View Full Version : Somali terrorists

Bob Riebe
13th October 2010, 15:53
As I write this I am listening to National Public Radio as they speak of how and why Minnesota has become the center for Somali terrorists and why.

They seem to like to, deliberate or not, make the excuse they are refugees from a country in war even though one Somali young man said the greatest part of the problem, speaking from his own life, is the parents will not assimilate and get money from the government so they and their children have no reason to try to do better, while the parents resist assimilation or attempt to improve. (Somalis have one of the highest school drop out rates, if not the highest, in Minn.)

In the Bloomberg magazine is an article about Turkish Muslims in Germany, which says their greatest enemy is lack of assimilation, mean while the Pres. of Turkey calls assimilation a crime against humanity; therefore if Muslim leaders preach against assimilation it is not a surprise Muslims refuse to assimilate as their parents and political leaders tell them not to.

The solution- put heavy restrictions and requirements on them before they let them in.
Assimilate or you get a one-way return ticket.
There is a war in their homeland, tough, fight and kill people in your homeland not here where welfare supports you.
Minn. political liberal asses are the reason Minn. now has this problem, perhaps politicians should worry more about people that live here before letting human debri come over to kill the hands that feed them.

13th October 2010, 16:29
Assimilate or you get a one-way return ticket.

Too bad they hadn't that in the Americas already since 1492. I'm sure feathered headgear would suit you.

13th October 2010, 17:46

Enact religious and racial profiling for immigration!!!!!

NMM - you can figure this one out on your own!!

13th October 2010, 18:00
The TIREs need to elect this guy as their leader


13th October 2010, 18:25

Enact religious and racial profiling for immigration!!!!!

NMM - you can figure this one out on your own!!

Elect Rich Iott (second from the right) to Congress, and then the Presidency, and I think he can help you with that.


Bob Riebe
13th October 2010, 18:38
Too bad they hadn't that in the Americas already since 1492. I'm sure feathered headgear would suit you.

This nor any part of the world is similar to 1492 that analogy is incredibly stupid.

Bob Riebe
13th October 2010, 18:43
Elect Rich Iott (second from the right) to Congress, and then the Presidency, and I think he can help you with that.


Why, you prefer these people?
What ever you are saying makes you look ineptly ignorant.

At least the people on NPR said we have a serious problem that is getting worse, but then when some liberals live with their heads stuck in dark tunnels, such responses are to be expected.

13th October 2010, 19:19
This nor any part of the world is similar to 1492 that analogy is incredibly stupid.
It's different alright. Foreigners don't come and kill the natives like they used to, they are assumed to assimilate. Unless of course they are Americans, in which case they want the rest of the world (Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran, North Korea, etc) to become like they are.

13th October 2010, 20:12
What ever you are saying makes you look ineptly ignorant.

Gee, Bob... coming from the likes of you, that really hurts. :rolleyes: Kinda like a pig covered in mud and #### telling me that I need to take a shower.

Since you're too obtuse to get it right off the bat, I'll explain what I meant (but only once this time... try to get it the first time, OK?)

Roamy/Fousto said:
"Enact religious and racial profiling for immigration!!!!!"

So I am saying that a man who does Nazi/SS themed reenactments (with his teenage son, no less :crazy :) , if elected to Congress and then the Presidency, would be perfectly suited to carry out this racial/ethnic/religious purity goal of his. Get it now? Yes, no... gotta think about it for 20 minutes?

13th October 2010, 20:33
Elect Rich Iott (second from the right) to Congress, and then the Presidency, and I think he can help you with that.

Is the tall guy wearing a skirt? Why doesn't he assimilate and wear pants like other men?

13th October 2010, 20:42
Is the tall guy wearing a skirt? Why doesn't he assimilate and wear pants like other men?

Maybe he's the "Ernst Röhm" of the group and helped the others to see the wonders of "male bonding". ;)

13th October 2010, 21:03
From The Manitoba Herald , Canada

“Reported" by Clive Runnels

Canadians: “Build a Damn Fence !"

The flood of American liberals sneaking across the border into Canada has intensified in the past week, sparking calls for increased patrols to stop the illegal immigration. The recent actions of the Tea Party are prompting an exodus among left-leaning citizens who fear they'll soon be required to hunt, pray, and to agree with Bill O'Reilly and Glenn Beck.

Canadian border farmers say it's not uncommon to see dozens of sociology professors, animal-rights activists and Unitarians crossing their fields at night.
"I went out to milk the cows the other day, and there was a Hollywood producer huddled in the barn," said Manitoba farmer Red Greenfield, whose acreage borders North Dakota . The producer was cold, exhausted and hungry. He asked me if I could spare a latte and some free-range chicken. When I said I didn't have any, he left before I even got a chance to show him my screenplay, eh?”

In an effort to stop the illegal aliens, Greenfield erected higher fences,but the liberals scaled them. He then installed loudspeakers that blared Rush Limbaugh across the fields. "Not real effective," he said. "The liberals still got through and Rush annoyed the cows so much that they wouldn't give any milk.”

Officials are particularly concerned about smugglers who meet liberals near the Canadian border, pack them into Volvo station wagons and drive them across the border where they are simply left to fend for themselves." A lot of these people are not prepared for our rugged conditions," an Ontario border patrolman said. "I found one carload without a single bottle of imported drinking water. They did have a nice little Napa Valley Cabernet, though."

When liberals are caught, they're sent back across the border, often wailing loudly that they fear retribution from conservatives. Rumors have been circulating about plans being made to build re-education camps where liberals will be forced to drink domestic beer and watch NASCAR races.
In recent days, liberals have turned to ingenious ways of crossing the border. Some have been disguised as senior citizens taking a bus trip to buy cheap Canadian prescription drugs. After catching a half-dozen young vegans in powdered wig disguises, Canadian immigration authorities began stopping buses and quizzing the supposed senior citizens about Perry Como and Rosemary Clooney to prove that they were alive in the '50s. "If they can't identify the accordion player on The Lawrence Welk Show, we become very suspicious about their age." an official said.
Canadian citizens have complained that the illegal immigrants are creating an organic-broccoli shortage and are renting all the Michael Moore movies.

"I really feel sorry for American liberals, but the Canadian economy just can't support them." an Ottawa resident said. "How many art-history majors does one country need?"

:D :p : :erm:

Easy Drifter
13th October 2010, 22:49
Nice one!

14th October 2010, 01:27
Is the tall guy wearing a skirt? Why doesn't he assimilate and wear pants like other men?

Yes --- He is from Finland :D

14th October 2010, 02:41
From The Manitoba Herald , Canada

“Reported" by Clive Runnels

Canadians: “Build a Damn Fence !"

The flood of American liberals sneaking across the border into Canada has intensified in the past week, sparking calls for increased patrols to stop the illegal immigration. The recent actions of the Tea Party are prompting an exodus among left-leaning citizens who fear they'll soon be required to hunt, pray, and to agree with Bill O'Reilly and Glenn Beck. :laugh:

And the rest;
"Top Shelf" schmenke :up: :)

Easy Drifter
14th October 2010, 02:52
You must remember that Eki is actually George Bush's separated at birth twin sister. :eek: :eek: :eek: :s mokin:

14th October 2010, 07:44
The solution- put heavy restrictions and requirements on them before they let them in.
Assimilate or you get a one-way return ticket.
There is a war in their homeland, tough, fight and kill people in your homeland not here where welfare supports you.
Minn. political liberal asses are the reason Minn. now has this problem, perhaps politicians should worry more about people that live here before letting human debri come over to kill the hands that feed them.

Now that is fully imperceptive.

14th October 2010, 08:17
As I write this I am listening to National Public Radio as they speak of how and why Minnesota has become the center for Somali terrorists and why.

...fight and kill people in your homeland not here...
Where is there any suggestion that the people you talk about are terrorists or are intent on fighting and killing anyone in the US?

donKey jote
14th October 2010, 17:24
center for Somali terrorists :laugh:
Another of Bob's paranoie... I guess listening to NPR beats listening to those voices in his head :dozey:

14th October 2010, 18:45
Bob doesn't believe in freedom. At least in freedom of people to be like they are or want to be and not like Bob wants them to be.

14th October 2010, 18:57
I wouldn't think the climate in Minnesota would be appealing to the average Somali. On the other hand, Minnesota is also known as "the land of 10,000 lakes" so perhaps they want to expand their piracy trade. Maybe open some piracy schools or something.

Bob Riebe
14th October 2010, 19:30
Gee, Bob... coming from the likes of you, that really hurts. :rolleyes: Kinda like a pig covered in mud and #### telling me that I need to take a shower.

Since you're too obtuse to get it right off the bat, I'll explain what I meant (but only once this time... try to get it the first time, OK?)

Roamy/Fousto said:
"Enact religious and racial profiling for immigration!!!!!"

So I am saying that a man who does Nazi/SS themed reenactments (with his teenage son, no less :crazy :) , if elected to Congress and then the Presidency, would be perfectly suited to carry out this racial/ethnic/religious purity goal of his. Get it now? Yes, no... gotta think about it for 20 minutes?
OK- just more of your normal grade school babble, without a base or an intellegient purpose.

Bob Riebe
14th October 2010, 19:32
It's different alright. Foreigners don't come and kill the natives like they used to, they are assumed to assimilate. Unless of course they are Americans, in which case they want the rest of the world (Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran, North Korea, etc) to become like they are.

As usual more baseless bs after a moronic analogy.

14th October 2010, 19:41
OK- just more of your normal grade school babble, without a base or an intellegient purpose.

Let's stick to reality, Bob. I could illustrate a five factorial DOE and you wouldn't understand that any better than you would the expression "2+2=4"... or the quip I was making to Roamy.

We've already seen that in a battle of wits, your supply of ammo is nonexistent. But do keep playing, nonetheless. Like a cat with a slow moving mouse, I do enjoy playing with you from time to time. :dozey:

donKey jote
14th October 2010, 19:41
on a roll eh bob? :laugh:

Bob Riebe
14th October 2010, 19:44
Now that is fully imperceptive.
There are many educated immigrants who are not allowed in because they do not meet strict standards that apply if they do not come from a civil war, or are in supposed danger- oh boo hoo hoo, those poor oppressed people who live in those icky countries get a free ride because they are too chicken -sh-t to fight to save their own country, but hey, liberals over here have millions of other peoples money they will gladly give them to come here where they can start a terrorist net-work where no one bothers them, until it is too late.

If the liberal people at NPR say it is a problem now, maybe the liberal progressive twits should have pulled their heads out of their butts before spending other peoples money.

We had two Somali restaurants in town, one I still go to, is run by a great gent; the other closed now, I went there once.

I was standing across the street when the open sign came on so I thought I would check out Somali food.
I went in sat for about five minutes with people, some who I imagine ran the place, giving me looks, when one finally came over and said we are not open.
I said the light is on, and he replied, that means nothing.

Of course of the two in town this is the only one where police were called to make arrests.

Bob Riebe
14th October 2010, 19:46
Where is there any suggestion that the people you talk about are terrorists or are intent on fighting and killing anyone in the US?

Because several of the Minnesota Somalis have already died fighting with the terrorists over there and that is the topic that the entire show was about.

They discussed why Minn. had become the center of U.S. investigation of Somali terrorists and how they are recruited over here.

Bob Riebe
14th October 2010, 19:49
center for Somali terrorists :laugh:
Another of Bob's paranoie... I guess listening to NPR beats listening to those voices in his head :dozey:
Umm, Donkey that is what the U.S. Government is saying, and was the topic of the show, now take your pills and go back to bed, your mother is calling.

Perhaps you should listen to NPR and not watch Sesame Street.

Bob Riebe
14th October 2010, 19:50
Bob doesn't believe in freedom. At least in freedom of people to be like they are or want to be and not like Bob wants them to be.
Hmmm, that is similar to your attitude toward the Jews in Israel, so what is your

Bob Riebe
14th October 2010, 19:55
Let's stick to reality, Bob. I could illustrate a five factorial DOE and you wouldn't understand that any better than you would the expression "2+2=4"... or the quip I was making to Roamy.

We've already seen that in a battle of wits, your supply of ammo is nonexistent. But do keep playing, nonetheless. Like a cat with a slow moving mouse, I do enjoy playing with you from time to time. :dozey:
You just keep saying that, maybe eventually you will convince some how witty you are, until them keep them coming.

Try posting something some time that has a point and is not grade school insult level, and maybe you will be taken seriously- oops my above response is awfully close to your rattle-babble style, ewwww, as Count Floyd would say-- that is really scary.

14th October 2010, 20:02
Hmmm, that is similar to your attitude toward the Jews in Israel, so what is your
No, my attitude towards the Jews is that they should stay or should have stayed where they are/were and not emigrate to Palestine. Most of them were doing alright in Europe or North America and in no need for an asylum, and nobody asked them to be something other than Jews. In Palestine they are just taking freedoms away from others. Somalis on the other hand are often in need for an asylum, because there's a civil war going on. I would welcome Israeli Jewish refugees to Finland too, if they were afraid of Palestinian rockets.

14th October 2010, 20:54
Since you're too obtuse to get it right off the bat, I'll explain what I meant (but only once this time... try to get it the first time, OK?)

Roamy/Fousto said:
"Enact religious and racial profiling for immigration!!!!!"

So I am saying that a man who does Nazi/SS themed reenactments (with his teenage son, no less :crazy :) , if elected to Congress and then the Presidency, would be perfectly suited to carry out this racial/ethnic/religious purity goal of his. Get it now? Yes, no... gotta think about it for 20 minutes?

I knew before I typed out that explanation that Bob probably still wouldn't "get it" - even with the benefit of thinking about it for an additional 20 minutes. How did I know this? Bob's posting history. History can be a good indicator of future events and trend observation is useful. See, that is true! But being that even a broken clock is right twice a day, I thought, "maybe"... But, nopey! Good ol' Bob! Gotta luv him! :dozey:

14th October 2010, 21:00
center for Somali terrorists :laugh:
Another of Bob's paranoie... I guess listening to NPR beats listening to those voices in his head :dozey:

Since he's likely going to (completely) misinterpret whatever he's heard anyway, heck, he might as well just keep listening to the voices in his head.

Bob Riebe
14th October 2010, 21:18
I knew before I typed out that explanation that Bob probably still wouldn't "get it" - even with the benefit of thinking about it for an additional 20 minutes. How did I know this? Bob's posting history. History can be a good indicator of future events and trend observation is useful. See, that is true! But being that even a broken clock is right twice a day, I thought, "maybe"... But, nopey! Good ol' Bob! Gotta luv him! :dozey:

If that makes you happy keep on, keepin on.

Bob Riebe
14th October 2010, 21:19
No, my attitude towards the Jews is that they should stay or should have stayed where they are/were and not emigrate to Palestine.

It is called Freedom, as you would justify it.

Bob Riebe
14th October 2010, 21:21
I wouldn't think the climate in Minnesota would be appealing to the average Somali. On the other hand, Minnesota is also known as "the land of 10,000 lakes" so perhaps they want to expand their piracy trade. Maybe open some piracy schools or something.
The way our various governments patrol our water-ways, good luck on that.

Sadly the Hmong, who finally adapted to the strains put on them by Minn. legislators and the weather very well, had said enough is enough, because in an article about five years ago, it said a large numbers are tired of the weather, even though for ten years we have had extremely mild winters, and are leaving for Arkansas and Louisiana.

14th October 2010, 21:37
If that makes you happy keep on, keepin on.

That's OK. I think I have adequate confirmation at this point. :dozey:

Captain VXR
14th October 2010, 22:46
Does every thread have to turn into a bloody Israel/Palestine debate with the same ****ing opinions being recycled over and over again?

15th October 2010, 04:22
Does every thread have to turn into a bloody Israel/Palestine debate with the same ****ing opinions being recycled over and over again?

well hang on EKI And JAnice will bring the Nazis in any minute

15th October 2010, 05:07
It is called Freedom, as you would justify it.
Not when they limit the freedom of others. Somalis haven't changed the laws in the US, but Jewish immigrants in Israel haven't only changed but they have written the racist laws in Israel.

15th October 2010, 05:39
This is the answer. (http://www.sntp.net/eugenics/eugenics_america.htm)

Bob Riebe
3rd November 2010, 20:01
Not when they limit the freedom of others. Somalis haven't changed the laws in the US, but Jewish immigrants in Israel haven't only changed but they have written the racist laws in Israel.

They are all caucasion, so what race are you speaking of?

3rd November 2010, 20:12
They are all caucasion, so what race are you speaking of?
OK, so the Nazis weren't racist either when they persecuted the Jews. They were all Caucasian. I'm glad we agree on the rules and terms now.

Bob Riebe
3rd November 2010, 20:13
OK, so the Nazis weren't racist either when they persecuted the Jews. They were all Caucasian. I'm glad we agree on the rules and terms now.
Your point is?

3rd November 2010, 20:15
Your point is?
Just beyond your grasp.

Bob Riebe
3rd November 2010, 20:22
Just beyond your grasp.
Ah, you do not have a point or are afraid to reveal it, your normal style.