View Full Version : Insomnia..

6th September 2010, 07:16
Really no good reason why I should be awake at this hour (1:22 AM).

Have been up since 5:15am the previous day, and it was a busy one. Yet I can't seem to fall asleep, as my wife and two kids snore away in their rooms...

Have you ever had insomnia? How did you deal with it?

Leave me some tips-I'm going to hop in the pool.....

6th September 2010, 08:37
I tend to think about things too much and can be awake pondering over things - which in the light of day are all completely irrelevant, but it stops me from sleeping!

Also I have difficulty if I know I'm within an hour of my alarm going off, I'll drop off to sleep again, but I'll be awake within 10 minutes.

6th September 2010, 09:29
If you try to sleep too hard, you'll get anxious and probably can't fall a sleep. Forget about sleeping for a while and try to read some book. If you have a cat try to lure it to sleep next to you. My cat sleeping and purring next to me while I read in my bed almost always makes me fall asleep although I don't intend to.

6th September 2010, 09:54
Is it a long term problem or just one night? There was something on TV about a chap who had suffered from insomnia for his whole life and they cured him in 2 months by forcing him to stay awake til 2am and waking at 8am regardless of how much/little sleep he'd had. 2 weeks in and he was sleeping like a baby.

6th September 2010, 10:21
If I don't fall asleep within about 10-15 minutes of turning the light off then I consider it to be staying awake :D I also tend to sleep extremely soundly, if I wake more than once during the night then I consider it a terrible nights rest.

I am extremely lucky.

Brown, Jon Brow
6th September 2010, 11:40
Avoid caffeine before bed and have a bath before you go to bed.

I find listening to relaxing music in bed also helps me to drop off.

6th September 2010, 12:07
Avoid caffeine before bed

Not just before bed, I won't have any coffee after 6pm as it seems to still affect me 4 or 5 hours later.

I also listen to stuff, usually a podcast of Radio 5s Fighting Talk, for some reason I find people talking to work better than listening to music.

6th September 2010, 12:22
Is it a long term problem or just one night? There was something on TV about a chap who had suffered from insomnia for his whole life and they cured him in 2 months by forcing him to stay awake til 2am and waking at 8am regardless of how much/little sleep he'd had. 2 weeks in and he was sleeping like a baby.

I think much of the time it's irregular sleep patterns that are the problem. Regularly staying up late and then sleeping in, napping in the afternoon etc.

I know my sleep patterns don't do me much good, as 3 nights a week I'm away at work and I'm usually asleep by 9pm in my hotel and get up at 6.30am. But at home I'm not asleep until 11pm usually, then get up at 5.30am. So I vary between having too little sleep and possibly too much!

6th September 2010, 17:21
Hmm, I wonder if this thread is related to your thread about Red Bull? :p

Easy Drifter
7th September 2010, 05:49
Reading the forums puts me to sleep. :D
Not Likely.
Actually my sleep patterns now are totally irregular.
I often have trouble getting to sleep when I am pondering an article I am about to write. If I end not getting my mind off of it I will get up and start writing or researching. I often end up writing from about 2am to 5am and then sleeping until 10 or 11, unless my birds start demanding fresh food. They can be pretty noisy.
No, I do not have to keep regular hours.

7th September 2010, 07:43
Deep in the bosom of the gentle night
Is when I search for the light
Pick up my pen and start to write
I struggle, fight dark forces
In the clear moon light
Without fear... insomnia
I can't get no sleep

7th September 2010, 09:08
Make my way to the refrigerator, one dry potat-ah inside, no lie, not even bread or jam, when the light above my head went BAM! I can't see, somethings all over me, greasy insomnia release me and let me dream about making mad love on the heath, tearing tights off with my teeth. I can't get no sleep....do do do do do do do do do do

Rudy Tamasz
7th September 2010, 15:51
I used to have insomnia. I would boil motherwort and drink it to have it fixed. Worked perfectly for me. Not sure if they sell it in drugstores in your area, though.

7th September 2010, 16:26
Hmm, I wonder if this thread is related to your thread about Red Bull? :p

Not a Red Bull consumer-would rather have dark rum :up:

Captain VXR
7th September 2010, 18:55
Drink a coke 2 hours before you go to bed - the effects will have worn off and you'll feel tired enough to sleep

8th September 2010, 00:30
Usually I lie awake/tried to sleep. Play computer games, internet

When I my eyes felt raw in the daytime, particularly in the afternoon that was as sign I sleep properly again.

Sooner or later nature will take its course. That's how personally dealt with it anyway.