View Full Version : International Women's Day

8th March 2007, 17:05
My Far Side calendar indicates that today is International Women's Day. Not quite sure what that means... Will all the ladies of the world be burning their bras today? :mark:

How come there's no International Men's Day? :mark:

8th March 2007, 17:17
My Far Side calendar indicates that today is International Women's Day. Not quite sure what that means... Will all the ladies of the world be burning their bras today? :mark:

How come there's no International Men's Day? :mark:

There is in Trinidad and Tobago :)

Happy womens day to all the women in the forum.

8th March 2007, 17:23
There is in Trinidad and Tobago :) ...

What happens there then? Is it a day for men to take charge of the t.v. remote and sit around in their underpants, drinking beer and watching sports all day?

8th March 2007, 17:27
What happens there then? Is it a day for men to take charge of the t.v. remote and sit around in their underpants, drinking beer and watching sports all day?

:) something like that yes

8th March 2007, 18:46
My Far Side calendar indicates that today is International Women's Day. Not quite sure what that means... Will all the ladies of the world be burning their bras today? :mark:

That would be so cool.

In Helsinki they run for 10 kilometers :confused: Why, I dunno.

8th March 2007, 19:06
How come there's no International Men's Day? :mark:

cause all the other 364 days are already Men's Day ;) :D

today it means all my female classmates get the afternoon free so to avoid any problems with them losing track in classes, we men get the free afternoon also :D

8th March 2007, 21:14
In New Zealand women protest the fact that the police commissioner was
aquitted for the third time for rape he almost certainly did do, and then the women get "discussed" on national television. :\

Anyway, happy international women's day to all women :)

8th March 2007, 21:26
It's another chance for the media to report on the discrepancies between men and women's pay. There's a big hoo-hah, people in TV studios act all indignant, experts talk about the rights of female single parents (you'd think there is no other kind of woman in the UK) and then next to nothing is done about it.

Btw, I had a good day. I was given a drawing of myself by an eight year old who wrote 'You are nice' on it. He also drew me standing next to a giant stick insect. I assumed that the message was for me :s

8th March 2007, 22:08
...He also drew me standing next to a giant stick insect. ...

You sure that wan't meant to be a reasonable representation of Daniel?

8th March 2007, 23:58
Is it a day for men to take charge of the t.v. remote and sit around in their underpants, drinking beer and watching sports all day?

No, that's still called Sunday (I wish ;( )

9th March 2007, 00:55
What happens there then? Is it a day for men to take charge of the t.v. remote and sit around in their underpants, drinking beer and watching sports all day?

That's what I like to call "a normal day" ;)

9th March 2007, 02:40
It's another chance for the media to report on the discrepancies between men and women's pay.

Women in modern Britain are wealthier than almost any group of human beings in history. For the feminists to bellyache about the pay differential between themselves and men is obscene. If they really cared about women's rights they'd apply their attentions to parts of India, Saudi Arabia, and other such places, where women are reduced almost to slavery. But no. They're more concerned about the dreaded Glass Ceiling: God forbid they should fail to make Vice President! The injustice of it!

9th March 2007, 03:19
Women in modern Britain are wealthier than almost any group of human beings in history. For the feminists to bellyache about the pay differential between themselves and men is obscene. If they really cared about women's rights they'd apply their attentions to parts of India, Saudi Arabia, and other such places, where women are reduced almost to slavery. But no. They're more concerned about the dreaded Glass Ceiling: God forbid they should fail to make Vice President! The injustice of it!

A strong Feminist Journalist travelled to Iraq in 1971 to report on womans role in Iraqi society. She was absolutely shocked to discover that all the wives walked 5 metres behind their husbands.

Years later after the Gulf war, she returned to Iraq and discovered a remarkable turnaround. The wives now walked 5metres in FRONT of their husbands.

Delighted with this new development, she turns to her guide and asks what brought this on.

The guide replies:"Land Mines"

9th March 2007, 06:00
It's amusing that out of 13 posts on this thread, only one is by a woman...

9th March 2007, 10:19
It's another chance for the media to report on the discrepancies between men and women's pay. There's a big hoo-hah, people in TV studios act all indignant, experts talk about the rights of female single parents (you'd think there is no other kind of woman in the UK) and then next to nothing is done about it.

So it is exactly the same as in here.

9th March 2007, 15:32
Men dont need a Men's day as they have plenty of them thoughout the yr

Rudy Tamasz
9th March 2007, 15:39
March 8 as was established as the Intrenational Women's Day circa 1900 by German socialist female activists Clara Zetkin and Rosa Luxembourg (sp?) who were then the champions of women's rights. Since then it has been widely celebrated in the countries with communist heritage like Belarus, Ukraine etc. In fact it is a day off in these countries. On March 7 everybody has parties in the offices and in the evening you can see plenty pissed people (mostly men ;) ) in the street who celebrated the Women's Day.

9th March 2007, 22:27
Good to now that it is celebrated and enjoyed somewhere, at least.
Traditionally, feminist gatherings like Reclaim The Night happen on Womens' Day and I understand that a few nights were reclaimed this week in the UK.
Unfortunately, I spent the day with sinusitis and a broken computer at work. Ho hum.

10th March 2007, 09:12
Women in modern Britain are wealthier than almost any group of human beings in history. For the feminists to bellyache about the pay differential between themselves and men is obscene. If they really cared about women's rights they'd apply their attentions to parts of India, Saudi Arabia, and other such places, where women are reduced almost to slavery. But no. They're more concerned about the dreaded Glass Ceiling: God forbid they should fail to make Vice President! The injustice of it!
Bee in your bonnet? :mark:

I take your point about Saudi Arabia and such but just because things are so ridiculously unjust there doesn't mean that small injustices should be forgiven just because "It could be a lot worse". The last two companies I've worked for have been large national companies with lots of women as team leaders and in some cases there have been female managers. But all the directors, CFO's, operations managers and such have all been male. Women seem to get a lot of jobs as team leaders and sub-department managers.

Case in point perhaps? :mark:

10th March 2007, 18:21
Bee in your bonnet? :mark:

You betcha. Guilty as charged. And it's not just a bee, it's a whole bloody beehive, and it's been in my bonnet for about thirty years, since at least the 1980's, when some women made hatred of men and resentment at their own perceived ill-treatment into a religion. They, not all women, of course, but a large proportion of the American east-coast intelligentsia, with whom I had the misfortune to have to mix, not only adopted this man-hating-woe-is-me stance as a creed, but, like today's militant Muslims, they despised anyone who didn't share their creed, thought themselves morally superior to anyone who didn't parrot their creed (using appropriate feminist language), and sought to intimidate into silence anyone who didn't actually advocate their creed.

I was one who refused. I was made a pariah for it. You bet I have a bee in my bonnet.

11th March 2007, 07:18
Good to now that it is celebrated and enjoyed somewhere, at least.
Traditionally, feminist gatherings like Reclaim The Night happen on Womens' Day and I understand that a few nights were reclaimed this week in the UK.
Unfortunately, I spent the day with sinusitis and a broken computer at work. Ho hum.

It was mentioned in the media here, but it coincided with the aquittal of a police officer of rape when he was obviously guilty, and the news took great opportunity to televise the anti-police protests and to make the police looks like poor, innocent persecuted people.

So the media used international women's day to make women look bad :dozey:

12th March 2007, 09:14
We celebrated it like every year. Most of women had a day off, they partied at restaurants and sometimes men were invited, they were offered flowers and either expensive or symbolic gifts. Like every year there were a few shows of striptease from Flamingo Boys who otherwise are usually unemployed. It was a good opportunity for political parties to get out in the street and to offer flowers, pretending they really care of women and for gipsy florists who sold flowers of a few million euro. All the TV channels had the same boring debates or entertainment shows focused on women.
Some companies took advantage and had a bit of promotion by offering samples of their products or a deduction of added value tax for female customers.

Rudy Tamasz
12th March 2007, 11:19
...some women made hatred of men and resentment at their own perceived ill-treatment into a religion.

It is not a religion, it is a profession. That is how they earn their living. ;)

You want a ready recipe for success in this here life? Find an issue (somebody's rights etc.), make it public, blow it out of proportion, get a grant from a rich donor to fix it, try to "fix" it by convening endless conferences and roundtables, shake hands with presidents and religious leaders, make headlines by dubbing your opponents some sticky name.

Oh, those pesky activists... :rolleyes:

12th March 2007, 20:27
Never heard of this day before... but woohoo for us women! :)

Don't they have a international/national day for pretty much anything these days?

Hope you feel better soon LotusElise!

12th March 2007, 21:21
Don't they have a international/national day for pretty much anything these days?

I have my very own private Slinky's day. It's today. :)

12th March 2007, 22:28
Never heard of this day before... but woohoo for us women! :)

Don't they have a international/national day for pretty much anything these days?

Hope you feel better soon LotusElise!

I know there's an international day against racism and some other similar term. Can't remember when it is though...

12th March 2007, 23:17
It was mentioned in the media here, but it coincided with the aquittal of a police officer of rape when he was obviously guilty, and the news took great opportunity to televise the anti-police protests and to make the police looks like poor, innocent persecuted people.

So the media used international women's day to make women look bad :dozey:

Oh yea very true Leon, if the cop was so "obviously" guilty, perhaps you would like to enlighten us as to why 12members of the public found him not guilty?

Also, I think we need to get rid of the police force, seeing as they are so corrupt, and just let this country run itself. Perhaps then you will appreciate the role real police have in our society.

12th March 2007, 23:59
Never heard of this day before... but woohoo for us women! :)

well, whatever makes you happy. :)

Don't they have a international/national day for pretty much anything these days?

that's true. :p :

Hope you feel better soon LotusElise!

me, too. :o :)

13th March 2007, 00:40
Oh yea very true Leon, if the cop was so "obviously" guilty, perhaps you would like to enlighten us as to why 12members of the public found him not guilty?

Also, I think we need to get rid of the police force, seeing as they are so corrupt, and just let this country run itself. Perhaps then you will appreciate the role real police have in our society.

That's easy - they were complete ****ing idiots. It was the third time the guy had been prosecuted for the same thing. I repeat, the third time. And, why would a teenaged girl want to have sex with a middle-aged cop, especially with two other middle-aged cops watching? I mean seriously.

I'm not saying the concept of police is wrong, or that the whole service is corrupt but, as with any group, there are corrupt elements which give the rest of them a bad reputation.