View Full Version : Obama's chickens coming home to roost

Bob Riebe
25th September 2010, 05:49
Former Justice official blasts superiors over race-neutral’ voting enforcement
Updated 5 hours ago

Former Justice official blasts superiors over race-neutral’ voting enforcement

By Jordan Steffen

Tribune Washington Bureau

WASHINGTON — A former Justice Department official accused his superiors Friday of discouraging “race-neutral” voting enforcement and gutting a controversial 2008 voter intimidation case in which suspects were part of an African-American militant group that allegedly discriminated against white voters.

Over the objections of Justice Department officials, former Voting Chief Christopher Coates testified before the U.S. Civil Rights Commission. Coates claimed that the Obama administration discouraged pursuing minority perpetrators and instead focused on prosecuting white voters accused of racial activity.

“The election of President Obama brought to positions of influence and power within the (Civil Rights Division) many of the very people who had demonstrated hostility to the concept of equal enforcement of the (Voting Rights Act),” Coates said. Coates recently transferred to a position in the U.S. attorney’s office in South Carolina....

The reality of the hypocrisy and vile attitude of the Obama Administration are starting to be exposed.
For those who want to toss out some of your favorite words without a single bit of backing, "right-wing, or far right" this gent used to work for th ACLU.

The only thing that would have been worse than Obama being elected would have been him losing, as his election is having the effect of plunging some of the feces in D.C. down the sewer.
Bush in his ineptness started to expose that Washington insiders, especially those running the Republican Party, did not give a damn about what those who elected them cared about, but now with The Obama Administration, it is open season on narcissistic politicians every where.

25th September 2010, 06:20
And about Damn Time