View Full Version : Europe according to Americans and Brits

24th September 2010, 11:28

Europe According to USA:


Europe According to Britain


24th September 2010, 11:59
LOL, hillarious!

24th September 2010, 12:19
:laugh: It's a fact that americans' general knowledge is poor. That's why I wasn't surprised to see that Bulgaria is associated with Dracula. :laugh: :laugh:

But the rest is true. On other forums my nickname is "Dracula's mate". :laugh:

24th September 2010, 12:23
As I said before in other topic, vampires FTW :)

Bob Riebe
24th September 2010, 20:53
I take it by the way its being mocked, that the maps are not a true representation???

:p :)

Very funny.. :up:
Sadly in this day and age closer to true than false.

24th September 2010, 21:47
So all that makes me a Mexican rascal with sunscreen. Sounds about right gringo, bejaysus!

donKey jote
24th September 2010, 23:19
True story from my first visit to the US some 25+ years ago:
-"Where are you from?"
-"Madrid, Spain" (the latter added just in case ;) )
-"Oh, and whereabouts in Mexico is that then?" :arrows:

25th September 2010, 01:33
On the serious side you keep calling Americans dumb. Did it ever occur to you that many really don't give as sh!t about you or certainly where you come from. Many people in this country have no desire to ever travel outside of this country. But they can break down and rebuild and Colt 45 ACP blindfolded with one arm tied behind their back. Guess it is just what priorities you have.

25th September 2010, 01:40

Europe According to USA:


Europe According to Britain


Whoever did that gives far far far too much credit to the general American in even being able to find maybe 20 US States correctly, much less even find Europe on the map...
Knowing where 3-5 are located, come on, only lefties with master's degrees can do that.

25th September 2010, 01:49
On the serious side you keep calling Americans dumb. Did it ever occur to you that many really don't give as sh!t about you or certainly where you come from. Many people in this country have no desire to ever travel outside of this country. But they can break down and rebuild and Colt 45 ACP blindfolded with one arm tied behind their back. Guess it is just what priorities you have.

I hate to tell you this, but it doesn't actually take much to know about the rest of the world AND develop other skills. I may not be able to break down and rebuild a Colt 45 blindfolded with one arm tied behind my back, but I have come to be able to use a camera to a reasonable professional standard, yet I know without looking it up that Columbus is the state capital of Ohio. It should be everyone's priority to be knowledgeable about the wider world. Those that aren't, whose mentality is entirely insular, should not be surprised when they are branded as moronic. It's not difficult. And this doesn't just go for Americans — far from it.

25th September 2010, 01:56
I can appreciate your opinion of a wider world although you need to respect their "don't give a sh!t" opinion as well. North America is vast and most of us will never visit a fraction of what is available. Whereas in Europe you used to have different cultures minutes or hours away.

Bob Riebe
25th September 2010, 05:24
Whoever did that gives far far far too much credit to the general American in even being able to find maybe 20 US States correctly, much less even find Europe on the map...
Knowing where 3-5 are located, come on, only lefties with master's degrees can do that.
Nope only those with doctorate degrees can, and they buy the information.
As rude as your opinion may sound, the education system of this country is headed that way

25th September 2010, 06:27
Janice - you keep blabbing about a social education. We need to educate our people to do something rather than worry about what the Nazis did. Sh!t have the blondes don't know where the equator is but they know a hell of a lot about Beavers and Money. Some of the dumbest women in this country could buy and sell you in a new york second!!

25th September 2010, 06:35
Funny thing is that whenever I am in Europe I run in to some really stupid people.

I don't even have to bring up anecdotal stories like the American bashers here.

All I need are 2 words!

"Soccer Hooligans"

You have to bring out the riot troops and deport people because of a silly game.

25th September 2010, 06:42
Oh and then all the sausage beasts drowning in beer. Poor Spain has to watch these things clutter the beaches.

25th September 2010, 07:36
Janice - you keep blabbing about a social education. We need to educate our people to do something rather than worry about what the Nazis did. Sh!t have the blondes don't know where the equator is but they know a hell of a lot about Beavers and Money. Some of the dumbest women in this country could buy and sell you in a new york second!!

It is amusing to see you defend lack of education by lauding ignorance.

25th September 2010, 07:41
Funny thing is that whenever I am in Europe I run in to some really stupid people.

I don't even have to bring up anecdotal stories like the American bashers here.

All I need are 2 words!

"Soccer Hooligans"

You have to bring out the riot troops and deport people because of a silly game.

When were you in Europe? What specific country because you do know that Europe being a continent has many countries.

Tell us all where this soccer hooliganism is rearing it's ugly head. Soccer violence is almost extinct in the UK as is football violence in LA.

I doubt you ever went two states away from your own home. A couple of simple questions would end your dreaming and fantasy.

25th September 2010, 11:38
On the serious side you keep calling Americans dumb. Did it ever occur to you that many really don't give as sh!t about you or certainly where you come from. Many people in this country have no desire to ever travel outside of this country. But they can break down and rebuild and Colt 45 ACP blindfolded with one arm tied behind their back. Guess it is just what priorities you have.
I could break down and rebuild an Rk62 assault rifle with a rucksack over my head, but for some reason I wanted to learn something more. Outside the military, that skill has little demand by employers.

25th September 2010, 15:49
I could break down and rebuild an Rk62 assault rifle with a rucksack over my head, but for some reason I wanted to learn something more. Outside the military, that skill has little demand by employers.

Afghan is hiring EKI

25th September 2010, 19:42
Nope only those with doctorate degrees can, and they buy the information.
As rude as your opinion may sound, the education system of this country is headed that way

So everyone with a PhD has bought the information contained within their thesis, have they? Proof?

25th September 2010, 19:42
I can appreciate your opinion of a wider world although you need to respect their "don't give a sh!t" opinion as well.

No, I don't need to at all. A small-minded person is a small-minded person. There's nothing to respect about that.

25th September 2010, 19:43
Funny thing is that whenever I am in Europe I run in to some really stupid people.

I don't even have to bring up anecdotal stories like the American bashers here.

All I need are 2 words!

"Soccer Hooligans"

You have to bring out the riot troops and deport people because of a silly game.

So, do list for our information (and probably amusement) your last 10 visits to Europe. Sounds like you went to Millwall FC every time, if indeed your recollections are true, which — like your previous claim to have a degree — I doubt.

25th September 2010, 19:45
Janice - you keep blabbing about a social education. We need to educate our people to do something rather than worry about what the Nazis did. Sh!t have the blondes don't know where the equator is but they know a hell of a lot about Beavers and Money. Some of the dumbest women in this country could buy and sell you in a new york second!!

Don't you recognise the... er, irony of you making a post about levels of education that is so badly written? I mean, your spelling and grammar are appalling. So don't lecture anyone else about education.

Bob Riebe
25th September 2010, 20:02
On the serious side you keep calling Americans dumb. Did it ever occur to you that many really don't give as sh!t about you or certainly where you come from. Many people in this country have no desire to ever travel outside of this country. But they can break down and rebuild and Colt 45 ACP blindfolded with one arm tied behind their back. Guess it is just what priorities you have.
Roamy, if you are serious, or something similar, I have an idea of what you seem to be saying, but as BDunnell said your writing style competence is not serving it well.

A Colt 45 ACP (Auto Colt Pistol), is a cartridge; a John Browning Government Model 1911, made by Colt and others, is a semi-automatic firearm, which will celebrate its 100th Anniversary next year.

In one of those items that is a bit annoying, gun makers have petitioned cartridge makers to drop the C from ACP, as Colt being the major firm involved with this firearm stopped a very long time ago.

25th September 2010, 22:17
In one of those items that is a bit annoying, gun makers have petitioned cartridge makers to drop the C from ACP, as Colt being the major firm involved with this firearm stopped a very long time ago.

Colt still makes the 1911 series. Always have.


25th September 2010, 22:47

Bob Riebe
26th September 2010, 01:11
Colt still makes the 1911 series. Always have.


No one said they do not, but so does an increasing number of others and it seems the others do not want to be promoting Colt especially as Colt did not develope the round. Just one of the boys among many.
I guess it really should be 45 ABP.

Some cartridge makers have dropped the c to simple .45 auto.

When the Marine Corp. aquired new .45s a few years back, they went to Kimber, not Colt.

26th September 2010, 03:52
Colt still makes the 1911 series. Always have.


In one of those items that is a bit annoying, gun makers have petitioned cartridge makers to drop the C from ACP, as Colt being the major firm involved with this firearm stopped a very long time ago.

You then go on to state that you never said this. Huh.?!!

Bob Riebe
26th September 2010, 04:52
In one of those items that is a bit annoying, gun makers have petitioned cartridge makers to drop the C from ACP, as Colt being the major firm involved with this firearm stopped- being so- a very long time ago.

You then go on to state that you never said this. Huh.?!!
Never said what?
I did omit during an editing, the words-- being so-- (my error), but I never said Colt stopped making them.
Thank you for pointing out my omission.

The statement should now be more clear for other readers.

In another post, my typo, omitted the c from acquired.

Captain VXR
26th September 2010, 13:43
When were you in Europe? What specific country because you do know that Europe being a continent has many countries.

Tell us all where this soccer hooliganism is rearing it's ugly head. Soccer violence is almost extinct in the UK as is football violence in LA.

I doubt you ever went two states away from your own home. A couple of simple questions would end your dreaming and fantasy.


Its alive and well in Poland

26th September 2010, 19:13
Dirty Porn :laugh:

26th September 2010, 21:03
I find it difficult to defend the average American's intelligence with a dumb a$$ like Obama sitting in the White House, proving how stupid we can be. However, I did try field stripping and reassembling my 1911 using just one hand and managed to get it done, only having to get up and retrieve the recoil spring once.

26th September 2010, 21:11
I find it difficult to defend the average American's intelligence with a dumb a$$ like Obama sitting in the White House, proving how stupid we can be. However, I did try field stripping and reassembling my 1911 using just one hand and managed to get it done, only having to get up and retrieve the recoil spring once.

You have the audacity to call the President dumb! The man could tie you up in knots with the most simplistic topic and you with your "dumb a$$" comment would not even know what happened.
You, yes you fIERO 5.7 are the ultimate example of a bad or no education.

26th September 2010, 23:52
The replies to this post speak volumes. The Americans are up in arms at being labelled ignorant and so on, but not even 1 brit gave a damn about being labelled the same thing. Seemingly not one of you even bothered to check out the website, it has loads of other stereotypes by other countries.

Funny that.

27th September 2010, 06:29
You have the audacity to call the President dumb! The man could tie you up in knots with the most simplistic topic and you with your "dumb a$$" comment would not even know what happened.
You, yes you fIERO 5.7 are the ultimate example of a bad or no education.

It requires no audacity to call Obama a dumb a$$. The man cannot be specific about anything. He speaks in generalities, has little "real world" experience with anything, and can't tell the truth to save his life. Democratic candidates don't want to be seen with him and at a recent fund raising event he couldn't even fill a 650 person hall after lowering ticket prices (donations) to $100.00. That's bad.

Problem getting my name right there, Whiz? I mean, all you have to do is copy it like you see it.

27th September 2010, 06:54
Seemingly not one of you even bothered to check out the website, it has loads of other stereotypes by other countries.

Yes, it's worth to check out. For example, I liked these "Proto-Americans" and "cheese and other perfumes" in Europe according to Bulgaria. Don't they have "Big Brother" on Bulgarian TV, because they have to watch Russian "Big Brother"?


27th September 2010, 10:38
Eki! :laugh: :rotflmao:

27th September 2010, 13:12
Ha! Our "thick scruff" neighbours from south who are famous for farming cucumbers consider us the poor neighbour....
Then why do they steal our cars? :laugh:
And why do their houses look like in that country corruption was abolished? :laugh:

27th September 2010, 13:42
On the serious side you keep calling Americans dumb. Did it ever occur to you that many really don't give as sh!t about you or certainly where you come from. Many people in this country have no desire to ever travel outside of this country.
Grrrr....And when you think that their country is associated with a guy like Columbus..... :laugh:

We have a saying here: the dumb is not enough dumb if he' hasn't also a swaggering conduct. That's why even I have no desire to climb the Everest it's important to know it exists. :laugh:

27th September 2010, 17:31
Ha! Our "thick scruff" neighbours from south who are famous for farming cucumbers consider us the poor neighbour....
Then why do they steal our cars? :laugh:
And why do their houses look like in that country corruption was abolished? :laugh:
I think poor here means "not nice neighbour". Maybe because you lock your cars?

Bob Riebe
27th September 2010, 21:55
This one nearly had me ROFL- and it not far from what my one Italian instructor said.


Brown, Jon Brow
27th September 2010, 22:54
That Italian one is :laugh:

28th September 2010, 01:13
The replies to this post speak volumes. The Americans are up in arms at being labelled ignorant and so on, but not even 1 brit gave a damn about being labelled the same thing. Seemingly not one of you even bothered to check out the website, it has loads of other stereotypes by other countries.

Funny that.

Another example of different levels of collective insecurity, at least on the part of certain sections of the population.

28th September 2010, 01:15
It requires no audacity to call Obama a dumb a$$. The man cannot be specific about anything. He speaks in generalities, has little "real world" experience with anything, and can't tell the truth to save his life. Democratic candidates don't want to be seen with him and at a recent fund raising event he couldn't even fill a 650 person hall after lowering ticket prices (donations) to $100.00. That's bad.

Problem getting my name right there, Whiz? I mean, all you have to do is copy it like you see it.

Disappointing? Definitely. Dumb? No. The 'speaking in generalities' you refer to is absolutely accurate, but not a product of stupidity. This, alas, is the way of the modern world, first in business and then, because present-day politicians have an exaggerated level of respect for the business world, in politics. It is depressing and pernicious, but its practitioners are not stupid.

Captain VXR
28th September 2010, 21:50
The gay one describing Poland as a bible belt is 100% accurate - a Polish relative told me they think Richard Dawkins should be decapitated and refused to agree that people should boycott countries that execute homosexuals!

29th September 2010, 05:56
The gay one describing Poland as a bible belt is 100% accurate - a Polish relative told me they think Richard Dawkins should be decapitated and refused to agree that people should boycott countries that execute homosexuals!

So what is your take? Do you want to kill homosexuals because, why?

If what you posted is correct then I never thought Poland was so bigoted. They should recall the adage..people in glass houses........

29th September 2010, 06:00
I like fags - they do not multiply - now if we could just convert the entire muslim nation :)

Dave B
29th September 2010, 12:10
I like fags - they do not multiply - now if we could just convert the entire muslim nation :)
Wow. I don't know where to start... :\

Rudy Tamasz
29th September 2010, 12:39
Poland in particular is about 50 years behind western Europe in terms of social acceptance and living standards, but it is slowly improving.

If I were you I'd beware of somebody who's right behind me but is advancing in my direction fast.

Brown, Jon Brow
29th September 2010, 18:00
Wow. I don't know where to start... :\

I know!

One fag leads to another. I didn't know Muslims were against smoking? :bandit:

29th September 2010, 19:09
Wow. I don't know where to start... :\
How about with a sense of humor?

Bob Riebe
29th September 2010, 20:05
I know!

One fag leads to another. I didn't know Muslims were against smoking? :bandit:
Badda BOOM-Rim shot!

29th September 2010, 21:59
How about with a sense of humor?

Yes, racism and homophobia are both really funny, aren't they?

Brown, Jon Brow's post above is very amusing. Roamy's is just offensive.

Captain VXR
29th September 2010, 23:19
So what is your take? Do you want to kill homosexuals because, why?

If what you posted is correct then I never thought Poland was so bigoted. They should recall the adage..people in glass houses........

I support gay marriage and love winding up homophobes :)
I also think we should boycott countries like Iran and Saudi Arabia partly because of their treatment of gays and am very disturbed by the rising violent homophobia in Africa

Poland can be a pretty intolerant place, depends where you go though

Most of my Polish relatives tolerate gays

Bob Riebe
30th September 2010, 00:01
I support gay marriage and love winding up homophobes :)
I also think we should boycott countries like Iran and Saudi Arabia partly because of their treatment of gays and am very disturbed by the rising violent homophobia in Africa

Poland can be a pretty intolerant place, depends where you go though

Most of my Polish relatives tolerate gays
Then the other side winding up heterophobes is also a fine jest.
What goes around comes around.

Bob Riebe
30th September 2010, 00:04
Yes, racism and homophobia are both really funny, aren't they?

Brown, Jon Brow's post above is very amusing. Roamy's is just offensive.
Roamy and Glaui seem to be equivalents, at times, on the opposite ends of the scales.
They seem to be posting merely for a response, and succeed.

At the same time when I saw the homosexual graph of Europe, I wondered how long it would take that to be the center of this thread.

30th September 2010, 04:18
Grrrr....And when you think that their country is associated with a guy like Columbus.
:s ailor: Or Amerigo Vespucci :confused: :s mokin:

30th September 2010, 04:30
Yes, racism and homophobia are both really funny, aren't they?

They can be.

Blazzing Saddles is one of the funniest movies of all time.

So go take you politically correct, pretentious, outrage someplace else.
I have a sense of humor.

30th September 2010, 04:38
They can be.

Blazzing Saddles is one of the funniest movies of all time.

So go take you politically correct, pretentious, outrage someplace else.
I have a sense of humor.I have to hand it to you VOP
That rates two snaps :up: :confused:

30th September 2010, 04:44
Why are all you guys on my ass? I said I like Fags - You all like Fags so we agree. I don't support gay marriage but I support a gay union will all the associated rights.
You guys want to ban parts of the middle east and africa for their treatment of fags and I just want to convert them. If that happened you would have no reason to be pissed a the middle east.

Bdunnell it is called freedom. you can call it anything you want which is your right. But just because people don't buy into your beliefs don't come on here like some freaking savior of mankind. You need a life - get one. People don't like people that is life. You are not going to make a difference in people's likes and dislikes and you really need to get over it. Yes you can support all the liberal lifestyles you want and that is good. I hope they all come to your country. Oh and just another thing to piss you off is that I want controlled immigration. That means we would determine who would be a successful fit in our country and reject the rest. Actually you could work with your government to take the rejects. racism is reality and homophobia is actually funny. Funny anyone would object. You guys seem to think you are going to create a worldwide melting pot with no borders. Good luck and I guess it is happening in TIRE.

30th September 2010, 07:46
Oh and just another thing to piss you off is that I want controlled immigration. That means we would determine who would be a successful fit in our country and reject the rest.

Ha! And who are the clever and visionary guys who are able to determine who's good and who's not? And what about the criteria of selection?

I have a suggestion : They say that in USA there are loads of overweight persons. Then I suggest that the ones who'll be "a succesful fit" should be over 100 kg. :laugh:

30th September 2010, 21:02
my one Italian instructor.



:s ailor: is probably an American bigot just like you.

30th September 2010, 21:42
I don't like 'fags' in a smoking sense, but as you are refering to a 'fag' as a gay person it might surprise you to learn that the word you are using is rather offensive. That word is also an American word that the rest of the world do not understand, and have no wish to use for a person who was born with a different preference for a sexual partner. I suggest you find an alternative word before joining such a debate.

Apparently you don't understand it as well so Get with the program

Fag isn't a derogatory term for a homosexual anymore.


Bob Riebe
30th September 2010, 22:25
:s ailor: is probably an American bigot just like you.
She was born, raised and married in Italy, so if using such a term, make you happy, that is up to you.

30th September 2010, 22:52
She was born, raised and married in Italy, so if using such a term, make you happy, that is up to you.

:s ailor: I stand corrected
She is an Eye-talian bigot :dozey:

Bob Riebe
30th September 2010, 23:03
:s ailor: I stand corrected
She is an Eye-talian bigot :dozey:
If that makes you happy.

1st October 2010, 01:32
If that makes you happy.

:s ailor: I already know you are a racist that is why I am suspicious.
Your credibility is highly suspect which makes me believe that you have an agenda that is not altogether truthful!
What subject does she instruct laddie, and at what level?
Her name, what is her name?

1st October 2010, 01:34
I like fags - they do not multiply - now if we could just convert the entire muslim nation :)

hehehhe good one sir we could only hope

Easy Drifter
1st October 2010, 01:54
What started off as a light hearted and sort of joking stereotype post has devolved into a rather nasty at times series of posts.
Come on folks lighten up.
We have enough serious threads on here where we can have a good old fashioned brawl without making a fun thread into a battleground.
Eki is always looking for a fight but I don't think even he expected this.

Bob Riebe
1st October 2010, 02:03
:s ailor: I already know you are a racist that is why I am suspicious.
Your credibility is highly suspect which makes me believe that you have an agenda that is not altogether truthful!
What subject does she instruct laddie, and at what level?
Her name, what is her name!
As is your credibility.

She taught Italian-- surprise!

I told you what she told me.
Whether or not you believe, or like it is of zero importance.

If derogatory remarks about someone you know nothing of is your game, play it.
Life goes on.

1st October 2010, 02:08
What started off as a light hearted and sort of joking stereotype post has devolved into a rather nasty at times series of posts.
Come on folks lighten up.
We have enough serious threads on here where we can have a good old fashioned brawl without making a fun thread into a battleground.
Eki is always looking for a fight but I don't think even he expected this.
What is humorous about a professed bigot saying he has corroborating evidence about something he has no firsthand knowledge?
Innuendo is his M/O, let’s nip it in the bud I say!

Mark in Oshawa
1st October 2010, 07:56
Nip what in the bud? Good lord there is 10 minutes of my life I wont get back reading parts of this thread....

Lets set a few things straight. Canadians are used to Americans but don't see the world through their eyes. Americans CAN be myopic. Cannot count the number of times Americans I run into in my travels couldn't figure out why they needed a passport to cross into Canada....they thought we all spoke French, they thought it snowed in July...they thought a lot of things.

A whole schtick of a show by Canadian comedian Rick Mercer "Talking to Americans" pokes fun at this. My lord, if the large part of their population doesn't know squat about their neighbours, then they sure as heck don't get Europe. That ALL said, Americans likely have a very good reason to not really know much. It is called their educational system, and it is run by the same dip$hit bureaucrats that are in love with guys like Obama. Smart people that don't want the general public to get too educated....because It might upset a few teacher's unions.

Listen, I love America, I like people from Europe too..and many in Europe don't always understand America or Canada (a survey of Brits recently proved their knowledge of their former largest Dominion was as woeful as the Yanks and their knowledge of us). Naive people live in all nations, and know nothing of other countries. It is a symptomatic thing, and the larger the nation, the greater the myopic vision.....

Some of the smartest people in the planet have American Passports, and some of the world's top universities are in America (a ranking of the top 100 I read in a online article put the Ivy league in the top 20). So there are people there with a clue...but in a nation of 300 million people, you are bound to find a few dimbulbs....

1st October 2010, 14:27
Another example of different levels of collective insecurity, at least on the part of certain sections of the population.

It's just that the Americans take themselves too seriously, that's why they can never do comedy like the Britts. :D

1st October 2010, 14:32
Nip what in the bud? Good lord there is 10 minutes of my life I wont get back reading parts of this thread....

Lets set a few things straight. Canadians are used to Americans but don't see the world through their eyes. Americans CAN be myopic. Cannot count the number of times Americans I run into in my travels couldn't figure out why they needed a passport to cross into Canada....they thought we all spoke French, they thought it snowed in July...they thought a lot of things.

A whole schtick of a show by Canadian comedian Rick Mercer "Talking to Americans" pokes fun at this. My lord, if the large part of their population doesn't know squat about their neighbours, then they sure as heck don't get Europe. That ALL said, Americans likely have a very good reason to not really know much. It is called their educational system, and it is run by the same dip$hit bureaucrats that are in love with guys like Obama. Smart people that don't want the general public to get too educated....because It might upset a few teacher's unions.

Listen, I love America, I like people from Europe too..and many in Europe don't always understand America or Canada (a survey of Brits recently proved their knowledge of their former largest Dominion was as woeful as the Yanks and their knowledge of us). Naive people live in all nations, and know nothing of other countries. It is a symptomatic thing, and the larger the nation, the greater the myopic vision.....

Some of the smartest people in the planet have American Passports, and some of the world's top universities are in America (a ranking of the top 100 I read in a online article put the Ivy league in the top 20). So there are people there with a clue...but in a nation of 300 million people, you are bound to find a few dimbulbs....

The reason for the above is the size of the country. Russians are similar, too. A lot of Russian tourists visit Finland every year and their lack of language skills, general lack of knowledge about everything resembles your average American tourist and yet the Russians have some of the smartest people in the planet. When your country is really big, you don't really look outside of it.

It's just sad that discussing things with people like that (on this forum) is quite depressing when they've got all these stupid ideas about the world outside their neck of the woods.

1st October 2010, 14:33
It's just that the Americans take themselves too seriously, that's why they can never do comedy like the Britts. :D And why can't Finn's do comedy like Americans? :dozey:

1st October 2010, 14:35
And why can't Finn's do comedy like Americans? :dozey:

We are not good comedians, I tell you that. Again I'm not trying to insult anyone, but the British sense of humour, the self-irony and all, I've never seen that type of comedy made in America and believe me, I've seen a lot :)

Dave B
1st October 2010, 14:41
Can we get this renamed to "The thread of bigotry, ignorance and intolerance"? :\

Then can it be locked, preferably with some people still inside?

1st October 2010, 14:44
We are not good comedians, I tell you that. Again I'm not trying to insult anyone, but the British sense of humour, the self-irony and all, I've never seen that type of comedy made in America and believe me, I've seen a lot :) I agree Noone Matches the Brittish in this arena! I think it was on another forum but someone was giving a German a hard time and was getting really personal with the guy. who finally asked what he liked /did /enjoyed, and he said I like Italian food, French wine, and Brittish humor :p

Mark in Oshawa
1st October 2010, 15:01
And why can't Finn's do comedy like Americans? :dozey:

The Finns do comedy? Eki makes me laugh, but it isn't by his design I suspect...

Mark in Oshawa
1st October 2010, 15:04
I agree Noone Matches the Brittish in this arena! I think it was on another forum but someone was giving a German a hard time and was getting really personal with the guy. who finally asked what he liked /did /enjoyed, and he said I like Italian food, French wine, and Brittish humor :p

British dry humour is to be savoured....

1st October 2010, 15:04
And why can't Finn's do comedy like Americans? :dozey:
They interviewed a German writer who has lived in Finland for a long time and has now published his first book in Finnish. It's comedy. He asked "What can you say about a nation that has to import comedians from Germany?" One of the best known "Finnish" comedy writers is Neil Hardwick, who's originally an Englishman:


The German one is Roman Schatz:


Mark in Oshawa
1st October 2010, 15:05
They interviewed a German writer who has lived in Finland for a long time and has now published his first book in Finnish. It's comedy. He asked "What can you say about a nation that has to import comedians from Germany?" One of the best known "Finnish" comedy writers is Neil Hardwick, who's originally an Englishman:


Dour Finn's importing comedians...lol...this is of course assuming you know what to laugh at??

I am sure the Finns laugh at something....just the rest of the world may not get it....

1st October 2010, 15:13
I am sure the Finns laugh at something....just the rest of the world may not get it....


1st October 2010, 19:51
:s ailor: gold!!!

donKey jote
1st October 2010, 20:29
So that was finnish cake...

1st October 2010, 21:10
So that was finnish cake...
No, that was hjuumor.

donKey jote
1st October 2010, 23:37
No, it was cake.

2nd October 2010, 06:33
Dour Finn's importing comedians...lol...this is of course assuming you know what to laugh at??

I am sure the Finns laugh at something....just the rest of the world may not get it....

So you are now an authority on Finnish humor?!

Mark in Oshawa
3rd October 2010, 09:25
So you are now an authority on Finnish humor?!

No...but I did sleep in a Holiday Inn Express last night..

My lord, do you have to take everything I say so literally?

Riddle me this tho, unless you are Finnish, would you know for sure if they had one? Most of the Finnish hockey players I have seen interviewed are either dour or just very mellow sorts. I haven't seen one of them yet come off as a wise guy. Cant say that about some of the Russians, Czechs or Canadians in the NHL, and definately not the Americans who play in it.

3rd October 2010, 10:57
Most of the Finnish hockey players I have seen interviewed are either dour or just very mellow sorts.
Most of them can't speak English fluently, let alone joke in English. Although the same is true for the Czechs and the Russians. Furthermore, hockey players aren't generally considered the sharpest knives in the drawer anyway.

5th October 2010, 10:13
No...but I did sleep in a Holiday Inn Express last night..

My lord, do you have to take everything I say so literally?

Riddle me this tho, unless you are Finnish, would you know for sure if they had one? Most of the Finnish hockey players I have seen interviewed are either dour or just very mellow sorts. I haven't seen one of them yet come off as a wise guy. Cant say that about some of the Russians, Czechs or Canadians in the NHL, and definately not the Americans who play in it.

Hockey players just play hockey,usually they quit school very early, hence they don't have language skills and are not cultivated at all.

5th October 2010, 19:08
No...but I did sleep in a Holiday Inn Express last night..

My lord, do you have to take everything I say so literally?

Riddle me this tho, unless you are Finnish, would you know for sure if they had one? Most of the Finnish hockey players I have seen interviewed are either dour or just very mellow sorts. I haven't seen one of them yet come off as a wise guy. Cant say that about some of the Russians, Czechs or Canadians in the NHL, and definately not the Americans who play in it.

Boy, you stepped up a few grades in hotel staus and you want us all to know. Then you want us all to know when it is that you are saying something, tongue in cheek. Lol, you right wingers are always saying something that is supposed to be a form of satire,like the likes of Savage, Limbaugh (send 'em up the river) and god know a myriad of others.

"Honest, I didn't mean to insult the lady by tell her to put the bones back in her lips (Limbaugh) satire of course.

"He really could have gotten away anytime he wanted. He just loved the freedom to do what he wantedriding his bike when and where he wanted. I don't belive the Stockholm Sydrome". (O'Reilly about a child held kidnapped for 4 years).
As a professional and able to speak on the Stockholm Syndrome I can assure you it's true and no amount of satire justifies it or can it ever fall into the realm of humor.


you play games. You throw something out and see who catches the bait and runs. There are those on your side and those that oppose your opinion. Granted, you are smarter than most of the minions here that follow your lead but you are not smarter than most.

I would put Eki several notches above you and that is just from pure observation.

You will retort to my post. I know what you will say before you say it.

And by the way. You did not make the statement "tongue in cheek." It was deliberate.

5th October 2010, 19:54
And by the way. You did not make the statement "tongue in cheek." It was deliberate.

Wow! Now you can read minds too?!!! Is there anything the Great and Mighty Glauistean can't do? Seriously, you are one amazing dude. I mean that.

5th October 2010, 20:29
...Riddle me this tho, unless you are Finnish, would you know for sure if they had one? Most of the Finnish hockey players I have seen interviewed are either dour or just very mellow sorts. I haven't seen one of them yet come off as a wise guy. Cant say that about some of the Russians, Czechs or Canadians in the NHL, and definately not the Americans who play in it.

Although not a hockey player (that I know of) Mika Hakkinen had his moments :D .

6th October 2010, 06:37
Wow! Now you can read minds too?!!! Is there anything the Great and Mighty Glauistean can't do? Seriously, you are one amazing dude. I mean that.

Thanks a bunch. Everyone says the same thing.

Sorry about the reading minds part you stated. I don't have that ability but if you can point out to me where you believe I did such a thing then I may be able to explain to you what it was I doing. Psychologically speaking capitalizing your opinion of me is quite telling

6th October 2010, 15:11
Thanks a bunch. Everyone says the same thing.

Sorry about the reading minds part you stated. I don't have that ability but if you can point out to me where you believe I did such a thing then I may be able to explain to you what it was I doing. Psychologically speaking capitalizing your opinion of me is quite telling

Apparently you missed it but I quoted your original statement. Here it is again.

And by the way. You did not make the statement "tongue in cheek." It was deliberate.

And you said that after Mark told you it was a joke.

My lord, do you have to take everything I say so literally?

Anyway, you are well beyond old. I can predict what your response will be. :)

And yes I do get the irony of me telling you not to read Marks mind. :)

7th October 2010, 06:23
One of the worst parts of our country is that a lot of Americans in big cities are taught by the white-liberal press to be oversensitive: for example, if you were to be critical of someone who so happens to be Jewish, that so-called victim and others of the same faith gain some kind of right to call you a racist. That's right... being critical of someone who has a personal faith that isn't Protestant Christianity lets others to label you as a racist.

Also, I may be criticized for this but, I'm tired of the Black Americans' (I can't call them African-Americans because they most of them don't know where in Africa they came from) widespread ignorant behavior and how their afraid of acting intelligently as that would make that black person an Uncle Tom. They also love to pat themselves on the back for knowing who Martin Luther King and Malcom X were but most have never read/listened to "The Ballot or the Bullet", or "How Long, Not Long". That and they don't seem to have ever heard of W.E.B. Dubois, Thurgood Marshall, or Frederick Douglass. What makes it worse is that, once again, the white-liberal press promotes this kind of behavior not just for blacks, but also for whites, hispanics, and asians in this country as it is the hip way to be and you too could be considered a bigot for criticizing this behavior.

These people and rednecks, who are the white equivalent of the ignorant black american, are what I'm guessing you other forum members think of the typical American. Don't confuse a redneck for a southern person, please. It's amazing to me that rednecks still exist. These pieces of garbage are the worst form of life in this country. I'm sorry to say this to those who may disagree but these are the main target for moderate-conservative Republican politicians to appeal to. They aren't oversensitive like the white-liberal press teaches to be, but they do overreact and are very ignorant of the world outside of the United States. They also think that Islam is a race/ethnicity and not a religion. They also look at driving a fuel-inefficient truck which is destructive to air quality as an American right. And, of course, they believe that Dale Earnhardt, Jr. can beat Alonso, Vettel, Hamilton, and Webber in any car they choose to race in.

That being said, American people are alright...

7th October 2010, 08:30
for example, if you were to be critical of someone who so happens to be Jewish, that so-called victim and others of the same faith gain some kind of right to call you a racist. That's right... being critical of someone who has a personal faith that isn't Protestant Christianity lets others to label you as a racist.

Because today the minorities ( of any kind ) have a terrible apetite for becoming the majority.

These people and rednecks, who are the white equivalent of the ignorant black american, are what I'm guessing you other forum members think of the typical American. Don't confuse a redneck for a southern person, please.

But why do we think like this? Does it mean that the "rednecks" are in the front line and the "southern people" stay quiet with their heads in the box?

7th October 2010, 20:38
Because today the minorities ( of any kind ) have a terrible apetite for becoming the majority.

But why do we think like this? Does it mean that the "rednecks" are in the front line and the "southern people" stay quiet with their heads in the box?

I was just pointing out how Americans (in particular the white-liberal press) often confuse Jewish people as a race/ethnicity rather than a collection of people who share the same religious beliefs. This type of false belief has at times also been applied to Muslims, Hindus, and Buddhists.

What I meant in my post was that it seems to me that the Europeans on these discussion boards tend to think that the American "redneck" is what the typical American is. That is, an ignorant, backwards-thinking, xenophobic, trashy person. In some ways these Europeans are correct because this "redneck" behavior amongst whites in this country is somewhat widespread: you can find them outside of their normal domain in non-southeastern places like California, Arizona, Nevada, and Indiana. What I meant by "southern people" is that these people are simply non-rednecks who live (or have lived) in the south: businessmen, intellectuals, professional athletes, and politicians like Al Gore, Jimmy Carter, Ron Paul, Newt Gingrich, etc. These "southern people" are not as widespread as rednecks so it easy to think that all people who live in the south to be rednecks.

7th October 2010, 23:30
don't forget van morrison

7th October 2010, 23:35
come unnimg to me!

7th October 2010, 23:45
fp1 comming up !

8th October 2010, 01:18
don't forget van morrison

Don't forget Morrisons Vans either.


I thought about joining The AA for roadside breakdown cover but thought better of it. It turns out, it's full of drunks :D

8th October 2010, 01:44
Don't forget Morrisons Vans either.


I thought about joining The AA for roadside breakdown cover but thought better of it. It turns out, it's full of drunks :D SMART MOVE BRO111lol but..... Dont bet against Fred :rolleyes:

8th October 2010, 02:04
What I meant by "southern people" is that these people are simply non-rednecks who live (or have lived) in the south: businessmen, intellectuals, professional athletes, and politicians like Al Gore, Jimmy Carter, Ron Paul, Newt Gingrich, etc. These "southern people" are not as widespread as rednecks so it easy to think that all people who live in the south to be rednecks.

Let me make a small correction to what I posted there... southern people are people who aspire to be businessmen, intellectuals, professional athletes, and politicians. The politicians I listed are examples who have accomplished their aspirations.

If any of you have watched King of the Hill here's the analogy of what I'm trying to say... Hank Hill is a "southern man" whereas Dale Gribble and Bill Dautrieve are "rednecks" (in Bill's case, a Cajun redneck).

8th October 2010, 06:56
If any of you have watched King of the Hill here's the analogy of what I'm trying to say... Hank Hill is a "southern man" whereas Dale Gribble and Bill Dautrieve are "rednecks" (in Bill's case, a Cajun redneck).
According to Kahn, Hank is a "hillbilly".

8th October 2010, 07:27
According to Kahn, Hank is a "hillbilly".

According to Hank, Bill, Dale, and Boomhauer, Kahn is either Chinese or Japanese.

Kahn secretly respects Hank in comparison to the rest of Rainey Street as they have some similarities (Kahn is an anagram of Hank). He often calls on him to help in certain situations like building a pool in Kahn's backyard, keeping the piece in the neighborhood, etc. and both enjoy grilling.

8th October 2010, 09:29
What I meant in my post was that it seems to me that the Europeans on these discussion boards tend to think that the American "redneck" is what the typical American is. That is, an ignorant, backwards-thinking, xenophobic, trashy person. In some ways these Europeans are correct because this "redneck" behavior amongst whites in this country is somewhat widespread: you can find them outside of their normal domain in non-southeastern places like California, Arizona, Nevada, and Indiana. What I meant by "southern people" is that these people are simply non-rednecks who live (or have lived) in the south: businessmen, intellectuals, professional athletes, and politicians like Al Gore, Jimmy Carter, Ron Paul, Newt Gingrich, etc. These "southern people" are not as widespread as rednecks so it easy to think that all people who live in the south to be rednecks.

I see....For the same reason Europeans tend to reason that the typical Romanian is a gipsy/thief/raper. :laugh:
But be have our southeners too...

9th October 2010, 03:51
I want to get back to what my initial post was talking about. The behavior that is shown by ignorant black americans (and how other races deem this behavior as being hip) and rednecks (and how conservative whites deem it as being American) is troublesome because these people spread like viruses and the press in this country seems to approve of it as it keeps these people stupid, ignorant, and apathetic. The standards of lifestyle and behavior have decreasing as years have gone by. Mediocrity and banality is now something strive for and to be proud of. It's why we get people like Bush and Obama elected as president. It's why evacuating from conflicts in the Middle East without fixing the problems we created is viewed as a success. It's why some people would seriously vote for Palin to run as the Republican nominee in 2012. It's why Lady Gaga, Weezer, Lil Wayne and Black Eyed Peas are viewed as "artists" and have "meaningful" work. It's why people think that gas prices at $3.05 a gallon is considered a bargain.

I may not be as old (just 22 years old) as some of the members on these forums but I feel that I'm qualified to voice an opinion on this matter.

9th October 2010, 08:24
I may not be as old (just 22 years old) as some of the members on these forums but I feel that I'm qualified to voice an opinion on this matter.
Of course you're qualified. I even expect or at least hope that younger generations of Americans (and others too) will grow up more cosmopolitan/international than the older generations, since they have from young age interacted with people from other countries via the internet and hopefully have a better understanding of the world.

9th October 2010, 09:50
Of course you're qualified. I even expect or at least hope that younger generations of Americans (and others too) will grow up more cosmopolitan/international than the older generations, since they have from young age interacted with people from other countries via the internet and hopefully have a better understanding of the world.

Thanks for posting that, Eki. And I hope you're right in your hope/expectation of young Americans gaining a better understanding of the world around them. But, based off people I know who are my age, I'm worried that these young Americans may fall (or have already fallen) into the trap of apathy and become even easier for the white liberal press to influence and control. I can't say the same for other countries as I have yet to travel long enough out of the U.S. to know properly about other countries' young populations.

One of the sad things since Obama was elected is that it seems the grassroots political movement has not increased in size from when Bush was president. I remember one of the reasons my parents supported Obama was their belief that he would get more young people involved in politics. But, at least where I live (southern California), I don't see that much involvement. In fact, it actually seems Obama created more followers than leaders. Apparently people my age thought that voting for Obama was the only political involvement they needed to do, as he would take care of all the problems the country was facing like the messiah that the white-liberal press had puroported him to to be. These young people forgot that it takes more than voting for a candidate of different skin color to actually bring about postive change that we can believe in.

10th October 2010, 06:29
Thanks a bunch. Everyone says the same thing.

Sorry about the reading minds part you stated. I don't have that ability but if you can point out to me where you believe I did such a thing then I may be able to explain to you what it was I doing. Psychologically speaking capitalizing your opinion of me is quite telling
glue-is-stein is still sniffing glue up his stein.. :rolleyes: ..

and do not worry, be assurred no one would want to read your mind, even if they could....... :dozey:

10th October 2010, 13:25
i like this topic (http://johnbzu5ke.livejournal.com/838.html):) (http://www.zimbio.com/Plastic+Surgery/articles/7tkx7RZ_mRj/Tummy+tuck+Lipostion+Pittsburgh+area) i want to participate in this topic :) (http://quizilla.teennick.com/stories/17419558/tummy-tuck-and-lipostion-in-pittsburgh-area) :) (http://johnbzu5ke.livejournal.com/838.html)

10th October 2010, 13:31
this is very cool topic:) (http://pete7hxwha.insanejournal.com/) i like it very much:) (http://markyxovan.blog.com/):) (http://plasticsurgeries-pitt.blogspot.com/)

11th October 2010, 13:28
Thanks for posting that, Eki. And I hope you're right in your hope/expectation of young Americans gaining a better understanding of the world around them. But, based off people I know who are my age, I'm worried that these young Americans may fall (or have already fallen) into the trap of apathy and become even easier for the white liberal press to influence and control. I can't say the same for other countries as I have yet to travel long enough out of the U.S. to know properly about other countries' young populations.

One of the sad things since Obama was elected is that it seems the grassroots political movement has not increased in size from when Bush was president. I remember one of the reasons my parents supported Obama was their belief that he would get more young people involved in politics. But, at least where I live (southern California), I don't see that much involvement. In fact, it actually seems Obama created more followers than leaders. Apparently people my age thought that voting for Obama was the only political involvement they needed to do, as he would take care of all the problems the country was facing like the messiah that the white-liberal press had puroported him to to be. These young people forgot that it takes more than voting for a candidate of different skin color to actually bring about postive change that we can believe in.

See where I live (Indiana), it is the exact opposite. There were plenty of young people that got out and supported/voted for Obama, buying into his "hope and change" stuff without really finding out for themselves what he ment. Then once he was elected they saw what he ment. Now at many functions (Republican/Conservative) that I go to, I'm the oldest one there and I'm only 31.

The grassroots are alive and well, and populated by many more young people than people realize. At least here in the Mid-West.

11th October 2010, 14:48
Now at many functions (Republican/Conservative) that I go to, I'm the oldest one there and I'm only 31.

Because of your username, I thought you were 76 (born in 1934).

11th October 2010, 15:08
Because of your username, I thought you were 76 (born in 1934).

Nope, just a number I used to run in go-karts.

11th October 2010, 18:43
See where I live (Indiana), it is the exact opposite. There were plenty of young people that got out and supported/voted for Obama, buying into his "hope and change" stuff without really finding out for themselves what he ment. Then once he was elected they saw what he ment. Now at many functions (Republican/Conservative) that I go to, I'm the oldest one there and I'm only 31.

The grassroots are alive and well, and populated by many more young people than people realize. At least here in the Mid-West.

Well then good for Indiana and the midwest.

But in my post, I pointed out that I live in southern California and from what I've seen/heard there is not too many young people involved in grassroots movements. The only semi-grassroots movements I know of in southern California that attract young people are immigration reform groups, legalization of homosexual marriage groups, legalization of marijuana groups, and that's about it. I call these groups semi-grassroots because I question most of these group members' motives for being in such a group. Because to me it seems these young people don't have as genuine of an interest in the stance that they may be advocating as they would leave you to believe and may just want to put themselves in a group to seek the approval of, or seek the company of the other members. For example, the immigration reform is really something that Hispanics in California take a somewhat active interest in, but it seems some of these young Hispanics (less than 25 years old) seem to show up because they've a feeling of obligation and have been told to do so by their elders. The marijuana thing seems to be purely an aesthetics movement (I wouldn't be suprised if more young people voted on Prop. 19, the marijuana legalization initiative, than vote in the election for CA's Governorship). Advocating the tolerance of homosexual marriage also seems like an aesthetics movement as it allows these young people to collectively pat themselves on the back for being "open-minded". Now, these young people definitely have the right to want a legalization of marijuana, gay marriage, and immigration reform, but I hope they know exactly why they are advocating these stances and simply not adopt them just to fit in with the crowd.

What also makes it more infuriating is these three issues are rather easy to have an opinion on (you're either for it, or against it). I don't think someone should be as prideful as some of these people for having a stance on immigration reform, marijuana legalization, or gay marriage. You can say the same for abortion rights. I would be more impressed by someone who had genuine and intelligent stances on the educational system, health insurance, credit and savings rates, and living wages (issues that require more analytical thinking before having an opinion about them).

12th October 2010, 01:56
Why do the fags keep pressing the 'gay marriage' deal. Take the accepted union equal to marriage and call it ' garriage' and move on

12th October 2010, 09:34
Why do the fags keep pressing the 'gay marriage' deal. Take the accepted union equal to marriage and call it ' garriage' and move on

Because gays thrive on the drama of pressing for gay marriage and will continue to do so until it is legal in every state. But even after that, I wouldn't be suprised if they would press other countries to legalize gay marriage as well. And many self-hating white liberals here in America will keep suporting these gays for pressing the issue in order to maintain their self purported "progressive" and "open-minded" attitudes.

Now, I'm not against gay marriage myself, but I hate how many of the advocates of gay marriage consider gays to be in the same boat that blacks were in during the civil rights movement. There is no comparison: gays are not having police coming at them with hoses and dogs and attack them, they are not being segregated and forced to go to different schools and be subjected to inferior education, and Perez Hilton, Ellen DeGeneres, and Rosie O'Donnell will never ever ever be close to being as historically significant as Malcolm X, Martin Luther King, Jr., and Thurgood Marshall were. But make sure to not tell gays and white liberals these things otherwise they will accuse you of bigotry, regardless if you think they should be allowed to marry.

Mark in Oshawa
12th October 2010, 18:03
Well the way I see it, Gays should have the right to marriage...and divorce..and alimony...and all the rest of it....why should we hetrosexuals be the only ones made legally bound to another person financially after telling them to take a hike?

12th October 2010, 20:01
Mark you are missing the point. The point is the legal civil union does bring equality to gay partnership. The point being call it whatever you like EXCEPT "Marriage" Oh another suggestion is "Farriage" But in our Liberal ACLU, Obama adopted current state they obviously prefers Fags over powerful Christians and right wing non-believers. Hopefully the pendulum is swinging back and will have one hell of a long stroke!!!

12th October 2010, 21:07
Well the way I see it, Gays should have the right to marriage...and divorce..and alimony...and all the rest of it....why should we hetrosexuals be the only ones made legally bound to another person financially after telling them to take a hike?

What of the children who happen to be produced? The only way technically possible is via IVF, and if the two partners separate then that child becomes a burden on the welfare state without legal recourse to recover any costs from the other parent.

There is the rather telling story of California and Prop 8. The people of California after voting against gay marriage were overturned by the US Federal District Court.
Basically this says in essence, that the democracy of United States isn't worth a damn. The Federal Court will still overturn the will of the people if it wants to.

Bob Riebe
13th October 2010, 00:29
Basically this says in essence, that the democracy of United States isn't worth a damn. The Federal Court will still overturn the will of the people if it wants to.

This is what non-liberal talking heads have been saying for years, actually starting with the Bush Administration.
Hopefully the populace will pull their heads out and wake up sooner rather than later.

13th October 2010, 01:33
BasicallyThe Federal Court will still overturn the will of the people if it wants to.

As it did in the Presidential election in 2000..

But it has always been the role of the Supreme Court to decide the Constitutionality of laws so the 'will of the people" is one thing but if that "will" by the Initiative process decides something foolish like it often does, the Supreme Courts job is to say "That law or statute is unconstitutional".

13th October 2010, 03:49
Well the way I see it, Gays should have the right to marriage...and divorce..and alimony...and all the rest of it....why should we hetrosexuals be the only ones made legally bound to another person financially after telling them to take a hike?

Mark, I feel the same as you about this issue, but civil unions exist for a reason. Civil unions are similar to marriage in the sense of benefits. The term "marriage" in this country (and other Christian countries) has been traditionally applied to heterosexual marriage. It is just hard for many to accept the belief that gays can marry due to this traditionalist way of thinking, so using the term "civil union" is a more pragamatic way for homosexuals to be linked with each other. I do believe that homosexuals, for the time being, should be content with civil union as it is a higher status than domestic partnership.

Bob Riebe
13th October 2010, 04:32
As it did in the Presidential election in 2000..

But it has always been the role of the Supreme Court to decide the Constitutionality of laws so the 'will of the people" is one thing but if that "will" by the Initiative process decides something foolish like it often does, the Supreme Courts job is to say "That law or statute is unconstitutional".
No the Supreme Court over-turned a Florida Supreme Court that broke Florida's Constitution.

The Constitution says nothing about many laws courts are ruling on that therefore they have no legal right to do.

The courts (Federal) are no more powerful than the legislative bodie, or the president, they are one of three that are supposed to be self-controlling.
What is happening is contrary to government as set-up in the Federal Constitution.
If the constitution, Fed. or State, does not give any governing body the right to do it, they do not have legal right to do it, period.

The will of the people over-rides over any governing body.
As it is going now the courts will think they have the ability to over-ride amendments to the constitution because they do not like it, if the courts get any more liberal or so called progressive.
Bush with his ineptness played head-long into that horrid reality.

13th October 2010, 06:09
Mark, I feel the same as you about this issue, but civil unions exist for a reason. Civil unions are similar to marriage in the sense of benefits. The term "marriage" in this country (and other Christian countries) has been traditionally applied to heterosexual marriage. It is just hard for many to accept the belief that gays can marry due to this traditionalist way of thinking, so using the term "civil union" is a more pragamatic way for homosexuals to be linked with each other. I do believe that homosexuals, for the time being, should be content with civil union as it is a higher status than domestic partnership.

What did they call "marraige in the old USSR, Poland, Yugoslavia? They weren't Christian.

13th October 2010, 06:39
What did they call "marraige in the old USSR, Poland, Yugoslavia? They weren't Christian.

13th October 2010, 07:27
What did they call "marraige in the old USSR, Poland, Yugoslavia? They weren't Christian.

My bad. Correct if I'm wrong but, although the Soviet Union was an atheist state, didn't they nevertheless maintain the traditional/conservative values and ideas that Christians espoused prior to Vladimir Lenin taking over? Wouldn't that also mean they too believed that marriage was only allowed for heterosexual couples? In fact, didn't they disapprove of homosexuality in general?

14th October 2010, 22:26
The replies to this post speak volumes. The Americans are up in arms at being labelled ignorant and so on, but not even 1 brit gave a damn about being labelled the same thing. Seemingly not one of you even bothered to check out the website, it has loads of other stereotypes by other countries.

Funny that.

I think part of the reason for that is, most Americans are SO ignorant that many of us no longer know the actual meaning of certain words. Apparently "ignorant" is one of those words. Another one would be "socialism".

Everyone is ignorant to some degree. There is not a soul on earth who knows everything about everything. I accept that I am ignorant of a great many things... most things, in fact. There is a small circle which represents the things in my core competence: things about which I know a great deal or at least a fair amount. Outside of that circle, I may have scant knowledge or no knowledge at all. It only becomes a problem (or insulting) if there are things about which I SHOULD know, but I put forth little or no effort to learn... and someone points that out. My late grandfather made a great distinction between ignorance and stupidity. One is "ignorant" if he doesn't know. One is "stupid" if he doesn't know, doesn't want to know, doesn't try to know... but should know. My grandfather was a well of wisdom and was known for delivering certain little quips and sayings at just the right time - sometimes with great cruelty, but always effectively. Bob thinks that I give him a hard time with my occasional "smartassity", but I'm a very light version of grandfather... not even close to being in his league. And I didn't know the ancient origins of some of his sayings but the above came from this:

He who knows and knows that he knows: he is wise; follow him.
He who knows not and knows that he knows not: he is simple; teach him.
He who knows and knows not that he knows: he is asleep; wake him.
He who knows not and knows not that he knows not: he is a fool; shun him.

IMO, too many Americans are content to be ignorant or don't know/accept that they are ignorant, thereby making them fools... but they deeply resent being called out on it.