election that spewed hate and lost are now back peddling in order to have a more moderate run. Those that were elected on radical issues have gone in another direction to what the electorate voted.

Thank God Jag posted that she was arrested.

Mark in Oshawa
23rd November 2010, 16:51
Yes, I can't figure out what she thinks she'll win by behaving like that. At least Hitler, Stalin and Saddam Hussein were after power, prestige and maybe wealth. I don't like what they did to achieve those goals, but at least the goals make sense. It seems that she's evil just for the sake of being evil.

Eki, they were evil too. You need to state that...and their goals only made sense to them personally. THAT too is evil.

AS for this wingnut, Karma is indeed cruel, but that is how free speech works. You can say what you like, but when the world turns against you; you have no support.

23rd November 2010, 18:25
Heck, even I can't find any words to defend her. Maybe fo...Roamy, anthonyvop and others who believe that freedom of speech always trumps the freedom of not to hear can put up a good word for her.

Freedom of speech always trumps not hurting somebodies feelings.
Of course that freedom is a 2 way street.
This woman is now known for the type of scum she is and she will pay that cost for years to come.

24th November 2010, 00:41
why on earth did the company her husband work for suspend him for somthing his wife did!?

i think its rediculess to punish someone for the idiocy of one of their family members

24th November 2010, 04:16
why on earth did the company her husband work for suspend him for somthing his wife did!?

i think its rediculess to punish someone for the idiocy of one of their family members

If it effects his job performance or causes disrepute to the company I would fire him also.

Azumanga Davo
24th November 2010, 06:59
why on earth did the company her husband work for suspend him for somthing his wife did!?

i think its rediculess to punish someone for the idiocy of one of their family members

Is your mother still in work? If she is, you really have nothing to fear. Yet.

24th November 2010, 09:14
Eki, they were evil too. You need to state that...and their goals only made sense to them personally. THAT too is evil.

I'd rather say ruthless is a better word for them. People like Bill Gates, Barack Obama and Sebastian Vettel have similar goals (wealth, power, prestige), but their means aren't as ruthless.

Hitler, Stalin and Saddam Hussein used ruthless methods to gain power, retain power and crush opposition and competitors, but I haven't heard they ever personally tormented anybody for just pure sadism and pleasure.

24th November 2010, 15:44
I got plenty of good words to say about her!!!

I applaud her excercise of her rights to freedom of speech. :up:

Shame on colonel Williams for NOT doing so.

All scumbags should step right out and excercise their freedom of speech rights!!!

World would be a much better place that they all step out of the closet where they been hiding, so we know who, where and type of scumbag they be!!!

Amen, and give them all a cold glass of the reverend Jimmie Jones kool aid, and let them all make a toast to themselves.


My brew is too good for them.......

Just think of all the children who would be saved from Pedophiles, a small but important step in the right direction.....

After all, those stepping out to be known really do not worry me at all. It is those who are still hiding in the closet that worry and scare me.

24th November 2010, 16:03
Tough question. Manson was obviously insane, so it could be an excuse. I don't know enough about her sanity to decide.
Good point.

reminds me of a conversation I had with a shrink about the differences in pedos. Some are just sort of out there showing poor judgment when presented with certain circumstances.

others are predators.

For the latter, he said putting them in prison is cruel and unusual punishment in his opinion. Predators can not help themselves, anymore than a starving man, when left alone with a plate of good food, can not help but eat the food.

So rehab, I said?? No that don't work either he said.

So castration?? noo no, he said. Too late for that.

So what is the answer?? Well unless someday we can come up with some type of specific surgery with the brain, just need to "painlessly euthanize" them.

he told me that this is a very quiet, but widespread belief among many in the profession regarding this behavior, but seldom ever said in the public, because of the fear of backlash. But he said, right now, that is just the bottom line.

I think same for Manson and others like him. Painless euthanization is only way to deter them from such behavior in the future.


Opps, just got the word that my facebook account has been terminated... :eek:

Got to go, CPS is knocking on the door...... :rolleyes:

Bob Riebe
24th November 2010, 18:22
I'd rather say ruthless is a better word for them. People like Bill Gates, Barack Obama and Sebastian Vettel have similar goals (wealth, power, prestige), but their means aren't as ruthless.

Hitler, Stalin and Saddam Hussein used ruthless methods to gain power, retain power and crush opposition and competitors, but I haven't heard they ever personally tormented anybody for just pure sadism and pleasure.

To not "personally" do the dirty work merely shows they are cowards, and nothing more.