View Full Version : Senate Candidate and leading Teabagger for the Tea Party take over of the republicna party...is a witch

19th September 2010, 17:55
She won the republican nomination for the US Senate in Delaware, with the teabaggers tea party time, but now seems to be getting more scrutiny than ever......

questions about some of her deals and other carryings on have popped up....

Seem Ms Cristine O'Donnell, a few years ago, outed her self about being a witch.

ON TELEVISION where she said:

"One of my first dates with a witch was on a satanic altar, and I didn't know it."


"witch"....well a FEMALE republican candidate for a Senate seat, having a date with a witch on an altar...

and did not know it????what did not know that she was on a date, had sex, the other woman was a witch, altar, or satanic????

O'Donnell has attracted scrutiny for other things in her background, ranging from her anti-masturbation campaign to her personal finances.

I get it, none that masturbation, too selfish and not sharing, but grooving on a satanic altar is just groovey

she now claims she is something like a virgin, chaste, a secondary virgin or a "born again virgin" or whatever, but she seems to have fogotten about this:

While at Fairleigh Dickinson University, she told the Delaware News Journal in April 2004, she did things she now regrets. As the News Journal put it, those things were "drinking too much and having sex with guys with whom there wasn't a strong emotional connection."


My oh my, Sarah Palin is going to be soo jealous.....a new competitor for the nation's attention

19th September 2010, 18:16
Even better there is now something called "mail a teabag to congress", for all you "teabaggers"

]http://tickerforum.org/cgi-ticker/akcs-www?post=79282&page=1 (http://tickerforum.org/cgi-ticker/akcs-www?post=79282&page=1[/color)

wonder what is Palin's experience in this area?????

19th September 2010, 20:50
Even better there is now something called "mail a teabag to congress", for all you "teabaggers"

]http://tickerforum.org/cgi-ticker/akcs-www?post=79282&page=1 (http://tickerforum.org/cgi-ticker/akcs-www?post=79282&page=1[/color)

wonder what is Palin's experience in this area?????

When I read that O'Donnell had "experimented with witchcraft," I was nearly on the floor laughing. That is just too freakin' funny! :rotflmao: Another nut for the wingnut brigade to cheer on. It's kind of too bad too. When Ron Paul tossed that first bit of tea into the water a few years ago, this movement had some promise. Now it's being taken over by these right-wing religious nutters and conspiracy theorists.

As for Palin's experience with tea bagging, I'm not going down that road. Anything I say might earn me a cell beside my buddy Daniel in Ban Jail.

19th September 2010, 21:19
Well as she did say "One of my first dateS with a witch "

so I guess one could safely assume after a few more "dates' with her witch girl friends, she figured out, what this altar thing was.......

But I am still wondering about the 'born again virgin"

All in all I will be NOT voting for her....odd, though how many have now decided to call themselves teabaggers.......

19th September 2010, 21:39
Leading teabagger? HAHAHAHAHA That is brilliant, I love it when words mean completely different things on either side of the atlantic

19th September 2010, 21:45
Leading teabagger? HAHAHAHAHA That is brilliant, I love it when words mean completely different things on either side of the atlantic

Says Drew and lights another fag.


19th September 2010, 21:45
Leading teabagger? HAHAHAHAHA That is brilliant, I love it when words mean completely different things on either side of the atlantic

I'm thinking this term might mean the same thing on both sides of the pond... hence my hesitation to spell out the joke that is on my mind right now.

We're trying to get Daniel out of Ban Jail... we don't want ol' Jag to have to join him, now do we? :D

Captain VXR
19th September 2010, 21:53
Hay she aint a Crashchun. she must be one of them affirmative actioning, muslim, polytheistic, lesbian, atheist illegal flag burning terrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrst witches. earl jnr snr jnr get me my gun hurrrrrrrrrrr durrrrrrrrrrr derp

19th September 2010, 21:55
I'm thinking this term might mean the same thing on both sides of the pond... hence my hesitation to spell out the joke that is on my mind right now.

We're trying to get Daniel out of Ban Jail... we don't want ol' Jag to have to join him, now do we? :D

Oh shame :( :p :

20th September 2010, 03:37
Hay she aint a Crashchun. she must be one of them affirmative actioning, muslim, polytheistic, lesbian, atheist illegal flag burning terrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrst witches. earl jnr snr jnr get me my gun hurrrrrrrrrrr durrrrrrrrrrr derp

THAT was yesterday, but now she is a teabagger, and she is an anti-masturbation, "born again as a virgin" or a "secondary virgin" (? err whatever that is??) who makes her boyfriends beg, but appearantly has no problems with tea bags, and is otherwise, a real fun-DE-mentalist....

Of course I was always against, totally and completely, against masturbation, but then I got married......... :(

Meanwhile, given their proud moniker, I think Barney Franks and his aides are considering coming out of the closet and joining ......thinking "party time' for ......

20th September 2010, 05:11
I don't know what the big deal is about witches - I have lived with one for 20 years.

20th September 2010, 19:13
Well, I'm not surprised by anything that the "Tea Party" does. The only aspect of it all is that it makes the US and it's citizens look completely idiotic.

Glance around the internet a little and see what is being said.

Funny how so many want to jump all over the illegal aliens but have no problem with a Guy that claims he is an eye doctor. He is still running.

Ensign is running....mr goody two shoes screwing his friends wife then trying to buy him off by giving his parent 90,000 and his son a job. Way to go right wingers and Tea Party goons. Moving on we have diaper boy and he is still in office even with a conviction of soliciting a prostitute. Oh, we have stance man at the airport in Milwaukee. Mr Craig...lol. For shame. Between their faux news channel, faux morality, faux conservatism and faux religious beliefs it's no wonder they cater to the lowest denominator in the country, with the help of Dick Armey. Dick Armey,lol, the fatman that could not even lie his way out of his own lie.

21st September 2010, 00:43
Well, I'm not surprised by anything that the "Tea Party" does. The only aspect of it all is that it makes the US and it's citizens look completely idiotic.

Glance around the internet a little and see what is being said.

Funny how so many want to jump all over the illegal aliens but have no problem with a Guy that claims he is an eye doctor. He is still running.

Ensign is running....mr goody two shoes screwing his friends wife then trying to buy him off by giving his parent 90,000 and his son a job. Way to go right wingers and Tea Party goons. Moving on we have diaper boy and he is still in office even with a conviction of soliciting a prostitute. Oh, we have stance man at the airport in Milwaukee. Mr Craig...lol. For shame. Between their faux news channel, faux morality, faux conservatism and faux religious beliefs it's no wonder they cater to the lowest denominator in the country, with the help of Dick Armey. Dick Armey,lol, the fatman that could not even lie his way out of his own lie.

Actually it only makes those on the RIGHT look completely idiotic, and that's only right about half the country---but elsewhere in the world they already appear completely idiotic, how can they appear more idiotic than completely?

21st September 2010, 02:18
Wow! :rotflmao:

I don't know what the big deal is about witches - I have lived with one for 20 years.I think you mean bitches.

21st September 2010, 03:11
Funny how the left can use a homophobic term to insult members of the tea party but if somebody admits that back in high-school they hung out with some wannabee Wiccans for a short time it is a crime against Humanity!

What is the word that best describes this?



Bob Riebe
21st September 2010, 03:58
Funny how the left can use a homophobic term to insult members of the tea party but if somebody admits that back in high-school they hung out with some wannabee Wiccans for a short time it is a crime against Humanity!

What is the word that best describes this?



If that is all the liberals have to chit-chat about let them have, I mean compared to her opponent, being a teenage witch is Mary Poppins stuff.

...Maybe there’s just something in the Kenyan water. Kenya is the common denominator between everyone’s favorite revolutionary Barack Obama and everyone’s now favorite “bearded Marxist” Chris Coons who is running for US Senate against Christine O’Donnell in Delaware. Like Mr. Obama, Coons is a relatively unknown political figure and the democrats would probably like to keep it that way.

Since we can pull out the 15 year old video of Christine O’Donnell talking about her opposition to masturbation, are we allowed to talk about a 25 year old article written by Coons for the Amherst College Newspaper? Depends on who you ask I guess.

Coons wrote the above mentioned article when he was a young lad of 21. In the article he talks about his transformation from a close minded conservative to an open minded bearded Marxist.

Chris Coons, who is leading Christine O’Donnell by double digits, says that the source of his “conversion” was a trip to Kenya. How lovely. He says instead of appreciating America when he got back he began to question America.

He wrote that his friends joked about Africa being a catalytic converter, taking clean shaven, clear thinking Americans and transforming them into bearded Marxists....

21st September 2010, 07:37
Funny how the left can use a homophobic term


The teabagging recipient can either be male or female. Which makes any claims of homophobia completely invalid.

22nd September 2010, 03:30
Funny how the left can use a homophobic term to insult members of the tea party but if somebody admits that back in high-school they hung out with some wannabee Wiccans for a short time it is a crime against Humanity!

What is the word that best describes this?


Actually, I was thinking the same thing about Ms. Teabag her hypocrite self, after all, just how many witches did she do, as it was not clear from the TV interview of less than about 8 years ago. And just what does she do with that little mobile phone, set on vibration, when the lights are low and she is by herself..... :s mokin:

Of course as luck would have it, her opponent is a "Bearded Marxist" who is now engaged in a pro-masturbation campaign. Reminds me of an old phrase about circle jerk..... My wife thinks I should join, says it is better for me than the real deal, but now she done gone to Easy d., I could care less...........

Now let us see, only in america, could we have two such upstanding, outstanding choices for one pubicly elected job. :up:

either one will make a great member of the UNITED STATES SENATE, fur sur nuff...

Of course, there are those people dumb enough to think that what our leaders do in their own beds, alone or with one or many others, consecutively or concurrently, is not our business, even when those wood-be leaders broadcast it as our business, but I disagree, as one definently needs to know the true character of your leader, as just suppose she/he/she-he is too busy maturbating to answer the big red phone in the event of nukalear war?????? :eek:

I am just wondering where Britain would be today, if in WWII, if attack after attack of german planes, went unanswered because Winston Churchill was too busy.......................