View Full Version : The real Muslim religion

Bob Riebe
1st October 2010, 03:17

...Even after marriage, many men keep their boys, suggesting a loveless life at home. A favored Afghan expression goes: "Women are for children, boys are for pleasure." Fundamentalist imams, exaggerating a biblical passage on menstruation, teach that women are "unclean" and therefore distasteful. One married man even asked Cardinalli's team "how his wife could become pregnant," her report said. When that was explained, he "reacted with disgust" and asked, "How could one feel desire to be with a woman, who God has made unclean?"

That helps explain why women are hidden away - and stoned to death if they are perceived to have misbehaved. Islamic law also forbids homosexuality. But the pedophiles explain that away. It's not homosexuality, they aver, because they aren't in love with their boys.

Addressing the loathsome mistreatment of Afghan women remains a primary goal for coalition governments, as it should be.

But what about the boys, thousands upon thousands of little boys who are victims of serial rape over many years, destroying their lives - and Afghan society.

"There's no issue more horrifying and more deserving of our attention than this," Cardinalli said. "I'm continually haunted by what I saw."

As one boy, in tow of a man he called "my lord," told the Reuters reporter: "Once I grow up, I will be an owner, and I will have my own boys."

© 2010 Joel Brinkley

Joel Brinkley is a professor of journalism at Stanford University and is a former Pulitzer Prize-winning foreign correspondent for the New York Times.

1st October 2010, 08:43
Who is this " Cardinalli" and why should I take his sayings as " the real muslim religion " ?

I hate this kind of articles. Foreign journalists come in places they don't know and then write stories to match readers expectations. I admit I don't live in the best place on earth but the way our life is reflected in western papers is in most of the cases ridiculous.

1st October 2010, 09:32
Is this any more the "real Muslim religion" than child abuse in the Catholic church represents the "real Catholic religion"?

This is a human issue, not a religious one, because such "loathsome mistreatment" of people is not confined to Afghanistan or a particular faith and should be condemned whenever and wherever it rears its ugly head.

1st October 2010, 11:07
Is this any more the "real Muslim religion" than child abuse in the Catholic church represents the "real Catholic religion"?


1st October 2010, 11:46
Is this any more the "real Muslim religion" than child abuse in the Catholic church represents the "real Catholic religion"?

This is a human issue, not a religious one, because such "loathsome mistreatment" of people is not confined to Afghanistan or a particular faith and should be condemned whenever and wherever it rears its ugly head.
that is where you do not get it. With the catholic church, it is HYPOCRISY
Preach one thing and do another. You do not find this behavior sanctioned at all in the new testament. Jesus was not jumping into bed with muliple wives as youg as nine years of age

Funny thing is how many in the Catholic Church despised the idea of translating the new testament into the native languages of various countries and letting folks read it for themselves.....the printing press was not well received by many bishops and indeed, advocating reading the new testament for yourself was a crime or almost a crime likely to get one burned at a stake. :eek:

With the muslim religion, the issue is just the opposite. What many muslims who you would (and yes, even I would) call "good muslims", are per the koran itself, condemned as hypocrites. They are failing to follow the word of the prophet.

There was a lengthy thread about this some time back

1st October 2010, 12:38
With the catholic church, it is HYPOCRISY
No. It is child abuse.

You do not find this behavior sanctioned at all in the new testament...With the muslim religion, the issue is just the opposite...
Are you saying that the Qur’an sanctions the behaviour outlined in the article? Or is it, as the article says, a "perverse interpretation of Islamic law"? The kind of perverse interpretation of something that can be used by anyone, anywhere, of faith or not, to justify anything.

1st October 2010, 12:57
Both the bible and the Qur'an are perverse. And i find it hard to believe that people take such books seriously, as they are both full of hatred fear death and greed.

Dave B
1st October 2010, 13:01
You'll find extremists in all religions. Most Muslims, like most Christians and Catholics, want a peaceful life for themselves and others. A handful go around raping children or flying planes into tall buildings, that doesn't mean they're all evil by association.

1st October 2010, 15:01
The way I see it is that any religion that forbids you from enjoying a big, thick bacon sandwich is just plain wrong.

Dave B
1st October 2010, 15:09
Well let's be honest, they're all wrong. Bunch of fairy stories to fill in the blanks before mankind started asking proper questions.

Rudy Tamasz
1st October 2010, 15:21
Once I read a magazine published by a gay rights NGO with an article that had very similar information on Afghanistan.

I agree with a French writer who once said: "Hashish smoking polygamists should not teach us morality".

1st October 2010, 18:52
My God!! They are worse than the Greeks :)

1st October 2010, 19:03
To quote the standup Jeremy Hardy, "Islam and Christianity are as mad as each other. They're basically both Judaism with all the jokes taken out"

1st October 2010, 20:23
Jesus was not jumping into bed with muliple wives as youg as nine years of age

Jesus said "let children come unto me". If an unmarried man in his late 30s said that these days, he'd probably be considered suspicious by many parents.

Easy Drifter
1st October 2010, 22:02
Any man, any age these days!

2nd October 2010, 04:59
Is this any more the "real Muslim religion" than child abuse in the Catholic church represents the "real Catholic religion"?

This is a human issue, not a religious one, because such "loathsome mistreatment" of people is not confined to Afghanistan or a particular faith and should be condemned whenever and wherever it rears its ugly head.


Try not to make a habit of stating something that makes sense, as it destroys the direction of the threads that are started attempting to give a false impression of certain religious groups and promote hate. :s mokin:

2nd October 2010, 09:24
There are sick people in every walk of life, here we have peods who live next door and are watching kiddie porn and fantasizing about doing devil know what with kids.
So if he wears a cross that does that mean he represents the REAL Christian religion?
Hell, the Catholic church even kid and supported their perverted brethren, says plenty doesn't it?

You can be a backwards assclown who stereotypes everyone and everything that moves based on some predetermined xenophobic conclusions , read between the lines.

Addressing the loathsome mistreatment of Afghan women remains a primary goal for coalition governments, as it should be.

And Hamid what'shisface... Didn't he set up some nice Sharia Family law crap that is on par with the Taliban?
The coalition should be very proud.

My God!! They are worse than the Greeks :)

Ya'll should watch the Kite Runner.

Question for you Christian folk, how old was Mary when Jesus was born?

2nd October 2010, 17:20
Question for you Christian folk, how old was Mary when Jesus was born?

A virgin of about 13?

2nd October 2010, 18:25
:s ailor: :rolleyes: :monster:

2nd October 2010, 18:34
:s ailor: :rolleyes: :monster:


donKey jote
2nd October 2010, 20:29
a virgin until she was "touched" by the holy ghost...
had to leg it on a donkey to avoid the gossip.

Donks II:6-8

race aficionado
2nd October 2010, 20:53
You are all going to hell.
You know that, right?
:s mokin:

Race III:11-11

2nd October 2010, 22:14
How To Tell A Greek From A Muslim


race aficionado
2nd October 2010, 22:25
Yo fousto!
He's just giving the guy an abdominal heimlich maneuver.

:s mokin:

3rd October 2010, 02:21
And god said unto Adam,
"Take Eve and teach that tramp how to chirp in the key of yodel"
Tazio 6-9

:s mokin:

Bob Riebe
3rd October 2010, 07:48
a virgin until she was "touched" by the holy ghost...
had to leg it on a donkey to avoid the gossip.

Donks II:6-8This has what to to do with the article Donkey donk?

Bob Riebe
3rd October 2010, 07:54
Who is this " Cardinalli" and why should I take his sayings as " the real muslim religion " ?

I hate this kind of articles. Foreign journalists come in places they don't know and then write stories to match readers expectations. I admit I don't live in the best place on earth but the way our life is reflected in western papers is in most of the cases ridiculous.
Joel Brinkley is the Hearst Visiting Professional in Residence. Brinkley joined the Department of Communication in the fall of 2006 after a 23-year career with The New York Times. There, he served as a reporter, editor and Pulitzer Prize winning foreign correspondent.

At Stanford, Brinkley writes an op-ed column on foreign policy that appears in about 50 newspapers and Websites in the United States and around the world each week, syndicated by Tribune Media Services. His areas of research include American foreign policy and the future of the nation’s newspaper industry.

Brinkley is a native of Washington D.C., and a graduate of The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He began his journalism career at the Associated Press and over the following years worked for the Richmond (Va.) News Leader and the Louisville Courier Journal before joining the Times in 1983.

At The New York Times, Brinkley served as Washington correspondent, White House correspondent and chief of the Times Bureau in Jerusalem, Israel. He spent more than 10 years in editing positions including Projects Editor in Washington, Political Editor in New York and Investigations Editor in Washington following the September 11 attacks. He served as political writer in Baghdad during the fall of 2003. He also covered technology issues including the Microsoft anti-trust trial and was serving as foreign-policy correspondent when he left the Times in June 2006.

Over the last 30 years Brinkley has reported from 46 states and more than 50 foreign countries. He has won more than a dozen national reporting and writing awards. He won the Pulitzer Prize for International Reporting in 1980 and was twice a finalist for an investigative reporting Pulitzer in the following years. He was a director of the Fund for Investigative Journalism from 2001 to 2006.

Mr. Brinkley is the author of five books: The Iran-Contra Affair (with Steve Engelberg) published by Times Books in 1988; The Circus Master's Mission, a novel, published by Random House in 1989; Defining Vision: The Battle for the Future of Television , published by Harcourt Brace in 1998; U.S. vs. Microsoft: The Inside Story of the Landmark Case (with Steve Lohr) published by McGraw Hill in 2001; Cambodia’s Curse: The Modern History of a Troubled Land, to be published by Public Affairs Books in 2011. He has also contributed to several other books, including the chapter on George W. Bush in The American Presidency, published by Houghton Mifflin in 2004.

Bob Riebe
3rd October 2010, 07:56
Is this any more the "real Muslim religion" than child abuse in the Catholic church represents the "real Catholic religion"?

This is a human issue, not a religious one, because such "loathsome mistreatment" of people is not confined to Afghanistan or a particular faith and should be condemned whenever and wherever it rears its ugly head.
The Roman Catholic item, was not condoned by Roman Catholics, though the self-absorbed heirarchy, did more to hide it than cure it.
The courts are now going after the Roman Catholic leaders to get some justice out of what happened.
This is similar to Afghanistan in what manner?

Reread the article , or at least do not try to misrepresent what it says.

Bob Riebe
3rd October 2010, 07:57
Both the bible and the Qur'an are perverse. And i find it hard to believe that people take such books seriously, as they are both full of hatred fear death and greed.
Which has what to so with the article the thread is based on?

It shows you to be a bigot but that is not the topic of the thread.

Bob Riebe
3rd October 2010, 08:02
There are sick people in every walk of life, here we have peods who live next door and are watching kiddie porn and fantasizing about doing devil know what with kids.
So if he wears a cross that does that mean he represents the REAL Christian religion?
Hell, the Catholic church even kid and supported their perverted brethren, says plenty doesn't it?

You can be a backwards assclown who stereotypes everyone and everything that moves based on some predetermined xenophobic conclusions , read between the lines.

And Hamid what'shisface... Didn't he set up some nice Sharia Family law crap that is on par with the Taliban?
The coalition should be very proud.


Ya'll should watch the Kite Runner.

Question for you Christian folk, how old was Mary when Jesus was born?.
Try addressing the topic of the article rather than divert to your bigoted bias for what ever reason you have.

Bob Riebe
3rd October 2010, 08:05
And god said unto Adam,
"Take Eve and teach that tramp how to chirp in the key of yodel"
Tazio 6-9
:s mokin:
Which has what to do with the topic of the article?
It does show you are a rather clueless twit, and very well.

3rd October 2010, 09:24
Which has what to do with the topic of the article?
It does show you are a rather clueless twit, and very well.
It shows that I mock all religion but specifically that based on the Old Testament. It is irrelevant. I don't care if if people chose to be pole smokers, butt pirates, pillow biters, or barnacle bumpers. It had nothing to do with your precious artcle you posted. It is a joke lad!
However I do not condone pedophilia!

And Adam asked the lord:
"After giving this lesson to Eve what then"?
And the lord answered:
"Bust a crate of eggs in her face."

:s mokin:

3rd October 2010, 09:39
its funny when someone trying to "prove" their religon as the true one by discrediting another dares to use the words "bigot" and "bias". Especially when they are essentially the same religon from a slightly different angle.

its all based n the same story and so cross pollinated its silly.

anyone who carries out any acts in the name of a god realy needs help IMO

donKey jote
3rd October 2010, 10:42
This has what to to do with the article Donkey donk?
about as much as any of your rants have to do with reality :laugh: :laugh:
...maybe I should have posted in a new thread called "The real Christian religion" :dozey:

3rd October 2010, 16:26
about as much as any of your rants have to do with reality :laugh: :laugh:
" :dozey:

Donkeys have their own reality, it is called...........................................

3rd October 2010, 16:29
Try addressing the topic of the article rather than divert to your bigoted bias for what ever reason you have.

Why would you possibly call me a bigot?
Do you even know what the word mean?

I don't think you do Bobby, I think you should go look it up. And while you're looking up words, go and look up [b]hypocrite[b] too.

Oh and secondly, I did address the topic you hypocritical bigot, a little Afghan boy gets raped in the Kite Runner, and then his son is also raped by the same person.

You are all going to hell.
Race III:11-11

Find me someone who isn't. :p

3rd October 2010, 16:57
gee my post seems to be missing :)

race aficionado
3rd October 2010, 17:54
gee my post seems to be missing :)

Well, at least you are still here.
:s mokin:

donKey jote
3rd October 2010, 18:14
Donkeys have their own reality, it is called...........................................

well whatever it's called, it doesn't confuse the alleged customs (however abhorrent) of a people who make up less than 1% of the muslims worldwide (do the math bobby bob) with "the real muslim religion" :dozey:

3rd October 2010, 19:10
Well, at least you are still here.
:s mokin:

Exactly :hmph: ;)

3rd October 2010, 19:35
Bob Riebe, I thought that the radical Islam is violently homophobic. Much as radical Christianity, unfortunately :(

Bob Riebe
4th October 2010, 00:02
Why would you possibly call me a bigot?
Do you even know what the word mean?

I don't think you do Bobby, I think you should go look it up. And while you're looking up words, go and look up [b]hypocrite[b] too.

Oh and secondly, I did address the topic you hypocritical bigot, a little Afghan boy gets raped in the Kite Runner, and then his son is also raped by the same person.

Find me someone who isn't. :p
Oh my, I hit a sore spot, but then the truth usually does that.

Bob Riebe
4th October 2010, 00:03
its funny when someone trying to "prove" their religon as the true one by discrediting another dares to use the words "bigot" and "bias". Especially when they are essentially the same religon from a slightly different angle.

its all based n the same story and so cross pollinated its silly.

anyone who carries out any acts in the name of a god realy needs help IMO
Who is trying to prove which religion?

Show me the post that mentions another.

Bob Riebe
4th October 2010, 00:04
about as much as any of your rants have to do with reality :laugh: :laugh:
...maybe I should have posted in a new thread called "The real Christian religion" :dozey:
This has what to do with the topic of the thread, or do you have a reading disorder?

Bob Riebe
4th October 2010, 00:12
[quote="donKey jote"]well whatever it's called, it doesn't confuse the alleged customs (however abhorrent) of a people who make up less than 1% of the muslims worldwide (do the math bobby bob) with "the real muslim religion" :dozey: [/QUOTE
I do not see any Muslim authorities any where condemning it, yet they all seemed to have a fit when some one said he would burn the Quran; therefore if all are out spoken about one, and quiet about another, the actions must speak for all.

You hypocrites attack the RC church, and members as a whole for the actions of a few, but when it comes to Muslims you take the opposite view.
Most bigots act that way.

From the Oxford English Dictionary:
Obstinate intolerant believer in a religion, etc.

As you and others have instead of staying on topic about some Muslims, decided to ridicule or attack the Christian Faith or Roman Catholics, apparently you are obstinate believers in Muslims.
For what other reason would you divert from the topic about Muslim sodomists and attack another religion for.

Bob Riebe
4th October 2010, 00:28
Bob Riebe, I thought that the radical Islam is violently homophobic. Much as radical Christianity, unfortunately :(
Where are Christians violently "homophobic"?

At least you are addressing to some degree the ridiculous hypocristy of these Muslim men in Afghanistan.

Why do the Muslim clerics not have the same response to this horrid corruption of what the Muslim religion is supposedly about, they have had when some obscure preacher said he would burn a Quran, or worse some cartoonist draws a simple cartoon about Mohammed?

4th October 2010, 01:18
Oh my, I hit a sore spot, but then the truth usually does that.

Yes, yes you did. Now excuse me while I cut myself; I shall be chanting your name as I do.

Bob Riebe
4th October 2010, 03:24
Yes, yes you did. Now excuse me while I cut myself; I shall be chanting your name as I do.
Sweeeet. http://foolstown.com/sm/daz.gif

4th October 2010, 04:00
Son of Vancome Lady.

4th October 2010, 05:59
Where are Christians violently "homophobic"?



Bob Riebe
4th October 2010, 06:05

How is that violent?

It says GOP, and if they are going to go after what people do in their own homes, well, I guess first them came after the smokers, and then they will go after....

4th October 2010, 08:26
Son of Vancome Lady. :p
