View Full Version : More killing cartoonists for the greater glory of the pedo prophet

16th September 2010, 03:15
Since i could not find the old thread about killing cartoonists for the greater glory of the pedo prophet.......


a paper where Norris' cartoons had regularly appeared:

The gifted artist is alive and well, thankfully. But on the insistence of top security specialists at the FBI, she is, as they put it, "going ghost": moving, changing her name, and essentially wiping away her identity. She will no longer be publishing cartoons in our paper or in City Arts magazine, where she has been a regular contributor. She is, in effect, being put into a witness-protection program -- except, as she notes, without the government picking up the tab.Norris originally posted her tongue-in-cheek cartoon announcing May 20 as "Everybody Draw Mohammed Day" on her website, which no longer seems to be operating. It was dedicated to the creators of the Comedy Central animated television series "South Park" after one of their episodes was censored for its portrayal of the Islamic prophet.

16th September 2010, 04:27
Are you one of the psychotic fundamentalist christians that has kept the crusades going by your childish "my god is better than your god" as a well known officer stated during the Iraq invasion.

What would your response be if there was some type of cartoon of Jesus, or God or the Holy Ghost. Don't you find it strange that you have to believe in three different what? Gods???!! Oh, and by the way. What is a pedo? Do you mean pseudo? It would make more sense if that is what you meant as the rest of your diatribe leaves a lot to be desired.

Bob Riebe
16th September 2010, 05:06
Are you one of the psychotic fundamentalist christians that has kept the crusades going by your childish "my god is better than your god" as a well known officer stated during the Iraq invasion.

What would your response be if there was some type of cartoon of Jesus, or God or the Holy Ghost. Don't you find it strange that you have to believe in three different what? Gods???!! Oh, and by the way. What is a pedo? Do you mean pseudo? It would make more sense if that is what you meant as the rest of your diatribe leaves a lot to be desired.
What does your braying attack against Markabilly have to do with what he posted?

The Christian God, and probably others, have been shown in parody many times, but only the doing so of the Muslim's prophet, and he is not even a god, will get you killed.

Three gods, before you sound like a braying ass again, do at least a wiki study, (hey if Eki can do it, any one can) of how Christianity works.

Unless you are as ignorant as your attack of Markabilly points you to be, Mohammeds one wife's age was in single digits when he consumated the marriage, which is why some call their supposed prophet a pedophile.

Now try actually addressing the point of a post for once, or you can simply continue with braying rants that attack other posters.

16th September 2010, 07:38
The Christian God, and probably others, have been shown in parody many times, but only the doing so of the Muslim's prophet, and he is not even a god, will get you killed.

Quite, which makes the attack even more puzzling. Certainly 'God' has appeared in parody countless times, Jesus probably less so but certainly hasn't escaped it.

I think the point is being missed, it's not Christianity vs Islam it's sensible people (who may also be Muslim!) vs nutters.

16th September 2010, 07:41
Although I do find it curious that Christians do worship the 'main' god but then also have a secondary god too. It's all a bit confusing :p

16th September 2010, 12:39
Are you one of the psychotic fundamentalist christians that has kept the crusades going by your childish "my god is better than your god" as a well known officer stated during the Iraq invasion.

What would your response be if there was some type of cartoon of Jesus, or God or the Holy Ghost. Don't you find it strange that you have to believe in three different what? Gods???!! Oh, and by the way. What is a pedo? Do you mean pseudo? It would make more sense if that is what you meant as the rest of your diatribe leaves a lot to be desired.
yes as to psychotic

depends on funny or not

yes, i always thought there was only one what

as many as dance on the head of a pin

the prophet



17th September 2010, 02:59
Are you one of the psychotic fundamentalist christians that has kept the crusades going by your childish "my god is better than your god" as a well known officer stated during the Iraq invasion.

What would your response be if there was some type of cartoon of Jesus, or God or the Holy Ghost. Don't you find it strange that you have to believe in three different what? Gods???!! Oh, and by the way. What is a pedo? Do you mean pseudo? It would make more sense if that is what you meant as the rest of your diatribe leaves a lot to be desired.

I see no reason to kill anyone over a cartoon when there are so many other valid reasons

17th September 2010, 03:55
Still, a cartoon is as good a reason as any.

17th September 2010, 06:38
Still, a cartoon is as good a reason as any.

why do you have that "sh!thole" flag on your name??

17th September 2010, 08:35
why do you have that "sh!thole" flag on your name??


17th September 2010, 15:57

welcome back