View Full Version : Can you fly?

4th September 2010, 21:19
I've just had my first flying lesson and I

L. O. V. E. D


Lots of flying ahead, and several tests if I'm serious about my pilots licence but I think I may have caught the bug!

Any other fly boys/girls out there with some tips?

race aficionado
4th September 2010, 21:26
Good for you.

Never done it and never had the desire.

And I have always been curious . . . . what type of budget are you talking about per lesson and how many lessons do you need to be licensed and allowed to go out on your own?

:s mokin:

4th September 2010, 21:42
It was quite reasonable - although as it was a 30th b'day gift I didn't have to pay the fee - less that £200 for my first flight lesson.

I don't know everything about the licence process (hence the post) but I believe there are 7 exams and perhaps 45 hours flight time.

race aficionado
4th September 2010, 21:55
How long was the lesson?
It must have been fun when you were allowed to take control of the "steering wheel".

Many years ago I was taken for a ride by a friend on a small single motor plane over the island of Manhattan (in the days when this was permitted) and I do remember the thrill of being allowed to take over the controls and even to do a sharp turn.

To add to the craziness - as we were flying and being silly, we would be reminded by our friend the pilot to keep an eye on any commercial jet planes that would be coming in towards any of the three local airports.

That would not even be thought of nowadays.

It was fun but I don't feel quite at ease thinking of being the driver flying on one of those small planes - but that's just me.

I'm glad you found something that you L. O. V. E. D .
:s mokin:

Easy Drifter
5th September 2010, 00:37
Depends on how much I have had to drink!

5th September 2010, 04:58
The only flying I've done involved exiting a perfectly good aircraft. :D

5th September 2010, 05:16
I can fly.

My only problem is landing. Never tried it. Don't think it would work out too well

donKey jote
5th September 2010, 09:29
VOP is a Sleeper :eek: :eek: :laugh: :p

5th September 2010, 14:19
Yep, can fly. Can crash as well. Problem is have had more take offs in planes than landings in them.

Bit of a body pilot. Nothing better than freefall.


6th September 2010, 04:56
commercial multi engine rated !
One crash - I was riding in the back seat not flying the plane so bite it dunnell

Hours and Hours of boredom with moments of sheer panic !!

6th September 2010, 08:39
Not sure about flying myself. The takeoff and landing will be great fun, but other than that? Much more interesting driving a car I reckon :p

Now, gliders, that could be interesting as there's a lot involved in staying up!

6th September 2010, 13:56
In busy airport areas, many times other pilots are reporting their position and it is right where you are at. So you are frantically looking everywhere. Low wing aircraft descending onto a high wing and visa versa. I like the idea of the new ballistic chutes for small aircraft