View Full Version : Who will you support this year ?

9th March 2007, 08:54
3 great drivers have left, a lot of new members arrived in here, so it's time to update this, and here are my choices :D

Driver(s) : Trulli, and I will keep an eye on Fisi, Tonio and Kubica :up:

Team(s) : Ferrari :p :

9th March 2007, 09:08
I'd like to be a McLaren fan this year. I supported Alonso last year and he's gone there, plus we have a new British driver in the No.2 seat :D

But I fear they will disappoint me as usually :(

9th March 2007, 09:24
I am kinda in a dilemma :p :

I backed Alonso last year in his fight against Michael, but now that MS is gone so I don't know.
My favourite driver JPM is no longer in F1 and I also like Kimi.

But Kimi in a Ferrari ? :s

I would like him to get a WDC though but I also wish that McLaren can beat Ferrari in the WCC.

9th March 2007, 09:37
I already told my choices, in my similar thread, few months ago. ;)

9th March 2007, 09:47
I will support kovalainen and kimi, and ferrari as team

9th March 2007, 09:48
Jenson's always my #1, but this year i got Alonso as my #2...usually i dont have #2 but i think i need a back up just in case...well, u know jenson...

and of course i support Honda, how could u support a driver without supporting his team.......but on 2nd thought, now i think i can support Honda without supporting Barichello coz i think Davidson deserved his seat better

9th March 2007, 09:53
My team: Williams. They'll bounce back strongly and embarrass Toyota at times. Wurz will prove to be a real asset, and Rosberg will show more Bahrain '06 form. C'mon Frank!! :s mokin:

My driver: Hamilton. The real deal. He might take a while to find his feet in F1, but he'll make the most of being alongside a 2xWDC. A podium will not be long in coming. C'mon Lewis!! :s mokin:

9th March 2007, 10:25
I'll support Alonso, which means also supporting McLaren but I have never liked them.

So I'll support: Williams and Spyker. Williams so they embarrass Toyota and show how good/bad their drivers are, and Spyker to see if they beat the RB/TR and have a nice clean fight with SA.

If all that fails I'm with Ferrari.

9th March 2007, 10:51
I am kinda in a dilemma :p :

I backed Alonso last year in his fight against Michael, but now that MS is gone so I don't know.

So you only backed Alonso because of MS not because you like him ? :crazy: :p :

I already told my choices, in my similar thread, few months ago. ;)

As posted in my post, it's time to update this ;)

9th March 2007, 11:04
i am with McLaren this year (i've always like the team), but i would like to see Williams doing very well...tough i don't need them to perform better than Toyota to realise that toyota sucks... ;)

In terms of drivers i am, no doubt, with Alonso (just from the moment he puts his helmet on and till he takes it off)... and I would cheer for Kubica (i followed him at the World Series and looks like a very nice guy) and Kovalainen.

9th March 2007, 11:23
Ferrari all the way! (I hope for a good season from SAF1 and Spyker too).

9th March 2007, 13:30
Hamilton, Button and Davidson, this could be a year to show whether they are worthy of their hype, Hamilton seemingly with the best chance to impress and i don't think he will miss the opportunity.

Would like to see Webber finally get a decent car and a bit of luck, looking for strong performances from Kovy and Kubica and whilst i won't actively be supporting Ferrari i will be for Kimi, i'd like to see him get the better of Alonso.

finally i will be hoping for williams to put last year behind them and move back to the right end of the grid

9th March 2007, 14:30
McLaren without a doubt. The other teams/drivers I'll support are Kimi, Fisi, Bunsen and Williams.

9th March 2007, 14:32
I am going to continue to support f-1. It is conspicuous by its absence of attention in So. Cal.
Ferrari fan.
Although I am just glad to embrace the sport!
People around here just don't know what they're missing!

9th March 2007, 14:50
Drivers: Kimi, Heikki, Coulthard...in that order.

Team: Ferrari

9th March 2007, 15:39
Drivers: No one in special, I´m not a big fan of any driver, unless De La Rosa comes back!

Teams: Williams, no doubt. I never support one specific team, but Williams has always been my "more or less favoured team", and I´d like to see them getting out of the bottom of the standings.

9th March 2007, 15:41
Kimi, to get the monkey off his back and put an end to the "carbreaker" bleatings.

Kubica, I want to see his star continue to rise.

Kovalainen, sorry I think he's got more promise than Hamilton.

BMW, I was disappointed for what happened between them and Williams but now I've forgiven, they've earned my respect.

controversial, no? Hey I like Alonso, all respect to him but he's just not my guy.

9th March 2007, 15:50
I already told my choices, in my similar thread, few months ago. ;)

And, of course, we all remember what they were :rolleyes:


I will be rooting for Ferrari, although I'm not really excited about this coming season. We'll see.

9th March 2007, 16:51
Team: BMW
Drivers: Massa, Alonso

9th March 2007, 17:12
I thought a bit and made four groups:

group 1 - neutral: ALO, DAV, ROS, WUR
g. 2 - slight support: SUT, HAM, RÄI, KOV, BAR, KUB, COU, WEB, LIU
g. 3 - strong-medium support: HEI, MAS, SCH, BUT, SPE, ALB, SAT, FIS
g. 4 - favourite: TRU

Among teams mainly Toyota and Ferrari.

So I'm quite in a similar club with pino. :p :

9th March 2007, 18:15
Kimi all the way
I'm also hoping for Heidfeld, Heikki and Hamilton to each get a win this year, the old guys, Coulthard and Barrichello, to have a good season, as well as Button (who I don't even like (but don't really dislike either)) and Massa (who I do like) to show good form, thus finally silencing their critics for good.

Garry Walker
9th March 2007, 19:33
I will support Massa and Ferrari. I hope Barrichello does well too

Ian McC
9th March 2007, 22:03
Kimi, always have done since he was in Formula Renault

Lewis, a real talent, looking forward to seeing him out there :D

9th March 2007, 22:53
Ferrari, Renault.

ojciec dyrektor
9th March 2007, 23:37

I'm F1 fan for about 15 years. But this is the first year I can support my countryman for all season. It's fantastic filling. F1 is much more exciting now.

I can't wait for 1st GP.


9th March 2007, 23:47
As regards teams, I'll support McLaren and Williams, and driver-wise it will be Heidfeld and Massa.

Brown, Jon Brow
9th March 2007, 23:49
Hamilton, Button, Coulthard, Davidson

Wouldn't know why ;)

10th March 2007, 01:12
Hamilton,Raikkonen,Alonso... and also Kubica... In order
even though Kimi betrayed Mclaren I still like the guy because I can relate to him a bit and I would like to see him win a WDC...

Teams:Mclaren.. still dislike Ferrari.. Kimi is the only part of the team I like..

If I were a betting man.. which I am odds look good for me ;)

10th March 2007, 01:48
QuickNick, no questions asked. He is my favorite eversince his West-Mclaren-Jr days. This year he will have his maiden F1 win too :cheers:

10th March 2007, 03:13
Maranello and whomever has their arse in one of the scarlet cars.

10th March 2007, 05:51
Driver is WEBBER! and team is Williams! My second team would have to be Mclaren! Does this mean that I am a loser already?

10th March 2007, 09:19
Do you really need to ask me that :p


10th March 2007, 09:47

I'm hoping that Webber will do well this year with Newey's "RB4-21".
I am rooting for Nico since I'm a Williams fan & he has a pretty nice looking crash helmet. The car suck big time last year but the new livery was great.
Kubica will be the one people keep an eye on despite all the hypes surrounding the likes of Hamilton & Kovelinen.

10th March 2007, 11:09
Driver is WEBBER! and team is Williams! My second team would have to be Mclaren! Does this mean that I am a loser already?

Yes, actually, it does. ;) :D

10th March 2007, 12:46
Kubica, Davidson, & Massa (though Kimi could well trump him)

Alonso will undoubtly prove his ability by performing at the new team

I think it's funny that RedBull is now Geezer Racing....

Ralf, Jarno, Mark, David, Giancarlo seem to get older and slower every year.

Williams needs to get their act together, hopefully!

As does Toyota & Honda, so much potential (&spending) so little results

10th March 2007, 13:32
I'll be supporting Button, Hamilton, Davidson and Coulthard. Really hope Hamilton has a good rookie season. That said I would love to have Felipe Massa win the title this season.

10th March 2007, 20:59
Team.- McLaren as always, no matter how bad they do, I'll still support them, will keep an eye also on BMW and Spyker

Drivers.- beside Alonso and Hamilton for obvious reasons, Heidfeld and Barrcihello are also among my favouirtes

11th March 2007, 04:00
Hey Hawkmoon! I don't mind leaving myself open to criticism as long as you can take it if webber wins or gets a podium this year!

11th March 2007, 04:25
Sauber BMW... and Heikki at Renault

11th March 2007, 14:16
Hey Hawkmoon! I don't mind leaving myself open to criticism as long as you can take it if webber wins or gets a podium this year!

I don't think that Hawkmoon has anything to worry about! :D

donKey jote
11th March 2007, 22:01
drivers I would like to see do well: Alonso, Massa, Kubica, Kovalainen and Hamilton
teams: Renault, BMW, and I suppose McLaren by default :p :

it's going to be a hard season- with kimi winning it in a Ferrari :( :p

12th March 2007, 01:01
Hey Hawkmoon! I don't mind leaving myself open to criticism as long as you can take it if webber wins or gets a podium this year!

I don't think that Hawkmoon has anything to worry about! :D

You know ioan, I'm not overly worried either. :D

If the past is anything to go by, Webber will qualify well on many occasions but somehow manage to not capitalise on the good grid position. I don't think Red Bull will be bothering the top 4 teams this year.

13th March 2007, 04:19
Without irrespectif of more talented and favorite drivers, I'd be more than happy if Felippe Massa can do something better, Kubica seems would be my second man.

13th March 2007, 17:18
IM for Lewis, definately next British WC (sorry Jenson) The guy is a phenomenon, the GP2 race in Turkey had me hooked more than just about any other race i watched last year!!!

13th March 2007, 19:16
McLaren and BMW.