View Full Version : Why you should not believe Spanish press

21st August 2010, 14:54
I have just seen on other thread the figures which El Mundo has published, so I've decided to write this here.

I guess you have read Lauda's interview on Formula1.com:

What they did in Hockenheim was against all rules. Either the rules are changed or everybody observes them. What they’ve done is wrong and they got an immediate punishment - and they will get a pasting from the (FIA) World (Motor Sport) Council, that is for sure. And that has nothing to do with Alonso. He’s no Schumacher.
However, El País had a different look on the subject: "Lauda: 'FIA should punish Alonso'" (http://www.elpais.com/articulo/deportes/Lauda/FIA/deberia/sancionar/Alonso/elpepudep/20100819elpepudep_5/Tes)

"What he did in Hockenheim was against all the rules. Either the rules are changed or someone should take a look to it. What he did is wrong and he must be punished inmediately, and the FIA World Council should teach him a lesson, that's sure. You can't do anything about Alonso. He's not like Schumacher."I had some respect for El País before this, but this has been absolutely miserable. I thought these guys did their job honestly, but it seems they don't. And the truth is El Mundo is even worse.

21st August 2010, 15:23
and ferrari's response to lauda:

After events in Hockenheim, a wave of hypocrisy swept through the paddock, with so many pundits, young and old, keen to have their say: some were promptly brought back into line by his master’s voice, while others continue to pronounce sentence willy-nilly. The lastest missive comes from Austria, from a person, who having hung up his helmet, has never missed out on a chance to dispense opinions left and right, even if, on more than one occasion, he has had to indulge in some verbal acrobatics to reposition himself in line with the prevailing wind. This time, good old Niki has missed out on a fine opportunity to keep his mouth shut, given that, when he was a Scuderia driver, the supposed Ferrari driver management policy suited him perfectly…That aside, where was all his moral fury when, over the past years, so many have been guilty of more or less overt hypocritical actions?


horse whisper is probably ol luca hisself....

21st August 2010, 21:53
and ferrari's response to lauda:


horse whisper is probably ol luca hisself....

well its certainly in true LdM style

Saint Devote
22nd August 2010, 01:19
Of course Niki will be be ruthless with Ferrari - there is a history there. And anyone with any knowledge of Niki's years there will not be surprised at these oe any comments he makes, complimentary as well. It was always a stormy relationship with Ferrari.

He likened being a driver there as "being married to a bad woman". He would be pushed and go quicker and get out of the car trembling with fear because he did not like driving on the limit - but would do it when neccessary.

From the first time he drove a red car with Ferrari telling hiim that if he did not break the Fiorano lap record in a week he would be fired, to Luca telling him at Monte Carlo when he was second in qualifying - Pryce is quickest - what are you going to do about it? - to his leaving the team two races before the end of the season because he just could not stand the team anymore.

So there is a magnificent and stormy history and when Lauda comments on the team you have remember that.

22nd August 2010, 08:19
well its certainly in true LdM style

I wonder how many minues it would take to make a pure guess and absolut truth

23rd August 2010, 10:18
Can you trust the date to be correct on the front page of the press these days?

23rd August 2010, 11:55
Compared to the UK tabloid press it looks like the epitome of faithful reporting. At least the second quote has some of the same words as the original.

24th August 2010, 07:46
uhm, i actually think this is pretty close.

has anyone thought what language the "original" Lauda comment was in? was it in German? than I would like to see that one.

because then both may be a translation from german to english / spanish and in the latter case back to english.

now for that it is really close.
It basically even sounds like the things he said on German TV right after the GP.

one more thing about Lauda and team orders.
he was "dropped" by Ferarri after his 76 season for quitting a race due to danger and giving away his title (Ferrari was Team chanp though if I remember correct but that did count nothing). in 77 he claimed his title by an outstanding streak of 2nd places with only 3 wins, leving the team as soon as he had the title wrapped up.
history repeated itself in 84 when up and coming Prost was the rising star and bound for teh title and Lauda had to pull all tricks to claim it by half a point. in 85 "they made sure" Prost got the title (according to Lauda) and he finished like only 3 races without technical issues (winning one of them). So he knows for sure a bit about team orders.