View Full Version : No meat on Fridays?

5th October 2010, 19:44
On The Simpsons they just said that Catholics aren't allowed to eat meat on Fridays. Is it true, or was it just a joke?

Captain VXR
5th October 2010, 19:47
On The Simpsons they just said that Catholics aren't allowed to eat meat on Fridays. Is it true, or was it just a joke?

Its true - several Catholic relatives of mine won't eat meat on Fridays

5th October 2010, 20:14
Canon 1251
Abstinence from meat, or from some other food as determined by the Episcopal Conference, is to be observed on all Fridays, unless a solemnity should fall on a Friday. Abstinence and fasting are to be observed on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday.

You can also substitute abstinence with another form of penance.

When this was established Meat was a prized food so it wasn't that big of a deal. Today many still abstain from meat yet sit down in front of a Lobster dinner.....They don't get the point.

5th October 2010, 20:25
On The Simpsons ...

I thought you only quoted sources from Wikipedia Eki? ;) :p :

5th October 2010, 20:30
And yet the clue is in the name - Fried Day. Madness... :rolleyes:

5th October 2010, 20:32
Fish on Friday's is ok though.

I'm not Catholic so I don't know all the details - but a quick search of - Catholic - Fish - Friday - brings up all kinds of results if you're interested in the history of it.

donKey jote
5th October 2010, 20:35
No meat on Fridays. Fish fingers is ok though :erm: :uhoh: :arrows: :cheese:

5th October 2010, 20:54
Fish on Friday's is ok though.

I thought it was the Jews. When Bart said he'll convert to Judaism instead of Catholicism, he said to Homer and a Catholic priest "Don't have a cow, have fish". I guess he meant the Catholic priest can have fish then and not the Jews?

5th October 2010, 20:58
Fish fingers
They are called fins, so drop the ger.

5th October 2010, 21:03
my daughter has a book called "Barry, The fish with finger", which is pretty good.

5th October 2010, 21:22
The application of this precept varies from country to country. For example, American bishops allow individual Catholics to substitute another penance if they could not abstain from meat.

The origin of these "prescribed days of fasting and abstinence" is uncertain. We know for sure however that it was not an apostolic practice. The apostle Paul condemned obligatory dietary rules for Christians (see Colossians 2:16-23).

Of more importance than the historical origin, is the reason why Catholics don't eat meat on Fridays, and why they fast and practice other forms of abstinence.

A Catholic website answers: “Friday is a day of abstinence from meat for Catholics in order that this little sacrifice will be a work of satisfaction for the sins they have committed...The Church is a mother and knows that unless we are constantly reminded we will not make satisfaction for our sins.” (http://www.netacc.net/~mafg/que4040.htm). Similarly the Baltimore Catechism states that “the Church commands us to fast and abstain, in order that we may mortify our passions and satisfy for our sins.”

So Catholics refrain from meat on Fridays (or perform some other sacrifice) in order to make reparation for their sins.

...And no, Im not a catholic, its cut and pasted from some website.

Easy Drifter
5th October 2010, 21:30
At least in Canada the Roman Catholic Church has, I believe, dropped the 'rule'.
Many Catholics still follow it. Fish is not considered meat in the context of the ruling.
How true it is I do not know but a Catholic Priest told me the original edict was to help the fishermen of Rome sell there product, but that it really has no actual religious signifigance.
He was a Priest but a scholar rather than a preacher.

donKey jote
5th October 2010, 21:33
They are called fins, so drop the ger.
no, I'm pretty sure Easy mentioned Markabilly's missus giving him fish fingers after dinner :dozey:

5th October 2010, 22:10
no, I'm pretty sure Easy mentioned Markabilly's missus giving him fish fingers after dinner :dozey:

Middle fingers?

5th October 2010, 22:16
I thought it was the Jews. When Bart said he'll convert to Judaism instead of Catholicism, he said to Homer and a Catholic priest "Don't have a cow, have fish". I guess he meant the Catholic priest can have fish then and not the Jews?When I was living in Las Vegas I accepted a dinner invitation from a woman that I knew to be Jewish (although not practicing) first date. She made the best stuffed pork chops. (Did I mention she was an ex-mob wife from Chicago whose husband was up the river for a very long time?) This was around 1980. Whe sipped Bordeaux, and each took 1/2 of a Quaalude. The evening ended up in the sack ****ing like wild Indians. It was a friday however I had been excomunicated from the church for some time :eek: :laugh:
I don't believe there was the least feeling of guilt on either one of our parts about any of it. :s ailor:

5th October 2010, 22:27
When I was living in Las Vegas I accepted a dinner invitation from a woman that I knew to be Jewish (although not practicing) first date. She made the best stuffed pork chops. (Did I mention she was an ex-mob wife from Chicago whose husband was up the river for a very long time?) This was around 1980. Whe sipped Bordeaux, and each took 1/2 of a Quaalude. The evening ended up in the sack ****ing like wild Indians. It was a friday however I had been excomunicated from the church for some time :eek: :laugh:
I don't believe there was the least feeling of guilt on either one of our parts about any of it. :s ailor:

You Sir, are my hero!

Easy Drifter
6th October 2010, 02:44
My Jewish dentist would not eat pork except he loved bacon and eggs for breakfast.
Go figure.

6th October 2010, 06:59
My Jewish dentist would not eat pork except he loved bacon and eggs for breakfast.
Go figure.

Maybe eggs neutralize bacon.

6th October 2010, 07:01
My Jewish dentist would not eat pork except he loved bacon and eggs for breakfast.
Go figure.

Bacon tastes better? :p :

6th October 2010, 09:18
I'd heard of the fish on Good Friday thing but didn't know it meant every Friday - curious.

And Friday comes from the name of the godess Frigg. Nothing to do with cooking or otherwise!

6th October 2010, 11:36
I'm christian othoox like most of the people in eastern Europe.

Not only that we aren't allowed to eat meat on Friday but all the products of animal origin are banned. I mean eggs, milk and their derivates, spawn ( don't know about honey, though :laugh: ).

Not only that we don't do this on Fridays but on Wednesdays too.

Not only these 2 days/week but also long periods of time before important religious holidays. 6 weeks before Christmas, 6 weeks before Easter ( they say this ban includes also sexual relationship :laugh :) , 2 weeks before St.Mary-the Great, etc., etc. In these periods there are days when you still can eat fish.

On certain days like the Friday before Easter it's recommended a total abstination from food/drinks in general.

But it's fair to say that the term " allowed " is not appropriate. It's rather a recommandation and if you can't refrain yourself it's not a capital sin. However I know a lot of women ( some of them very young and modern ) who respect this Friday rule.
I've also noticed that every Friday there are longer queues at pretzel shops which is another proof that people keep the rule.

6th October 2010, 13:13
It's true.

6th October 2010, 15:20
My wife's Catholic. She tells me that in the '60s (Vatican II?) they dropped the no meat on Friday's deal. Now it is just no meat on Fridays during Lent, along with giving up something else during Lent. But I get the feeling that it's all just parish by parish sort of thing.

6th October 2010, 17:04
I wonder if in Italy they only serve vegetarian pizzas in pizzerias on Fridays. They are mostly Catholic after all.

6th October 2010, 17:13
Definitely not. Today catholics don't obey the church rules. :laugh:

Easy Drifter
6th October 2010, 18:03
Many restaurants in Canada feature fish specials on Fri., although no longer a Catholic requirement to not eat meat. Usually fish and chips is the special.
It is also the busiest day of the week for fish markets and seafood restaurants. Mind you Fri. is a busy day for most restaurants anyway.
Monday is the slowest and many close Monday and even ones open usually have their top chef(s) off.
Monday and Tues. are the worst days to eat out for top food.
Does not apply to fast food joints.

6th October 2010, 18:15
Not likely Eki as the idea is to "avoid the near occasion of sin"
Authentic Italian Pizza has only tomato sauce, cheese, and basil leaves.
Not to mention that (I'm, going to guess) proprietors in Italy are every bit as greedy as anywhere else. ;)

6th October 2010, 18:16
Where's Bob Riebe to give us some "facts" that Muslims eat Catholics on Fridays or something like that? ;)

6th October 2010, 18:22
Being Irish, I know a thing or two about the Catholic religion, and as someone has already posted, this rule certainly existed in the past but not now. However, many Catholics still follow the tradition. My folks always have fantastic fresh fish for dinner on a Friday evening, with a bottle or two of nice wine to wash it down....

6th October 2010, 18:23
Where's Bob Riebe to give us some "facts" that Muslims eat Catholics on Fridays or something like that? ;)

Only the first born male child under the age of 12 during Eid Al-Fitr :rolleyes: :p

BTW nice sig, although I would say Jesus is a Muslim :up:

6th October 2010, 20:25
Where's Bob Riebe to give us some "facts" that Muslims eat Catholics on Fridays or something like that? ;)

Maybe they should put aside their differences and gang up on their common enemies like monogamous gay people and stem cells.

Bob Riebe
6th October 2010, 22:07
Where's Bob Riebe to give us some "facts" that Muslims eat Catholics on Fridays or something like that? ;)
Why, you did.

As far as your sig. the Muslim religion was not created by Mohamed till long after Jesus visit was over.
Muslim is a Johnny-come-lately religion; the Jews are a ethnic group of Caucasions descended from Judah.

Back to thread topic.

Bob Riebe
6th October 2010, 22:08
Maybe they should put aside their differences and gang up on their common enemies like monogamous gay people and stem cells.
Kind of like your hatred for the Jews.

6th October 2010, 23:39
I wonder if in Italy they only serve vegetarian pizzas in pizzerias on Fridays. They are mostly Catholic after all.

Anchovies. ;) :p

What's wrong with Fish Sticks(fingers)? I think they're great, especially with tartar sauce. :lips: :D

7th October 2010, 06:29
As far as your sig. the Muslim religion was not created by Mohamed till long after Jesus visit was over.
Muslim is a Johnny-come-lately religion; the Jews are a ethnic group of Caucasions descended from Judah.

:s ailor: You are correct Sir!!
That is why it would be more appropriate to say Jesus is a Muslim by faith. After all he could have converted after his resurrection ;)
BTW The earth being spherical is a Johnny-come-lately theory

:s ailor: But why?
Carl Sagan believes it has something to do with the repression of the knowledge of the classic Greek civilization by the leadership of the "Christians"
The following is rather interesting IMO


So what is my point?
Religion represses the expression of free thought! :down:
and comparing them is for Theologians
:s ailor: Not for trying to insight hatred.

7th October 2010, 07:13
Kind of like your hatred for the Jews.

Maybe I should start a thread about what's wrong with the Jews, like your hate thread against the Muslims that got closed. This could be a good place to start:


Really an eye-opener.

7th October 2010, 07:35
Maybe I should start a thread about what's wrong with the Jews, like your hate thread against the Muslims that got closed. This could be a good place to start:


Really an eye-opener.

Scary Movie! :eek:

7th October 2010, 07:37
Many restaurants in Canada feature fish specials on Fri., although no longer a Catholic requirement to not eat meat. Usually fish and chips is the special.

Back in the days of communism, when eating meat had become a luxury, our restaurants have certain days/week when the only dish was fish with vietnamese shrimps. And religious issues were ridiculised.....

Easy Drifter
7th October 2010, 15:37
Well so far about all we have proved is that Eki's use of the Simpsons as a source of information is about as accurate as Wiki. :D

8th October 2010, 09:15
It's Friday.....

I'm already eating a cheese sandwich. I called up my mother and she said we'll have "mici" ( romanian traditional dish - a sort of sausages ) for lunch.

I read this topic and start to feel guilty.....

8th October 2010, 15:20
BTW The earth being spherical is a Johnny-come-lately theory


donKey jote
8th October 2010, 20:40
I had a kebab for lunch and fish & chips for dinner...
best of both worlds :laugh:

8th October 2010, 22:53
It's Friday - Tonight it's all-you-can-eat steak and lobster for $24.99 ... been fasting for a while now...

8th October 2010, 23:24
It's Friday - Tonight it's all-you-can-eat steak and lobster for $24.99 ...

Where's that Ed?

9th October 2010, 00:08
Just had a piece of blackened filet mignon r-a-r-e, with a glass of napa valley cabernet sauvignon :s mokin:
:s ailor: Friday

Easy Drifter
9th October 2010, 01:49
When I get around to it (I tend to eat late) it will be an Elk Sausage on a whole wheat bun with fried onion done on the BBQ.

9th October 2010, 18:23
Where's that Ed?

The Stoney Nakoda Casino west of town. Had a stag party there last night. You could eat as many lobster tails as you want. Guy at the next table ate 12 of 'em.