View Full Version : can't we all just chill out?

16th September 2010, 19:53
I've noticed a couple of threads on this bit of the forum that get quite heated, and includes various forum members getting angry in their posts. why can't we all just chill, after all, we all love motorsport.

Captain VXR
16th September 2010, 19:59
I've noticed a couple of threads on this bit of the forum that get quite heated, and includes various forum members getting angry in their posts. why can't we all just chill, after all, we all love motorsport.

Quoted for truth

The bitchyness and know-it-allness in some threads is rediculous

17th September 2010, 02:20
Quoted for truth

The bitchyness and know-it-allness in some threads is rediculous
You just think you are such a "know it all" and here you are bitching...

17th September 2010, 02:42
We all may love racing but the love stops there. We all have opinions and beliefs. While some people may have parallels, I think forums will always be heated and especially international ones.

That is why we have moderators that we overwork. Actually I would like to see all the over 18 forum members on a no holds barred forum.

Easy Drifter
17th September 2010, 04:19
Sorry Roamy I disagree. We are allowed a lot more freedom on Chit Chat than on the other forums here but there does have to be some control, especially as to language. I know I have pushed the envelope at times particularly with Eki and Wade, who seems to have disappeared.
Without controls I think things would get totally out of hand. I know I have stopped to think what I was about to say was beyond the pale at times.
So far I have usually stopped and I haven't gone past the line for a couple of years. I suspect I have been close though.
What we are allowed to say here in Chit Chat would resulit in bans in the sections devoted to actual motorsport competition.

If a mod ever took seriously what some of us say to each other in the Joke thread we would be gone for life!!!!!!!!!!! :D

17th September 2010, 04:22
I've noticed a couple of threads on this bit of the forum that get quite heated, and includes various forum members getting angry in their posts. why can't we all just chill, after all, we all love motorsport.

Sounds Dull......I'll pass.

Captain VXR
17th September 2010, 06:13
You just think you are such a "know it all" and here you are bitching...
Damn it! If only it wasn't for that meddling Markabilly nobody would ever have found out...

17th September 2010, 06:24
Lol, the comments here are heated, but when we discuss Alonso, Hamilton or Michael Schumacher - now that's heated! Especially when ioan is in :D

Mark in Oshawa
17th September 2010, 07:24
I agree some of us should chill out. I post a little less often now than I did, and I am veering away from a lot of the political forum posts on Chit Chat mainly because I know what a few are going to say, I know what I will say, and it will go on for about 150 messages over 15 pages. It was getting old....

The really hilarious part? I suspect outside of politics, I would likely get along like a house on fire with Eki on a lot of other subjects, but here, I get into his grill and he mine.

So I must admit, I have cut back and avoided...but I still will be passionate and opinionated on the racing forums I head to, on THAT, I have no reason to back down.

18th September 2010, 08:22
I post a little less often now than I did, and I am veering away from a lot of the political forum posts on Chit Chat mainly because I know what a few are going to say, I know what I will say, and it will go on for about 150 messages over 15 pages. It was getting old....

That's the reason I'm not even opening a lot of threads in CC, It's gotten boring even before the first reply to the opening post.

Might be better if mods just throw the political rhetoric carbage into a one single thread, they're all about recycling the same posts anyway.

race aficionado
18th September 2010, 16:23
I can swim better than your socialist, illegal alien God and . . .

wooops! sorry, wrong thread. :D

:s mokin:

18th September 2010, 17:45
I can swim better than your socialist, illegal alien God and . . .

wooops! sorry, wrong thread. :D

:s mokin:

Being in Chit Chat, I almost feel obligated to disagree with your statements in a personal and very biased way, ignoring all facts that might be attached to those statements. :laugh:

We should have some type of system that allows the posters to disallow the common thread killers to participate in threads that the more civil posters are starting and participating in. As Janneppi mentions above, it's often a matter of those same people recycling things that are quite biased, most often accompanied by some type of personal attack, as just as often really having very little to do with the thread topic.

18th September 2010, 18:02
I can swim better than your socialist, illegal alien God and . . .

wooops! sorry, wrong thread. :D

:s mokin:
He doesn't have to swim, he can WALK on the water!

race aficionado
18th September 2010, 18:11
He doesn't have to swim, he can WALK on the water!

Yes, but does he have to pay more taxes because he is better at doing that?

18th September 2010, 18:34
Yes, but does he have to pay more taxes because he is better at doing that?
Of course. Once he had to feed a bunch of people when all he had was a few fishes and some bread. I mean what had those people done to deserve to be fed? They were HIS fish and bread!

18th September 2010, 18:37
Sounds Dull......I'll pass.

I thought this would never happen, but for once I agree with vop! A discussion without differing opinions and ideas is as dull as a boxing match where the boxers have agreed not to hit each other, just because they both love boxing. Or an F1 race where a driver lets his team mate pass just because they both love Ferrari.

Bob Riebe
18th September 2010, 19:35
We should have some type of system that allows the posters to disallow the common thread killers to participate in threads that the more civil posters are starting and participating in. As Janneppi mentions above, it's often a matter of those same people recycling things that are quite biased, ...most often really having very little to do with the thread topic.

race aficionado---I can swim better than your socialist, illegal alien God and . . .

airshifter---Being in Chit Chat, I almost feel obligated to disagree with your statements in a personal and very biased way, ignoring all facts that might be attached to those statements.

Eki---He doesn't have to swim, he can WALK on the water!

race aficionado---Yes, but does he have to pay more taxes because he is better at doing that?

Eki---Of course. Once he had to feed a bunch of people when all he had was a few fishes and some bread. I mean what had those people done to deserve to be fed? They were HIS fish and bread

race aficionado
18th September 2010, 19:41
Of course. Once he had to feed a bunch of people when all he had was a few fishes and some bread. I mean what had those people done to deserve to be fed? They were HIS fish and bread!

OK . . . I'm stumped . . . . let me check out my Wikipedia . . . .


Easy Drifter
19th September 2010, 00:20
Chit Chat is getting completely, absolutely and totally out of control!!!!!!
Look what has happened. :vader:
I have actually agreed with Eki a couple of times recently!!!!!!! :D :eek:

19th September 2010, 04:35
Can we get the Nazi's in here - Where is Janice when you need him. Eki can tell us how the world war II guys chilled out in the sauna.

19th September 2010, 13:26
Look what has happened. :vader:

Oh yeah, look what has happenned!!!

Easy's wife says Easy is already so chilled already such that when he is in the room or the bed, anything with a temperature above-30 degrees centigrade feels hot....

Easy's wife says Easy is so chilled the last time (about ten years ago) when he tried to take a hot shower, it took them two hours to chisel him out of the block of ice he created in the tub and $750 Canandian dollars to repair the ice damage to the plumbing.....

Easy's wife says that Easy is so chilled out that the mortician and police keep coming by to tote him off, when the neighbors call and tell the cops that based on the smell, there must be something dead in the house, but she has to tell them no----he just can not bath...and point out that despite the horrid smell, ever so often his eyelids blink and his eyes move....

Easy's wife says that when given the choice between him and a frozen carrot, she always picks the frozen carrott, because it is not only much warmer, but bigger and more fun........

Besides she says she learned her lesson 20 years ago, and stays clear of him completely since then, as the frost bite damage was terrible in that private spot.......

19th September 2010, 22:17
I don't know.... Especially WRC forum used to be a fun place to be. Not anymore it is :mark:

Mark in Oshawa
21st September 2010, 18:15
If Easy has a wife Markabilly, she is driving down there to kick your @ss...lol...or thank you.

I suspect that no, like many of us, Easy has an Ex wife...lol

22nd September 2010, 03:14
not anymore, I sent him.....but as i said in joke thread, he will have to get his own scuba gear....

22nd September 2010, 06:57
My opinion is that in comparison with the discussions on romanian forums what happens here look like a nice talk between girls of victorian period. :laugh:

23rd September 2010, 09:23
Posts on forum may get heated, we may need to visit different room to cool off, responses are supposed to be made only here in this forum, never take it too personal... :)

23rd September 2010, 14:03
My opinion is that in comparison with the discussions on romanian forums what happens here look like a nice talk between girls of victorian period. :laugh:
I have always suspected that markabilly is really a girl from the Victorian period, now we have proof.

29th September 2010, 13:30
There always has, and always will, be differences of opinion on here. Sometimes the things said can be a little over the top but the moderaters on here are pretty good at tackling most of the problems.

There have been persistant offenders who suddenly found their accounts deleted completely or suspended for a period of time.

I've generally found the Chit-Chat forum to be an ok place, there have been times when I've ranted passonately about a particular thread but that's what we all do in real life.

The simple thing to do is simply un-subscribe to a particular thread, if the usual idiot who winds you up starts their usual behaviour then ignore them or ignore the thread.

29th September 2010, 21:07
There is certainly a lack of moderation at times. One member seems to be able to get away with making racist posts over and over again without any sanction at all.

Captain VXR
29th September 2010, 22:22
There is certainly a lack of moderation at times. One member seems to be able to get away with making racist posts over and over again without any sanction at all.

Does their username begin with R or E or something else?

30th September 2010, 03:43
Who started this thread Iron Rooster? You are a little late to the party, and the short answer is.......

:s ailor: No!

30th September 2010, 05:11
Does their username begin with R or E or something else?
The poster formerly known as F.

30th September 2010, 05:20
The poster formerly known as F.
You mean "The Artist" formerly known as F ****o :p

30th September 2010, 07:14
There is certainly a lack of moderation at times. One member seems to be able to get away with making racist posts over and over again without any sanction at all.

On the other hand I think that some people here are too sensitive and too hasty to use the label "racist".
I even think that many posts here don't even express the real beliefs of the authors. I mean sometimes it's funny to say controversial things when you can hide behind a nickname. But I think that most of the members are "cerebral " enough to get influenced by the others ideas.

2nd October 2010, 23:44
On the other hand I think that some people here are too sensitive and too hasty to use the label "racist".
I even think that many posts here don't even express the real beliefs of the authors. I mean sometimes it's funny to say controversial things when you can hide behind a nickname. But I think that most of the members are "cerebral " enough to get influenced by the others ideas.

Depends on the individual. Yes, some may be being ironic or trying to get a reaction. Others, clearly, are racist. I don't like throwing the term around either, but that's how it is. Yet the moderators don't seem to care, instead preferring to censor others while racist insults get thrown around with impunity.

3rd October 2010, 06:58
Depends on the individual. Yes, some may be being ironic or trying to get a reaction. Others, clearly, are racist. I don't like throwing the term around either, but that's how it is. Yet the moderators don't seem to care, instead preferring to censor others while racist insults get thrown around with impunity.

Jesus Christ Dunnell you are a chronic whiner. Just curious how old are you?? You act as you have never left your neighborhood. The world is as it is and it is not getting any better. So all you peace, melting pot, one human race people are losing the battle big. Look at the world picture it is UGLY. The key here Dunnell is you can't change it so you need to figure out how to live with it.
Racist is a politician word. In other words it is bullish!t 98.9 percent of the human race are racists although probably 75% lie about it. I am sitting in my friends million dollar cabin in the mountains and I said "How many black people are coming to diner" None was the answer so I said How many are coming in the next 3 years - none are planned and no invites. You see Dunnell you if you don't have a multicultural home then you talk bullish!t. Maybe you do but a large percentage of the races do not and do not intend to. I always have to laugh when I here someone say Oh I have a lot of black friends or muslim friends or indian friends or gay friends. Oh great who are they and the pick the very upscale affluent people of the races. Unless they are part of the drug culture. So case in point - We let Somalies immigrate into our country. Why?? How many are getting invited to dinner - very few. And how many are inviting me to dinner - none. and if they did would I go - probably not.
So it is all bullish!t promoted by our politicians who base the economy off of growth. Which is why we are killing our planet. We have no future except for the plague. We have to quit destroying the planet for economic growth caused by population increase. I can go on and on but people just don't get it. Just let them multiply. We are all going to get what we deserve and probably you before us.

Valve Bounce
4th October 2010, 01:54
I've noticed a couple of threads on this bit of the forum that get quite heated, and includes various forum members getting angry in their posts. why can't we all just chill, after all, we all love motorsport.

I don't think this section of our forum is about Motorsport. But yeah! let's chill: I have a bottle of Aimery Champagne in the refrigerator which I will enjoy later. :)

4th October 2010, 05:18
The poster formerly known as F.

Yep - I have to go find another hobby - the mods just delete all my posts now days. I guess the truth is just too hard to let stay. Ciao

6th October 2010, 17:48

:s ailor: Nuke 'em