View Full Version : SAIRC - Round 6 - Osram Mountain Trial Rally

Bruce D
23rd August 2010, 08:58
Osram Mountain Trial Rally Event Info
27-28 August 2010
South African Internet Rally Championship - Round 6

Open to S2000, N4-N1 and A7-A5 cars only (No WRC cars!)
Tyre choice is free for all stages
Pacenotes - Audio only, not visual
One SuperRally per leg, 3min penalty for each SuperRally used.

Day 1
SS1 - Prospect Ridge (USA) - Mod: Normal - Weather: Clear - 7.8km
SS2 - Diamond Creek (USA) - Mod: Normal - Weather: Clear - 7.1km
SS3 - Hualapai Nation (USA) - Mod: Normal - Weather: Clear - 8.6km

Day 2
SS4 - Prospect Ridge II (USA) - Mod: Normal - Weather: Clear - 7.9km
SS5 - Diamond Creek II (USA) - Mod: Normal - Weather: Clear - 6.8km
SS6 - Hualapai Nation II (USA) - Mod: Normal - Weather: Clear - 8.6km

Total Distance - 46.8km

Send your entries to BruceD by PM or by email to [email:1ys59n65]rbrmfcup@gmail.com[/email:1ys59n65] Entry info

as follows: Name, Country, Team, Car.

Submitting times
Start each stage using the "RSRBR2009" button under the "play alone" section, do

your stage. The time will be recorded in the window at the bottom of RsCenter.

If its not recorded, you did something wrong. Use "public sessions" tab and "Go"

button for BTB stages.

Once you have completed the stages you wish to do, select the File menu and

click on "Save times" The times are saved to your RBR directory under the folder

"MyTimes". Once you have done all the stages, send all your html files to

[email:1ys59n65]rbrmfcup@gmail.com[/email:1ys59n65] to be scored. Please note that more than 1 html file can be

submitted so you don't have to do all the stages at one time.

Entries open immediately. Rally and entries close at midnight Tuesday 31st

August 2010

23rd August 2010, 09:03
The name of the rally (Mountain) says It all! Nice! ;)

23rd August 2010, 12:22
I've noticed that no-one has used a Ford Fiesta for a few rallies. Was there any reason for this?
Anyway, I'm planning to use one for this rally so we will be able to see how it compares.

23rd August 2010, 18:57
Here are a few screenshots during my recce - as you can see, not every stage went as planned...

note: the 2nd photo was just after a shunt, so the bonnet is dented and my front, right wheel is broken!




23rd August 2010, 19:04
I've noticed that no-one has used a Ford Fiesta for a few rallies. Was there any reason for this?
Anyway, I'm planning to use one for this rally so we will be able to see how it compares.

I think everyone said it drove poorly (I've not driven it)

Might drive the Pug this round...

24th August 2010, 08:03
Day 1 complete!

Very happy survived from this! :D

24th August 2010, 11:32
I've noticed that no-one has used a Ford Fiesta for a few rallies. Was there any reason for this?
Anyway, I'm planning to use one for this rally so we will be able to see how it compares.

The Fiesta is a horrible drive. The engine is gutless and the gears are extremely long.

24th August 2010, 11:33
Oh well - I'll see how I get on. I hate the USA stages anyway so I was bound to fail!

25th August 2010, 13:24
Rally complete - personally thought the Focus was OK, but then again I am so bad at the USA stages normally that finishing them without calling for help on numerous occassions is a success for me! Only one accident, on Hualapai 2, but lots of small bumps and spins. Again, no idea of my pace as I've never driven an S2000 before, but look forward to seeing how well (or not) me and the Fiesta can do.

p.s. anyone else find that there are some invisible hazards about 3km into Prospect Ridge 1? Driving along I just suddenly stopped in the middle of the road and lost my bumper as if I hit into something, but there was nothing there. Odd.

27th August 2010, 07:29
This one was a realy great one!
Had a long time to race so many US stages In a row.
Really enjoyed the high speed parts and the technical Prospect Ridge I&II!
Day1 was ok I guess and the first 2 stages of day2 too! All my hopes for something good
were blown away though, In Hualapai Nation II, where those lethal jumbs gave me
a hard time from start to finish! Shouldn't been so confident In this stage,
but I was carried away because I though It would be similar to Hualapai Nation I,
but turned out completely different...

Here are some highlights:

http://a.imageshack.us/img836/2312/richardburnsrallysse201re.jpg (http://img836.imageshack.us/i/richardburnsrallysse201re.jpg/)

http://a.imageshack.us/img839/7503/richardburnsrallysse201.jpg (http://img839.imageshack.us/i/richardburnsrallysse201.jpg/)

http://a.imageshack.us/img842/6065/richardburnsrallysse201b.jpg (http://img842.imageshack.us/i/richardburnsrallysse201b.jpg/)

http://a.imageshack.us/img15/6418/richardburnsrallysse201k.jpg (http://img15.imageshack.us/i/richardburnsrallysse201k.jpg/)

http://a.imageshack.us/img830/6214/richardburnsrallysse201n.jpg (http://img830.imageshack.us/i/richardburnsrallysse201n.jpg/)


27th August 2010, 07:30
And a final one:

http://a.imageshack.us/img826/6788/richardburnsrallysse201u.jpg (http://img826.imageshack.us/i/richardburnsrallysse201u.jpg/)

28th August 2010, 12:05
I think these USA stages would be great in snow and tarmac formats...

28th August 2010, 12:19
I think these USA stages would be great in snow and tarmac formats...

I guess that In tarmac they would be very difficult to drive In high speeds, because of those lethal bumps :D but In snow, they would be just great!

29th August 2010, 11:48
Finished the rally. It was interesting with a quite difficult stage at the end. I didn't had any crashes which is nice because the speed on these stages are very high and slightest off could be rally ending one. I'm not expecting a win but a podium would be nice.

Day one went without major issues but I was little sloppy on SS3.

Day two though went little differently. I had problem getting in a good rhytm on the the downhill part of SS4. SS5 went alright mostly but I took the big jump very cautiously which probably hurt my time.

On SS6 I got the feeling I was piloting an airplane not a car. Subaru got lot of air time. I tried to minimise it but still got some long jumps. I also had problems getting into rhytm after high speed section and because of this I had some near-offs. But luckily I survived the stage.

I will post some media later.

29th August 2010, 12:24
I think I am going to drive the Lada for this event.

I did a back to back test with the Pug, and while it doesn't seem remarkably faster or slower, it suffers bumps more graciously than the Pug...

29th August 2010, 12:32
Some pictures (http://s274.photobucket.com/albums/jj267/t6nns/Osram%20Mountain%20Trial%20Rally/)from my rally and onboard video from SS1. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HH3-Z8tWI0g)

29th August 2010, 13:16
Some pictures (http://s274.photobucket.com/albums/jj267/t6nns/Osram%20Mountain%20Trial%20Rally/)from my rally and onboard video from SS1. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HH3-Z8tWI0g)

These group N's have some good legs on them-think I saw 205 kph flicker at one point!

About 20kph better than the longest gearing on an S2000.

Maybe a dual entry is called for this rally...

29th August 2010, 15:57
These group N's have some good legs on them-think I saw 205 kph flicker at one point!

About 20kph better than the longest gearing on an S2000.

Maybe a dual entry is called for this rally...

On second thought a quick test on prospect ridge show my sector 1 and sector 2 times to be almost identical to S2000 runs.

No final time as I kissed some trees at the end of the call "500.....medium left" :D

30th August 2010, 00:35
How many entrants, Bruce D?

31st August 2010, 10:51
Kissed a tree about .7km from the finish-lost about 7 seconds :bigcry:

SS2 okay-perhaps a few to many 'confidence taps' on the brake pedal.

Lada feels good on these stages

On to SS3.....

31st August 2010, 15:07
Kissed a tree about .7km from the finish-lost about 7 seconds :bigcry:

SS2 okay-perhaps a few to many 'confidence taps' on the brake pedal.

Lada feels good on these stages

On to SS3.....

Rest of rally went okay-an off or two and some really hairy moments..

Really liked the Lada on these stages, but I may change my mind once results are released...

1st September 2010, 10:24
I'm going to pull the plug on this rally. Been too busy with moving back to college. I'll be at the next one all going well :)

Bruce D
1st September 2010, 12:19

A close event but in the end Paul Minnaar took the win and extended his championship lead.

Results book will be sent out within the next few days.





Bruce D
1st September 2010, 12:21




1st September 2010, 12:33
Nice rally - happy with 3rd and to be close-ish to the lead. Got my first stage win which bodes well. Thanks to Bruce for setting it all up and presenting the results so well, and well done to Paul for the win.

1st September 2010, 13:35
Hey Bruce-I drove the Lada for this round :D

A stage win is some consolation for fourth. Without my errors I could have been closer to third, but don't know if I would have been much of a threat..

Where is Francis? Shocked to be third in S2000, and I note OMVs strong finish has dropped DBDR to 3rd in teams....

Good un, Bruce D :up:

Bruce D
1st September 2010, 14:11
Hmm, yes you were in the Lada - sorry got tied up with other stuff and didn't make the change. I'll update it tomorrow.

3rd September 2010, 19:17
PS29-that was one hell of a final sector you had on SS6...

You went from being 21 seconds behind me at the second intermediate to less than five at the completion...


4th September 2010, 07:48
Seems that stage6, wasn't my only problem there... :D

Seen some nice battles for 1st...
Paul VS Neverknow-ss2,
Paul VS Neverknow VS Tannat-ss3,
ps29 VS Neverknow-ss4
...and some very good moments for 3rd, at some stages.
All this, with just 5 entries! :p

4th September 2010, 11:11
PS29-that was one hell of a final sector you had on SS6...

You went from being 21 seconds behind me at the second intermediate to less than five at the completion...


Blimey - I hadn't even noticed that! Are you sure you didn't have a little problem or something as I don't remember going particularly fast on there - didn't want to risk a DNF on the final sector of the rally. Maybe I just got right on the rhythm there - who knows?

4th September 2010, 11:39
Blimey - I hadn't even noticed that! Are you sure you didn't have a little problem or something as I don't remember going particularly fast on there - didn't want to risk a DNF on the final sector of the rally. Maybe I just got right on the rhythm there - who knows?

Perhaps I was a little careful..

Regardless-you made monkeys of the rest of us in that sector-a fine drive! :up: