View Full Version : Women who sound like women

16th September 2010, 17:43
Just off the phone with the daintiest sounding girl from somwhere in Hendon. A charming voice...

I like my women to sound like women. All in favor....

Easy Drifter
16th September 2010, 17:58
I met one who sounded like that.
Markabilly's wife.
285 pounds and used to play defensive tackle for the Pittsburg Steelers.

(See the joke thread.)

16th September 2010, 21:09
I me a young lady,who was fat ,ugly,untidy,and everything else that would send you running a thousand miles.
I asked her what she did for a living.She told me she worked at a call centre.
So I quizzed her further,like what sort of call centre.? She laughed,she said I am Suzanne,I take sexy phone calls from guys,and tell them anything they want to hear,and talk dirty.I said how much are the calls .She said £1.50 a minute,and the idea is that once you get a punter on the line you keep him on as long as you can.I said whats the record time you have chatted for.She said 1 hour 35 minutes,so recon that up at £1.50 a minute.She got paid over £25 per hour wage,if only the guys could have seen her!!!!!!!!!
Pity you cannot see the sweet talking girl who sounds stunning on the phone!!

16th September 2010, 22:10
Ohh but I'm careful not to make any correlations...

Just a bullet point on a list

Desirable qualities in a female

1) May she sound like a woman :D

17th September 2010, 01:56
Can I appoint Jo Whiley to this list of ladies with lovely voices? Her voice was especially most welcome on the radio via Sirius Satellite in the United States. It was like a shaft of light, beaming down from across the ocean... ahem.

Also for some bizarre reason I quite like the voice of Charlotte Green. Her voice is somehow perfect accompaniment to a cup of tea, a crumpet, a book and a seat by the fire.

17th September 2010, 04:05
I like my women just a little on the trashy side
Too much lipstick too much rouge
good moaners
people waive their credit cards at me when we go out. :)

Rudy Tamasz
17th September 2010, 08:11
I still remember a woman that I saw at a business meeting. She was about 10 years older than me, pretty good looking but not extra special. What was special about her was ger voice, velvet, a bit low, sounding like it was coming out from the very deep (I don't know from where exactly ;) ). Needless to say, I could not concentrate on the topic of the meeting. I haven't met her ever since but I still have her business card.

Mark in Oshawa
17th September 2010, 08:21
A woman with a charming and sexy voice is always a plus. I have a friend in Missouri who has a sexy southern drawl. I would pay her to read me the phone book....

I think accents that sound "foreign" always are a plus....

17th September 2010, 09:22
Ha! No offence but this kind of discussion is typical for guys who " served " a few drinks more. :laugh:

If you have 14 min and want to have a good laugh watch this short movie directed by a brilliant movie director ( who unfortunately died in a car crash ) and see that sometimes the girl at the call center who gives you advice about your sex life might be your mum :laugh:
