View Full Version : Our funny nation...

14th October 2010, 22:39
Well, Finland is out of the European football championships, again. I couldn't care a rat's a** about it but it was peculiar to see the press conference after the crucial game against Hungary we should have won. One reporter dared to ask the coach ( Stuart Baxter ) should he resign? Baxter said; no, why should I? The reporter said that because you lost the game. Baxter asked from the reporter if he knows anything about football? He said he has not coached but he has watched. And baxter said that his mom watched his dad driving a car for 35 years and she still can't drive herself. And the reporter said nothing more....

I don't know how things are in UK?? Would this guy's head be on a plate and the rest of his torso hanged?? I'd imagine there would be dozen of reporters insisting an explanation or a resign. And surely they would not be silenced by the coach??

Another thing... In Finland we have tax over a tax. Everything is frigging expensive. Should something unfair happen by the goverment, something wrong for the people... well, like in France there hundreds of thousands of people on the barricades demanding a change. What happen here? About a twenty people on the stairs of the parlament house and the rest of the citizens grumbling at home behind the curtains that this is f****d up. And after a couple of weeks, we settle... we just settle for things and pay some more, waiting for another thing to happen.

When you guys come to visit us, just cut in the line and say this is my right, and we'll let you pass :)

14th October 2010, 23:13
I don't know how things are in UK?? Would this guy's head be on a plate and the rest of his torso hanged?? I'd imagine there would be dozen of reporters insisting an explanation or a resign. And surely they would not be silenced by the coach??



Since 1974 with the end of Alf Ramsey's tenure, there have been 13 different managers. This equates to one every 2.76 years. Basically this means that on average, a manager will be dumped at the end of either a Euro or World Cup campaign.

The English press will not only call for the resignation of managers, they'll harass them, camp outside their house and publish details of their dalliances if they can find any.

15th October 2010, 08:28
The majority of the English press and fans wouldn't let that stand but I think that it's quite good.

We're the same with the taxing thing, we'll have a good moan but at the end of the day we'll still keep buying things. I tend to think that the Finns and the British are fairly similar in some ways, we're both reknowned for being reserved and seem to have similarly dry senses of humour (on the whole). If only we had some top level rally drivers...

15th October 2010, 08:32
And baxter said that his mom watched his dad driving a car for 35 years and she still can't drive herself. And the reporter said nothing more....

The UK press wouldn't be put down by just that. They are like zombies, you can take one of them out but they just keep on coming!

I don't know how things are in UK?? Would this guy's head be on a plate and the rest of his torso hanged?? I'd imagine there would be dozen of reporters insisting an explanation or a resign. And surely they would not be silenced by the coach??

I'd like to say yes, but England has just suffered it's worst World Cup defeat since 1066 and despite loud calls for the manager to go, Capello is still in his job.

Another thing... In Finland we have tax over a tax. Everything is frigging expensive. Should something unfair happen by the goverment, something wrong for the people... well, like in France there hundreds of thousands of people on the barricades demanding a change. What happen here? About a twenty people on the stairs of the parlament house and the rest of the citizens grumbling at home behind the curtains that this is f****d up. And after a couple of weeks, we settle... we just settle for things and pay some more, waiting for another thing to happen.

Sounds like Finland has a lot in common with the UK!

15th October 2010, 08:58
I'd like to say yes, but England has just suffered it's worst World Cup defeat since 1066
Battle of Hastings?


15th October 2010, 09:01
Battle of Hastings?


Aye, we beat the Denmark team in the semis but got hammered by the French in the final.

15th October 2010, 09:03
Sounds like Finland has a lot in common with the UK!

Indeed...starting with crappy foods :p :

15th October 2010, 10:02
Can't disagree with Pino there......

15th October 2010, 10:46
One reporter dared to ask the coach ( Stuart Baxter ) should he resign? Baxter said; no, why should I? The reporter said that because you lost the game. Baxter asked from the reporter if he knows anything about football? He said he has not coached but he has watched. And baxter said that his mom watched his dad driving a car for 35 years and she still can't drive herself. And the reporter said nothing more....

Your reporter has no presence of spirit. He should reply that even if that woman couldn't drive herself she was probably able to notice when her hubby drove badly and criticize him. :laugh:

You call your nation funny....

What about mine where people own luxury cars ( Lamborghinis, Ferraris, Bentleys, etc. ) without having proper roads to drive them?

Or where the minister of finance refused to pay benefits to his employees, causing a riot that spread all over the country, although some time ago when he was only a manager in the ministry he sued the institution demanding the same benefits?

Another thing... In Finland we have tax over a tax. Everything is frigging expensive. Should something unfair happen by the goverment, something wrong for the people... well, like in France there hundreds of thousands of people on the barricades demanding a change. What happen here? About a twenty people on the stairs of the parlament house and the rest of the citizens grumbling at home behind the curtains that this is f****d up. And after a couple of weeks, we settle... we just settle for things and pay some more, waiting for another thing to happen

Ha! We're doing the same although despite having the lowest income in EU the salaries of those who are paid from budget ( doctors, teachers, civil servants, etc. ) were cut by 25%.

No wonder that the "parent" of absurd theatre ( Eugen Ionesco ) was born here.... :laugh:

15th October 2010, 12:11
Or where the minister of finance refused to pay benefits to his employees, causing a riot that spread all over the country, although some time ago when he was only a manager in the ministry he sued the institution demanding the same benefits?

I wonder why it took so long to get rid of the Ceausescus.

15th October 2010, 12:17
Can't disagree with Pino there......
What? Ralli-makkara isn't good?

15th October 2010, 12:22
What? Ralli-makkara isn't good?

It's good, but you have to have it at a rally for it to be properly good :)

15th October 2010, 12:31
Indeed...starting with crappy foods :p :

Fatti i cazzi tuoi............. .............................................., che vivi cent'anni !!! ;)

You liked the fish!

Brown, Jon Brow
15th October 2010, 12:35
The majority of the English press and fans wouldn't let that stand but I think that it's quite good.

We're the same with the taxing thing, we'll have a good moan but at the end of the day we'll still keep buying things. I tend to think that the Finns and the British are fairly similar in some ways, we're both reknowned for being reserved and seem to have similarly dry senses of humour (on the whole). If only we had some top level rally drivers..

Oh I miss the glory days when we had two great rally drivers.

Can't disagree with Pino there......

Remind me about great Australian cuisine?

15th October 2010, 12:37
Oh I miss the glory days when we had two great rally drivers.

Remind me about great Australian cuisine?
They are selling kangaroo meat in my local supermarket. Haven't bought any. Couldn't eat Skippy.

15th October 2010, 13:05
I wonder why it took so long to get rid of the Ceausescus.

What? I'm talking about a yesterday event.....

15th October 2010, 13:59
Jon, you seem to be unable to make the distinction between food cooked in a country and food which comes from a contry.

15th October 2010, 14:01
Fatti i cazzi tuoi............. .............................................., che vivi cent'anni !!! ;)

You liked the fish!

I was talking about take away food :p :

15th October 2010, 15:21
What? I'm talking about a yesterday event.....
I mean if it's easy to start a riot in Romania, why didn't they overthrow Ceausescu sooner. Didn't Romanians take quite a lot crap from Ceausescu before they decided to overthrow him? Or did you mean the Romanians are now more prone to riot than 30 years ago?

15th October 2010, 19:40
Well, Finland is out of the European football championships, again. I couldn't care a rat's a** about it but it was peculiar to see the press conference after the crucial game against Hungary we should have won. One reporter dared to ask the coach ( Stuart Baxter ) should he resign? Baxter said; no, why should I? The reporter said that because you lost the game. Baxter asked from the reporter if he knows anything about football? He said he has not coached but he has watched. And baxter said that his mom watched his dad driving a car for 35 years and she still can't drive herself. And the reporter said nothing more....

I don't know how things are in UK?? Would this guy's head be on a plate and the rest of his torso hanged?? I'd imagine there would be dozen of reporters insisting an explanation or a resign. And surely they would not be silenced by the coach??

Another thing... In Finland we have tax over a tax. Everything is frigging expensive. Should something unfair happen by the goverment, something wrong for the people... well, like in France there hundreds of thousands of people on the barricades demanding a change. What happen here? About a twenty people on the stairs of the parlament house and the rest of the citizens grumbling at home behind the curtains that this is f****d up. And after a couple of weeks, we settle... we just settle for things and pay some more, waiting for another thing to happen.

When you guys come to visit us, just cut in the line and say this is my right, and we'll let you pass :)

Our taxation doesn't really differ from most European countries all things such as health care considered. And Finland is not the most expensive country in Europe, Norway, for example, is more expensive and sadly globalisation also means that prices tend to do that (globalise) as well all over Europe.

The reason we don't go to barricades is that there really isn't any reason to do so, not really. So politics are crooks, yep, but according to statistics, they are more so in most countries.

But talking about football and Baxter, they should fire him and stop playing football all together. We don't need it, don't know how to do it and we've got hockey. :D

15th October 2010, 23:26
When you guys come to visit us, just cut in the line and say this is my right, and we'll let you pass :)

Got ****ed up at the Ikea line...again...were you :p

16th October 2010, 18:49
Aye, we beat the Denmark team in the semis but got hammered by the French in the final.

'cept they weren't "French" in any sense of the word, they were Normans....As in Normän, the modern cognate for NOR-men aka North+men.
In other words you beat one group of Danes in the semis up Norf, but their blood relatives from across the street, the Norwegians, who just happened to be commuting to their colony in Normandy, came over in the long ships and stomped you at Hastings....

Course I don't know where in the shame rankings it stands to be beaten by Norwegians. If you were Swedes, then it would have been a lasting society rending catastrophe...

Hell even the 'Franks' were a gang of hard-ass Germans with their home pitch in Frankfort-am-Main....where did they crown their Kings for a thousand years? In the cathedral in Aachen.
Aachen is where?

17th October 2010, 00:10
'cept they weren't "French" in any sense of the word, they were Normans....As in Normän, the modern cognate for NOR-men aka North+men.
In other words you beat one group of Danes in the semis up Norf, but their blood relatives from across the street, the Norwegians, who just happened to be commuting to their colony in Normandy, came over in the long ships and stomped you at Hastings....

Course I don't know where in the shame rankings it stands to be beaten by Norwegians. If you were Swedes, then it would have been a lasting society rending catastrophe...

Hell even the 'Franks' were a gang of hard-ass Germans with their home pitch in Frankfort-am-Main....where did they crown their Kings for a thousand years? In the cathedral in Aachen.
Aachen is where?

Eh......... What ? :D

Mark in Oshawa
17th October 2010, 03:40
Baxter is an idiot...but that is the common thread with any coach who just got his gonads handed to him by the opposition and this is how they all want to fight the press. The correct answer to Baxter is my mother may not know how to drive after watching my dad drive for 35 years, but even Helen Keller could see your team just got outplayed and outcoached and you wont take responbility for it.....

As for you Finns, if you really cared about Football, Baxter would just be hung and quartered...the same way the New Zealanders do to Rugby coaches who don't win the World Cup with the All Blacks or what we do to Canadian Hockey coaches who fail......

17th October 2010, 08:56
what we do to Canadian Hockey coaches who fail......

No when was the last time your hockey coach failed Mark. Seriously ?

11th November 2010, 22:58
Just an update if anyone really cares.

Stuart Baxter finally got boot from coaching but as Finns do things they do, they will keep him as a consult for the team and the coach team and naturally with full salary :up:

11th November 2010, 23:35
I mean if it's easy to start a riot in Romania, why didn't they overthrow Ceausescu sooner. Didn't Romanians take quite a lot crap from Ceausescu before they decided to overthrow him? Or did you mean the Romanians are now more prone to riot than 30 years ago?

It is almost impossible to start a riot in Romania, even the so called 'Revolution' was started by the Hungarian ethnics for the Romanians. ;)

Last time Romanian started a riot mostly on their own goes back to 1907, and even that time it was with some external influence.

12th November 2010, 07:12
It is almost impossible to start a riot in Romania, even the so called 'Revolution' was started by the Hungarian ethnics for the Romanians. ;)

Last time Romanian started a riot mostly on their own goes back to 1907, and even that time it was with some external influence.

Ha! So dear audience, Ioan is telling that the so called revolution started not because people starved, lived in cold and dark, had no human rights but because a hungarian priest ( who in time proved to be the enemy of this country ) was forced to evacuate his house. :laugh: :laugh:

Give me a break Ioane.....
You probably were a young pioneer by that time. :laugh:

12th November 2010, 15:08
A.F.F why are you surprised? After October you can't go outdoors without ten moose skins on. But I bet you are leading ice racing and the snowmobile championship :)

12th November 2010, 16:31
Finland are out already? The Bolton goalkeeper is from Finland I believe. Jussi

Jääskeläinen? Most underrated 'keeper in the premier league. I she still

available for the national squad. Also Sami Hyypiä (http://www.motorsportforums.com/wiki/Sami_Hyypi%C3%A4). He was a good player.

I'll have to look at the groups and see where they have fallen.

This European Championship is as hard to get into as the World Cup. Sheesh.

A question for the Brits. If they included all the "home countries" including ROI would you be for it?

There was a debate a few years back that England , Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland are not countries. Which they aren't in the true sense. But, it would be a great team.

12th November 2010, 21:13
A.F.F why are you surprised? After October you can't go outdoors without ten moose skins on. But I bet you are leading ice racing and the snowmobile championship :)

If only you could get gizmos in football. Mad Max on ice I say and soccer would be way more interesting ! :D

13th November 2010, 08:05
A.F.F why are you surprised? After October you can't go outdoors without ten moose skins on. But I bet you are leading ice racing and the snowmobile championship :)
