View Full Version : IndyCar To Have 2 Races At Texas

18th August 2010, 02:13
Well, the big announcement is that next year in June 9-11, 2011 is that the series will run 2 twin races that day, June 11th at Texas Motor Speedway. Each race being 275 km long and the winner of each race will get half the total of points you can get in a normal race.

18th August 2010, 02:37
is that it? is this such a deal?

18th August 2010, 02:39
I think it's kind of cool. I was thinking they could try this at an exhibition/All-Star type race, but Texas is certainly a good track for it.

18th August 2010, 03:07
It's the Twin 275's. I personally say who cares. Im not excited about it. Leave it 1 race and be done with it.

Each race will be 171 miles/114 laps.

18th August 2010, 03:24
But DF, a chance for Danica immortality, two wins in one day!!

18th August 2010, 03:35
If the grid for the 2nd race is the reverse of the finishing order of the 1st (or something similar) then it is official

18th August 2010, 04:12
if you damage your car in the first race, can you go to the backup car for the 2nd race? will the grid the 2nd race based on best lap time, finish order of 1st race or will it be the same grid as the first race.

i guess more details will come out in time

I guess its kind of cool, but would hardly call it a major announcement

18th August 2010, 04:59
To me its nothing but a gimmick or publicity stunt. It's a cheap way of trying to add a race to the schedule. Why dont he just take all 18 races and divide them in half so they can say we run a 36 race schedule like NASCAR.

Sorry Mr. Bernard, you can cut it however you want, call it whatever you want, but its still 1 track, 1 venue, and 1 race.

18th August 2010, 05:15
To me its nothing but a gimmick or publicity stunt.

So you're saying it is Danica part deux?

18th August 2010, 05:22
Whatever Turn.

He needs to focus on getting more "different" ovals in the mix and forget messing around with a good one that you already have. If it's not broke, dont fix it.

18th August 2010, 05:25
Whatever Turn.

He needs to focus on getting more "different" ovals in the mix and forget messing around with a good one that you already have. If it's not broke, dont fix it.

Fan, maybe if you weren't guarding the bookstore at IUPUI in the wee hours of this morning, you'd be alert enough to realize IT IS BROKE! I don't agree that this is the answer but I'm also not in denial.

Mark in Oshawa
18th August 2010, 07:27
I think first off that Eddie Gossage and Bruton wanted this, so they have a good marketing reason for it. Secondly, it is a new concept for this level of racing. Third, it allows a different story to break out. Your guy could have a rough go and blow a motor in the first race..and come back out with a backup, a new setup and win in race two. IT does a lot of different things. I don't think every weekend should be this, but I like the idea.

Being different right now is what the IRL has to be....they have to set themselves apart from NASCAR, ALMS and Grand AM....and unique always gives you a chance to sell something....

18th August 2010, 08:55
This article has valid points..


18th August 2010, 16:08
Spectators at the track will benefit from this. They will see two races, plus a chance to see their favourites again if they run into bad luck.

For the TV-viewer I don't see much benefit. Lets be honest, will people really bother to watch one race early on, then wait a couple of hours, and still be available for the next race?? People are not bothered to watch a single race now, why would they devote a full evening to two half races??
They used twin races until the '70s yes, but that was before TV. They use twinraces in shorttracks yes, but they don't have TV either. See a pattern here?

They'd also better get the fuel milage correct. Two fuelsaving snorefests won't help anybody...
Inverted grids are a real bad gimmick in my opinion. A front row with Milka and Dracone, wow :eek: Very dangerous.

Mark in Oshawa
18th August 2010, 17:33
This article has valid points..


It does. I think the IRL and the promotors have to put together a two race scenario where people will race.

I think this idea has some merit, but it isn't a simple thing...

18th August 2010, 19:04
Maybe they'll do two or three of these over the course of the season and they can have (yet) another championship: Road Course Champion, Oval Champion, Twin X Champion.

Jokes aside, since they're going to go down this path anyway, they might as well invert the grid for the second race... but not the entire field - just the top 8-10. I can't be too critical of them as they try to think outside the box. There's no point in them pretending to be the same series that at one time had a decent following, well funded teams and world class drivers. Now they've got what they've got... they are what they are. So they might as well try things (even gimmicks) that wouldn't have been necessary 15+ years ago, as they try to rebuild this thing.

18th August 2010, 19:50
If I were Eddie Gossage I would invert the top 6 to 15, but not let it be pre-determined. Have a big lottery set-up with celebrity guest and ham it up big-time. It would add to the show, and prevent someone from trying to finish in "X" position in order to be on pole for race two.

18th August 2010, 20:40
If I were Eddie Gossage I would invert the top 6 to 15, but not let it be pre-determined. Have a big lottery set-up with celebrity guest and ham it up big-time. It would add to the show, and prevent someone from trying to finish in "X" position in order to be on pole for race two.

I saw this same idea posted elsewhere. Have even numbered balls from 2-12 in a bag (their idea was to cap it at 12) and then have someone draw a number after the first race. I think the idea has some merit. But I will patiently await anthony to show up here and tell us all how wrong it really is.


18th August 2010, 23:19
[quote="DanicaFan"]To me its nothing but a gimmick or publicity stunt. It's a cheap way of trying to add a race to the schedule. Why dont he just take all 18 races and divide them in half so they can say we run a 36 race schedule like NASCAR.

I can understand why you feel that way, but the way I look at it is this: AOW has been very stagnent for far too long. This is at least an attempt to think outside the box and create some drama, some buzz. I applaud Randy and Co., for having the courage to try something different rather than just the same old, same old. We need more of that, in my humble opinion.

18th August 2010, 23:30
Sounds awfuy similar to one of the previous bud shootout formats. Not surprised one bit its coming from Burton Smith and Eddie Gossage considering SMI are the best race promoters in NASCAR. Bernard's a promoter and he's willing to try what has worked for successful race promoters. Sure, its a gimmick, what do they have to loose? Its not like there's enough people watching to notice if its a flop.

Personally, I've been somewhat surprised at the amount of team personnel that actually WANTED the Delta Wing.

Alfa Fan
19th August 2010, 01:04
I saw this same idea posted elsewhere. Have even numbered balls from 2-12 in a bag (their idea was to cap it at 12) and then have someone draw a number after the first race. I think the idea has some merit. But I will patiently await anthony to show up here and tell us all how wrong it really is.


A similar system has been operating successfully in the BTCC for the last 6-7 years.

19th August 2010, 01:51
Sounds like a marketing gimmick - which could stand for desperation. I'm not convinced...

19th August 2010, 23:54
Sounds like a marketing gimmick - which could stand for desperation. I'm not convinced...

well of course its a marketing gimmick ;)
And yes, I think this is a time of desperation for the series. they need to shake things up and think outside the box. If it gets people talking about Indycar racing, brings in some Sports Center coverage, and maybe some mainstream press coverage, than its a success. Far too many people in this country (the ones who are not die hard race fans) think NASCAR and RACING are mutually exclusive to each other. If AOW is ever going to expand on its already existing fan base it needs to bring in new fans and create interest among the casual fans. At least someone in management in trying.

20th August 2010, 15:06
They should make the 2nd twin race go clockwise with drivers turning right.

21st August 2010, 13:44
They should make the 2nd twin race go clockwise with drivers turning right.

I don't know if your joking or not, but i'd actually really like to see this, lol

21st August 2010, 18:21
I don't know if your joking or not, but i'd actually really like to see this, lol

I'm more than half serious. If the pit entry/exit is symmetrical and the caution lighting points both ways, then why not? Fueling might be problem.
If the teams know ahead of time, then maybe one hour is enough time to change out suspension, steering etc.

21st August 2010, 18:42
I'm more than half serious. If the pit entry/exit is symmetrical and the caution lighting points both ways, then why not? Fueling might be problem.
If the teams know ahead of time, then maybe one hour is enough time to change out suspension, steering etc.

Might be a problem? You are the master of understatement. There is no way in hell this could ever happen or even be considered for longer than a millisecond.


21st August 2010, 19:20
I saw this same idea posted elsewhere. Have even numbered balls from 2-12 in a bag (their idea was to cap it at 12) and then have someone draw a number after the first race. I think the idea has some merit. But I will patiently await anthony to show up here and tell us all how wrong it really is.


I like this idea! :up: