View Full Version : Weaky World

15th October 2010, 18:19
Because of our weak bend over leadership that means yours and mine we will soon have another Nuclear Nut. This time Chavez.

I am glad I probably won't be around but this freaking planet is going to "glow" brighter than the Sun, But look at the good side - perhaps you can create a temperate climate on Mars and life will continue somehow.

And God said " I think I will blow this freaking place up and start over"

And EKI said great do the Jews first!


Dave B
17th October 2010, 16:05
Nurse, he's out of bed again...

17th October 2010, 16:56
Because of our weak bend over leadership that means yours and mine we will soon have another Nuclear Nut. This time Chavez.

I am glad I probably won't be around but this freaking planet is going to "glow" brighter than the Sun, But look at the good side - perhaps you can create a temperate climate on Mars and life will continue somehow.

And God said " I think I will blow this freaking place up and start over"

And EKI said great do the Jews first!


:rolleyes: I feel for you.

17th October 2010, 21:58
No, this cannot be! Our previous President said that he looked into Putin's eyes and saw a man who loved puppies, kittens, little bunny rabbits and of course, the good ol' the U.S. of A.! This must all just be a big misunderstanding. I'm sure Putin wouldn't let his lapdog, Medvedev, do anything that would harm U.S./Russian relations. :rolleyes:

Medvedev hinted that Chavez’s foe, the United States, might not like the deal, but said it was peaceful.

“A deal in the atomic sphere has just been signed. I already know that it will make someone shudder. The president (of Venezuela) told me that there will be states that will have different types of emotions about this,” Medvedev said.

Medvedev said Russia’s military cooperation with Venezuela was not slowing, but that their ties had broadened beyond the arms trade. He and Chavez signed a broad five-year plan for cooperation through 2014.

Medvedev called his meeting with Chavez “a meeting of friends” and thanked him for recognizing the breakaway regions of Abkhazia and South Ossetia as independent states after Moscow’s 2008 war with pro-Western Georgia.

Yeah, we definitely need to get George W. on the phone and have him call Putin... being that they're close pals and all. George will clear this thing up "toot sweet"!

17th October 2010, 22:39
How very cheerful.

18th October 2010, 08:19
I am glad I probably won't be around but this freaking planet is going to "glow" brighter than the Sun, But look at the good side - perhaps you can create a temperate climate on Mars and life will continue somehow.

Time for you to hurry. According to bulgarian prophetess Baba Vanga the third world war will start on 11.11.2010. and will include usage of nuclear and chemical weapons.
Wonder where you're gonna hide... :laugh: