View Full Version : Red Bull-are you amazed?

6th September 2010, 15:49
Is anyone here as amazed as I am about the amount of sponsorhip done by Red Bull in the various areas of sport?

The amount of $$$ they are throwing at F1, rallying, NASCAR, air races, dog shows (what else have I missed) must be incredible....

It's a beautiful, beautiful thing, but just how much profit margin is there in sport drinks?

Red Bull's presence must be as strong as Marlboros (Phillip Morris, or am I mistaken) in the tobacco era of motorsport- I can't think of another sponor more readily appraent in so many areas of sport...

race aficionado
6th September 2010, 17:46
It's a performance-life enhancing legal DRUG so that guarantees a lot of dough.

Any other money laundering schemes it may be involved in I would not have the slightest clue - not do I know why I just came up with that last sentence

I don't drink it nor do I allow my son to do so either.

So now excuse me please as I enjoy my other performance-life enhancing legal DRUG - coffeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!
:s mokin:

6th September 2010, 17:55
It's a performance-life enhancing legal DRUG so that guarantees a lot of dough.

Any other money laundering schemes it may be involved in I would not have the slightest clue - not do I know why I just came up with that last sentence

I don't drink it nor do I allow my son to do so either.

So now excuse me please as I enjoy my other performance-life enhancing legal DRUG - coffeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!
:s mokin:

This you, muchacito?

For me>TEA!!!!!!

And its time for another cup!
( I make it almost as strong as most gringos make their coffee.)

Brown, Jon Brow
6th September 2010, 18:12
Is anyone here as amazed as I am about the amount of sponsorhip done by Red Bull in the various areas of sport?

The amount of $$$ they are throwing at F1, rallying, NASCAR, air races, dog shows (what else have I missed) must be incredible....

It's a beautiful, beautiful thing, but just how much profit margin is there in sport drinks?

Red Bull's presence must be as strong as Marlboros (Phillip Morris, or am I mistaken) in the tobacco era of motorsport- I can't think of another sponor more readily appraent in so many areas of sport...

Less Red Bull might solve your insomnia problem! :p

6th September 2010, 18:18
It's a beautiful, beautiful thing, but just how much profit margin is there in sport drinks?

Red Bull's presence must be as strong as Marlboros (Phillip Morris, or am I mistaken) in the tobacco era of motorsport- I can't think of another sponor more readily appraent in so many areas of sport...

One piece I read stated that gross profit margins for energy drinks was generally around 50%. If I find the article, I'll link it here.

By comparison, the gross profit margin for Toyota Motor Corporation was slightly less than 15% (2010), slightly less than 16% for Ferrari (2009) and approximately 39% for Apple Computer (2010). The margins in selling jazzed up sugar water are VERY healthy.

I agree with you about Red Bull. I've also noticed that Monster sponsors quite a bit, though not nearly as much as Red Bull. I think they're with Mercedes GP this year/Brawn last year. They do a lot in off-road racing in the U.S. and they sponsored Paul Tracy some in the past.

I guess it's only a matter of time before some Great Nanny steps in and bans them from advertising in motorsport as well.

race aficionado
6th September 2010, 18:20
This you, muchacito?

For me>TEA!!!!!!

And its time for another cup!
( I make it almost as strong as most gringos make their coffee.)

Yes that is indeed me.

I love keeping my country's economy sound.
. . . . with the consumption of coffee, that is . . . . .

:s mokin:

6th September 2010, 19:20
A good friend of mine is bringing out a new energy drink shortly,its called "Bon Sweat" watch out for it,and guess who is behind it.

7th September 2010, 08:41
I believe Red Bull makes the majority of its money not from selling cans of drink at newsagents and supermarkets but from it being mixed with vodka in pubs.

Captain VXR
7th September 2010, 19:53
They also sponsor drifters, Pike's Peak drivers and the Red Bull Air Race
Anything that you could think of that involves balls and skill, and appeals to young men WILL have Red Bull sponsorship, even cliff diving

7th September 2010, 20:28
Could be worse; I caught one of those filler programmes on Dave the other week with a bloke who jumps out of planes while sponsored by a well-known washing up liquid. Not sure you really want to do that while dressed in a bright yellow jumpsuit emblazoned with the word "FAIRY" :s

Azumanga Davo
8th September 2010, 07:30
Flugtag is my fave. :D

Mark in Oshawa
9th September 2010, 09:00
Red Bull is no different than Coca Cola.....in that it is a softdrink that sells world wide. Where the difference MAY be is the profit margin in many ways is higher....because Coca Cola is cheaper to make, but is sold for about a buck a liter on average if bought in that 2 liter bottle. I saw what one can of Red Bull costs..and I realize that Barnum is right...there is a lot of suckers out there...

That said, they sponsor a lot of neat stuff...my favourite's being the Crashed Ice festivals and the air racing.....

9th September 2010, 09:26
Honestly, I like the drink. It's refreshing and tasty, IMO.

Captain VXR
9th September 2010, 19:59
I prefer Rockstar and Monster, better tastes

9th September 2010, 20:26
I prefer Rockstar and Monster, better tastes

I don't like the taste of monster, I find it quite sickly. red bull is the best tasting energy drink, imo

10th September 2010, 02:00
Red Bull is hideously expensive. That's why they have so much money to throw around for sponsorship.

I had hospitality tickets for the Red Bull X-Fighters a few weeks ago and they were giving the stuff out free to guests (with vodka). It's definitely not healthy and I felt very unpleasant the next day. When it's free is one of the only times I'll really drink it.

Quite frankly I don't understand why people wouldn't just prefer a nice freshbrew coffee for a kick of caffeine...

Red Bull's activity in motorsport and extreme sports does give it a unified brand image though which I guess is important to the consumerist, young kids who drink it.

Mark in Oshawa
10th September 2010, 07:50
I don't like the taste of monster, I find it quite sickly. red bull is the best tasting energy drink, imo

That is like saying you are the world's tallest midget. I don't get why anyone likes the stuff....and I am a confirmed Coffee addict....so it isn't like I against the idea of staying awake through fluids.....but that stuff is just crap....

We wont even get into the health issue of ramming that much Gurana derived caffiene into your heart....

10th September 2010, 08:35
I dunno. I drink a lot of coffee! I mean 5 mugs full within 2 hours in the morning is normal for me! So you would think I wouldn't notice caffeine. But someone gave me a Vodka and Red Bull - the only time I've had any Red Bull and was twitchy for about an hour after!

11th September 2010, 13:35
We were sponsored by them a few years ago. Amazing how much we drank during a rally and how much our crew drank, especially as it was free. We managed to go through quite a bit.

Well it would be a bit harder to drink my new sponsors product, might kill me or at least make me quite regular :)


11th September 2010, 13:48
You would be quite surprised at what Red Bull appears to sponsor but does not actually provide any real sponsorship too.

The brilliance of their branding at this point is that they are so huge, so valued, and so established is that simply giving off the idea of being sponsored by Red Bull can open a lot of doors to other future sponsorship with other companies who target similar demographics.

This is all said with the fact that overall Red Bull of reduced the number of things that they sponsor world wide. Red Bull mainly now focuses on things that they can completely control the branding of (no second or third parties coming in late to the game anymore) or very high profile people/things, not the anything and everything they used to...

Captain VXR
11th September 2010, 20:07
The best tasting energy drinks I've ever drunk

12th September 2010, 07:42
The best tasting energy drinks I've ever drunk

You should try the Rockstar Lemonade, it is the least offensive energy drink I have come across...

Captain VXR
12th September 2010, 20:25
You should try the Rockstar Lemonade, it is the least offensive energy drink I have come across...

Don't think its available here :(

13th September 2010, 16:16
Don't think its available here :(

Given the level of push behind it here in the US it is likely only a matter of time. As far as I know the product launched this spring here so it might take a bit for it to get into distribution over there.

13th September 2010, 22:03
I love the Red Bull-Cola, but its is hard to find in my country :(

Captain VXR
14th September 2010, 19:34
I love the Red Bull-Cola, but its is hard to find in my country :(
You could try ordering it in bulk from online shops - its the only way I can get Diet Mountain Dew here

16th September 2010, 04:01
Is anyone here as amazed as I am about the amount of sponsorhip done by Red Bull in the various areas of sport

The amount of $$$ they are throwing at F1, rallying, NASCAR, air races, dog shows (what else have I missed) must be incredible....

It's a beautiful, beautiful thing, but just how much profit margin is there in sport drinks?

Red Bull's presence must be as strong as Marlboros (Phillip Morris, or am I mistaken) in the tobacco era of motorsport- I can't think of another sponor more readily appraent in so many areas of sport...