View Full Version : 18% of Americans "believe Obama is a Muslim"

Dave B
20th August 2010, 12:52
One in five Americans believe Barack Obama is secretly a Muslim and nearly half question his claim to be a Christian, according to a new opinion poll.

The survey by the Washington-based Pew Research Centre reflects a broader questioning among many Americans as to whether Obama is a "real" American – also reflected in the significant number who believe he was not born in the US, a constitutional requirement for presidents.

According to the poll, 18% of Americans say Obama is a Muslim, a steep rise on a year ago when the figure was 11%. The number who said the president is a Christian dropped to 34% from 43% last year.

Source and full story: http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2010/aug/19/barack-obama-muslim-american-public

So is the survey flawed, or are 18% of Americans really that stupid? :s

20th August 2010, 13:06
and the people who think he is doing a really bad job are the same ones, quel suprise, and the majority of those are Republicans

20th August 2010, 13:55
Whether he's doing a good job or not, these sort of statistics do nothing to break the stereotypical image of American idiocy. Can they really be that stupid?

edit: just seen on the BBC homepage there is also a great quote from Bush a few years back - "Nigeria is an important continent". Classic.

20th August 2010, 14:14
Im a but surprised that its only 18%, my guess would have been somewhere round 30%.

Brown, Jon Brow
20th August 2010, 14:20
18% of Brits "believe Katie Price deserves a Nobel Peace Prize"

Dave B
20th August 2010, 14:26
18% of Brits "believe Katie Price deserves a Nobel Peace Prize"
I'd award it to her* if she'd only shut up for long enough. :p

(*edited from "give her one" due to obvious punchline potential - I wouldn't touch it with a bargepole)

Rudy Tamasz
20th August 2010, 15:09
If you look at it from a different perspective you may make a more profound conclusion than just 'American idiocy'.

I think it is quite healthy that a large number of citizens would not bother to find out to what denomination a particular waster of taxpayers money belongs.

It is much more stupid when people instead of living their own lives start discussing beliefs, love affairs, pet names and other private matters of politicians.

20th August 2010, 15:20
18% of Brits "believe Katie Price deserves a Nobel Peace Prize"

And the majority of Nobel Prize Judges believed Obama deserved one.

20th August 2010, 15:24
Well according to that bastion of Extreme, Right wing Journalism...The New York Times, Obama is a Muslim.


Personally I believe Obama doesn't have a religious bone in his body. He went to a church as a political expediency.

20th August 2010, 15:46
I suspect that most of those 18% are indeed mis-informed, however I would not be surprised that there are some who would adamantly insist that since he was a son born to a Muslim man, and that he was raised as a Muslim boy, then he should be universally deemed as Muslim, regardless of his current status as Christian/Atheist.

20th August 2010, 16:03
Source and full story: [URL]
So is the survey flawed, or are 18% of Americans really that stupid? :s

In research we call this 'sampling error'

Take any pole to any locale, and it's not so hard to find 18 out of 100 people who are either idiots, uninformed, or simply really don't care what they say.

What is the quote that goes "Lies, damned lies and statistics" ?

20th August 2010, 17:05
There will always be a percentage of yahoos who believe in the current conspiracy du jour.

How many people believe is such stupidity as:

Oswald didn't act alone

9/11 was an inside job

Aliens are visiting us to make crop circles and anally probe people in mobile homes.

AIDS is a man made disease.

And a myriad of others.

I can take a pole of such ridiculous subjects in any country and find a significant number of people who believe in it.

20th August 2010, 17:20
There will always be a percentage of yahoos who believe in the current conspiracy du jour.

How many people believe is such stupidity as:

Oswald didn't act alone

9/11 was an inside job

Aliens are visiting us to make crop circles and anally probe people in mobile homes.

AIDS is a man made disease.

And a myriad of others.

I can take a pole of such ridiculous subjects in any country and find a significant number of people who believe in it.

Spot on, A-vop :up:

Dave B
20th August 2010, 17:40
In research we call this 'sampling error'

Take any pole to any locale, and it's not so hard to find 18 out of 100 people who are either idiots, uninformed, or simply really don't care what they say.

What is the quote that goes "Lies, damned lies and statistics" ?
Fine, but the survey didn't ask 100 people; it asked 3003, weighted so that their demographics closedly matched the 2009 census [source (http://people-press.org/report/?pageid=1782)].

That would give an accuracy of ~ 1.9%, better than you get in many pre-election polls.

Of course, we only have the surveyor's word that the sample is truly representative, but the maths is sound...

20th August 2010, 17:41
The strange thing is that the figure has gone up from 11% to 18% in 1 year, that tells about something else, false information or something, reminds a bit of the poll a few years ago, when over 40% belived that Iraq did the terror attack in new york.

20th August 2010, 18:15
The strange thing is that the figure has gone up from 11% to 18% in 1 year, that tells about something else, false information or something, reminds a bit of the poll a few years ago, when over 40% belived that Iraq did the terror attack in new york.

I was just about to cite that statistic. And what followed from that was the mantra "we're better off fightin' 'em over thar than over hyar".

American children now rank somewhere around 25th in the world in math and science. That, combined with the number of ignorant people and delusional thinkers here, suggests that we are not a nation of geniuses. I think the increasing number of them has something to do with stupid people breeding more than those of average to above average intelligence. But I can't prove that right now. When I retire, I may do some research to try to prove that theory. :dozey:

20th August 2010, 19:11
American children now rank somewhere around 25th in the world in math and science.

And who's fault is that? We both know the answer

combined with the number of ignorant people and delusional thinkers here, suggests that we are not a nation of geniuses.

Self-deprecating humor......Nice

I think the increasing number of them has something to do with stupid people breeding more than those of average to above average intelligence. But I can't prove that right now. When I retire, I may do some research to try to prove that theory. :dozey:

I am sure you could find a Democratic Congressman who would be happy to use our tax dollars to fund your research.

20th August 2010, 19:36
And who's fault is that? We both know the answer

No, actually I don't. I could place blame on the parents, the kids, the school systems, a nation which does not value math and science learning, etc. If I did a Pareto, I doubt any one category would get all the "credit".

20th August 2010, 20:09
god bless america.

Its nice to know britain has somewhere it can relate to in terms of how dumb it is.

20th August 2010, 21:23
No, actually I don't. I could place blame on the parents, the kids, the school systems, a nation which does not value math and science learning, etc.

In other words.......Liberalism.

20th August 2010, 21:24
god bless america.

Its nice to know britain has somewhere it can relate to in terms of how dumb it is.

Wanna see dumb?

Find out how many Brits believe that Diana Spencer was assassinated.

Brown, Jon Brow
20th August 2010, 21:39
I think what we are learning here is that a percentage of all nations populations are dumb and liberalism is cause of everything that has ever gone wrong, ever.

50% of people are below average intelligence.

20th August 2010, 21:45
Wanna see dumb?

Find out how many Brits believe that Diana Spencer was assassinated.

wanna see dumber?

visit north england.

EDIT: to be fair that's a generalisation, its not all bad.

Brown, Jon Brow
20th August 2010, 21:53
wanna see dumber?

visit north england.

EDIT: to be fair that's a generalisation, its not all bad.


Mark is from the north-east I believe, and he has the power to exterminate you from the forum!

20th August 2010, 22:05
Wanna see dumb?

Find out how many Brits believe that Diana Spencer was assassinated.

Probably quite a lot. This doesn't make them any more or less idiotic, which they undoubtedly are, than those Americans who think Obama is a Muslim.

Captain VXR
21st August 2010, 00:43
I'm pretty sure nearly 50% of Yanks believe that the Universe is only 10000 years old, how stupid can you be???
To get a rough scale for their error, its like saying New York is 0.0267 miles from London!!

Bob Riebe
21st August 2010, 02:18
and the people who think he is doing a really bad job are the same ones, quel suprise, and the majority of those are Republicans
Do you have numbers to back that bs.

Bob Riebe
21st August 2010, 02:19
I'm pretty sure nearly 50% of Yanks believe that the Universe is only 10000 years old, how stupid can you be???
To get a rough scale for their error, its like saying New York is 0.0267 miles from London!!
After saying that I am absolutely sure you are an idiot.

Bob Riebe
21st August 2010, 02:24
Whether he's doing a good job or not, these sort of statistics do nothing to break the stereotypical image of American idiocy. Can they really be that stupid?

edit: just seen on the BBC homepage there is also a great quote from Bush a few years back - "Nigeria is an important continent". Classic.
Of course and Obama mentioned all 57 states, moronic. I do not think the Muslims really want him as one of theirs.

21st August 2010, 04:06
Probably quite a lot. This doesn't make them any more or less idiotic, which they undoubtedly are, than those Americans who think Obama is a Muslim.

Just pointing out that Stupid knows no nationality.

21st August 2010, 04:18
Watch it all if you can, especially after 3:06 minutes......
(Not that I'm saying americans are dumb, some of best friends are from the states.)


Now if you want to see how dumb australians are watch these ones.



21st August 2010, 04:26
I'm pretty sure nearly 50% of Yanks believe that the Universe is only 10000 years old, how stupid can you be???

There are even loads of people out there (worldwide) that believe in creationism............ can't get much dumber than that....... :)

Also, lots of people out there that think you will go to 'paradise' if you partake in a holy war................. :) equally as dumb imo.

Bob Riebe
21st August 2010, 05:00
There are even loads of people out there (worldwide) that believe in creationism............ can't get much dumber than that....... :)

Oh yeah, any one who believes in evolution, because of the hackneyed "science" behind it probably believes in leprechauns, and the tooth fairy.

21st August 2010, 09:48

Mark is from the north-east I believe, and he has the power to exterminate you from the forum!

In that case, I love all geordies, and sunderland is beautiful :)

sorry Mark, Im just ignorant.

21st August 2010, 10:26
Oh yeah, any one who believes in evolution, because of the hackneyed "science" behind it probably believes in leprechauns, and the tooth fairy.

More likely that people belive in evolution, because there is proof.

21st August 2010, 10:54
Do you have numbers to back that bs.

it was paraphrased from the report linked at the start of the thread, read it if you wish

21st August 2010, 11:18
Oh yeah, any one who believes in evolution, because of the hackneyed "science" behind it probably believes in leprechauns, and the tooth fairy.

1. Do give us the benefit of your (presumably religious) views on the alternative.

2. Have you ever posted anything jolly, amusing (while not making what you consider to be a satirically political swipe), or just plain pleasant on here?

21st August 2010, 12:22
speaking of being dumber and dumber, you guys better take a good look in the mirror....

Obama was born to a muslim father, attended muslim schools as a child until college, and never attended a christian church until back (assuming he was born in Hawaii) in the usa when he became political, and having become involved in 'christain"church, that church had the good reverend racist in extremist (whose ranting rivals the best of any Klux Klaner or nazi--except his superior race was black not white) who routinely condemned America, gave Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan an award and permitted the distribution of Hamas propaganda at church services.

He only distanced himself from that church once it became politically expedient

He has written fondly of his background in the moslem culture, and go read his 2007 New York Times interview, where he “recalled the opening lines of the Arabic call to prayer, reciting them with a first-rate accent. …Mr. Obama described the call to prayer as ‘one of the prettiest sounds on Earth at sunset.’”

He has cancelled the National Day of Prayer events at the White House but hosted an Iftar dinner to celebrate Ramadan

Perhaps before the ignorance around here about the moslem religion bubbles over the top, and drowns all of you....read this from Forbes, writtten by a moslem, :

My Muslim President Obama or "Why members of the Islamic faith see him as one of the flock"

also Obama's middle name, Hussein. Most of the Muslims I know (me included) can't seem to accept that Obama is not Muslim.

Of the few Muslims I polled who said that Obama is not Muslim, even they conceded that he had ties to Islam. These realists said that, although not an avowed and practicing Muslim, Obama's exposure to Islam at a young age (both through his father and his stint in Indonesia) has given him a Muslim sensibility. In my book, that makes you a Muslim--maybe not a card-carrying one, but part of the flock for sure.

One realist Muslim ventured that Obama worships at a Unitarian Church because it represents the middle ground between Christianity and Islam, incorporating the religious beliefs of the two faiths Obama feels connected to. Unitarianism could be Obama's way of still being a Muslim. (And let's not forget that the church Obama worshiped at for so many years had a minister who reminds most Muslims of their own raving, excitable ministers. Even if Obama really is Christian, he picked the most Muslim-esque minister out of the bunch to guide him.)

The rationalistic, Western side of me knows that Obama has denied being Muslim, that his father was non-practicing, that he doesn't attend a mosque. Many Muslims simply say back, "my father's not a strict Muslim either, and I haven't been to a mosque in years." Obama even told The New York Times he could recite the adhan, the Islamic call to prayer, which the vast majority of Muslims, I would guess, do not know well enough to recite.

21st August 2010, 12:42
speaking of being dumber and dumber, you guys better take a good look in the mirror....

Obama was born to a muslim father, attended muslim schools as a child until college, and never attended a christian church until back (assuming he was born in Hawaii) in the usa when he became political, and having become involved in 'christain"church, that church had the good reverend racist in extremist (whose ranting rivals the best of any Klux Klaner or nazi--except his superior race was black not white) who routinely condemned America, gave Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan an award and permitted the distribution of Hamas propaganda at church services.

He only distanced himself from that church once it became politically expedient

He has written fondly of his background in the moslem culture, and go read his 2007 New York Times interview, where he “recalled the opening lines of the Arabic call to prayer, reciting them with a first-rate accent. …Mr. Obama described the call to prayer as ‘one of the prettiest sounds on Earth at sunset.’”

He has cancelled the National Day of Prayer events at the White House but hosted an Iftar dinner to celebrate Ramadan

Perhaps before the ignorance around here about the moslem religion bubbles over the top, and drowns all of you....read this from Forbes, writtten by a moslem, :

My Muslim President Obama or "Why members of the Islamic faith see him as one of the flock"

The story beginns, I know President Obama is not Muslim.........., maybe you should incude that story in your school.

21st August 2010, 12:50
The story beginns, I know President Obama is not Muslim.........., maybe you should incude that story in your school.

Not that paragraph but the last paragraph of the quote...to repeat again....

The rationalistic, Western side of me knows that Obama has denied being Muslim, that his father was non-practicing, that he doesn't attend a mosque. Many Muslims simply say back, "my father's not a strict Muslim either, and I haven't been to a mosque in years." Obama even told The New York Times he could recite the adhan, the Islamic call to prayer, which the vast majority of Muslims, I would guess, do not know well enough to recite.

but to make your heart happy....here you go as though it matters....

I know President Obama is not Muslim, but I am tempted nevertheless to think that he is, as are most Muslims I know. In a very unscientific oral poll, ranging from family members to Muslim acquaintances, many of us feel, just as African-Americans did for the non-black but culturally leaning African-American President Bill Clinton, that we have our first American Muslim president in Barack Hussein Obama.

there are none so blind as those who will not see......

me, I could care less, cause if being jewish, catholic, nazi, communist, baptist, hindu, or god forbid, british, i think he would be more than happy to oblige, if it would get him elected..

happy now :rolleyes:

21st August 2010, 13:01
Not that paragraph but the last paragraph of the quote...to repeat again....

but to make your heart happy....here you go as though it matters....

there are none so blind as those who will not see......

me, I could care less, cause if being jewish, catholic, nazi, communist, baptist, hindu, or god forbid, british, i think he would be more than happy to oblige, if it would get him elected..

happy now :rolleyes:

Dont you understand that it is not what other think he is, but what he is registerd as.
Like me, im registered as Christian, but I have not been in any church for many years, but I have been in many Buddist temples, but that does not make me Buddist.

21st August 2010, 14:16
Source and full story: http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2010/aug/19/barack-obama-muslim-american-public

So is the survey flawed, or are 18% of Americans really that stupid? :s

Well whatever he is you can have him !!!

21st August 2010, 14:35
The story beginns, I know President Obama is not Muslim.........., maybe you should incude that story in your school.

The story begins. Today former President Obama returned to his birthplace on the Isle of Man where he is taking up residency to protect the billions he has fleeced from the Americans. Mahautmafuk vowed to fund and new Mosque in Obama's honor.

21st August 2010, 14:41
The story begins. Today former President Obama returned to his birthplace on the Isle of Man where he is taking up residency to protect the billions he has fleeced from the Americans. Mahautmafuk vowed to fund and new Mosque in Obama's honor.

Sure yes, now the rest of you smart guys start to post this around, some 18% actually will belive it.

21st August 2010, 17:11
Dont you understand that it is not what other think he is, but what he is registerd as.
Like me, im registered as Christian, but I have not been in any church for many years, but I have been in many Buddist temples, but that does not make me Buddist.

The US is a free country.

We don't register religions.

21st August 2010, 17:35
The US is a free country.

We don't register religions.

does not actually matter, or on the other hand there in us it does, in menthally developed countries, religion plays a very small role if any.

Mr. Mister
21st August 2010, 18:45
I don't care what religion, if any, he identifies with. It should make no difference.

What I do care about, however, is the fact he'd likely get a D+ a high school economics class and be that one kid who always voices his opinion only to have the teacher say, "well, Barry, that's a nice idea, but in the real world..."

21st August 2010, 20:04
There is a website called Jew Watch, which tries to identify suspected Jews in media and business. There seems to be a demand for one called Muslim Watch too.

21st August 2010, 20:29
There is a website called Jew Watch, which tries to identify suspected Jews in media and business. There seems to be a demand for one called Muslim Watch too.

Anyone who considers any of this to be important is a moron.

PA Rick
21st August 2010, 20:45
In other words.......Liberalism.

And since the US is so liberal there is no way to compete with those conservative countries such as France, Germany, Sweden, Norway, etc

21st August 2010, 20:54
Anyone who considers any of this to be important is a moron.
probably so, except I think when it comes to politics and domination of one culture over another, it is important to a certain point.......

but as to Obama, chameleon, (not muslim or anything else) fits him best.....although i found the article in Forbes, written not by your usual right wing nutcase, but a respected muslim, to be very interesting.

I said way back before the elections, Wall Street and big business gave vast amounts to obama over mcCain despite the appearant politics and/or religion of Obama.

I forget the percentage, but it was enormous....

Now those conservative right wing types that run wall street firms, in their custom hand made suits at $7500+ a pop and ties at $500+ a pop, whose usual golden parachute is five times plus that of the average lottery winner.....they were not giving him the money because they liked his religion or his politics as broadcast to the general public, they knew their man would take good care of their interests by his actions, not his words......which are always more important to watch then some politico speech

whereas the actions of McCain were definetly to support bank legislation and other rules and regulations far more stringent than anything that obama has ever even mentioned....so old Vpop should have been supporting Obama, not mcCain...

21st August 2010, 22:36
Source and full story: http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2010/aug/19/barack-obama-muslim-american-public

So is the survey flawed, or are 18% of Americans really that stupid? :s

I wouldn't read too much into any survey from a country that offers the world Jerry Springer, George W. Bush and McDonalds.

21st August 2010, 22:55
18% of Brits believe Haggis is an animal that roams through the Highlands.

So are we stupid too? Surveys rarely prove anything.

21st August 2010, 22:59
18% of Brits believe Haggis is an animal that roams through the Highlands.

So are we stupid too? Surveys rarely prove anything.

:s hock:

22nd August 2010, 02:15
Surveys rarely prove anything.


Just media shock tools-nothing more....

22nd August 2010, 06:42
Anyone who considers any of this to be important is a moron.

er, uh, do you spell that with one M or two?

22nd August 2010, 06:44
The US is a free country.

We don't register religions.


22nd August 2010, 06:50
Anyone who considers any of this to be important is a moron.

er, uh, do you spell that with one M or two?
That is not the real question for dunnel....

the real question for Bdunnel is: Does your mom know you are a moron?

and to make it easy for him or her..


(1) yes
(2) no
(3) I don't know, keeping forgetting to ask her

22nd August 2010, 10:33
I'm pretty sure nearly 50% of Yanks believe that the Universe is only 10000 years old, how stupid can you be???

This makes me so sad. We live in such marvelous, ancient, endless and beautiful universe and people choose to believe in faerie tales. "Sigh"

Dave B
22nd August 2010, 12:36
Oh yeah, any one who believes in evolution, because of the hackneyed "science" behind it probably believes in leprechauns, and the tooth fairy.
Please tell me you're joking :dozey:

22nd August 2010, 14:51
suurely anyone who believes in God, the resurrection and the so called miracles in the bible because they've read it in a book and been told them by a guy in a frock are more likely to belive in Leprechauns, Tooth Fairy, Santa etc. for the same reason - its all stuff in a book

22nd August 2010, 16:25
That is not the real question for dunnel....

the real question for Bdunnel is: Does your mom know you are a moron?

and to make it easy for him or her..


(1) yes
(2) no
(3) I don't know, keeping forgetting to ask her

Does your mum know nobody bothers to read your posts?

Captain VXR
22nd August 2010, 16:27
Americans are all geniuses:

22nd August 2010, 17:10
Americans are all geniuses:

The Brits are much more intelligent. They use science to pick their heads of state....genetics to be exact.


22nd August 2010, 18:36
Americans are all geniuses:

:laugh: Firkin funny :laugh:

I have met a lot of Americans in my time and have yet to meet one that knew where South Africa was. Scary, but true. Hopefully now that we have staged the Soccer World Cup they know we exist and they will now know that South is at the bottom and Africa is the brown and green blob in the middle of the world map.

I can just imagine hearing the words, "Whats a map?"

22nd August 2010, 20:50
While I would not argue that ignorance is not a major issue in the U.S., it is interesting how well others demonstrate that ignorance is not JUST an American problem.

I'm just sayin'. ;)

Brown, Jon Brow
23rd August 2010, 02:05
The Brits are much more intelligent. They use science to pick their heads of state....genetics to be exact.

Using that as an argument about intelligence is pretty weak and in itself shows either a lack of intelligence or just general ignorance.

23rd August 2010, 02:51
Using that as an argument about intelligence is pretty weak and in itself shows either a lack of intelligence or just general ignorance.

It is you guys who still believe in Royalty! Selective inbreeding makes a better person? How stupid is that?

I guess the truth hurts.

Brown, Jon Brow
23rd August 2010, 10:56
It is you guys who still believe in Royalty! Selective inbreeding makes a better person? How stupid is that?

I guess the truth hurts.

We just enjoy the large revenues we get from tourists, many of whom are American, who are fascinated by the royals.

Captain VXR
23rd August 2010, 11:11
The Brits are much more intelligent. They use science to pick their heads of state....genetics to be exact.

At least we can fathom more than two major political parties :p
And our Conservatives are open to some modern ideas, such as gay marriage, and our Liberals willingly work with them. Last I heard, American politics was all about insulting someone as a either a stupid liberal or redneck conservative :p

Love y'all really - you did come up with Mountain Dew after all

23rd August 2010, 12:51
At least we can fathom more than two major political parties :p

Not any more! We have Labour and the ConDems, and that's pretty much it now. The LibDems have consigned themselves to be Tory lapdogs forever more.

Rudy Tamasz
23rd August 2010, 13:46
About ten years ago me and my friends got extremely drunk in a pub. Being under influence we exchanged all kinds of niceties. One of my friends told another: "My feet smell less than yours and I am a more intelligent man than you". This is exactly the level of this discussion, the level of pissed blokes in a pub.

23rd August 2010, 18:53
It is you guys who still believe in Royalty! Selective inbreeding makes a better person? How stupid is that?

I guess the truth hurts.

what do you mean "believe" in royalty? We know they exist, people can see them, they even appear on television, occasionally talking and shaking hands with actual people.

We know they are detached, mostly borderline insane and utterly pointless, but they bring in more money from tourism than its costs us to keep them, so its a no brainer really.

They have no actual power and are a nice link to some real history, which people are willing to travel round the world to see.

The selective breeding does not make anything better, but it keeps them away from the rest of us normal folk most of the time.

Garry Walker
24th August 2010, 21:05
and the people who think he is doing a really bad job are the same ones, quel suprise, and the majority of those are Republicans

Everyone with any sense knows that he is doing a bad job, the only ones denying that are the same kind of idiots who on election day said that "obama will pay for my mortgage and gas"

24th August 2010, 21:34
Everyone with any sense knows that he is doing a bad job, the only ones denying that are the same kind of idiots who on election day said that "obama will pay for my mortgage and gas"

i'm not sure he's doing "a bad job". i admit i'm not close to the politics and policies of the administration, but from where i am it appears he's attempting to do a near impossible job and i have massive doubts that any of the alternatives would be doing a better one. Whether that is enough i am unsure, but having inherited the pile of dung left by both previous administrations and the economic mess it is a no win situation.

but i still can't get past the fact that a decent proportion of people thing he is a Muslim, and that some of these actually think he talks about his faith too much!

25th August 2010, 12:26
It is you guys who still believe in Royalty! Selective inbreeding makes a better person? How stupid is that?

I guess the truth hurts.

George W. Bush stupid.

25th August 2010, 20:39
George W. Bush stupid.

What is that suppose to mean?

Are you another one of those twits who claim the President Bush isn't intelligent?

Hmmmmm......Let us study that.

Degrees from 2 Ivy league Universities. The only president to have done so.
Bachelor of Arts degree in history from Yale
Masters in Business from Harvard
Successful Businessman
Governor of Texas
President of the United States.

And what have you accomplished?

25th August 2010, 23:22
What is that suppose to mean?

Are you another one of those twits who claim the President Bush isn't intelligent?

Hmmmmm......Let us study that.

Degrees from 2 Ivy league Universities. The only president to have done so.
Bachelor of Arts degree in history from Yale
Masters in Business from Harvard
Successful Businessman
Governor of Texas
President of the United States.

And what have you accomplished?

Vop youäre some washed ashore immigrant aren't you?
Maybe that's why you don't know that in all the Ivy League schools if your Daddy and Granddaay went there and then even if, like Dubya, you flunk out of Houston schools--or whatever hole it was---then if you give them enough money, they'll not just take you in, but they give you a nice degree...
it's called "Legacy" entry...

Of course since you're an grand ignorante in all other areas its no surprise you know nothing of this and so repeat utter claptrap.

Whatever the case Vop, even if he were an average student in University, years of alcohol and cocaine abuse clearly burned out large portions of whatever brain he may have had.

As a businessman he was a total failure.
Million and millions of OTHER PEOPLES money, priomarily friends of Daddy, pissed away in the sand..

Do not be so stupid as to suggest that the millions "made" with the baseball team was indicates anything other than abuse of the imminent domain laws, essentially theft, a stadium built with taxpayer money, and given the normal freebies that all teams extort from their willing partners in graft, local city county officials

the rest, the political shenanigans, he was what he appeared top be: an empty headed puppet for Republicans to parade in front of idiots and say silly crap..fooled some people obviously but they were idiots...

25th August 2010, 23:33
A successful businessman in Miami has been on the government dole since the early 1960s or is a under a legacy subsidy.

26th August 2010, 04:05
Vop youäre some washed ashore immigrant aren't you?
Maybe that's why you don't know that in all the Ivy League schools if your Daddy and Granddaay went there and then even if, like Dubya, you flunk out of Houston schools--or whatever hole it was---then if you give them enough money, they'll not just take you in, but they give you a nice degree...
it's called "Legacy" entry...

Of course since you're an grand ignorante in all other areas its no surprise you know nothing of this and so repeat utter claptrap.

Whatever the case Vop, even if he were an average student in University, years of alcohol and cocaine abuse clearly burned out large portions of whatever brain he may have had.

As a businessman he was a total failure.
Million and millions of OTHER PEOPLES money, priomarily friends of Daddy, pissed away in the sand..

Do not be so stupid as to suggest that the millions "made" with the baseball team was indicates anything other than abuse of the imminent domain laws, essentially theft, a stadium built with taxpayer money, and given the normal freebies that all teams extort from their willing partners in graft, local city county officials

the rest, the political shenanigans, he was what he appeared top be: an empty headed puppet for Republicans to parade in front of idiots and say silly crap..fooled some people obviously but they were idiots...

Well then your Messiah, Obama is a even bigger loser. only 1 Ivy league degree and never held a real job or ran a real business in his life.

Even if all that you said about president Bush was true (And it isn't) it still doesn't change the fact that he was smart enough to accomplish more in life than anyone who is ignorant enough to call him stupid.

I can't think of anything i agree with Obama. I believe he is causing great harm to my country and the rest of the world but i would never be arrogant or ignorant enough to call him stupid.

Oh And Bush made out quite well in the business world. Stop believing all the tripe from the Daily Kos!

26th August 2010, 04:25
Theres some good humor in this thread, so I've decided to play a game with this forum, when I laugth, ill post some more letters for instructions for the perfect driving line.


26th August 2010, 04:27
A successful businessman in Miami has been on the government dole since the early 1960s or is a under a legacy subsidy.

And who is this?

26th August 2010, 06:51
Oh Boy JanVan is back trying to prop up the biggest presidential failure this county has ever seen. The Ryan Leaf of Politics.

27th August 2010, 12:04
And what have you accomplished?

Successful businessman
Good father and husband
No crimes against humanity
Don't have blood on my hands
Haven't invaded a country without cause
Haven't been instrumental in thousands of people dying
At least know where Europe is
Don't have to dodge shoes when I stand behind a podium
Have more common sense in my left nut than GWB has in his entire family
Sleep soundly at night

To name just a few.

28th August 2010, 21:44
Oh Boy JanVan is back trying to prop up the biggest presidential failure this county has ever seen. The Ryan Leaf of Politics.

Jan is a fan of Andrew Johnson? :confused:

28th August 2010, 23:31
It is you guys who still believe in Royalty! Selective inbreeding makes a better person? How stupid is that?

I guess the truth hurts.

Er... I, and many other British people, do not believe in the concept of an hereditary monarchy. Do you seriously think that we all do?

29th August 2010, 07:42
Well maybe 18% of us know Obama is a Muslim but about 85% of us know that the EU will be Muslim controlled in short order. Maybe I should start a online Burka company so you guys can just shop online :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

30th August 2010, 20:47
Successful businessman
And so was GWB

Good father and husband
And so is GWB

No crimes against humanity
Neither has GWB

Don't have blood on my hands
Neither does GWB

Haven't invaded a country without cause
Neither has GWB

Haven't been instrumental in thousands of people dying
Nor have you succeeded in freeing Millions from oppressive regimes.

At least know where Europe is
Now who is stupid?

Don't have to dodge shoes when I stand behind a podium
A small price to pay for sticking to what is right. I wonder if you have that integrity?

Have more common sense in my left nut than GWB has in his entire family
After listing all his accomplishments compared to yours you still want to stick with that?

Sleep soundly at night
I am sure he does as well.

Sorry but your life and accomplishments,while important to you and your friends and family, are not even in the same universe as those of George W. Bush.

30th August 2010, 22:42
Well maybe 18% of us know Obama is a Muslim but about 85% of us know that the EU will be Muslim controlled in short order. Maybe I should start a online Burka company so you guys can just shop online :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Sort of like how the USA will be Mexican controlled soon? At least the tacos and the tequilla will be cheap!

31st August 2010, 04:28
Sort of like how the USA will be Mexican controlled soon? At least the tacos and the tequilla will be cheap!

I love mexicans and you won't see anyone cutting off the clits of the Latina women.

If we threw the bad ones out and let the good ones in - there would be no issue.

31st August 2010, 11:00
And so was GWB

And so is GWB

Neither has GWB

Neither does GWB

Neither has GWB

Nor have you succeeded in freeing Millions from oppressive regimes.

Now who is stupid?

A small price to pay for sticking to what is right. I wonder if you have that integrity?

After listing all his accomplishments compared to yours you still want to stick with that?

I am sure he does as well.

Sorry but your life and accomplishments,while important to you and your friends and family, are not even in the same universe as those of George W. Bush.

You live in Lalaland my friend if you think Bush and the US have no blood on their hands. There is a reason Bush was described as the worst president in US history.

Conversation over as I don't converse with ignorant fools.

31st August 2010, 15:36
You live in Lalaland my friend if you think Bush and the US have no blood on their hands. There is a reason Bush was described as the worst president in US history.

You have yet to back up one single statement you have made,

You just Hate Bush because of jealous ignorance.

The only people who describe as the worse President in US history are either far left wing academic types, People Too young to remember JFK or Carter or idiots who just don't pay attention to what the current President is doing.

Now the conversation is over.

31st August 2010, 15:54
You have yet to back up one single statement you have made,

You just Hate Bush because of jealous ignorance.

The only people who describe as the worse President in US history are either far left wing academic types, People Too young to remember JFK or Carter or idiots who just don't pay attention to what the current President is doing.

Now the conversation is over.

Er... according to whom? Carry on being this rude, and I may be forced to cease advertising your website every time I post.

31st August 2010, 18:35
Er... according to whom?

Lovers of true freedom and those who accept logic.

Carry on being this rude,

I was called and "ignorant fool" as well as thinly veiled racial insults and I am the one being rude?

Brown, Jon Brow
31st August 2010, 19:42
.......academic types, People Too young ........


31st August 2010, 22:38
Lovers of true freedom and those who accept logic.

So, anyone who disagrees with you is not a lover of true freedom? A yes/no answer will suffice.

I was called and "ignorant fool" as well as thinly veiled racial insults and I am the one being rude?

No, the person who called you an 'ignorant fool' is indeed the one being rude. They should have gone much further.

31st August 2010, 23:46
Er... according to whom? Carry on being this rude, and I may be forced to cease advertising your website every time I post.

Completely off topic, but why do you have his website as your signature in the first place?!

31st August 2010, 23:50
Completely off topic, but why do you have his website as your signature in the first place?!

It is a high-quality source of information on motorsport in the South Florida area and it deserves widespread promotion.

1st September 2010, 08:50
I love mexicans and you won't see anyone cutting off the clits of the Latina women.

If we threw the bad ones out and let the good ones in - there would be no issue.

So you love drug cartels? I tell you what, start talking about the EU and "Europe" after you've travelled a bit more and can actually pinpoint the different EU countries on the map.

1st September 2010, 09:15
I was called and "ignorant fool" as well as thinly veiled racial insults and I am the one being rude?

I should add that it goes without saying that any racial insults — not that I've seen any — directed towards you are unacceptable, no matter what anyone may think of you and your views.

1st September 2010, 09:18
So you love drug cartels? I tell you what, start talking about the EU and "Europe" after you've travelled a bit more and can actually pinpoint the different EU countries on the map.

Quite right.

2nd September 2010, 13:07
It is a high-quality source of information on motorsport in the South Florida area and it deserves widespread promotion.

Sarcasm doesn't become you, Ben................... :)

Bob Riebe
2nd September 2010, 18:02
[quote="555-04Q2"]There is a reason Bush was described as the worst president in US history.By you, yourself and the fellow you speak to in a mirror

Conversation over as I don't converse with ignorant fools.Hmmm, them you must prefer narcissistic lying twits; ignorant fools have never looked as good as you have made them look.

Bush was much too much an inept socialist, but he will still be ranked above Wilson, Carter and the new boy at the bottom of the barrel, Barry Obama.

2nd September 2010, 23:55
[quote="555-04Q2":363gy7q6]There is a reason Bush was described as the worst president in US history.By you, yourself and the fellow you speak to in a mirror

Conversation over as I don't converse with ignorant fools.Hmmm, them you must prefer narcissistic lying twits; ignorant fools have never looked as good as you have made them look.

Bush was much too much an inept socialist, but he will still be ranked above Wilson, Carter and the new boy at the bottom of the barrel, Barry Obama.[/quote:363gy7q6]
huummm...try it again after you sober up.......glad to know that bush is ranked above jimmy carter...I am sure Wubba will be thrilled at the news

Bob Riebe
3rd September 2010, 00:02
huummm...try it again after you sober up.......glad to know that bush is ranked above jimmy carter...I am sure Wubba will be thrilled at the newsSuch intelligent remarks serve you well, it is expected from you.

3rd September 2010, 16:18
[quote="555-04Q2":3tl1di6k]There is a reason Bush was described as the worst president in US history.By you, yourself and the fellow you speak to in a mirror

Conversation over as I don't converse with ignorant fools.Hmmm, them you must prefer narcissistic lying twits; ignorant fools have never looked as good as you have made them look.

Bush was much too much an inept socialist, but he will still be ranked above Wilson, Carter and the new boy at the bottom of the barrel, Barry Obama.[/quote:3tl1di6k]

Please tell me you are not actually serious :?:

3rd September 2010, 22:03
So you love drug cartels? I tell you what, start talking about the EU and "Europe" after you've travelled a bit more and can actually pinpoint the different EU countries on the map.

you certainly have no idea as to my geographical travels or knowledge thereof:
Why don't you just go back to your sewing machine and sew up some more Burkas.