View Full Version : What's this?

9th October 2010, 08:27
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4gHGqy5o0VQ about an Indian Chief Minister

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YqAEvkNtJ6A about NZ's Governor General, who happens to be of Indian decent. Talking to the NZ PM.

The show is from the state owned TVNZ. The guy was suspended for the latter video.

A lot of people here seem to be defending him for "calling it how he sees it".

Does anyone here also think like this man has been unjustly suspended and that a two week suspension is too "harsh"?

10th October 2010, 17:55
The guy is mental
He has earned a two week vacation in Phuket

11th October 2010, 15:34
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4gHGqy5o0VQ about an Indian Chief Minister

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YqAEvkNtJ6A about NZ's Governor General, who happens to be of Indian decent. Talking to the NZ PM.

The show is from the state owned TVNZ. The guy was suspended for the latter video.

A lot of people here seem to be defending him for "calling it how he sees it".

Does anyone here also think like this man has been unjustly suspended and that a two week suspension is too "harsh"?

The way he goes on and on about the last name in the first video, and that laugh, he comes off as being a very petty, insecure man, and in fact nobody else is laughing, because there's nothing funny about that. He seems to have something personal against Indians, must have been molested during childhood by an Indian or something.

First off, the name "Dik****" is pronounced with D pronounced as "the" and T is again a soft sound, so when spoken properly, doesn't come anywhere near to what he's referring to. So, the "calling it how he sees it" is complete bull and only half-brained twits with little knowledge can actually support this guy.

That guy should have been fired, because as a moderator on national TV, he should be unbiased. A two week suspension is too kind. Only a complete d!ickhead moron or a complete racist can have opinions like that against any group of people.

11th October 2010, 23:11
He has resigned, but now this man is carrying on with the insults:

Ironically Mr Laws, as it is not mentioned that he is CURRENTLY a MAYOR of a city in NZ.
This man has suggested paying the "underclass" to have them neutered. A mayor suggesting eugenics in the year 2009.

For a second there I forgot we live in a world where Der Fuhrer's ideology is still alive and well in the "free world".