View Full Version : Button at Ferrari

16th September 2010, 12:40
After Jenson's unwelcome appearance on the Podium at Monza does anyone think he will ever drive for Ferrari?

He's a world champion and proven race winner but would Ferrari want him?

Easy Drifter
16th September 2010, 12:49
Why would he want to drive for Ferrari?
There are 3 drivers on every podium. There are two Ferraris. Do the math.
There has to a driver from another team on the podium.

16th September 2010, 12:51
Why would he want to drive for Ferrari?
There are 3 drivers on every podium. There are two Ferraris. Do the math.
There has to a driver from another team on the podium.
oh, that explains it....I thought he was doing a job interview

Valve Bounce
16th September 2010, 12:55
oh, that explains it....I thought he was doing a job interview

This! :up:

Retro Formula 1
16th September 2010, 13:17

I've seem some leaps of logic in my time but from making a wild suggestion that Ferrari were somehow rude and dismissive at the last GP to speculating that Button was in some way connected to a Ferrari drive and now might not be is fantasy!!

16th September 2010, 13:22
After Jenson's unwelcome appearance on the Podium at Monza does anyone think he will ever drive for Ferrari?

He's a world champion and proven race winner but would Ferrari want him?


16th September 2010, 14:01
yeah, not sure. Think he could win it again with Ferrari...

16th September 2010, 15:01
Jenson is one of my idols. I think he bonte is right. He could win with Ferrari. A nice driver is at its best when it handle a great car.

16th September 2010, 15:41
Step 1: pick any successful driver in the field
Step 2: Use/invent rumour/heresay about said driver relating to Italy
Step 3: Claim that said driver will join Ferrari based on sources in the F1 field, and tenuous correlation involving Italy/speaking Italian
Step 4: Become editor of an F1 website


16th September 2010, 15:41
After Jenson's unwelcome appearance on the Podium at Monza does anyone think he will ever drive for Ferrari?

He's a world champion and proven race winner but would Ferrari want him?

you tried another thread with this vein of thinking that got shut down

I suspect this one will too as it is a a thinly veiled attempt to rehash that same subject matter.


16th September 2010, 15:47
Step 1: pick any successful driver in the field
Step 2: Use/invent rumour/heresay about said driver relating to Italy
Step 3: Claim that said driver will join Ferrari based on sources in the F1 field, and tenuous correlation involving Italy/speaking Italian
Step 4: Become editor of an F1 website



16th September 2010, 16:03
I don't think Jenson would accept the designated number two tag. Therefore as long and Alonso is at Ferrari don't look for Button

16th September 2010, 18:12
Actually I have been thinking about the Button-Ferrari thing from a completely different point of view. Was Button ever considered as an option to become Schumacher's heir at Ferrari? I don't really remember the exact selection process, just somehow at one moment Räikkönen emerged as the lead candidate for Ferrari and was signed in late-05.

But if we recall, then one season before in 2004 Button was "best of the rest" behind two Ferraris after an impressive season and it likely should have crossed Todt's/Brawn's mind that perhaps this guy could be considered as a future Ferrari driver, especially as at that time it was obvious Schumacher's career-end wasn't far away.

16th September 2010, 18:28
After Jenson's unwelcome appearance on the Podium at Monza does anyone think he will ever drive for Ferrari?

He's a world champion and proven race winner but would Ferrari want him?

What do you mean "unwelcome", Jenson produced a drive worthy of a podium finish, how can that be classed as unwelcome?

Or are you one of those people that wants that ridiculous 3 car dream of LdM to happen just so you can see your beloved team sweep podiums?

16th September 2010, 23:37
you just need to look at all the noise made this year when there was a chance that mark could sign with them