View Full Version : Confessions made when 100% inebriated...

11th March 2007, 03:56
So a friend of a friend had an interesting evening of late, when a girl he had been seeing for awhile essentially "spilled the beans" about her feelings for him. Confronted the next day she had no recollection of the event. There was a bit of drinking during the evening in question, and in the end she passed out (the evening was 100% honourable :D ).

Question: Do you feel things said while inebriated but forgotten are:

A) 100% real
B) Half truths to be subjected to the highest scrutiny, or
C) Forgotten

11th March 2007, 04:23
Definately C)
Being drunk gives a person complete deniability.
Re : "I didn't know what I was saying, I was drunk !"

11th March 2007, 04:25
Definately C)
Being drunk gives a person complete deniability.
Re : "I didn't know what I was saying, I was drunk !"

Yes, they can easily deny, but are they denying a truth they would rather not share?

11th March 2007, 06:26
I'd say A.

My experience is that I've never said anything while drunk that I wasn't thinking while sober - the alcohol simply made me more likely to say it. But, I've never been drunk enough to not remember what I've done.

oily oaf
11th March 2007, 08:20
Ah yes my friends, the pernicious properties of the foaming pint :(
I myself can vouchsafe that too much pop can lead to ill advised candour and the chilling aftermath that can ensue.
Only last Friday after a savage night on the strong grog I made the perfectly innocent albeit with the power of hindsight recklessly ill chosen remark that Mrs Oaf was geting "a bit of an ar$e on her"

Yours faithfully
O, Oaf
The shed

oily oaf
11th March 2007, 08:34
Somewhat conversely however although a right royal skinful can induce a man to "tell it like it is" it can also cause severe malfunctions in some of the other 5 senses. The eyes in particular can become very badly affected when a man dons what are commonly known as "The Old Beer Goggles"

Take me for example. In 1985 I managed to ingratiate myself with a young lady at a rather boozy party and was fortunate enough to convince her that a late night visit to my boudoir would most definitely be the way forward :)

As I watched contentedly as she shed first her clothing and then her inhibitions I mused inwardly that she bore a striking resemblance to Hollywood fit bird Catherine Zeta Jones.

A cursory inspection of her sleeping form when dawn broke however revealed that her facial and bodily aspect was in fact more akin to that of Neath and Wales rugby prop forward Gareth (The Incredible Bulk) Jones from Llanelli :(

Yours Ruefully
O. Oaf
Enjoying a nourishing yet frugal breakfast of one quarter of an Oatabix with 32 Imperial Gallons of milk
The shed

11th March 2007, 09:17
Ah yes my friends, the pernicious properties of the foaming pint :(
I myself can vouchsafe that too much pop can lead to ill advised candour and the chilling aftermath that can ensue.
Only last Friday after a savage night on the strong grog I made the perfectly innocent albeit with the power of hindsight recklessly ill chosen remark that Mrs Oaf was geting "a bit of an ar$e on her"

Yours faithfully
O, Oaf
The shed
You should have first gotten a second opinion on her behind from the Arsebishop of Canterbury before saying anything.

11th March 2007, 10:10
So a friend of a friend had an interesting evening of late, when a girl he had been seeing for awhile essentially "spilled the beans" about her feelings for him. Confronted the next day she had no recollection of the event. There was a bit of drinking during the evening in question, and in the end she passed out (the evening was 100% honourable :D ).

Question: Do you feel things said while inebriated but forgotten are:

A) 100% real
B) Half truths to be subjected to the highest scrutiny, or
C) Forgotten

I'm not sure if there is a simple answer. I guess it depends a lot on how things are done. In principle I would think that there is some truth in something said in such a state, but then I know I've said things when being angry that I don't really agree with when calm; it could be the same when drunk.

R. Mears
11th March 2007, 12:09
Oh yea the all time favorite denial of "I don't remember that?" meaning it didn't happen or it couldn't of happened. LMAO
When people use that excuse I always say "you don't remember being born, so that means it didn't happen right?" LMFAO :D

11th March 2007, 12:31
I'd say, B.

Alcohol tends to exaggerate the feeling of affection, just as it does the feeling of animosity. Once, a long time ago, when I was still young and foolish, I was told that I had told a middle-aged Englishman a reported five times that he was "my best friend, man" and encouraged him to "give me five" the previous night. The truth about our relationship, however, was that I had just become friends with him and was probably just happy with him because he was supplying the drinks.

11th March 2007, 17:30
I take anything said by a intoxicated person very lightly.
Too many times it is the alcohol talking & the person is not in control.
The truth can sometimes come out when someone is intoxicated but ...
many times it is a perversion of fantasy & not to be taken seriously.
NEVER take anything said by an intoxicated person as the absolute truth. :s

11th March 2007, 18:34
Further investigation is obviously necessary. You said that he had been "seeing her" for a while. Well, let him see her for a while more and see what she's saying when she's sober. Good luck.

Definately C)
Being drunk gives a person complete deniability.
Re : "I didn't know what I was saying, I was drunk !"

Of course she could deny what she said but maybe because she's ashamed or something?

race aficionado
11th March 2007, 19:35
Somewhat conversely however although a right royal skinful can induce a man to "tell it like it is" it can also cause severe malfunctions in some of the other 5 senses. The eyes in particular can become very badly affected when a man dons what are commonly known as "The Old Beer Goggles"

Take me for example. In 1985 I managed to ingratiate myself with a young lady at a rather boozy party and was fortunate enough to convince her that a late night visit to my boudoir would most definitely be the way forward :)

As I watched contentedly as she shed first her clothing and then her inhibitions I mused inwardly that she bore a striking resemblance to Hollywood fit bird Catherine Zeta Jones.

A cursory inspection of her sleeping form when dawn broke however revealed that her facial and bodily aspect was in fact more akin to that of Neath and Wales rugby prop forward Gareth (The Incredible Bulk) Jones from Llanelli :(

Yours Ruefully
O. Oaf
Enjoying a nourishing yet frugal breakfast of one quarter of an Oatabix with 32 Imperial Gallons of milk
The shed

See . . . . that's an experience I've never been through and I've always wondered what it would be like to wake up and notice someone by your side and not remembering how you ended up in that situation and as an added bonus noticing that the person that is looking at you with those checkerboard teeth is endeed the likes of Neath and Wales rugby prop forward Gareth (The Incredible Bulk) Jones from Llanelli :D

:s mokin:

12th March 2007, 02:59
many times alcohol brings out deep feelings. sometimes it brings out bull**** so I suppose it just matters what point you want to get across. Some people are very bad drunks and get mean - some are happy - just depends on your body chemistry. some drink to remember some drink to forget

12th March 2007, 03:09
I think I've got a construct with which to work...

The basic premise was true, but perhaps the exuberance with which it was expressed was a bit overdone.

Not so bad, all-in-all

12th March 2007, 03:25
A, always.

When youre drunk, you tend to speak your mind a hell of a lot more.

oily oaf
12th March 2007, 07:06
You should have first gotten a second opinion on her behind from the Arsebishop of Canterbury before saying anything.

For God's sake man (see what i did?) Dont you think I tried???
Unfortunately for me the cheeky chaplain was attending a Church Of England forum in Newington Butts where senior bottom obsessed clerics were debating as to whether apprentice Arsebishops should be permitted to shave their cheeks and wear an ecclesiastical posing thong during Holy Week.

Happily however Mrs Oaf has started to thaw somewhat and I have been allowed back into the marital home :mad:

Yours Cheerily
O. Oaf
The cat's bed